987 resultados para enantioselective total synthesis
Coral reef degradation resulting from nutrient enrichment of coastal waters is of increasing global concern. Although effects of nutrients on coral reef organisms have been demonstrated in the laboratory, there is little direct evidence of nutrient effects on coral reef biota in situ. The ENCORE experiment investigated responses of coral reef organisms and processes to controlled additions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) and/or phosphorus (P) on an offshore reef(One Tree Island) at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. A multi-disciplinary team assessed a variety of factors focusing on nutrient dynamics and biotic responses. A controlled and replicated experiment was conducted over two years using twelve small patch reefs ponded at low tide by a coral rim. Treatments included three control reefs (no nutrient addition) and three + N reefs (NH4Cl added), three + P reefs (KH2PO4 added), and three + N + P reefs. Nutrients were added as pulses at each low tide (ca twice per day) by remotely operated units. There were two phases of nutrient additions. During the initial, low-loading phase of the experiment nutrient pulses (mean dose = 11.5 muM NH4+; 2.3 muM PO4-3) rapidly declined, reaching near-background levels (mean = 0.9 muM NH4+; 0.5 muM PO4-3) within 2-3 h. A variety of biotic processes, assessed over a year during this initial nutrient loading phase, were not significantly affected, with the exception of coral reproduction, which was affected in all nutrient treatments. In Acropora longicyathus and A. aspera, fewer successfully developed embryos were formed, and in A. longicyathus fertilization rates and lipid levels decreased. In the second, high-loading, phase of ENCORE an increased nutrient dosage (mean dose = 36.2 muM NH4+; 5.1 muM PO4-3 declining to means of 11.3 muM NH4+ and 2.4 muM PO4-3 at the end of low tide) was used for a further year, and a variety of significant biotic responses occurred. Encrusting algae incorporated virtually none of the added nutrients. Organisms containing endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (corals and giant clams) assimilated dissolved nutrients rapidly and were responsive to added nutrients. Coral mortality, not detected during the initial low-loading phase, became evident with increased nutrient dosage, particularly in Pocillopora damicornis. Nitrogen additions stunted coral growth, and phosphorus additions had a variable effect. Coral calcification rate and linear extension increased in the presence of added phosphorus but skeletal density was reduced, making corals more susceptible to breakage. Settlement of all coral larvae was reduced in nitrogen treatments, yet settlement of larvae from brooded species was enhanced in phosphorus treatments. Recruitment of stomatopods, benthic crustaceans living in coral rubble, was reduced in nitrogen and nitrogen plus phosphorus treatments. Grazing rates and reproductive effort of various fish species were not affected by the nutrient treatments. Microbial nitrogen transformations in sediments,were responsive to nutrient loading with nitrogen fixation significantly increased in phosphorus treatments and denitrification increased in all treatments to which nitrogen had been added. Rates of bioerosion and grazing showed no significant effects of added nutrients, ENCORE has shown that reef organisms and processes investigated ill situ were impacted by elevated nutrients. Impacts mere dependent on dose level, whether nitrogen and/or phosphorus mere elevated and were often species-specific. The impacts were generally sub-lethal and subtle and the treated reefs at the end of the experiment mere visually similar to control reefs. Rapid nutrient uptake indicates that nutrient concentrations alone are not adequate to assess nutrient condition of reefs. Sensitive and quantifiable biological indicators need to be developed for coral reef ecosystems. The potential bioindicators identified in ENCORE should be tested in future research on coral reef/nutrient interactions. Synergistic and cumulative effects of elevated nutrients and other environmental parameters, comparative studies of intact vs. disturbed reefs, offshore vs, inshore reefs, or the ability of a nutrient-stressed reef to respond to natural disturbances require elucidation. An expanded understanding of coral reef responses to anthropogenic impacts is necessary, particularly regarding the subtle, sub-lethal effects detected in the ENCORE studies. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Debate about the appropriate treatment of intangible assets can benefit from knowledge about the relevance of their financial statement capitalisation to valuation of firms. With rules permitting or requiring intangible asset capitalisation, Australia provides an ideal setting to obtain this evidence. This paper reports findings that indicate that capitalisation of intangibles is value-relevant for Australia's largest firms. Results indicate that investors place greater value on capitalised goodwill than on other categories of capitalised balance sheet items. Similarly, capitalisation of identifiable intangible assets adds value to large firms. However, research and development capitalisation does not affect the value of firms in our study.
