882 resultados para formation of large scale structure
Large-scale land acquisition, or "land grabbing", has become a key research topic among scholars interested in agrarian change, development, and the environment. The term "land acquisitions" refers to a highly contested process in terms of governance and impacts on livelihoods and human rights. This book focuses on South-East Asia. A series of thematic and in-depth case studies put "land grabbing" into specific historical and institutional contexts. The volume also offers a human rights analysis of the phenomenon, examining the potential and limits of human rights mechanisms aimed at preventing and mitigating land grabs' negative consequences.
Millennial to orbital-scale rainfall changes in the Mediterranean region and corresponding variations in vegetation patterns were the result of large-scale atmospheric reorganizations. In spite of recent efforts to reconstruct this variability using a range of proxy archives, the underlying physical mechanisms have remained elusive. Through the analysis of a new high-resolution sedimentary section from Lake Van (Turkey) along with climate modeling experiments, we identify massive droughts in the Eastern Med- iterranean for the past four glacial cycles, which have a pervasive link with known intervals of enhanced North Atlantic glacial iceberg calving, weaker Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Dansgaard-Oeschger cold conditions. On orbital timescales, the topographic effect of large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and periods with minimum insolation seasonality further exacerbated drought intensities by suppressing both summer and winter precipitation.
Histone RNA 3' end formation occurs through a specific cleavage reaction that requires, among other things, base-pairing interactions between a conserved spacer element in the pre-mRNA and the minor U7 snRNA present as U7 snRNP. An oligonucleotide complementary to the first 16 nucleotides of U7 RNA can be used to characterize U7 snRNPs from nuclear extracts by native gel electrophoresis. Using similar native gel techniques, we present direct biochemical evidence for a stable association between histone pre-mRNA and U7 snRNPs. Other complexes formed in the nuclear extract are dependent on the 5' cap structure and on the conserved hairpin element of histone pre-mRNA, respectively. However, in contrast to the U7-specific complex, their formation is not required for processing. Comparison of several authentic and mutant histone pre-mRNAs with different spacer sequences demonstrates that the formation and stability of the U7-specific complex closely follows the predicted stability of the potential RNA-RNA hybrid. However, this does not exclude a stabilization of the complex by U7 snRNP structural proteins.
We propose WEAVE, a geographical 2D/3D routing protocol that maintains information on a small number of waypoints and checkpoints for forwarding packets to any destination. Nodes obtain the routing information from partial traces gathered in incoming packets and use a system of checkpoints along with the segments of routes to weave end-to-end paths close to the shortest ones. WEAVE does not generate any control traffic, it is suitable for routing in both 2D and 3D networks, and does not require any strong assumption on the underlying network graph such as the Unit Disk or a Planar Graph. WEAVE compares favorably with existing protocols in both testbed experiments and simulations.
This study examines the validity of the assumption that international large-scale land acquisition (LSLA) is motivated by the desire to secure control over water resources, which is commonly referred to as ‘water grabbing’. This assumption was repeatedly expressed in recent years, ascribing the said motivation to the Gulf States in particular. However, it must be considered of hypothetical nature, as the few global studies conducted so far focused primarily on the effects of LSLA on host countries or on trade in virtual water. In this study, we analyse the effects of 475 intended or concluded land deals recorded in the Land Matrix database on the water balance in both host and investor countries. We also examine how these effects relate to water stress and how they contribute to global trade in virtual water. The analysis shows that implementation of the LSLAs in our sample would result in global water savings based on virtual water trade. At the level of individual LSLA host countries, however, water use intensity would increase, particularly in 15 sub-Saharan states. From an investor country perspective, the analysis reveals that countries often suspected of using LSLA to relieve pressure on their domestic water resources—such as China, India, and all Gulf States except Saudi Arabia—invest in agricultural activities abroad that are less water-intensive compared to their average domestic crop production. Conversely, large investor countries such as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Japan are disproportionately externalizing crop water consumption through their international land investments. Statistical analyses also show that host countries with abundant water resources are not per se favoured targets of LSLA. Indeed, further analysis reveals that land investments originating in water-stressed countries have only a weak tendency to target areas with a smaller water risk.
