981 resultados para graphic designers


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää robottihitsauksen antamat mahdollisuudet metsäkoneen runkorakenteiden hitsauksessa. Työn teoriaosassa selvitettiin kaarihitsauksen automatisointia ja sen tuomia etuja manuaaliseen hitsaukseen verrattuna. Työssä käytiin läpi kaarihitsauksen automatisointiinsoveltuvat robottivaihtoehdot, nykyaikaisen robotin hitsausvarustus, sekä kappaleenkäsittelylaitteet ja robotisoidun käytön turvallisuus. Hitsauksen robotisointiin soveltuvat eri hitsausmenetelmät ja perinteisten menetelmien tehostamiskeinot käytiin lävitse teoriaosuudessa. Hitsaustuotannon laatuun vaikuttavia asioitaja robottihitsattavan kappaleen suunnittelun huomioonottamista tuotesuunnittelussa tarkasteltiin myös työn teoriaosuudessa. Käytännön osiossa tarkasteltiin robotilla hitsattavat tuotteet ja tehtiin niille luoksepäästävyystarkasteluja. Laadittiin vaatimusluettelo tarvittavalle hitsausrobottilaitteistolle ja mallinnettiin erilaisia vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja hitsausrobottiympäristöstä kaarihitsauksen graafista simulointiohjelmaa käyttäen. Vertailtiin eri laitetoimittajilta saatuja 'avaimet käteen'- periaatteella tarjottuja ratkaisuja janiiden vastaavuutta laadittuun vaatimusluetteloon sekä eri laiteratkaisujen keskinäistä paremmuutta kyseiseen tapaukseen. Päätuotteille määritettiin hitsausajat ja selvitettiin laitteiston hitsauskapasiteettia. Investoinnin taloudellista kannattavuutta tarkasteltiin eri laskentamenetelmien avulla. Lopuksi arvioitiin hitsaustuotannon jatkokehitystarpeita tulevaisuutta ajatellen.


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The objective of this work was to characterize and quantify the genetic, molecular, and agronomic variability of hull-less barley genotypes, for the selection of parents and identification of genotypes adapted to the irrigated production system in the Brazilian Cerrado. Eighteen hull-less barley accessions were evaluated, and three covered barley accessions served as reference. The characterization was based on 157 RAPD molecular markers and ten agronomic traits. Genetic distance matrices were obtained based on molecular markers and quantitative traits. Graphic grouping and dispersion analyses were performed. Genetic, molecular, and agronomic variability was high among genotypes. Ethiopian accessions were genetically more similar, and the Brazilian ones were genetically more distant. For agronomic traits, two more consistent groupings were obtained, one with the most two-rowed materials, and the other with six-rowed materials. The more diverging materials were the two-rowed CI 13453, CN Cerrado 5, CN Cerrado 1, and CN Cerrado 2. The PI 356466, CN Cerrado 1, PI 370799, and CI 13453 genotypes show agronomic traits of interest and, as genetically different genotypes, they are indicated for crossing, in breeding programs.


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Diplomityössä määritellään sähkönjakeluverkon suunnitteluperusteet. Suunnitteluperusteet antavat ohjeet verkostosuunnittelijoille siitä, miten sähköverkko suunnitellaan sähköteknisesti oikein, taloudelliset näkökohdat huomioiden. Työn alussa määritellään kaikkiin suunnittelutehtäviin vaikuttavat sähkötekniset ja taloudelliset laskentaparametrit. Oikeiden parametrien käyttäminen on ehdottoman tärkeää totuudenmukaisten lopputulosten saavuttamiseksi. Eniten lopputuloksiin vaikuttaville laskentaparametreille suoritetaan työn loppuosassa herkkyysanalyysi, jotta tulevaisuuden mahdollisesti erilaiset olosuhteet voitaisiin huomioida. Varsinaisissa suunnitteluun liittyvissä osioissa käsitellään keski- ja pienjänniteverkkojen suunnittelunlisäksi jakelumuuntajan mitoittaminen, sekä määritellään rajat erilaisille verkoston rakenteille. Erityisesti elinkaarikustannusajattelua painotetaan suunnittelutehtävissä ottamalla huomioon komponenttien koko pitoaikana syntyvät kustannukset.