A new strategy has been developed for the rapid synthesis of peptide para-nitroanilides (pNA). The method involves derivatization of commercially available tritylchloride resin (TCP-resin) with 1,4-phenylenediamine, subsequent coupling with desired amino acids by the standard Fmoc protocol, and oxidation of the intermediate para-aminoanilides (pAA) with Oxone(R). This procedure allows easy assembly of the desired para-aminoanilides (pAA) on standard resin and efficient oxidation and purification of the corresponding para-nitroanilides (pNA). The method allows easy access to any desired peptide para-nitroanilides, which are useful substrates for the characterization and study of proteolytic enzymes.
A series of substituted 2-phenyl-4-quinolones 8-11 have been synthesized in good yields via ash vacuum thermolysis (FVT) of 1-aryl-4-cyano-5-phenylpyrrole-2,3-diones 7a-e and 1-aryl-4-methoxycarbonyl-5-phenylpyrrole-2,3-diones 7f-j. The pyrrolediones 7 were prepared from amines 3 and benzoylacetonitriles 5a-e or methyl 3-arylamino-3-phenylprop-2-enoates 5f-j.
The synthesis, characterization and copper(II) coordination chemistry of three new cyclic peptide ligands, PatJ(1) (cyclo-(Ile -Thr- (Gly)Thz-lle-Thr(Gly)Thz)), PatJ(2) (cyclo-(Ile-Thr(Gly)Thz-(D)-Ile-Thr-(Gly)Thz)), and PatL (cyclo-(Ile-Ser-(Gly)Thz-Ile-Ser(Gly)Thz)) are reported. All of these cyclic peptides and PatN (cyclo-(Ile-Ser(Gly)Thz-Ile-Thr-(Gly)Thz)) are derivatives of patellamide A and have a [24]azacrown-8 macrocyclic structure. All four synthetic cyclic peptides have two thiazole rings but, in contrast to patellamide A, no oxazoline rings. The molecular structure of PatJ1, determined by X-ray crystallography, has a saddle conformation with two close-to-co-parallel thiazole rings, very similar to the geometry of patellamide D. The two coordination sites of PatJ1 with thiazole-N and amide-N donors are each well preorganized for transition metal ion binding. The coordination of copper(II) was monitored by UV/Vis spectroscopy, and this reveals various (meta)stable mono- and dinuclear copper(II) complexes whose stoichiometry was confirmed by mass spectra. Two types of dinuclear copper(II) complexes, [Cu-2(H4L)(OH2)(n)](2+) (n = 6, 8) and [Cu-2(H4L)(OH2)(n)] (n=4, 6; L=PatN, PatL, PatJ1, PatJ2) have been identified and analyzed structurally by EPR spectroscopy and a combination of spectra simulations and molecular mechanics calculations (MM-EPR). The four structures are similar to each other and have a saddle conformation, that is, derived from the crystal structure of PatJ(1) by a twist of the two thiozole rings. The small but significant structural differences are characterized by the EPR simulations.
Tissues of the Australian native plant species Hakea actities (Proteaceae) contain numerous metabolites and structural compounds that hinder the isolation of nucleic acids. Separate RNA and genomic DNA extraction procedures were developed to isolate high quality nucleic acids from H. actities. Total RNA was extracted from leaves, roots and cluster roots of H. actities grown in low nutrient levels. Cluster root formation in H. actities only occurs when the plants are grown in low nutrient concentrations. However, under these conditions, nucleic acid extraction becomes increasingly difficult. The new procedures are faster than many of the published nucleic acid extraction protocols, and avoid the use of hazardous chemicals. The RNA extraction method was used successfully on another Australian species and a crop species, suggesting that the procedure is useful for molecular studies of a broad range of plants.
