925 resultados para defects in silicon
The CCC2 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is homologous to the human genes defective in Wilson disease and Menkes disease. A biochemical hallmark of these diseases is a deficiency of copper in ceruloplasmin and other copper proteins found in extracytosolic compartments. Here we demonstrate that disruption of the yeast CCC2 gene results in defects in respiration and iron uptake. These defects could be reversed by supplementing cells with copper, suggesting that CCC2 mutant cells were copper deficient. However, cytosolic copper levels and copper uptake were normal. Instead, CCC2 mutant cells lacked a copper-dependent oxidase activity associated with the extracytosolic domain of the FET3-encoded protein, a ceruloplasmin homologue previously shown to be necessary for high-affinity iron uptake in yeast. Copper restored oxidase activity both in vitro and in vivo, paralleling the ability of copper to restore respiration and iron uptake. These results suggest that the CCC2-encoded protein is required for the export of copper from the cytosol into an extracytosolic compartment, supporting the proposal that intracellular copper transport is impaired in Wilson disease and Menkes disease.
The aging myopathy manifests itself with diastolic dysfunction and preserved ejection fraction. However, the difficulty in defining myocardial aging and the mechanisms involved complicates the recognition of the cellular processes underlying impaired diastolic relaxation. We raised the possibility that, in a mouse model of physiological aging, defects in the electromechanical properties of cardiomyocytes are important determinants of the diastolic properties of the myocardium, independently from changes in the structural composition of the muscle and collagen framework. Here we show that an increase in the late Na+ current (INaL) in aging cardiomyocytes prolongs the action potential (AP) and influences the temporal kinetics of Ca2+ cycling and cell shortening. These alterations increase force development and passive tension. Inhibition of INaL shortens the AP and corrects the dynamics of Ca2+ transient, cell contraction and relaxation. Similarly, repolarization and diastolic tension of the senescent myocardium are partly restored. INaL offers inotropic support, but negatively interferes with cellular and ventricular compliance, providing a new perspective of the biology of myocardial aging and the etiology of the defective cardiac performance in the elderly.
Neste trabalho, foi utilizado o método de deposição assistida por feixe de íons (IBAD na sigla em inglês) para produção de filmes finos de nitreto de índio em substratos de silício (111) e Safira-C. Variando as condições de deposição e utlilizando a técnica de difração de raios-X, investigou-se com o intuito de obter os parâmetros que resultam em filmes finos com melhor grau de cristalinidade. Os filmes produzidos a 380C apresentaram alta cristalinidade, superior àqueles a 250C. Temperaturas muito superiores a 380C não ocasionam a formação de filme cristalino de InN, como foi observado ao utilizar a temperatura de 480C; o mesmo se observa ao utilizar temperatura ambiente. Na temperatura considerada adequada ,de 380C, obteve-se que a utilização de Ra, ou seja, a razão de fluxo de partículas entre o nitrogênio e índio, em torno de 2,3 permite obter um melhor grau de cristalinização, o qual decresce conforme se diverge desse valor. A comparação entre difratogramas de amostras produzidas com e sem a evaporação prévia de titânio, o qual é possível observar um deslocamento dos picos do InN, indicam que o efeito Gettering permite a redução de impurezas no filme, principalmente de oxigênio. Utilizou-se a técnica de Retroespalhamento de Rutherford para obtenção da composição dos elementos e o perfil de profundidade. Notou-se uma forte mistura dos elementos do substrato de silício e safira com o nitreto de índio mesmo próximos a superfície. A presença indesejável de impurezas, principalmente o oxigênio, durante a deposição de filmes finos é praticamente inevitável. Desta forma, cálculos ab initio baseados na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) foram realizados para investigar defeitos isolados e complexos de oxigênio no nitreto de índio e a sua influência nas propriedades óticas. Considerou-se diferentes concentrações de oxigênio (x=2,76, 8,32, 11,11 e 22,22%) aplicando-se o método PBEsolGGA e TB-mBJ para o tratamento da energia e potencial de troca e correlação. Obteve-se que é energeticamente favorável o oxigênio existir principalmente como defeito carregado e isolado. Os resultados utilizando a aproximação de TB-mBJ indicam um estreitamento do bandgap conforme a concentração de oxigênio aumenta. Entretanto, a alta contribuição do efeito de Moss-Burstein resulta num efetivo alargamento do band gap, gerando valores de band gap ótico maiores que no do bulk de nitreto de índio.