FGFRL1 is a single-pass transmembrane protein with three extracellular Ig domains. When overexpressed in CHO cells or related cell types, it induces cell-cell fusion and formation of large, multinucleated syncytia. For this fusion-promoting activity, only the membrane-proximal Ig domain (Ig3) and the transmembrane domain are required. It does not matter whether the transmembrane domain is derived from FGFRL1 or from another receptor, but the distance of the Ig3 domain to the membrane is crucial. Fusion can be inhibited with soluble recombinant proteins comprising the Ig1-Ig2-Ig3 or the Ig2-Ig3 domains as well as with monoclonal antibodies directed against Ig3. Mutational analysis reveals a hydrophobic site in Ig3 that is required for fusion. If a single amino acid from this site is mutated, fusion is abolished. The site is located on a β-sheet, which is part of a larger β-barrel, as predicted by computer modeling of the 3D structure of FGFRL1. It is possible that this site interacts with a target protein of neighboring cells to trigger cell-cell fusion.
We investigate the thermal evolution of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's subsurface in the Seth_01 region, where active pits have been observed by the ESA/Rosetta mission. Our simulations show that clathrate destabilization and amorphous ice crystallization can occur at depths corresponding to those of the observed pits in a timescale shorter than 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's lifetime in the comet's activity zone in the inner solar system. Sublimation of crystalline ice down to such depths is possible only in the absence of a dust mantle, which requires the presence of dust grains in the matrix small enough to be dragged out by gas from the pores. Our results are consistent with both pits formation via sinkholes or subsequent to outbursts, the dominant process depending on the status of the subsurface porosity. A sealed dust mantle would favor episodic and disruptive outgassing as a result of increasing gas pressure in the pores, while high porosity should allow the formation of large voids in the subsurface due to the continuous escape of volatiles. We finally conclude that the subsurface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is not uniform at a spatial scale of similar to 100-200 m.
Friedreich's ataxia is caused by the expansion of the GAA•TTC trinucleotide repeat sequence located in intron 1 of the frataxin gene. The long GAA•TTC repeats are known to form several non-B DNA structures including hairpins, triplexes, parallel DNA and sticky DNA. Therefore it is believed that alternative DNA structures play a role in the loss of mRNA transcript and functional frataxin protein in FRDA patients. We wanted to further elucidate the characteristics for formation and stability of sticky DNA by evaluating the structure in a plasmid based system in vitro and in vivo in Escherichia coli. The negative supercoil density of plasmids harboring different lengths of GAA•TTC repeats, as well as either one or two repeat tracts were studied in E. coli to determine if plasmids containing two long tracts (≥60 repeats) in a direct repeat orientation would have a different topological effect in vivo compared to plasmids that harbored only one GAA•TTC tract or two tracts of < 60 repeats. The experiments revealed that, in fact, sticky DNA forming plasmids had a lower average negative supercoil density (-σ) compared to all other control plasmids used that had the potential to form other non-B DNA structures such as triplexes or Z-DNA. Also, the requirements for in vitro dissociation and reconstitution of the DNA•DNA associated region of sticky DNA were evaluated. Results conclude that the two repeat tracts associate in the presence of negative supercoiling and MgCl 2 or MnCl2 in a time and concentration-dependent manner. Interaction of the repeat sequences was not observed in the absence of negative supercoiling and/or MgCl2 or in the presence of other monovalent or divalent cations, indicating that supercoiling and quite specific cations are needed for the association of sticky DNA. These are the first experiments studying a more specific role of supercoiling and cation influence on this DNA conformation. To support our model of the topological effects of sticky DNA in plasmids, changes in sticky DNA band migration was measured with reference to the linear DNA after treatment with increasing concentrations of ethidium bromide (EtBr). The presence of independent negative supercoil domains was confirmed by this method and found to be segregated by the DNA-DNA associated region. Sequence-specific polyamide molecules were used to test the effect of binding of the ligands to the GAA•TTC repeats on the inhibition of sticky DNA. The destabilization of the sticky DNA conformation in vitro through this binding of the polyamides demonstrated the first conceptual therapeutic approach for the treatment of FRDA at the DNA molecular level. ^ Thus, examining the properties of sticky DNA formed by these long repeat tracts is important in the elucidation of the possible role of sticky DNA in Friedreich's ataxia. ^