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This paper presents a programming environment for supporting learning in STEM, particularly mobile robotic learning. It was designed to maintain progressive learning for people with and without previous knowledge of programming and/or robotics. The environment was multi platform and built with open source tools. Perception, mobility, communication, navigation and collaborative behaviour functionalities can be programmed for different mobile robots. A learner is able to programme robots using different programming languages and editor interfaces: graphic programming interface (basic level), XML-based meta language (intermediate level) or ANSI C language (advanced level). The environment supports programme translation transparently into different languages for learners or explicitly on learners’ demand. Learners can access proposed challenges and learning interfaces by examples. The environment was designed to allow characteristics such as extensibility, adaptive interfaces, persistence and low software/hardware coupling. Functionality tests were performed to prove programming environment specifications. UV BOT mobile robots were used in these tests


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty ohjeeksi väyläsuunnittelijoille, tiehankkeiden suunnittelussa tehtävään ympäristön tilan selvittämiseen sekä ympäristövaikutusten arviointiin.Työn toimeksiantajana on Tieliikelaitoksen Konsultoinnin Suunnittelupalvelut. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestyttiin selvittämällä aikaisemmin suunnittelussa käytettyjätyöskentelytapoja ja -menetelmiä sekä tarkastelemalla aiemmin tehtyjä tiensuunnittelun asiakirjoja. Selvitys keskittyi Tieliikelaitoksen ja sitä edeltäneen Tielaitoksen toimintaan, mutta työssä tarkasteltiin myös muiden asiantuntijoiden laatimia suunnitelmia. Työn lähtökohtana oli laatia ohje, jonkaavulla suunnittelijat voivat tehdä suunnitelmaan kuuluvan ympäristötiedon käsittelyn itsenäisesti. Hankkeissa, joissa näin toimitaan, oletetaan ympäristövaikutusten jäävän melko vähäisiksi eikä niissä vaadita YVA-lain mukaista menettelyä. Laaditun ohjeen myötä eri suunnittelijoiden laatimat tiehankkeiden suunnitelmat yhtenäistyvät ympäristötiedon käsittelyn osalta, sillä aiemmin yhtenäistä käytäntöä ei ole ollut. Suunnitelmien laatu paranee ja ympäristövaikutusten arviointi helpottuu samaan ohjeeseen kootun tiedon avulla. Ohjeen aikaansaaman suunnittelutoiminnan kehittyminen näkyy vasta, kun ohjetta on sovellettukäytännössä hankkeiden suunnitteluun.


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Robotisoitu hitsaus tarjoaa mahdollisuuden tasaiseen laatuun ja miehittämättömään tuotantoon. Se ei ole kuitenkaan yhtä joustava menetelmä kuin käsinhitsaus ja siihen liittyy yleensä paljon asetus- ja ohjelmointikustannuksia. Tässä diplomityössä selvitetään, mitkä ovat robotisoidun ohutlevyjen hitsauksen erityispiirteet ja mitä seikkoja tulee huomioida robotisoidun hitsaussolun kehittämisessä. Ohutlevytuotteiden tulee soveltua robotisoituun hitsaukseen. Ne ovat ohuita ja taipuisia kappaleita, joten liitosten tarkka kohdistaminen voi olla vaikeaa. Tämä edellyttää suunnittelulta menetelmän erityispiirteiden ymmärtämistä ja valmistukselta erinomaista laaduntuottokykyä. Materiaaleina ohutlevyt ovat pääosin hyvin hitsattavia kaikilla tavanomaisilla menetelmillä.Haitallisten muodonmuutosten välttämiseksi kannattaa suosia hitsausprosesseja, joilla on mahdollisimman pieni lämmöntuonti. Saavutettu hitsausnopeus riippuu prosessin lisäksi myös liitosten kokoonpanon tarkkuudesta. Työnkokeellisessa osassa selvitetään erään robottihitsaussolun kehitystyötä. Tavoitteena oli nostaa solun nopeus ja kapasiteetti vastaamaan yrityksen muun tuotannon tasoa. Solua varten kehitettiin erityinen automaattisesti toimiva hitsauskiinnitin, jonka toimintaperiaate esitellään. Kiinnitin kohdistaaohutlevystä valmistetun kotelon pohjan sivut riittävän tarkasti, jotta ne voidaan hitsata robotilla.