We study the effect of a structural nanoconstriction on the coherent transport properties of otherwise ideal zigzag-edged infinitely long graphene ribbons. The electronic structure is calculated with the standard one-orbital tight-binding model and the linear conductance is obtained using the Landauer formula. We find that, since the zero-bias current is carried in the bulk of the ribbon, this is very robust with respect to a variety of constriction geometries and edge defects. In contrast, the curve of zero-bias conductance versus gate voltage departs from the (2n+1)e2∕h staircase of the ideal case as soon as a single atom is removed from the sample. We also find that wedge-shaped constrictions can present nonconducting states fully localized in the constriction close to the Fermi energy. The interest of these localized states in regards to the formation of quantum dots in graphene is discussed.
Light confinement and controlling an optical field has numerous applications in the field of telecommunications for optical signals processing. When the wavelength of the electromagnetic field is on the order of the period of a photonic microstructure, the field undergoes reflection, refraction, and coherent scattering. This produces photonic bandgaps, forbidden frequency regions or spectral stop bands where light cannot exist. Dielectric perturbations that break the perfect periodicity of these structures produce what is analogous to an impurity state in the bandgap of a semiconductor. The defect modes that exist at discrete frequencies within the photonic bandgap are spatially localized about the cavity-defects in the photonic crystal. In this thesis the properties of two tight-binding approximations (TBAs) are investigated in one-dimensional and two-dimensional coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures We require an efficient and simple approach that ensures the continuity of the electromagnetic field across dielectric interfaces in complex structures. In this thesis we develop \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs to calculate the modes in finite 1D and 2D two-defect coupled-cavity photonic crystal structures. In the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs we expand the coupled-cavity \overrightarrow{E} --modes in terms of the individual \overrightarrow{E} -- and \overrightarrow{D} --modes, respectively. We investigate the dependence of the defect modes, their frequencies and quality factors on the relative placement of the defects in the photonic crystal structures. We then elucidate the differences between the two TBA formulations, and describe the conditions under which these formulations may be more robust when encountering a dielectric perturbation. Our 1D analysis showed that the 1D modes were sensitive to the structure geometry. The antisymmetric \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did not capture the correct (tangential \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. However, the \textrm{D} --TBA did not yield significantly poorer results compared to the \textrm{E} --TBA. Our 2D analysis reveals that the \textrm{E} -- and \textrm{D} --TBAs produced nearly identical mode profiles for every structure. Plots of the relative difference between the \textrm{E} and \textrm{D} mode amplitudes show that the \textrm{D} --TBA did capture the correct (normal \overrightarrow{E} --field) boundary conditions. We found that the 2D TBA CC mode calculations were 125-150 times faster than an FDTD calculation for the same two-defect PCS. Notwithstanding this efficiency, the appropriateness of either TBA was found to depend on the geometry of the structure and the mode(s), i.e. whether or not the mode has a large normal or tangential component.
Die Chance, mit einem angeborenen Herzfehler erwachsen zu werden, liegt mittlerweile bei über 90 %. Trotz aller Erfolge der Medizin können Herzfehler auch nach erfolgreicher Korrektur nicht als geheilt betrachtet werden. Langzeitkomplikationen im Sinn von Herzrhythmusstörungen, Herzinsuffizienz, embolischen Ereignissen, Endokarditis, oder Reoperationen aufgrund residualer Befunde oder Klappendegenerationen sind häufig. Aus diesem Grund wird für eine Vielzahl angeborener Herzfehler eine lebenslange spezialisierte Betreuung empfohlen. Jugendliche mit Herzfehlern müssen darauf vorbereitet werden, im Erwachsenenalter Eigenverantwortung zu übernehmen. Dazu ist eine strukturierte Transition ein entscheidender Vorteil. Dadurch werden einerseits Jugendliche selbst auf ihre Erwachsenenrolle vorbereitet und andererseits kann ein adäquater Transfer der Betreuung vom Kinder- zum Erwachsenenmediziner gewährleistet werden. Jugendliche ohne Transfer und ohne spezialisierte Betreuung im Erwachsenenalter haben ein erhöhtes Risiko, kardiovaskuläre Komplikationen zu erleiden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Mortalität bei angeborenen Herzfehlern bei Erwachsenen mit spezialisierter Betreuung geringer ist als bei Patienten ohne entsprechende Betreuung. Am Beispiel des Zentrums für angeborene Herzfehler in Bern wird aufgezeigt, wie eine pflegegeleitete Transitionssprechstunde aufgebaut und erfolgreich umgesetzt werden kann.