913 resultados para enabling access to knowledge


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This thesis examines how Vietnamese copyright law should develop to promote innovation and development in the digital age. It focuses on the important role of limitations and exceptions to copyright in encouraging access to and reuse of copyright material. This research provide important recommendations for how the scope of copyright limitations and exceptions might be expanded by adopting fair use in order to embrace new opportunities provided by the digital economy. Furthermore, it suggests that Vietnam should extend the scope of some important provisions that provide privileges for education, libraries and people with disabilities.


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Resumen: El objeto de este trabajo es vincular la actividad de los museos y su patrimonio histórico militar en la conformación de identidades, como parte de un proyecto que se inició hacia fines del siglo XIX. Abordaremos la cuestión desde una visión amplia, incluyendo todos aquellos bienes que por su historia, y la función que ocupan en esa construcción identitaria, guardan estrecha relación con la historia militar. Para tal fin, se tomarán cuatro casos: el Museo Histórico Nacional, el Buque Museo Corbeta Uruguay, la Casa Museo Luis Piedra Buena y la Casa Amarilla (sede del Departamento de Estudios Históricos Navales y del Instituto Nacional Browniano) Todos ellos bienes patrimoniales e instituciones que surgen o se re-significan con el objeto de facilitar a la comunidad nacional e internacional el acceso al conocimiento de la historia del país.


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Thomas, R., Spink, S., Durbin, J. & Urquhart, C. (2005). NHS Wales user needs study including knowledgebase tools report. Report for Informing Healthcare Strategy implementation programme. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth. Sponsorship: Informing Healthcare, NHS Wales


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BACKGROUND: Over the past two decades, genomics has evolved as a scientific research discipline. Genomics research was fueled initially by government and nonprofit funding sources, later augmented by private research and development (R&D) funding. Citizens and taxpayers of many countries have funded much of the research, and have expectations about access to the resulting information and knowledge. While access to knowledge gained from all publicly funded research is desired, access is especially important for fields that have broad social impact and stimulate public dialogue. Genomics is one such field, where public concerns are raised for reasons such as health care and insurance implications, as well as personal and ancestral identification. Thus, genomics has grown rapidly as a field, and attracts considerable interest. RESULTS: One way to study the growth of a field of research is to examine its funding. This study focuses on public funding of genomics research, identifying and collecting data from major government and nonprofit organizations around the world, and updating previous estimates of world genomics research funding, including information about geographical origins. We initially identified 89 publicly funded organizations; we requested information about each organization's funding of genomics research. Of these organizations, 48 responded and 34 reported genomics research expenditures (of those that responded but did not supply information, some did not fund such research, others could not quantify it). The figures reported here include all the largest funders and we estimate that we have accounted for most of the genomics research funding from government and nonprofit sources. CONCLUSION: Aggregate spending on genomics research from 34 funding sources averaged around $2.9 billion in 2003-2006. The United States spent more than any other country on genomics research, corresponding to 35% of the overall worldwide public funding (compared to 49% US share of public health research funding for all purposes). When adjusted to genomics funding intensity, however, the United States dropped below Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Canada, as measured both by genomics research expenditure per capita and per Gross Domestic Product.


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The transformation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into knowledge and learning technologies is increasingly becoming a matter of concern. Teaching settings associated with the use of blogs in Higher Education are presented in this paper, proceeding from an innovative learning experience of projects carried out by a group of professors between 2009 and 2013. Both, teachers and students who took part in the subjects that implemented the blog, considered it as helpful resource to create a virtual and learning-teaching environment due to the multiple potentialities it offers. Among some of these potentialities, some stand out: it makes easier the access to knowledge, promotes a more active and reflective learning, expands the social experience of learning, provides evidence about the students’ progress which helps to reorient the teaching-learning process, and encourages the critical judgment. Nevertheless, several problems related with the students’ participation and the teacher’s blog management have been identified.


