978 resultados para customer co-creation
Recent trends in technology transfer show an intensification of spin-off creation as a modality of university research commercialisation, complementary to the conventional ones, contract research and licensing. In this paper we analyse the evolution, objectives, resources and activities of a specialised unit –Technological Trampoline (TT) - in charge of new venture creation at the University of Girona (Catalonia-Spain). Based on two theoretical frameworks, Resource-based-view and Institutional Theory, we adopt a multi-dimensional approach to study the strategy of spinning-off new ventures at the University of Girona in terms of resources and activities, how this process is organised and if the outputs fit with this UdG’s objectives and the local environment. Our main contribution is an in-depth analysis of the spin-off creation unit with special emphasis on its variety of resources and activities. The results have a series of implications and recommendations at both university and TT level.
Cães jovens infectados pelo Trypanosoma cruzi desenvolveram a fase aguda da infecção e foram estudados durante o 7º até o 50º dia por métodos morfológicos, parasitológicos, imunológicos e eletrocardiográficos. ocorreu intensa miocardite que se iniciava nos átrios e se propagava aos ventrículos e, quando plenamente desenvolvida, predominava no átrio direito, na metade direita do septo interventricular e na parede livre do ventrículodireito. As alterações eletrocardiográficas foram progressivas e revelavam o progressivo e predominante comprometimento atrial, mas a interferência com a propagação do estímulo (bloqueio) só apareceu nas fases terminais, coincidente com a presença de inflamação e necrose ao longo do tecido de condução. Quinze cães foram submetidos a tratamento específico e em alguns destes as modificações anátomo-patológicas e eletrocardiográficas representaram uma reversão progressiva das lesões observadas antes. Dez animais evoluíram para a fase crônica indeterminada da infecção, três deles após tratamento, e foram acompanhados por períodos de oito meses a três anos, sem que nenhum desenvolvesse sinais de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva. As alterações eletrocardiográficas observadas nestes casos foram inespecíficas e algumas arritmias apareceram transitoriamente. No sistema excito-condutor foram encontradas lesões focais de fibrose, esclero-atrofia e infiltração adiposa, as quais foram interpretadas como seqüelas deixadas pela fase aguda. A miocardite encontrada foi focal e discreta. Foi examinado para complementação o material de um caso de forma crônica cardíaca no cão, o qual exibiu miocardite difusa com fibrose focal e intersticial e sinais de atividade do processo inflamatório, além de bloqueio de ramo direito e hemibloqueio anterior esquerdo. Assim, o modelo canino da doença de Chagas reproduz todas as fases da cardiopatia, tal como aparece no homem, sendo que as formas crõnicas sintomáticas são de reprodução experimental imprevisível. O presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar os aspectos da patologia da doença de Chagas no cão, tentar as suas correlações eletrocardiográficas, os seus aspectos evolutivos, com a finalidade de fornecer elementos para estudos futuros com o referido modelo experimental.
Contribució al Seminari: "Les Euroregions: Experiències i aprenatges per a l’Euroregió Pirineus-Mediterrània", 15-16 de desembre de 2005
Contribució al Seminari: "Les Euroregions: Experiències i aprenatges per a l’Euroregió Pirineus-Mediterrània", 15-16 de desembre de 2005
El Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya va aprovar, el 23 de maig de 2006, el Decret 226/2006, que declara diferents municipis zones de protecció especial i estableix que s’ha d’elaborar el pla d’actuació per millorar la qualitat de l’aire. El departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge ha elaborat una memòria en relació al projecte de Decret per a la declaració de les zones de protecció especial pels contaminants diòxid de nitrogen i partícules en suspensió inferior a 10 micres. Aquest projecte però s’ha enfocat a avaluar l’impacte de contaminants que no estan esmentats en la memòria elaborada pel Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge de la Generalitat en relació al projecte del Decret 226/2006 i s’han considerat igual d’importants els precursors de la pluja àcida, de l’efecte hivernacle i de l’smog fotoquímic (CO2, NO, NO2, SO2, O3). Per tant el treball pretén la comparativa d’aquests contaminants que no entren dins aquest decret per a dues zones en dos anys consecutius 2005 i 2006. La zona 1 (Barcelona), que és la més problemàtica, i la zona 2, que és la que pertoca a l’Ajuntament de Granollers. Es van agafar el municipi de Granollers ja que es un projecte vinculat a l’Ajuntament d’aquest municipi i un municipi amb característiques semblants a Granollers però situat en la zona 1, Zona de Barcelona, per fer la comparativa.
Els debats recents sobre l'accés obert (OA) han tendit a tractar les revistes d'OA i l'auto-arxiu com dues rutes diferents. Alguns partidaris de l'auto-arxiu fins i tot han suggerit que per si sol aquest pot conduir a l'accés obert complet de la literatura científica mundial. En aquest article es discuteix que, de fet, cada camí correspon a una fase del moviment cap a l'accés obert; que amb el simple fet de l’auto-arxiu no n'hi ha prou, i que cal que els dipòsits proporcionin alguna capacitat de crear marques. De totes maneres, fer això desembocaria, finalment, en la creació d'overlay journals (o bases de dades). Per tant, els dos camins es fusionarien per crear un paisatge d'OA madur.
