995 resultados para haptic collaboration


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A no-blame culture is widely accepted as a collaboration driver yet we see surprisingly scant literature on the theoretical underpinnings for the construction and project management context. A no-blame culture in project alliances, as conducted in Australasia, promotes innovative thinking in action. Innovation is dependent upon collaboration and true collaboration is inextricably linked with behavioural drivers. Foremost of these is a culture of openness and willingness to share the pain and gain from experimentation, one that requires that collaborators be protected from the threat of being blamed and held accountable for experimental failure. The Australasian project alliance procurement form has a unique 'no-blame' behavioural contract clause that can result in the type of breakthrough thinking crucial in developing a collaborative culture where innovation can evolve through a process of trial and error. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Use of surgery for the treatment of infective endocarditis (IE) as related to surgical indications and operative risk for mortality has not been well defined.


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International research collaboration raises questions about how groups from different national and institutional contexts can work together for common ends. This paper uses issues that have arisen in carrying out the first stage of an international research project to discuss a framework designed to map different kinds of multi-national research collaboration in terms of increasing complexity and increasing time to research outputs. The paper explores factors that enable and that constrain progress in carrying out collaborative research. The paper highlights the complex interplay within research practice of factors that derive from institutional structures and those that appertain to individuals as agents. It uses the personal and collective reflexive deliberations of the authors, to demonstrate that as the complexity of the research interface increases, and as the time to research outputs increases, so structural risk increasingly develops into agentic risk, and that structural risk becomes increasingly required to be managed through agentic action.


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The article reflects on the construction of a common Master’s programme across four universities located on four continents, in order to explore the role of networks in international educational collaboration. The study draws on the documented processes of the principal members of the programme team. It is presented as a case study of the development of the programme that uses ideas drawn from actor‐network theory to draw attention to the conjunction of human and non‐human actors that shaped the resulting web‐based courses. Constraints arising from major institutional and systemic obstacles were addressed through the effects of the actor‐network. The reciprocity of action and de‐centring of individual activity made possible through the collaboration enabled the human actors to sustain a level of innovation within their own institutions that would not have been possible through them acting alone.


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Higher education institutions are responding to globalisation in various ways. This study describes and analyses challenges encountered in a recent case of global collaboration between four universities on different continents in developing a web‐based master’s program. The key issue was how to develop programs in a way that is fair for the different countries involved. The focus of the paper is on tensions between local and national contexts, rules and resources and the creation of a common global program. ‘Agency’, ‘structure’ and ‘frame factor’ are used as analytical concepts to help understand the dynamics of the collaboration and the character of the program.


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 CHAI3D is a widely accepted haptic SDK in the society because it is open-source and provides support to devices from different vendors. In many cases, CHAI3D and its related demos are used for benchmarking various haptic collision and rendering algorithms. However, CHAI3D is designed for off-the-shelf single-point haptic devices only, and it does not provide native support to customised multi-point haptic devices. In this paper, we aim to extend the existing CHAI3D framework and provide a standardized routine to support customised, single/multi-point haptic devices. Our extension aims at two issues: Intra-device communication and Inter-device communication. Therefore, our extension includes an HIP wrapper layer to concurrently handle multiple HIPs of a single device, and a communication layer to concurrently handle multiple position, orientation and force calculations of multiple haptic devices. Our extension runs on top of a custom-built 8-channel device controller, although other offthe shelf controllers can also be integrated easily. Our extension complies with the CHAI3D design framework and advanced provide inter-device communication capabilities for multi-device operations. With straightforward conversion routines, existing CHAI3D demos can be adapted to multi-point demos, supporting real-time parallel collision detection and force rendering.


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 Haptic rendering of complex models is usually prohibitive due to its much higher update rate requirement compared to visual rendering. Previous works have tried to solve this issue by introducing local simulation or multi-rate simulation for the two pipelines. Although these works have improved the capacity of haptic rendering pipeline, they did not take into consideration the situation of heterogeneous objects in one scenario, where rigid objects and deformable objects coexist in one scenario and close to each other. In this paper, we propose a novel idea to support interactive visuo-haptic rendering of complex heterogeneous models. The idea incorporates different collision detection and response algorithms and have them seamlessly switched on and off on the fly, as the HIP travels in the scenario. The selection of rendered models is based on the hypothesis of “parallel universes”, where the transition of rendering one group of models to another is totally transparent to users. To facilitate this idea, we proposed a procedure to convert the traditional single universe scenario into a “multiverse” scenario, where the original models are grouped and split into each parallel universe, depending on the scenario rendering requirement rather than just locality. We also proposed to add simplified visual objects as background avatars in each parallel universe to visually maintain the original scenario while not overly increase the scenario complexity. We tested the proposed idea in a haptically-enabled needle thoracostomy training environment and the result demonstrates that our idea is able to substantially accelerate visuo-haptic rendering with complex heterogeneous scenario objects.


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The ability to perform accurate micromanipulation offers wide-reaching benefits and is of increasing interest to researchers. Recent research into microgripper, microtweezer, and microforcep systems contributes toward accurate micrograsping and manipulation. Despite these efforts, achieving adequate operator control remains a distinct research challenge. Haptic interfaces interact with the human's haptic modality and offer the ability to enhance the operator's controllability of micromanipulation systems. Our previous work introduced single-point haptic guidance to assist the operator during intracellular microinjection. This paper extends the approach to propose multipoint haptic guidance for micrograsping tasks. Accurate micrograsping is valuable in many applications, including microassembly and biomanipulation. A multipoint haptic gripper facilitates haptic interaction, and haptic guidance assists the operator in controlling systems suitable for micrograsping. Force fields are used to guide the operator to suitable grasp points on micrometer-sized objects and consist of attractive and repulsive forces. The ability of the force field to effectively assist the operator in grasping the cell is evaluated using a virtual environment. Evaluation results demonstrate the ability of the approach to significantly reduce participants' average grasping error.


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The university-learning environment in engineering is not sufficient for students to become engineers. The practical role of engineering is working on real world problems in an industry environment. Industry-university collaboration seems to be actively increasing in the development of engineering education in various parts of the globe. The close relationship between industry and university is a vital component of engineering pedagogy in Australia. This research paper is focuses on analyzing staff and students views on industry-university collaboration in engineering. The staff and students are playing vital role in industry-university collaboration. It is always worth analyzing staff and students’ views about their experience on industry-university collaboration. This research inclined to conduct a paper based survey with a cohort of students in second year undergraduate engineering course and also conduct face-to-face interview with staff members in the School of Engineering at Deakin University.


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Micro-robotic cell injection is typically performed manually by a trainedbio-operator, and success rates are often low. To enhance bio-operator performance during real-time cell injection, our earlier work introduced a haptically-enabled micro-robotic cell injection system. The system employed haptic virtual fixtures to provide haptic guidance according to articular performance metrics. This paper extends the work by replicating the system within a virtual reality (VR) environment for bio-operator training. Using the virtual environment, the bio-operator is able to control the virtual injection process in the same way they would with the physical haptic micro-robotic cell injection system, while benefiting from the enhanced visualisation capabilities offered by the 3D VR environment. The system is achieved using cost-effective components offering training at much lower cost than using the physical system.