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A compreensão dos estados mentais dos outros – Teoria da Mente (TM) – é um processo crucial no desenvolvimento cognitivo e social. A relação entre a Teoria da Mente e a Linguagem tem sido alvo de vários estudos ao longo das últimas décadas (Happé, 1995; de Villiers & Villiers, 2000; Astington, 2001; Ruffman et al., 2002; Lohmann & Tomasello, 2003; Astington & Baird, 2005; Astington & Pelletier, 2005; Farrar et al, 2009). Neste estudo avaliaram-se 229 crianças entre os 3 e os 7 anos que frequentavam jardim-de-infância. Destas 229 crianças, foram constituídos dois grupos, um constituído por crianças com desenvolvimento típico (GN) e outra por crianças com Perturbações da Fala/ Linguagem (GPFL), sendo que neste último foi ainda criado um sub-grupo de crianças com Perturbações Desenvolvimentais da Linguagem (SGPDL). Foi aplicado um teste de avaliação da TM, constituído por três sub-testes (Compreensão de falsas crenças de primeira ordem, crenças e desejos e acesso ao conhecimento) e um teste de avaliação de linguagem (T.A.L.C.) Foi também pedido aos cuidadores o preenchimento de um Questionário de Avaliação das Competências Sociais (Rydell et al., 1997). Verificou-se a existência de uma associação positiva e significativa entre a idade e a TM. Por outro lado, observou-se a presença de uma associação negativa e significativa entre a idade de início de fala e a TM. De uma forma geral, verifica-se que a TM está associada de forma positiva e estatisticamente significativa com os scores da linguagem, sendo esta relação mais forte relativamente aos aspectos relativos às Intenções comunicativas e score total de Expressão e Compreensão da linguagem. Vimos também que as crianças do SGPDL apresentaram scores inferiores ao nível da TM relativamente ao GN. Encontramos diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação ao tempo de duração da prova de TM entre o GN e o GPFL, tendo estes últimos necessitado de maior tempo de resposta. Relativamente à associação existente entre competências sociais e TM, verificamos que não se encontrou a existência de correlações estatisticamente significativas, excepto para o factor “Altruísmo”. Pensa-se que este aspecto estará relacionado com o facto das competências de TM avaliadas neste estudo não se encontrarem associadas às questões emocionais, as quais constituem um sub-tipo de TM do tipo afectivo, mas antes do sub-tipo cognitivo. Os indivíduos GN apresentaram valores para a “Orientação Pró-Social”, “Iniciação Social” e score Total das Competências Sociais significativamente superiores às crianças do GPFL.


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Na sociedade da informação, o papel da escola como centro transmissor de conhecimentos está a perder relevância face ao crescente número de fontes de informação alternativas, ricas em conteúdos e de fácil acesso. A alteração de paradigmas cria a necessidade de se introduzirem nos contextos educacionais novas ferramentas e que se adequem estratégias que permitam motivar e ensinar os aprendentes a procurarem e a selecionarem essa informação, participando, desta forma, ativamente na construção do conhecimento. Neste contexto, consideramos que o quadro interativo, pela sua capacidade de funcionar como hub digital, permite integrar recursos dinâmicos e interativos facilitadores do acesso ao conhecimento e à informação. A dissertação que apresentamos, “O Quadro Interativo na aula de inglês: desenvolvimento de práticas comunicativas”, situa-se na área do Multimédia em Educação e, mais especificamente, no domínio da tecnologia e pedagogia em sala de aula. A investigação foi desenhada em torno de um projeto de implementação de quadros interativos (Inov@r com QI) em agrupamentos/escolas do interior do país, associado a um Centro de Formação. A partir de uma investigação qualitativa mista, baseada no tracer study (análise documental, entrevistas e questionários) e no estudo etnográfico (aulas observadas, entrevistas e questionários), procurámos evidenciar a forma como essa tecnologia levou à integração de recursos e à adoção de estratégias promotoras de um ensino e aprendizagem ativo, centrado no aprendente e criando dinâmicas de interação e comunicação facilitadoras do desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa. Os resultados obtidos revelam que a introdução do quadro interativo produz efeitos positivos no ensino e aprendizagem do inglês. A sua integração em contexto de sala de aula abre espaço a um conjunto de potencialidades pedagógicas, promove o uso de recursos digitais variados; leva a uma diversificação de abordagens metodológicas que promovem a interação, criando espaços que levam ao desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa. No entanto, para tornar a introdução do quadro interativo mais eficaz, como ferramenta educativa no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, devemos ter em conta que esse processo de introdução do quadro deve ser planeada e refletida, devendo ter em conta uma nova realidade de conceitos, a tecnologia e as literacias necessárias para uma implementação eficaz. Os docentes devem ser acompanhados, ter acesso a formação técnica e pedagógica; e a possibilidade de integrarem um espaço de colaboração e partilha, como forma mais eficaz de se libertarem de práticas centradas no docente e orientadas apenas para a aquisição de conteúdos. Assim será possível dar lugar a um discurso pedagógico que inclua os vários intervenientes no processo de aprendizagem e a construção de conhecimento, num espaço de interação suportado pela tecnologia