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In a medieval Barcelonan side-street, urine, rubbish, and a bewildering array of graphic imagery splatters the narrowing walls between two major thoroughfares. A contemporary conflict between residents, unknown artists and others is played out using banners, bottles, stickers, posters, stencils, spray paint, and bodily substances. In this shadowed liminality, local and global debates are superimposed upon substructures constructed from disease, prostitution, and the Saint of the Plague. The continuing urban struggle constitutes temporal statements of dirt and purity, violence and humour, dominance and resistance, death and salvation. Like the renovated facades masking the crumbling remains of structures long neglected, the government’s literal whitewashing of the art is a temporal cover-up of a discursive symptom stretching from deeply embedded preconditions. However, from his niche in the angular bend of the alley bearing his name, the statue of St. Rock remains unblinkingly staring, raised above the contestations expressed below.


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[Narrative and the Diagrammatic. Preliminary Thoughts and Seven Theses.] This article proposes a view of narrative that does not depend on the traditional perspective of temporal sequence but emphasizes the spatial structure of literary narrative. Contrary to the prevalent treatment of space in narrative theory, the notion of spatiality in this context refers not to the space that is represented by the narrative (e.g. the setting and other spatial elements of the fictional world) but to the space that represents it: first, the graphic surface of the text; second, the (quasi-)spatial mental representation of its content that is produced in the process of reception. It is argued that these conditions form the primary ontological mode of narrative, whereas the temporal development of a story is an aesthetic illusion that has been specifically stimulated by the narrative conventions of approximately the past three centuries and must thus be considered a secondary effect. The diagrammatic, as a way of both depicting data and perceiving relations through spatial representation, thus forms a more adequate methodological approach to understanding narrative structure than approaches that are implicitly derived from the 'grammar' of narrative in the structuralist sense and its sequential logic.


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This research has been focused at the development of a tuned systematic design methodology, which gives the best performance in a computer aided environment and utilises a cross-technological approach, specially tested with and for laser processed microwave mechanics. A tuned design process scheme is also presented. Because of the currently large production volumes of microwave and radio frequency mechanics even slight improvements of design methodologies or manufacturing technologies would give reasonable possibilities for cost reduction. The typical number of required iteration cycles could be reduced to one fifth of normal. The research area dealing with the methodologies is divided firstly into a function-oriented, a performance-oriented or a manufacturability-oriented product design. Alternatively various approaches can be developed for a customer-oriented, a quality-oriented, a cost-oriented or an organisation-oriented design. However, the real need for improvements is between these two extremes. This means that the effective methodology for the designers should not be too limited (like in the performance-oriented design) or too general (like in the organisation-oriented design), but it should, include the context of the design environment. This is the area where the current research is focused. To test the developed tuned design methodology for laser processing (TDMLP) and the tuned optimising algorithm for laser processing (TOLP), seven different industrial product applications for microwave mechanics have been designed, CAD-modelled and manufactured by using laser in small production series. To verify that the performance of these products meets the required level and to ensure the objectiveness ofthe results extensive laboratory tests were used for all designed prototypes. As an example a Ku-band horn antenna can be laser processed from steel in 2 minutes at the same time obtaining a comparable electrical performance of classical aluminium units or the residual resistance of a laser joint in steel could be limited to 72 milliohmia.


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Cuando una empresa se decide a realizar una iniciativa comercial en Internet, al igual que en el mundo físico, es necesario definir un diseño adecuado del sitio web que se ajuste a su idea de negocio y a su público objetivo. El presente trabajo trata de analizar como influye el diseño del establecimiento virtual en el desarrollo de la gestión comercial, incidiendo en los siguientes aspectos: diseño gráfico, usabilidad y accesibilidad. A partir de este análisis, se estudian los distintos grupos de consumidores con comportamientos homogéneos y se posicionan en función de sus actitudes. El análisis también permite definir la calidad del servicio prestado por este tipo de establecimientos, así como las principales dimensiones en que se despliega. En las conclusiones se citan aspectos en los que el gestor de una tienda online debe incidir para mejorar la calidad de su servicio.


