999 resultados para fisiologia vegetal


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A podridão radicular causada por Pythium spp. é uma das principais doenças em cultivos hidropônicos. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de Pseudomonas chlororaphis (63-28) sobre a podridão radicular e o crescimento vegetal em pimentão hidropônico. Plantas de pimentão cv. 35-206 RZ foram cultivadas em unidades hidropônicas, e infestadas com P. chlororaphis sete dias antes da inoculação com o patógeno. Os tratamentos foram: testemunha, testemunha inoculada com o patógeno, P. chlororaphis, P. chlororaphis com a adição do patógeno. As variáveis avaliadas foram: severidade da doença, expansão foliar, clorofila foliar e incidência do patógeno. A severidade da doença decresceu em 51% nas plantas inoculadas com a bactéria aos 12 dias após a inoculação, em comparação com a testemunha inoculada. O conteúdo de clorofila decresceu em 12% nas plantas inoculadas com Pythium, em comparação com a testemunha. Plantas tratadas com P. chlororaphis sem a presença do patógeno tiveram maior taxa de expansão foliar. Conclui-se que P. chlororaphis é um promissor agente de controle biológico da podridão radicular e promotor de crescimento de pimentão hidropônico.


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Actually in the oil industry biotechnological approaches represent a challenge. In that, attention to metal structures affected by electrochemical corrosive processes, as well as by the interference of microorganisms (biocorrosion) which affect the kinetics of the environment / metal interface. Regarding to economical and environmental impacts reduction let to the use of natural products as an alternative to toxic synthetic inhibitors. This study aims the employment of green chemistry by evaluating the stem bark extracts (EHC, hydroalcoholic extract) and leaves (ECF, chloroform extract) of plant species Croton cajucara Benth as a corrosion inhibitor. In addition the effectiveness of corrosion inhibition of bioactive trans-clerodane dehydrocrotonin (DCTN) isolated from the stem bark of this Croton was also evaluated. For this purpose, carbon steel AISI 1020 was immersed in saline media (3,5 % NaCl) in the presence and absence of a microorganism recovered from a pipeline oil sample. Corrosion inhibition efficiency and its mechanisms were investigated by linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance. Culture-dependent and molecular biology techniques were used to characterize and identify bacterial species present in oil samples. The tested natural products EHC, ECF and DCTN (DMSO as solvent) in abiotic environment presented respectively, corrosion inhibition efficiencies of 57.6% (500 ppm), 86.1% (500 ppm) and 54.5% (62.5 ppm). Adsorption phenomena showed that EHC best fit Frumkin isotherm and ECF to Temkin isotherm. EHC extract (250 ppm) dissolved in a polar microemulsion system (MES-EHC) showed significant maximum inhibition efficiency (93.8%) fitting Langmuir isotherm. In the presence of the isolated Pseudomonas sp, EHC and ECF were able to form eco-compatible organic films with anti-corrosive properties


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The larval instars, seasonal occurrence and environmental factors influence on Psaroniocompsa incrustata (Lutz, 1910) (Diptera: Simuliidae) immature were studied according to its physical and chemical aspects of breeding water. Four collects were made at vegetal substrate from margin, middle and floating on the Pium river, city of Nísia Floresta, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil at dry and wet season. Some of larval characters were used to determinate the larval instars number like lateral length of cephalic capsulae, antennae and the distance among cephalic apodema, as well as pH, water temperature, width, depth, stream velocity, discharge and pluviometric precipitation were used for physical factors. Seven larval instars were determined for this P. incrustata community being the lateral length of cephalic capsulae as the best structure with this meaning propose. The seasonality immature abundance of this species were found in dry season and a positive correlation with pH, stream velocity and precipitation


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The species psaroniocompsa incrustata (Lutz, 1910) was studied in relation to its abundance in different and seasonal periods, the physico-chemical of the breending ground and the fauna predation added to the immature of the species. The study was developed during eight months, from April to July, 2005 (rainy season) and from October, 2005 to January, 2006 (drought season), in one natural breending ground situated in the Pium river, that is part of the hydrographical basin of the Pirangi river in Rio Grande do Norte. The immature of Simuliidae were collected manually in vegetal substrate. At the same place, it was made one sampling of the associated fauna using Suber collectors and the measurement of the environment variants. It was also made one analysis of the stomach content of possible enemies of the simulídeos, to observe the predation of the associated fauna. It was collected 7.713 samples, all from de species P. Incrustata, it was observed a bigger abundance in the drought season, and the entomologic fauna associated totalizing 20.1314 species, distributed in the kinds: Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Trichoptera, e Hemiptera, with a bigger representativity of Dipteros. The analysis of the stomach content of the species from the families Libellulidae and Hydropsychidae showed the presence of the simulídeos in only 4% of the material analysed, therefore it was not confirmed the presence of one efficient biological control of the simulídeos in this breending ground


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A Ordem de Cister, implantada em Portugal com o beneplácito de D. Afonso Henriques, cujo objetivo era proceder ao povoamento de grandes parcelas de território recentemente conquistado aos Mouros, surgiu quando em 8 de Abril de 1153, este doou ao Abade do Mosteiro de Claraval, S. Bernardo, com o privilégio de couto, o lugar de Alcobaça, estabelecendo assim a fundação de Abadia de Alcobaça que se tornou a Casa-Mãe da Ordem em Portugal. Esta ordem religiosa deixou, desde a sua fundação, marcas muito expressivas em áreas diversificadas, que vão desde a implantação de um número considerável de casas religiosas, à construção de edifícios de grande qualidade arquitetónica, ao povoamento e consolidação do território, ao ensino a vários níveis, incluindo o da agricultura com a introdução de práticas mais desenvolvidas e eficazes, à criação de boticas nos seus mosteiros para prestar auxílio não apenas às comunidades residentes, mas também à população em geral que acorria em busca de auxílio.