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Classic cadherins are adhesion-activated cell signaling receptors. In particular, homophilic cadherin ligation can directly activate Rho family GTPases and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase), signaling molecules with the capacity to support the morphogenetic effects of these adhesion molecules during development and disease. However, the molecular basis for cadherin signaling has not been elucidated, nor is its precise contribution to cadherin function yet understood. One attractive hypothesis is that cadherin-activated signaling participates in stabilizing adhesive contacts ( Yap, A. S., and Kovacs, E. M. ( 2003) J. Cell Biol. 160, 11-16). We now report that minimal mutation of the cadherin cytoplasmic tail to uncouple binding of p120-ctn ablated the ability of E-cadherin to activate Rac. This was accompanied by profound defects in the capacity of cells to establish stable adhesive contacts, defects that were rescued by sustained Rac signaling. These data provide direct evidence for a role of cadherin-activated Rac signaling in contact formation and adhesive stabilization. In contrast, cadherin-activated PI3-kinase signaling was not affected by loss of p120-ctn binding. The molecular requirements for E-cadherin to activate Rac signaling thus appear distinct from those that stimulate PI3-kinase, and we postulate that p120-ctn may play a central role in the E-cadherin-Rac signaling pathway.
The global incidence of diabetes is increasing at epidemic rates. Estimates suggest there are currently 150 million people with diabetes and this number is expected to double in the next 20 years. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 95% of all cases and is characterized in part by impaired sensitivity to insulin or 'insulin resistance'. Defects in the insulin signalling pathways underpin this resistance. In the current article we discuss the regulation of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1), a protein that plays a pivotal role in insulin signalling and whose function is impaired in subjects with insulin resistance. Coordination of IRS-1 function is multi-faceted, involving phosphorylation of IRS-1 at multiple serine/threonine residues. This controls many aspects of IRS-1, including its interaction with the insulin receptor and subsequent tyrosine phosphorylation, as well as its subcellular distribution and targeting for degradation by the proteasome. Such tight control ensures appropriate transduction and attenuation of the insulin signal, thereby regulating insulin action in healthy individuals. Emerging evidence indicates that `diabetogenic factors' associated with insulin resistance, such as TNFalpha and elevated circulating fatty acids, impact on insulin signalling at the level of IRS-1 serine/threonine phosphorylation. The expression and/or activity of several kinases, such as IkappaB kinase beta (IKKbeta) and salt-induced kinase 2 (SIK2), and the phosphorylation of IRS-1 at key sites, such as Ser307 and Ser789, are increased in states of insulin resistance. Identifying the pathways by which such factors activate these and other kinases, and de. ning the precise roles of specific serine/threonine phosphorylation events in IRS-1 regulation, represent important goals which may eventually provide a rationale for therapeutic intervention.
The use of extracellular matrix materials as scaffolds for the repair and regeneration of tissues is receiving increased attention. The current study was undertaken to test whether extracellular matrix formed by osteoblasts in vitro could be used as a scaffold for osteoblast transplantation and induce new bone formation in critical size osseous defects in vivo. Human osteoblasts derived from alveolar bone were cultured in six-well plates until confluent and then in mineralization media for a further period of 3 weeks to form an osteoblast-mineralized matrix complex. Histologically, at this time point a tissue structure with a connective tissue-like morphology was formed. Type I collagen was the major extracellular component present and appeared to determine the matrix macrostructure. Other bone-related proteins such as alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2 and -4, bone sialoprotein (BSP), osteopontin (OPN), and osteocalcin (OCN) also accumulated in the matrix. The osteoblasts embedded in this matrix expressed mRNAs for these bone-related proteins very strongly. Nodules of calcification were detected in the matrix and there was a correlation between calcification and the distribution of BSP and OPN. When this matrix was transplanted into a critical size bone defect in skulls of inummodeficient mice (SCID), new bone formation occurred. Furthermore, the cells inside the matrix survived and proliferated in the recipient sites, and were traceable by the human-specific Alu gene sequence using in situ hybridization. It was found that bone-forming cells differentiated from both transplanted human osteoblasts and activated endogenous mesenchymal cells. This study indicates that a mineralized matrix, formed by human osteoblasts in vitro, can be used as a scaffold for osteoblast transplantation, which subsequently can induce new bone formation.