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The relation between limit cycles of planar differential systems and the inverse integrating factor was first shown in an article of Giacomini, Llibre and Viano appeared in 1996. From that moment on, many research articles are devoted to the study of the properties of the inverse integrating factor and its relationwith limit cycles and their bifurcations. This paper is a summary of all the results about this topic. We include a list of references together with the corresponding related results aiming at being as much exhaustive as possible. The paper is, nonetheless, self-contained in such a way that all the main results on the inverse integrating factor are stated and a complete overview of the subject is given. Each section contains a different issue to which the inverse integrating factor plays a role: the integrability problem, relation with Lie symmetries, the center problem, vanishing set of an inverse integrating factor, bifurcation of limit cycles from either a period annulus or from a monodromic ω-limit set and some generalizations.


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DnaSP, DNA Sequence Polymorphism, is a software package for the analysis of nucleotide polymorphism from aligned DNA sequence data. DnaSP can estimate several measures of DNA sequence variation within and between populations (in noncoding, synonymous or nonsynonymous sites, or in various sorts of codon positions), as well as linkage disequilibrium, recombination, gene flow and gene conversion parameters. DnaSP can also carry out several tests of neutrality: Hudson, Kreitman and Aguadé (1987), Tajima (1989), McDonald and Kreitman (1991), Fu and Li (1993), and Fu (1997) tests. Additionally, DnaSP can estimate the confidence intervals of some test-statistics by the coalescent. The results of the analyses are displayed on tabular and graphic form.


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the performance of cultivars, to quantify the variability and to estimate the genetic distances of 66 wine grape accessions in the Grape Germplasm Bank of the EMBRAPA Semi-Arid, in Juazeiro, BA, Brazil, through the characterization of discrete and continuous phenotypic variables. Multivariate statistics, such as, principal components, Tocher's optimization procedure, and the graphic of the distance, were efficient in grouping more similar genotypes, according to their phenotypic characteristics. There was no agreement in the formation of groups between continuous and discrete morpho-agronomic traits, when Tocher's optimization procedure was used. Discrete variables allowed the separation of Vitis vinifera and hybrids in different groups. Significant positive correlations were observed between weight, length and width of bunches, and a negative correlation between titratable acidity and TSS/TTA. The major part (84.12%) of the total variation present in the original data was explained by the four principal components. The results revealed little variability between wine grape accessions in the Grape Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Semi-Arid.


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Online learning provides the opportunity to work on academic tasks at any time at the same time as doing other activities, such as using in web 2.0 tools. This study identifies factors that contribute to success in online learning from the students¿ perspective and their relationship with time patterns. A survey of learning outputs was used to find relationships between students¿ satisfaction, knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer with time for working on academic tasks. In this study, 199 students from a university in Mexico completed the survey. Findings suggest that knowledge transfer has a significant association with the number of hours online per day, hours spent on social networks and the use made of e-learning during working hours. Learner satisfaction has a strong relationship with the time in years a learner has been using the Internet and the number of hours devoted to the course per week. The findings of this research will be helpful for faculty and instructional designers for implementing learning strategies.


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Knowledge on the genetic diversity within and between genotype groups is of great importance for breeding programs. The purpose of this study was to estimate the genetic dissimilarity among 36 native jabuticaba trees (Plinia cauliflora) from five sites in the southwestern region of Paraná, Brazil. Sixteen fruit traits were analyzed, based on multivariate techniques (canonical variables, Tocher and UPGMA), using Mahalanobis' distance as dissimilarity measure. By the techniques of clustering and graphic dispersion, together with the comparison of means, the genetic diversity among native jabuticaba trees was efficiently identified, indicating a high potential of these genotypes for breeding programs. The traits of greatest importance for dissimilarity were percentage of pulp and of skin, which are easily measured. The clustering structure is related to the collection sites and for breeding programs, genotypes from different sites should be crossed to generate progenies to be tested. Genotypes 'CV5' and 'VT3' should be conserved in genebanks, due to its important agronomic traits.