836 resultados para derivative concept of legal interpretation


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The focus of study in this thesis is on the necessity and extent of judicial creativity in interpreting provisions in certain crucial areas in the Constitution of India. Judicial innovation was essential to adapt the constitutional provisions to modern changed context. Creativity of the Court has been mainly in the creation and introduction of certain new concepts not found in any specific provision of the Constitution which, but were essential for its meaningful interpretation.Independence of the judiciary, basic structure and certain elements of social justice cherished as ideal by the makers of the Constitution are some such concepts infused into the Constitution by the judiciary. The second aspect of creativity lies in the attempt of the Court to construe provisions in the Constitution with a view to upholding and maintaining the concepts so infused into the Constitution. Introduction of those concepts into the Constitution was necessary and is justified. all important features of the Constitution like democratic form of government, federal structure, judicial review, independence of judiciary and rule of law were thus included in the doctrine to prevent their alteration by amendments.As a result of such a construction, the nature of those directive principles itself has changed. They ceased to be mere directives for state action but became mandate for it. If left to legislative or executive will for their implementation, the directives would have remained enforceable as ordinary right.To conclude, notwithstanding the errors committed by the Supreme Court in construing the provisions in the above areas, they stand testimony to its creative and innovative response in interpreting the Constitution. If this trend is continued, it will be possible to achieve through the judicial process, maintenance of independence of the judiciary, avoidance of destruction of the Constitution through the process of amendment and realisation of social justice envisaged in the directive principles. It can be hoped that the Court would maintain its energetic and vibrant mind and rise up to the occasions and extend the same to other areas in future.


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The thesis deals with the results of an investigation on the "BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS OF MUGIL CEPHALUS" from Cochin, Madras and Orissa. It is presented under the following major headings: Introduction, Review of Literature, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions, Conclusions, Recommendations, Summary and References.The introduction gives a brief account of historical and modern back ground on the stock concept in fisheries research and management, followed by the importance and potential role of biochemical genetics in the identification of natural units of fisheries management. In the review of literature published reports relevant to biochemical genetics with special reference to that of general proteins and enzyme systems of fish populations were considered. A detailed account of the source of experimental specimens, mode of collection, transportation, sample extraction, gel preparation/gel electrophoresis, buffer systems, staining procedures of proteins/enzymes, standardization of experiments, interpretation of electrophoretic data using basic formulae etc. are given in the materials and methods section. Four important conclusions were drawn on the basis of the results of the present investigation. Three recommendations were also made on the basis of evaluation of the results.


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This thesis is a study of -Equality of Opportunity in Public Employment : Judicial Perspectives on Backwardness. This study is an attempt to evaluate the concept of backwardness and equality of opportunity in employment and to assess the judicial perspectives in relation to them. The study reveals that the recent review petition of the Constitution Bench did not assess the decision of Chakradhar and its import. The study reveals that the Indian judiciary could successfully locate and apply the above principles. It was-Justice Subba Rao's nascent attempt in Devadasan which marked the starting point of such a jurisprudential enquiry. Later Thomas developed the thoughts by a reading new meaning and content to equality provisions of the Constitution which included the elimination of inequalities as the positive content of Articles 14 and 16(1) and elevated reservation provision to the same status of equality principles under the Constitution. Soshit, Vasanth Kumar and Mandal supplemented further to the jurisprudential contents. In this process, the courts were guided by the theories of John Rawls, David Miller, Ronald Dworkin, Max Weber and Roscoe Pound. Thus there was a slow and steady process of transformation of the reservation provision. From an anti-meritarian, unenforceable and enabling provision, it reached a stage of equally relevant and explanatory part of fundamental right to equality. Mandal viewed it as a part of sharing of State power. Though this can be seen by rereading and re-joining thoughts of judges in this regard, the judicial approach lacks coherence and concerted efforts in evolving a jurisprudential basis for protective discrimination. The deliberations of the framers of the Constitution reveals that there was much confusion and indeterminacy with regard to the concept of Backwardness. The study shows that the judiciary has been keeping intact the framers’ expectation of having a reasonable quantum of reservation, preventing the undeserved sections from enjoying the benefit, avoiding its abuse and evolving a new criteria and rejecting the old ones.