We study the evolution of structural defects in AlxGa1-xN films (with x=0.0-0.6) bombarded with kilo-electron-volt heavy ions at 77 and 300 K. We use a combination of Rutherford backscattering/channeling spectrometry and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. Results show that an increase in Al content not only strongly enhances dynamic annealing processes but can also change the main features of the amorphization behavior. In particular, the damage buildup behavior at 300 K is essentially similar for all the AlGaN films studied. Ion-beam-produced disorder at 300 K accumulates preferentially in the crystal bulk region up to a certain saturation level (similar to50%-60% relative disorder). Bombardment at 300 K above a critical fluence results in a rapid increase in damage from the saturation level up to complete disordering, with a buried amorphous layer nucleating in the crystal bulk. However, at 77 K, the saturation effect of lattice disorder in the bulk occurs only for xgreater than or similar to0.1. Based on the analysis of these results for AlGaN and previously reported data for InGaN, we discuss physical mechanisms of the susceptibility of group-III nitrides to ion-beam-induced disordering and to the crystalline-to-amorphous phase transition. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
In addition to a change in silicon morphology, modification of aluminium-silicon alloys with strontium or sodium increases the size of the eutectic grains. To determine the mechanism responsible, eutectic solidification in commercial purity and ultra-high purity aluminium-si I icon alloys, with and without strontium additions, was examined by a quenching technique. In the commercial unmodified alloy, nucleation was prolific while in the high-purity unmodified alloy few eutectic grains nucleated. The addition of strontium to the commercial alloy reduced the number of eutectic grains that nucleated. Addition of strontium to the high-purity alloy did not significantly alter nucleation. It is concluded that commercial purity alloys contain a large number of potent nuclei that are susceptible to poisoning by impurity modification. The flake-to-fibre transition that occurs with impurity modification is shown to be independent of any change in eutectic nucleation mode and frequency. (C) 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of alkali-induced corneal burns in an animal model. Methods: Twenty-four rabbits were randomized into a control group (n = 12) and hyperbaric oxygen treatment group (n = 12). After induction of anaesthesia, the alkali burn model was established by application of 1 N sodium hydroxide to one eye of each rabbit. The hyperbaric oxygen treatment group was treated each day for 21 days with hyperbaric oxygen at 2.4 Atmospheres Absolute (ATA) for 1 h. The eyes of the animals were examined daily for 2 weeks and then weekly until the end of the trial. The principal endpoint was that of perforation of the cornea at which time the animals were killed with a lethal dose of either intravenous or intraperitoneal barbiturate and the eyes immediately enucleated and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. All animals in which complete healing took placed were also killed, the eyes removed, fixed and examined histologically. Photographs were taken of the rabbit's eyes at weekly intervals and the area of vascularization and epithelial defects in the hyperbaric and control groups were compared. Results: Equal numbers (seven) of the control and hyperbaric oxygen treated groups had perforated corneas and there was no statistical difference in the mean time to perforation (control 30.1 days; treated 30 days). There was also no statistical difference between the two groups with respect to epithelial defect size. Conclusion: Treatment with hyperbaric oxygen for 1 h daily for 21 days had no beneficial effect on alkali-induced corneal burns.
We calculate the electron exchange coupling for a phosphorus donor pair in silicon perturbed by a J-gate potential and the boundary effects of the silicon host geometry. In addition to the electron-electron exchange interaction we also calculate the contact hyperfine interaction between the donor nucleus and electron as a function of the varying experimental conditions. Donor separation, depth of the P nuclei below the silicon oxide layer and J-gate voltage become decisive factors in determining the strength of both the exchange coupling and hyperfine interaction-both crucial components for qubit operations in the Kane quantum computer. These calculations were performed using an anisotropic effective-mass Hamiltonian approach. The behaviour of the donor exchange coupling as a function of the parameters varied in this work provides relevant information for the experimental design of these devices.
Recent findings relating to SOX transcription factors indicate that defects in organogenesis can be caused not only by impairment of the biochemical properties of transcription factors but also, in some cases, by deficient nuclear import. In addition, experimentally interfering with the nuclear export signals of some SOX factors has now been found to cause developmental defects. Controlling the balance of nuclear import and export might be a common means by which transcription factor activity can be regulated during development, and defects in these processes might underlie a broader spectrum of inherited developmental disorders.