The selection, synthesis and chromatographic evaluation of a synthetic affinity adsorbent for human recombinant factor VIIa is described. The requirement for a metal ion-dependent immunoadsorbent step in the purification of the recombinant human clotting factor, FVIIa, has been obviated by using the X-ray crystallographic structure of the complex of tissue factor (TF) and Factor VIIa and has directed our combinatorial approach to select, synthesise and evaluate a rationally-selected affinity adsorbent from a limited library of putative ligands. The selected and optimised ligand comprises a triazine scaffold bis-substituted with 3-aminobenzoic acid and has been shown to bind selectively to FVIIa in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The adsorbent purifies FVIIa to almost identical purity (>99%), yield (99%), activation/degradation profile and impurity content (∼1000 ppm) as the current immunoadsorption process, while displaying a 10-fold higher static capacity and substantially higher reusability and durability. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A group of 31 young females, tennis players and non-athletes, aged 16 2 years (range: 14 - 21 years), with a wide range of physical activity levels was used to investigate the relationship between total daily energy expenditure and the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms. Methods: During a 12 week winter period, habitual daily activity (excluding training) was evaluated using a 3-day physical activity record. Tennis training was quantified using a validated method of estimating energy expenditure during play. Total daily energy expenditure was calculated from the sum of daily training plus mean habitual daily activity energy expenditures. The total group of subjects was divided in quartiles for total daily energy expenditure. A validated symptom checklist was used to assess the incidence and severity of upper respiratory tract infections, on a daily basis. Results: The girls in the highest quartile of total daily energy expenditure (greater than or equal to 17322 kJ/day) and in the lowest quartile (less than or equal to 10 047 kJ/day) had the greatest incidence of URTI symptomatology, although the moderately active girls in quartile three (12290-16410 kJ/day) presented the lowest incidence. Significant differences in number of upper respiratory tract infection episodes, sickness days and symptomatology index were found between quartiles three and one (p < 0.05) and quartiles three and four (p < 0.01). Peak severity of symptoms was significantly lower in quartile three compared with all other quartiles (p < 0.05).
The effect of dietary chromium supplementation on glucose and insulin metabolism in healthy, non-obese cats was evaluated. Thirty-two cats were randomly divided into four groups and fed experimental diets consisting of a standard diet with 0 ppb (control), 150 ppb, 300 ppb, or 600 ppb added chromium as chromium tripicolinate. Intravenous glucose tolerance, insulin tolerance and insulin sensitivity tests with minimal model analysis were performed before and after 6 weeks of feeding the test diets. During the glucose tolerance test, glucose concentrations, area under the glucose concentration-time curve, and glucose half-life (300 ppb only), were significantly lower after the trial in cats supplemented with 300 ppb and 600 ppb chromium, compared with values before the trial. Fasting glucose concentrations measured on a different day in the biochemistry profile were also significantly lower after supplementation with 600 ppb chromium. There were no significant differences in insulin concentrations or indices in either the glucose or insulin tolerance tests following chromium supplementation, nor were there any differences between groups before or after the dietary trial. Importantly, this study has shown a small but significant, dose-dependent improvement in glucose tolerance in healthy, non-obese cats supplemented with dietary chromium. Further long-term studies are warranted to determine if the addition of chromium to feline diets is advantageous. Cats most likely to benefit are those with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance from lack of exercise, obesity and old age. Healthy cats at risk of glucose intolerance and diabetes from underlying low insulin sensitivity or genetic factors may also benefit from long-term chromium supplementation. (C) 2002 ESFM and AAFP.
With over 80 000 described species, Brachycera represent one of the most diverse clades of organisms with a Mesozoic origin. Larvae of the majority of early lineages are detritivores or carnivores. However, Brachycera are ecologically innovative and they now employ a diverse range of feeding strategies. Brachyceran relationships have been the subject of numerous qualitative analyses using morphological characters. These analyses are often based on characters from one or a few character systems and general agreement on relationships has been elusive. In order to understand the evolution of basal brachyceran lineages, 101 discrete morphological characters were scored and compiled into a single data set. Terminals were scored at the family level, and the data set includes characters from larvae, pupae and adults, internal and external morphology, and male and female terminalia. The results show that all infraorders of Brachycera are monophyletic, but there is little evidence for relationships between the infraorders. Stratiomyomorpha, Tabanomorpha, and Xylophagomorpha together form the sister group to Muscomorpha. Xylophagomorpha and Tabanomorpha are sister groups. Within Muscomorpha, the paraphyletic Nemestrinoidea form the two most basal lineages. There is weak evidence for the monophyly of Asiloidea, and Hilarimorphidae appear to be more closely related to Eremoneura than other muscomorphs. Apsilocephalidae, Scenopinidae and Therevidae form a clade of Asiloidea. This phylogenetic evidence is consistent with the contemporaneous differentiation of the main brachyceran lineages in the early Jurassic. The first major radiation of Muscomorpha were asiloids and they may have diversified in response to the radiation of angiosperms in the early Cretaceous.