877 resultados para festival deportivo
Commissioned by Sonic Arts Network and Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival with funds from ACGB for Eleanor Dawson (flute)
commissioned by Adventures in Motion Pictures (Matthew Bourne) for Dance Umbrella Festival< London
honourable mention, Bourges Festival France 1983
choreographed by Richard Alston for Ballet Rambert 1984
revived by Scottish Ballet (20th Century Classics) Festival Theatre Edinburgh 25/09/04
London premiere performance as part of the Society for the Promotion of New Music Festival, Morley College/St John's Smith Square, London 10-13 September 1981. World premiere at University of East Anglia 2 March 1981. Second performance Nottingham University 9 June 1981.
Invited paper with integral performance at a Symposium 'Ohne Rezept' within an International Festival 'No Concept'. Date of presentation 18/08/2003
A whole day event curated by F. Schroeder for the "2014 Sounds Alive Audio Festival, Dublin", included lecture, listening rooms and performance events
Staged Reading on Arranmore Island, West Donegal for the Lughnasa International Friel Festival
A collection of software and hardware tools and environments that facilitate collective networked performance between electronic musicians. Tools include 'Chat Monkey', a live chat tool for performance, 'DMA Sequencing', a step sequencer using open sound control messaging and multi nodal control, 'tutti, duet, trio, solo, quartet', an ensemble management environment, and 'Por Larrañaga', a cigar box based electro-acoustic instrument with embedded sensors and controllers. Notable performances: w/BLISS, NCAD, Dublin, 1 March 2015; w/BLISS, NI Science Festival, Belfast, 21 Feb 2015
This article explores local authority responses to the cinematic release of Last Tango in Paris in Britain. Using a range of archival material from the BBFC, the National Archives and the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland, it offers a detailed, comparative case study of three different locations; Belfast, Newport and Oxford. It argues that comparing local censorship decisions with the national decisions of the BBFC offer little in the way of regional nuance. In order to effectively understand the workings of local censorship, a deeper understanding of local discourses is needed as well as acknowledgement of broader pressure group activity and its impact on the local picture, such as that of the National Festival of Light.
Os festivais desempenham um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento do turismo de uma região. Eles são, em alguns casos, a chave motivadora para a prática do turismo e oferecem também ao ser humano oportunidades para aprender sobre outros costumes ou modos de vida. As motivações para participar num festival variam de acordo com as regiões visitadas, a tipologia dos turistas, as variáveis sociodemográficas e culturais. O presente artigo pretende identificar as duas principais motivações dos turistas para participarem na Festa do Vinho da Ilha da Madeira. Para atingir o objetivo optou-se pela aplicação de um inquérito por questionário através de uma amostra por conveniência. Os resultados mostraram que as duas principais motivações para os turistas visitarem o evento, pela primeira vez, estavam associadas ao ‘conhecimento e experimentação pela cultura da festa’ e, ainda, à ‘diversão’. Na visita repetida, as duas principais motivações estavam relacionadas com as ‘atrações da festa’ e ao ‘ambiente da festa’.
Em muitas sociedades, o turismo de eventos destaca-se, cada vez mais, como uma tendência promissora que gera movimento económico e social para o lugar onde se insere. Os eventos especiais, especialmente as festas e festivais de índole cultural, funcionam como instrumentos de promoção para a imagem de uma região como destino turístico a ser consumido. Por outro lado, é muitas vezes através deles que uma comunidade preserva a sua identidade cultural frente ao processo da globalização. O presente artigo analisa as dimensões da experiência que os turistas adquiriram na Festa da Flor da Ilha da Madeira. Para atingir o objetivo aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário aos turistas que foram ao evento e utilizou-se como modelo teórico a ‘economia da experiência’ de Pine e Gilmore (1999).