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It has long been said that market itself is the ideal regulator of all evils that may come up among traders. Free and fair competition among manufacturers in the market will adequately ensure a fair dealing to the consumers. However, these are pious hopes. that markets anywhere in the world could not accomplish so far. Consumers are being sought to be lured by advertisements issued by manufacturers and sellers that are found often false and misleading. Untrue statements and claims about quality and performance of the products virtually deceive them. The plight of the consumers remains as an unheard cry in the wildemess. In this sorry state of affairs, it is quite natural that the consumers look to the governments for a helping hand. It is seen that the governmental endeavours to ensure quality in goods are diversified. Different tools are formulated and put to use, depending upon the requirements necessitated by the facts and circumstances. This thesis is an enquiry into these measures


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This research project focuses on contemporary eagle-taming falconry practice of the Altaic Kazakhs animal herding society in Bayan Ulgii Province in Western Mongolia. It aims to contributing both theoretical and empirical criteria for cultural preservation of Asian falconry. This cultural as well as environmental discourse is illustrated with concentrated field research framed by ecological anthropology and ethno-ornithology from the viewpoint of “Human-Animal Interaction (HAI)” and “Human-Animal Behavior (HAB)”. Part I (Chapter 2 & 3) explores ethno-archaeological and ethno-ornithological dimensions by interpretive research of archaeological artefacts which trace the historical depth of Asian falconry culture. Part II (Chapter 4 & 5) provides an extensive ethnographic narrative of Altaic Kazakh falconry, which is the central part of this research project. The “Traditional Art and Knowledge (TAK)” in human-raptor interactions, comprising the entire cycle of capture, perch, feeding, training, hunting, and release, is presented with specific emphasis on its relation to environmental and societal context. Traditional falconry as integral part of a nomadic lifestyle has to face some critical problems nowadays which necessitate preventing the complete disappearance of this outstanding indigenous cultural heritage. Part III (Chapter 6 & 7) thus focuses on the cultural sustainability of Altaic Kazakh falconry. Changing livelihoods, sedentarisation, and decontextualisation are identified as major threats. The role of Golden Eagle Festivals is critically analysed with regard to positive and negative impact. This part also intends to contribute to the academic definition of eagle falconry as an intangible cultural heritage, and to provide scientific criteria for a preservation master plan, as well as stipulate local resilience by pointing to successive actions needed for conservation. This research project concludes that cultural sustainability of Altaic Kazakh falconry needs to be supported from the angles of three theoretical frameworks; (1) Cultural affairs for protection based on the concept of nature-guardianship in its cultural domain, (2) Sustainable development and improvement of animal herding productivity and herder’s livelihood, (3) Natural resource management, especially supporting the population of Golden Eagles, their potential prey animals, and their nesting environment.


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El presente proyecto tiene como objeto identificar cuáles son los conceptos de salud, enfermedad, epidemiología y riesgo aplicables a las empresas del sector de extracción de petróleo y gas natural en Colombia. Dado, el bajo nivel de predicción de los análisis financieros tradicionales y su insuficiencia, en términos de inversión y toma de decisiones a largo plazo, además de no considerar variables como el riesgo y las expectativas de futuro, surge la necesidad de abordar diferentes perspectivas y modelos integradores. Esta apreciación es pertinente dentro del sector de extracción de petróleo y gas natural, debido a la creciente inversión extranjera que ha reportado, US$2.862 millones en el 2010, cifra mayor a diez veces su valor en el año 2003. Así pues, se podrían desarrollar modelos multi-dimensional, con base en los conceptos de salud financiera, epidemiológicos y estadísticos. El termino de salud y su adopción en el sector empresarial, resulta útil y mantiene una coherencia conceptual, evidenciando una presencia de diferentes subsistemas o factores interactuantes e interconectados. Es necesario mencionar también, que un modelo multidimensional (multi-stage) debe tener en cuenta el riesgo y el análisis epidemiológico ha demostrado ser útil al momento de determinarlo e integrarlo en el sistema junto a otros conceptos, como la razón de riesgo y riesgo relativo. Esto se analizará mediante un estudio teórico-conceptual, que complementa un estudio previo, para contribuir al proyecto de finanzas corporativas de la línea de investigación en Gerencia.


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El terrorismo en la actualidad es considerado como uno de los conceptos más controversiales en los campos social, académico y político. El término se empieza a utilizar después de la Revolución Francesa, pero recientemente, a raíz de los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, ha tomado suma relevancia y ha motivado numerosas investigaciones para tratar de entender qué es terrorismo. Aunque a la fecha existen varias revisiones sistemáticas, este trabajo tiene como propósito revisar, agrupar y concretar diferentes teorías y conceptos formulados por los autores que han trabajado sobre el concepto de “terrorismo” con el fin de entender las implicaciones de su utilización en el discurso, y cómo esto afecta la dinámica interna de las sociedades en relación con la violencia, las creencias, los estereotipos entre otros elementos. Para lograrlo, se revisaron 56 artículos, publicados entre los años 1985 y 2013; 10 fuentes secundarias entre noticias y artículos de periódicos correspondientes a los años 1995-2013 y 10 estudios estadísticos cuyos resultados nos aportan a la comprensión del tema en cuestión. La búsqueda se limitó al desarrollo histórico del terrorismo, sus diferentes dimensiones y el concepto social de la realidad de terrorismo. Los hallazgos demuestran que la palabra “terrorismo” constituye un concepto que como tal es un vehículo lingüístico que puede ser utilizado con fines, estratégicos movilizando al público conforme a través del discurso e intereses políticos, destacando la necesidad de estudiar las implicaciones psicológicas y sociales de su uso.