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La présente recherche vise à explorer et à décrire l’accommodation des valeurs professionnelles au sein du système de valeurs culturelles par les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais. Elle répond aux questions de recherche suivantes : (1) Quel est le système de valeurs culturelles dominant chez les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais ? (2) Comment les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais priorisent-ils leurs valeurs professionnelles ? (3) Comment les bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais accommodent-ils leurs valeurs professionnelles à leurs valeurs culturelles ?cette recherche confirme la théorie de la prédominance dans les sociétés africaines en général d’un système de valeurs s’inscrivant dans l’axe « Continuité – Dépassement de soi » du modèle théorique de Schwartz (2006, 1992). Dans ce système, les valeurs dominantes sont des valeurs de types universalisme, bienveillance, tradition, conformité et sécurité. Ces valeurs favorisent l’intégration de l’individu au groupe, la solidarité et la sécurité familiale et le refus des actions de nature à porter atteinte à l’harmonie du groupe. Au plan pratique, la recherche démontre la nécessité de renforcer la socialisation professionnelle en intégrant l’éthique et les valeurs dans la formation des bibliothécaires universitaires sénégalais.


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La recherche sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche (CIR) est en pleine expansion. Plusieurs études ont montré que l’utilisation des CIR contribue à améliorer la réussite scolaire des élèves. Toutefois, il semble que les enseignants les utilisent très peu. Pour améliorer cette utilisation, il est nécessaire de développer un modèle explicatif de l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Ce modèle permet de rendre compte des mécanismes menant à l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche en milieu de pratique. Il permet également de mettre en évidence les facteurs les plus influents et l’agencement de ces différents facteurs dans le but de favoriser une meilleure utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Ce dernier aspect constitue l’objectif principal de cette thèse pour le domaine spécifique de l’éducation. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche (QUC) est validé et un modèle est proposé. Le premier article de la thèse examine la fiabilité, la validité et la structure factorielle du QUC avec un échantillon francophone et anglophone d’un milieu défavorisé. Le QUC, composé de 43 items, mesure six dimensions, soit : l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, le contexte organisationnel, la stratégie de soutien, l’opinion des utilisateurs et leur expertise ainsi que la fréquence d’accès aux sources des connaissances issues de la recherche. Au total, 2270 enseignants ont complété le questionnaire. Les résultats des différentes analyses montrent que le QUC doit être réduit à 20 items regroupés en cinq facteurs : l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, l’opinion des utilisateurs, la stratégie de soutien, l’expertise des utilisateurs et les facteurs organisationnels. Le second article de cette thèse examine quel modèle permet de mieux expliquer l’utilisation des CIR. Pour ce faire, deux modèles sont testés avec le même échantillon que dans le premier article, soit un modèle de liens directs et un modèle avec médiation. Pour le premier modèle, un lien direct entre l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche et les facteurs qui favorisent cette utilisation est postulé : l’expertise, l’opinion, la stratégie de soutien et le facteur organisationnel auront des liens directs avec l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Le second modèle (modèle avec médiation) se base quant à lui sur les théories de l’action raisonnée et du comportement planifié et postule que le lien entre les facteurs et l’utilisation n’est pas direct; certains facteurs ont des effets directs et d’autres des effets indirects. Concrètement, ce second modèle postule que l’expertise et l’opinion agissent comme médiateurs entre, d’une part, les deux variables indépendantes (le facteur organisationnel et la stratégie de soutien), et, d’autre part, la variable dépendante (l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche). Les résultats des analyses montrent que le modèle avec médiation permet de mieux comprendre l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Cette étude a permis de valider un questionnaire sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche et aboutit à la proposition d’un modèle qui permet d’expliquer l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche spécialement conçu pour le domaine de l’éducation. Elle fournit des outils (un questionnaire validé et un modèle) qui permettent de mieux cerner le paradigme de l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, ce qui pourrait favoriser une plus grande utilisation des CIR par les intervenants scolaires. En effet, les résultats de cette recherche peuvent guider les décideurs dans l’implantation des programmes menant à l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche qui s’adressent aux enseignants. Ces résultats indiquent sur quels facteurs agir en premier lieu afin d’améliorer l’utilisation des CIR chez les enseignants du secondaire dans les milieux défavorisés. Le présent modèle pourrait être utilisé dans d’autres milieux scolaires (par exemple les milieux non défavorisés ou les milieux scolaires primaires) après validation.


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User interfaces have the primary role of enabling access to information meeting individual users' needs. However, the user-systems interaction is still rigid, especially in support of complex environments where various types of users are involved. Among the approaches for improving user interface agility, we present a normative approach to the design interfaces of web applications, which allow delivering users personalized services according to parameters extracted from the simulation of norms in the social context. A case study in an e-Government context is used to illustrate the implications of the approach.