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Várias estratégias de conservação de germoplasma estão disponíveis e devem ser conduzidas em conjunto para serem mais representativas e eficientes. Dentre elas tem-se a conservação de DNA, valiosa fonte de informações para subsidiar o manejo de Bancos Ativos de Germoplasma. Mas, para cumprir esse papel necessita ser inventariada e organizada. Assim, realizou-se o inventário das amostras de DNA vegetal conservadas na coleção da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental. No período de maio a julho/2016 foi realizado inventário com 100% de cobertura das amostras de DNA vegetal que compõem a coleção de DNA da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental para serem organizadas por família, espécie e documentadas para viabilizar seu manejo. A coleção apresentou 9.574 amostras de DNA, sendo grande parte deles representantes de acessos dos BAG?s conservados em nível de campo. As amostras agregaram 8 famílias, 12 gêneros e 21 espécies, com a família Arecaceae sendo a melhor representada seguida da Euphorbiaceae. Portanto, essa coleção apresenta possibilidade de fornecer subsídios para o manejo dos BAG?s bem representados, além de fornecer políticas relacionadas à sua coleta, conservação, documentação e melhoramento genéticos das espécies.


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Here we propose a protocol for embryogenic cultures induction, proliferation and maturation for the Brazilian conifer Podocarpus lambertii, and investigated the effect of abscisic acid (ABA) and glutathione (GSH) supplementation on the maturation phase. ABA, zeatin (Z) and salicylic acid (SA) endogenous levels were quantified. Number of somatic embryos obtained in ABA-supplemented treatment was signifi- cant higher than in ABA-free treatment, showing the relevance of ABA supplementation during somatic embryos maturation. Histological analysis showed the stereotyped sequence of developmental stages in conifer somatic embryos, reaching the late torpedo-staged embryo. GSH supplementation in maturation culture medium improved the somatic embryos number and morphological features. GSH 0 mM and GSH 0.1 mM treatments correlated with a decreased ABA endogenous level during maturation, while GSH 0.5 mM treatment showed constantlevels. Alltreatments resulted in decreased Z endogenous levels, supporting the concept that cytokinins are important during the initial cell division but not for the later stages of embryo development. The lowest SA levels found in GSH 0.5 mM treatment were coincident with early embryonic development, and this treatment resulted in the highest development of somatic embryos. Thus, a correlation between lower SA levels and improved somatic embryo formation can be hypothesized


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Há poucas informações a respeito da diversidade e do potencial biotecnológico dos micro-organismos do solo no Semiárido, em especial daqueles envolvidos com processo de fixação biológica de nitrogênio. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a diversidade de uma coleção de bactérias associadas ao milho (Zea mays L.) em solos do Semiárido. As bactérias foram avaliadas quanto à amplificação de um fragmento do gene nifH por meio de PCR e pela técnica de ARDRA. Dentre as 72 bactérias testadas, 47 foram considerados nifH positivos e a análise dos perfis de ARDRA mostrou que o local de origem dos isolados foi fator determinante para o agrupamento das bactérias.


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In the agri-food sector, measurement and monitoring activities contribute to high quality end products. In particular, considering food of plant origin, several product quality attributes can be monitored. Among the non-destructive measurement techniques, a large variety of optical techniques are available, including hyperspectral imaging (HSI) in the visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) range, which, due to the capacity to integrate image analysis and spectroscopy, proved particularly useful in agronomy and food science. Many published studies regarding HSI systems were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. In contrast, few studies describe the application of HSI technology directly in the field, in particular for high-resolution proximal measurements carried out on the ground. Based on this background, the activities of the present PhD project were aimed at exploring and deepening knowledge in the application of optical techniques for the estimation of quality attributes of agri-food plant products. First, research activities on laboratory trials carried out on apricots and kiwis for the estimation of soluble solids content (SSC) and flesh firmness (FF) through HSI were reported; subsequently, FF was estimated on kiwis using a NIR-sensitive device; finally, the procyanidin content of red wine was estimated through a device based on the pulsed spectral sensitive photometry technique. In the second part, trials were carried out directly in the field to assess the degree of ripeness of red wine grapes by estimating SSC through HSI, and finally a method for the automatic selection of regions of interest in hyperspectral images of the vineyard was developed. The activities described above have revealed the potential of the optical techniques for sorting-line application; moreover, the application of the HSI technique directly in the field has proved particularly interesting, suggesting further investigations to solve a variety of problems arising from the many environmental variables that may affect the results of the analyses.


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Texto complementar ao Módulo 01 do Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Pessoa Idosa da UNA-SUS/UFMA, aborda a temática do envelhecimento, em especial à fisiologia deste processo, enfatizando a trajetória que todo indivíduo faz até chegar à terceira idade, bem como as peculiaridades anatômicas e fisiológicas do envelhecimento.


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Este vídeo integra o curso Oftalmologia na Atenção Básica à Saúde (2016) que tem o objetivo de ampliar a capacidade de resolução clínico-oftalmológica na Atenção Básica à saúde. O vídeo tem enfoque na apresentação das características da fisiologia da visão onde seu conhecimento é fundamental para a interpretação dos sinais e sintomas de alterações oculares, bem como de complicações decorrentes.