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This article seeks to demystify the foundations of rights. It looks at the search for some systemic differentiation. It emphasizes effectiveness, legitimacy, the importance of convention and of political participation as common elements of the different theoretical approaches to human rights. By analysing these elements it is possible to build the term “human rights” as a concept capable of being measured accurately by studying the effectiveness of legal rules as applied to human rights in specific contexts.


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In this paper we seriously entertain the question, “Is maternal deprivation the root of all evil?” Our consideration of this question is broken down into three parts. In the fi rst part, we discuss the nature of evil, focusing in particular on the legal concept of depravity. In the second part, we discuss the nurture of evil, focusing in particular on the common developmental trajectory seen in those who are depraved. In the third part, we discuss the roots of evil, focusing in particular on the animal and human research regarding maternal deprivation. Our conclusion is that maternal deprivation may actually be the root of all evil, but only because depraved individuals have been deprived of normative maternal care, which is the cradle of our humanity.


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In this paper we search the concept of nonviolent resistance inquiring a rural experience from Rio Negro´s steppe. The initiative highlights the need to recognize  the context of the resistance exercise and the consideration of three aspects: the evaluation and interpretation of space, the dispute to public policy and the  restructuring of the family order. These three elements, which overlap material  and symbolic aspects, are discussed from an organization of trade domestic craft production. The notion of “development” is discovered on the basis of the  frameworks of values from which the reproduction of subordination is associated  with this idea, and even the challenge of change is the basis of the proposal which reviews that development idea, and illuminates from this complexity the notion  of “nonviolent resistance”.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED. Contiene anexo de preguntas


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El trabajo de investigación surge en el año 2001, ante la necesidad de hacer frente a una nueva realidad jurídica, el mobbing. Para ello fue decisivo el estudio de lo publicado (básicamente de ramas ajenas al Derecho) pero sobre todo las entrevistas con las víctimas de mobbing y sus asociaciones; este extremo, unido a la ausencia de un tratamiento internacional, obligó a un camino autodidacta para definir mobbing jurídicamente. La Tesis define mobbing como la presión laboral tendente a la autoeliminación de un trabajador mediante su denigración (presión laboral tendenciosa), y con ello por primera vez se tiene una definición de mobbing en línea y media, con plena validez jurídica, que es susceptible de ser memorizada y por lo tanto divulgada, para corregir el problema. El denominado "concepto uniformado de mobbing" recalca la denigración como mecanismo frente a los tratos degradantes y recalca la autoeliminación como finalidad de un comportamiento doloso. El trabajo aporta fórmulas para deslindar casos de mobbing de otras figuras próximas, y en este sentido debe citarse "la regla del 9" para saber si hay mobbing; en sede de estadísticas se critican metodológicamente muchas de ellas presentadas hasta el momento y se aporta alguna en sede de Tribunales; pero sobre todo se advierte de los riesgos jurídicos de una previsible regulación específica antimobbing, mediante el examen de las distintas definiciones que se han esgrimido hasta el momento. La segunda parte de la Tesis profundiza sobre el grado de sensibilización de nuestro ordenamiento jurídico y Tribunales, a cuyo fin se ha trabajado con más de un centernar y medio de sentencias dictadas sobre la materia, y por supuesto la totalidad de las recogidas en las bases de datos de las editoriales. El análisis sirve para apreciar la bondad de la sistemática aquí defendida, poniendo en evidencia errores, y contradicciones. La Tesis advierte que la presión laboral tendenciosa más allá de vulnerar el derecho constitucional al trabajo, o los derechos fundamentales a la integridad moral y el honor, es una transgresión a todo un "espíritu constitucional", y en este sentido se analiza con detalle tanto la posibilidad de recurrir en amparo, como el derecho a la indemnidad para quien se enfrenta a esta situación. Advirtiendo de las ventajas de efectuar esta reacción mediante la modalidad procesal de tutela de los derechos fundamentales, se analiza la recurrida acción del art.50 ET, donde se realizan aportaciones sugerentes como el plazo prescripción o la "doctrina de los antecedentes", y se otorgan respuestas a las preguntas sobre obligación de seguir trabajando y ejecución provisional. En sede de acciones de Seguridad Social, la Tesis distingue entre la incapacidad temporal y permanente (depresiones) y la muerte y supervivencia, aportándose sobre la primera la técnica denominada "interpretación en tres niveles" y descartando la posibilidad de considerar accidente de trabajo el suicidio tras un mobbing por imperativo legal, pero aportando un sucedáneo bastante razonable como es el accidente no laboral. Junto a ello se razona por la viabilidad del recargo del art.123 LGSS. Civilmente, la Tesis se posiciona de "lege ferenda" por reconducir este tipo de acciones resarcitorias del daño psíquico y moral al orden civil, por una mayor explicación sobre el origen del quantum, pero sobre todo considera inadmisible la STS 11-3-04, y ello por una pluralidad de argumentos, pero sobre todo por cuanto viene a autorizar "de facto" este tipo de conductas. La posibilidad de accionar administrativamente frente a este riesgo psicosocial se analiza en un doble terreno, la empresa y la Administración. Si bien el cauce sobre el primero tiene algunos meandros que se desbelan, la situación es radicalmente frustrante en la Administración -donde se encuentra el mayor caldo de cultivo del mobbing- , y ello por el RD 707/2002, pero todavía en mayor medida por el Criterio Técnico 34/2003 mediante el cual la interpretación del Director General de la Inspección de Trabajo y Seguridad Social ha venido tácitamente a derogar parcialmente la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales para la Administración. En materia penal, la Tesis se decanta "a priori" por dos tipos penales, los delitos contra los derechos de los trabajadores, y el delito de trato degradante; sin embargo, en la práctica sólo este segundo es el camino que puede alcanzar buen puerto. Finalmente se realiza un estudio detallado de la Ley 62/2003, ley que se divulgó como reguladora del acoso moral, y que después se defiende como un avance frente al mobbing. La Tesis advierte que no es cierto ni lo uno, ni lo otro, habiendo creado un "espejismo legal" que puede perjudicar a las víctimas de mobbing, además de no servir su estructura para una futura regulación explícita antimobbing.