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The degree to which funding bodies can and do control the content and dissemination of research products raises important issues which need to be openly debated by the alcohol and other drug (AOD) sector. Current policies relating to censorship and other means of controlling research topics or output are explored alongside an examination of how some institutions, particularly some academic journals, deal with such issues. We argue that regulation of research by funding bodies clearly contravenes the scientific ideal of freedom of information and open access to knowledge. Using international ethical guidelines, we also demonstrate that regulation raises concerns in relation to the ethical concept of beneficence. A number of examples specific to harm reduction strategies are presented in order to demonstrate how censorship might conceivably increase the harms associated with drug use. The commentary closes with recommendations concerning the establishment the prevalence of censorship and other forms of control over research in the AOD sector, and the role that ethics committees, journal editorial boards and professional societies might play in resisting the imposition of unacceptable conditions on publication of findings.


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This article provides a critical reading of a curriculum initiative in tertiary education designed to address students who are traditionally marginalised in the Australian tertiary sector. An argument is made that this curriculum approach with its emphases on authenticity, identity, agency and embodied learning addresses issues of the disjunct between access to knowledge, museums and cultural capital. The political work of this curriculum is situated in the new museology. The author draws on Ellsworth's sensation of learning to elaborate the contributions made possible by the curriculum Learning and teaching in public spaces to museum education and tertiary education.


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This article describes the implementation of machine learning techniques that assist cycling experts in the crucial decision-making processes for athlete selection and strategic planning in the track cycling omnium. The omnium is a multi-event competition that was included in the Olympic Games for the first time in 2012. Presently, selectors and cycling coaches make decisions based on experience and opinion. They rarely have access to knowledge that helps predict athletic performances. The omnium presents a unique and complex decision-making challenge as it is not clear what type of athlete is best suited to the omnium (e.g., sprint or endurance specialist) and tactical decisions made by the coach and athlete during the event will have significant effects on the overall performance of the athlete. In the present work, a variety of machine learning techniques were used to analyze omnium competition data from the World Championships since 2007. The analysis indicates that sprint events have slightly more influence in determining the medalists, than endurance-based events. Using a probabilistic analysis, we created a model of performance prediction that provides an unprecedented level of supporting information that assists coaches with strategic and tactical decisions during the omnium.


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Students describe the Library as being central to their learning, offering focus and inspiration, enabling access to information and technologies, and collaboration with peers. Deakin University Library’s building redevelopment program has been integral to the Library’s re-imagined value proposition for students learning in the digital age. The introduction of new generation library and learning spaces strengthens the University’s offer to students for a brilliant education where you are and where you want to go through premium cloud and located learning experiences that are personal, engaging and relevant.

The Library’s building projects are distinctive in terms of location and the built environment, as well as the characteristics of the university campus communities. Each progressive project has brought new aspirations and challenges. Through joint research with Deakin University’s School of Architecture and Built Environment, the Library has developed a quality framework for planning and assessing library and learning spaces.

This paper will discuss the research findings to date on the quality framework and the need to continually review and assess indicators of quality in a highly dynamic digital environment. The Library’s experiences in introducing high-end multimedia provide some insights into planning for and delivering enduring value.

The next steps in exploring the question of how library spaces assist students in achieving their learning goals are introduced.


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Objective To examine associations between indicators of social disadvantage and emotional and behavioral difficulties in children aged 4-7 years. Study design This cross-sectional study was based on data collected in a questionnaire completed by parents of children enrolled in their first year of school in Victoria, Australia, in 2010. Just over 57 000 children participated (86% of children enrolled), of whom complete data were available for 38 955 (68% of the dataset); these children formed the analysis sample. The outcome measure was emotional and behavioral difficulties, assessed by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Total Difficulties score. Logistic regression analyses were undertaken. Results Having a concession card (a government-issued card enabling access to subsidized goods and services, particularly in relation to medical care, primarily for economically vulnerable households) was the strongest predictor of emotional and behavioral difficulties (OR, 2.71; 95% CI, 2.39-3.07), followed by living with 1 parent and the parent's partner or not living with either parent (OR, 1.93; 95% CI, 1.58-2.37) and having a mother who did not complete high school (OR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.11-1.45). Conclusion These findings may assist schools and early childhood practitioners in identifying young children who are at increased risk of emotional and behavioral difficulties, to provide these children, together with their parents and families, with support from appropriate preventive interventions.