A presente investigação, conducente à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Turismo na Universidade de Évora, aborda a temática dos eventos culturais no âmbito da actividade turística na Ilha da Madeira. Nesse sentido, e definido o objecto, o objectivo geral da pesquisa consistiu em analisar o contributo dos principais eventos turísticos - Festa da Flor, Festa do Vinho e Festa do Fim-de-Ano - na valorização das tradições culturais da Ilha e na promoção do destino Madeira. Para atingir os objectivos definidos, foi utilizada uma metodologia dual que consistiu num abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, através da administração de um inquérito por questionário, um inquérito por entrevista e da utilização da observação directa e/ou participante, em triangulação que considerou o lado da procura e o lado da oferta. Foi possível concluir que os eventos analisados dão um contributo importante para a valorização das tradições, para a pertença e coesão social, e que enfatizam a interacção social entre turistas e anfitriões, ao mesmo tempo que consistem numa oferta singular e única; ABSTRACT: This dissertation was conceived to obtain the doctor degree in Tourism at the University of Évora. It approaches the theme of cultural events in the frame work of tourism activity in the island of Madeira. The main objective of the study was to analyze the contribution of the major tourist events (Flower Festival, Wine Festival and the Feast of the End-of-Year) on the value of cultural traditions of the island and the promotion of Madeira. The defined objectives were accomplished by the use of a dual methodology, through an approach of quantitative and qualitative orientation – by means of questionnaire to the tourists, interviews to the organisers and direct and participant observation by the researcher. We can conclude about the cultural importance of the three selected feasts (Flower Festival, Wine Festival and the Feast of the End-of-Year) as a major contribute to value the tradition, to emphasize the social cohesion, to identify the tourist experience and to evaluate social interaction between hosts and guests as an unique and singular offer.
Resumen: Los eventos culturales promueven el diálogo, crean sentimientos y marcan una identidad. Con la globalización los países y regiones han desarrollado cada vez más eventos culturales para celebrar su historia y cultura. Las motivaciones para participar en un evento varían de acuerdo con las regiones visitadas, el tipo de fiesta o festival, la tipología de los turistas y las variables socio-demográficas y culturales. El presente artículo pretende identificar la principal motivación de los turistas para participar en la Fiesta de Fin de Año en Isla de Madeira. Para alcanzar el objetivo se optó por la aplicación de una encuesta a una muestra por conveniencia y se realizó una observación directa y participante. Los resultados mostraron que la principal motivación para que los turistas visiten el evento por primera vez se asocia al conocimiento y experimentación de la cultura de la Fiesta.
Short film/video art (mini DV 2’.10’’) featuring urban landscapes and domestic housing previously displayed as part of the 2nd Athens Video Art Festival 2006.7, 8, 9 April 2006 Aggelon Vima.
Klimowski’s graphic novel, Robot, was commissioned by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw to mark Poland’s Presidency of the European Union’s Cultural Programme in 2011. Self Made Hero and Timof Comiks published the book simultaneously in the UK and Poland. Klimowski adapted and translated Stanisław Lem’s short fiction ‘The sanatorium of Dr Vliperdius’ (1977), aiming to develop a new position for illustration and the graphic novel aside from mainstream graphic novels and literature, and a new approach to visual bookmaking. The project proved to be an artistic challenge: Lem often proclaimed his disapproval of adaptations of his work, dismissing even Andrei Tarkovsky’s film adaptation (1972) of his novel Solaris (1961). Produced in collaboration with Danusia Schejbal, Robot features a diptych form, counter-pointing (both formally and conceptually) two contrasting stories. The first is a colourful parable describing a totalitarian and autocratic regime that must be vanquished, the second a monochromatic dialectic on philosophy, humanism and mechanisation. Klimowski and Schejbal’s publication is intended to challenge stereotypes and established styles and formulas associated with the production of graphic novels. Much emphasis was laid upon the depiction of space and location, artificiality and realism. Silence and the suspension of linear time were also strong features of the artists’ investigations. These qualities were recognised and discussed by the media, in particular by a panel of critics on Polish Television’s Cultural Channel, in the most respected comics blog, Zeszyty Komiksowe (http://zeszytykomiksowe.org/recenzja_robot, 2012), and by Monika Malkowskain in the national newspaper Rzeczpospolita (2011). The artists gave a special talk at the Science Museum, London, during the Robot Festival ‘Robotville’ (December 2011). Lem, one of the world’s leading writers of science fiction, was featured throughout the year in the UK on stage, cinema and in literary events (Barbican Centre London, British Library, Science Museum London).