A 6-month-long, bench-scale simulation of an industrial wastewater stabilization pond (WSP) system was conducted to evaluate responses to several potential performance-enhancing treatments. The industrial WSP system consists of an anaerobic primary (1ry) WSP treating high-strength wastewater, followed by facultative secondary (2ry) and aerobic tertiary (3ry) WSPs in series treating lower-strength wastewater. The 1ry WSP was simulated with four glass aquaria which were fed with wastewater from the actual WSP system. The treatments examined were phosphorus supplementation (PHOS), phosphorus supplementation with pH control (PHOS+ALK), and phosphorus supplementation with pH control and effluent recycle (PHOS+ALK+RCY). The supplementary phosphorus treatment alone did not yield any significant change versus the CONTROL 1ry model pond. The average carbon to phosphorus ratio of the feed wastewater received from the WSP system was already 100:0.019 (i.e., 2,100 mg/l: 0.4 mg/l). The pH-control treatments (PHOS+ALK and PHOS+ALK+RCY) produced significant results, with 9 to 12 percent more total organic carbon (TOC) removal, 43 percent more volatile organic acid (VOA) generation, 78 percent more 2-ethoxyethanol and 14 percent more bis(2-chloroethyl)ether removal, and from 100- to 10,000-fold increases in bacterial enzyme activity and heterotrophic bacterial numbers. Recycling a 10-percent portion of the effluent yielded less variability for certain physicochemical parameters in the PHOS+ALK+RCY 1ry model pond, but overall there was no statistically-detectable improvement in performance versus no recycle. The 2ry and 3ry WSPs were also simulated in the laboratory to monitor the effect and fate of increased phosphorus loadings, as might occur if supplemental phosphorus were added to the 1ry WSP. Noticeable increases in algal growth were observed at feed phosphorus concentrations of 0.5 mg/l; however, there were no significant changes in the monitored physicochemical parameters. The effluent phosphorus concentrations from both the 2ry and 3ry model ponds did increase notably when feed phosphorus concentrations were increased from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l. ^
The Neogene biostratigraphy presented here is based on the study of 230 samples through 737 m of pelagic sediment in Hole 806B. Sediment accumulation is interrupted only once in the uppermost lower Miocene (Zone N6), apparently coincident with a widespread deep-sea hiatus. Preservation of planktonic foraminifers through the section ranges from good to moderately poor. One hundred and ten species of planktonic foraminifers were identified; taxonomic notes on most species are included. All of the standard low-latitude Neogene foraminiferal zones are delineated, with the exceptions of Zones N8 and N9 because of a high first occurrence of Orbulina, and Zones N18 and N19 because of a high first occurrence of Sphaeroidinella dehiscens. Good agreement exists between the published account of the variation in planktonic foraminiferal species richness and the rates of diversification and turnover, and measurements of these evolutionary indexes in the record of Hole 806B. The global pattern of change in tropical/transitional species richness is paralleled in Hole 806B, with departures caused by either ecological conditions peculiar to the western equatorial Pacific or by inexactness in the estimation of million-year intervals in Hole 806B. Temporal changes in the relative abundance of taxa in the sediment assemblages, considered in light of their depth habitats, reveal a detailed picture of historical change in the structure of the upper water column over the Ontong Java Plateau. The dominance of surface dwellers (Paragloborotalia kugleri, P. mayeri, Dentoglobigerina altispira, Globigerinita glutinata, and Globigerinoides spp.) throughout the lower and middle Miocene is replaced by a more equitable distribution of surface (D. altispira and Globigerinoides spp.), intermediate (Globorotalia menardii plexus), and deep (Streptochilus spp.) dwellers in the late Miocene, following the closing of the Indo-Pacific Seaway and the initiation of large-scale glaciation in the Antarctic. The shoaling of the thermocline along the equator engendered by these climatic and tectonic events persisted through the Pliocene, when initial increases in the abundance of a new set of shallow, intermediate, and deep dwelling species of planktonic foraminifers coincide with the closing of the Panamanian Seaway.