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New experiments underpin the interpretation of the basic division in crystallization behaviour of polyethylene in terms of whether or not there is time for the fold surface to order before the next molecular layer is added at the growth front. For typical growth rates, in Regime 11, polyethylene lamellae form with disordered {001} fold surfaces then transform, with lamellar thickening and twisting, towards the more-ordered condition found for slower crystallization in Regime 1, in which lamellae form with and retain {201} fold surfaces. Several linear and linear-low-density polyethylenes have been used to show that, for the same polymer crystallized alone or in a blend, the growth rate at which the change in initial lamellar condition occurs is reasonably constant thereby supporting the concept of a specific time for surfaces to attain the ordered {201}) state. This specific time, in the range from milliseconds to seconds, increases with molecular length, and in linear-low-density polymer, for higher branch contents. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Rejecting the concept of law as subservient to social pathology, the principle aim of this article is to locatc law as a critical matter of social structure - and power - which requires to be considered as a central element in the construction of society and social institutions. As such, this article contends that wider jurisprudential notions such as legal procedure and procedural justice, and juridical power and discretion are cogent, robust normative social concerns (as much as they are legal concerns) that positively require consideration and representation in the ernpifical study of sociological phenomena. Reflecting upon scholarship and research evidence on legal procedure and decision-making, the article attempts to elucidate the inter-relationship between power, 'the social', and the operation of law. It concludes that law is not 'socially marginal' but socially, totally central. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The concept of an organism's niche is central to ecological theory, but an operational definition is needed that allows both its experimental delineation and interpretation of field distributions of the species. Here we use population growth rate (hereafter, pgr) to de. ne the niche as the set of points in niche space where pgr. 0. If there are just two axes to the niche space, their relationship to pgr can be pictured as a contour map in which pgr varies along the axes in the same way that the height of land above sea level varies with latitude and longitude. In laboratory experiments we measured the pgr of Daphnia magna over a grid of values of pH and Ca2+, and so defined its "laboratory niche'' in pH-Ca2+ space. The position of the laboratory niche boundary suggests that population persistence is only possible above 0.5 mg Ca2+/L and between pH 5.75 and pH 9, though more Ca2+ is needed at lower pH values. To see how well the measured niche predicts the field distribution of D. magna, we examined relevant field data from 422 sites in England and Wales. Of the 58 colonized water bodies, 56 lay within the laboratory niche. Very few of the sites near the niche boundary were colonized, probably because pgr there is so low that populations are vulnerable to extinction by other factors. Our study shows how the niche can be quantified and used to predict field distributions successfully.