Seven opal-CT-rich and five quartz-rich porcellanites and cherts from Site 504 have a range in oxygen-isotope values of 24.4 and 29.4 per mil. In opal-CT rocks, d18O becomes larger with sub-bottom depth and with age. Quartz-rich rocks do not show these trends. Boron, in general, increases with decreasing d18O for porcellanites and cherts considered together, supporting the conclusion that boron is incorporated within the quartz crystal structure during precipitation of the SiO2. Silicification of the chalks at Site 504 began 1 m.y. ago - that is, 5 m.y. after sedimentation commenced on the oceanic crust. Temperatures of chert formation determined from oxygen-isotope compositions reflect diagenetic temperatures rather than bottom-water temperatures, and are comparable to temperatures of formation determined by down-hole measurements. Opal-A in the chalks began conversion to opal-CT when a temperature of 50°C was reached in the sediment column. Conversion of opal-CT to quartz started at 55 °C. Silicification occurred over a stratigraphic thickness of about 10 meters when the temperature at the top of the 10 meters reached about 50°C. It took about 250,000 years to complete the silica transformation within each 10-meter interval of sediment at Site 504. Quartz formed over a stratigraphic range of at least 30 meters, at temperatures of about 54 to 60°C. The time and temperatures of silicification of Site 504 rocks are more like those at continental margins than those in deep-sea, open-ocean deposits.
To gain insights into the mechanisms of abrupt climate change within interglacials, we have examined the characteristics and spatial extent of a prominent, climatically induced vegetation setback during the Holsteinian interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 11c). Based on analyses of pollen and varves of lake sediments from Dethlingen (northern Germany), this climatic oscillation, here termed the "Older Holsteinian Oscillation" (OHO), lasted 220 years. It can be subdivided into a 90-year-long decline of temperate tree taxa associated with an expansion of Pinus and herbs, and a 130-year-long recovery phase marked by the expansion of Betula and Alnus, and the subsequent recovery of temperate trees. The climate-induced nature of the OHO is corroborated by changes in diatom assemblages and ?18O measured on biogenic silica indicating an impact on the aquatic ecosystem of the Dethlingen paleolake. The OHO is widely documented in pollen records from Europe north of 50° latitude and is characterized by boreal climate conditions with cold winters from the British Isles to Poland, with a gradient of decreasing temperature and moisture availability, and increased continentality towards eastern Europe. This pattern points to a weakened influence of the westerlies and/or a stronger influence of the Siberian High. A comparison of the OHO with the 8.2 ka event of the Holocene reveals close similarities regarding the imprint on terrestrial ecosystems and the interglacial boundary conditions. Hence, in analogy to the 8.2 ka event, a transient, meltwater-induced slowdown of the North Atlantic Deep Water formation appears as a plausible trigger mechanism for the OHO. If correct, meltwater release into the North Atlantic may be a more common agent of abrupt climate change during interglacials than previously thought. We conclude that meltwater-induced climate setbacks during interglacials preferentially occurred when low rates of summer insolation increase during the preceding terminations facilitated the persistence of large-scale continental ice-sheets well into the interglacials.
Although there are numerous examples of large-scale commercial microbial synthesis routes for organic bioproducts, few studies have addressed the obvious potential for microbial systems to produce inorganic functional biomaterials at scale. Here we address this by focusing on the production of nano-scale biomagnetite particles by the Fe(III)-reducing bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens, which was scaled-up successfully from lab-scale to pilot plant-scale production, whilst maintaining the surface reactivity and magnetic properties which make this material well suited to commercial exploitation. At the largest scale tested, the bacterium was grown in a 50 L bioreactor, harvested and then inoculated into a buffer solution containing Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide and an electron donor and mediator, which promoted the formation of magnetite in under 24 hours. This procedure was capable of producing up to 120 g biomagnetite. The particle size distribution was maintained between 10 and 15 nm during scale-up of this second step from 10 ml to 10 L, with conserved magnetic properties and surface reactivity; the latter demonstrated by the reduction of Cr(VI). The process presented provides an environmentally benign route to magnetite production and serves as an alternative to harsher synthetic techniques, with the clear potential to be used to produce kg to tonne quantities.