Em área endêmica de leishmaniose tegumentar no município de Viana, Estado do Espírito Santo, investigou-se a ocorrência de infecção natural por Leishmania em animais domésticos, procurando-se relacionar a presença dos animais infectados com a ocorrência da doença humana. No período de três semanas foram examinados 186 cães, dos quais 32 (17,2%) estavam parasitados. Durante um ano surgiram, entre os moradores da área, 11 casos novos de leishmaniose tegumentar. Três amostras humanas de Leishmania e 27 amostras isoladas de cães foram identificadas como L. braziliensis braziliensis. Observou-se nítida relação entre a presença de cães infectados e a ocorrência de novos casos humanos da doença. Supõe-se que a moléstia esteja se comportando na área como uma zoonose mantida pelos cães domésticos.
Reduced re'nal function has been reported with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). It is not clear whether TDF co-administered with a boosted protease inhibitor (PI) leads to a greater decline in renal function than TDF co-administered with a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI).Methods: We selected ail antiretroviral therapy-naive patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) with calibrated or corrected serum creatinine measurements starting antiretroviral therapy with TDF and either efavirenz (EFV) or the ritonavir-boosted PIs, lopinavir (LPV/r) or atazanavir (ATV/r). As a measure of renal function, we used the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). We calculated the difference in eGFR over time between two therapies using a marginal model for repeated measures. In weighted analyses, observations were weighted by the product of their point of treatment and censoring weights to adjust for differences both in the sort of patients starting each therapy and in the sort of patients remaining on each therapy over time.Results: By March 2011, 940 patients with at least one creatinine measurement on a first therapy with either TDF and EFV (n=484), TDF and LPVlr (n=269) or TDF and ATV/r (n=187) had been followed for a median of 1. 7, 1.2 and 1.3 years, respectively. Table 1 shows the difference in average estimated GFR (eGFR) over time since starting cART for two marginal models. The first model was not adjusted for potential confounders; the second mode! used weights to adjust for confounders. The results suggest a greater decline in renal function during the first 6 months if TDF is used with a PI rather than with an NNRTI, but no further difference between these therapies after the first 6 months. TDF and ATV/r may lead to a greater decline in the first 6 months than TDF and LPVlr.Conclusions: TDF co-administered with a boosted PI leads to a greater de cline in renal function over the first 6 months of therapy than TDF co-administered with an NNRTI; this decline may be worse with ATV/r than with LPV/r.
This paper provides evidence on the sources of co-movement in monthly US and UK stock price movements by investigating the role of macroeconomic and financial variables in a bivariate system with time-varying conditional correlations. Crosscountry communality in response is uncovered, with changes in the US Federal Funds rate, UK bond yields and oil prices having similar negative effects in both markets. Other variables also play a role, especially for the UK market. These effects do not, however, explain the marked increase in cross-market correlations observed from around 2000, which we attribute to time variation in the correlations of shocks to these markets. A regime-switching smooth transition model captures this time variation well and shows the correlations increase dramatically around 1999-2000. JEL classifications: C32, C51, G15 Keywords: international stock returns, DCC-GARCH model, smooth transition conditional correlation GARCH model, model evaluation.
Inhibition of one Leishmania subspecies by exometabolites of another subspecies, a phenomenon not previously reported, is suggested by our recent observations in cell cloning experiments with Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Leishmania mexicana amazonensis. Clones were identified using the technique of schizodeme analysis. The phenomenon observed is clearly relevant to studies of parasite isolation, leishmanial metabolism, cross-immunity and chemotherapy.
Ce travail s'intéresse aux modalités d'émergence et d'institutionnalisation d'un nouveau régime de création artistique, plus connu sous le nom de «Nouveau cinéma suisse ».Dans les années 1960-1970, l'arrivée du Nouveau cinéma suisse a bouleversé les manières de faire du cinéma en Suisse et a attiré l'attention sur le septième art helvétique. Comment une innovation artistique parvient-elle à s'imposer ? Comment un consensus autour d'une nouvelle forme artistique et de son mode de production émerge et se stabilise-t-il ? Quel rôle jouent les acteurs et les institutions dans ce processus ? Enfin, quelles sont les relations entre cette situation en devenir et les oeuvres créées dans ces conditions ? Au delà dé ces interrogations, c'est un questionnement théorique, épistémologique qui a motivé cette recherche. A l'image de la sociologie elle-même, l'analyse sociologique de l'art a été traversée, ces dernières années, pas de nombreux débats. Trop souvent, la réflexion s'appuie - ou trébuche -sur des dichotomies convenues :analyse interne /externe de l'art, déterminisme /indétermination des acteurs, reflet /autonomie des oeuvres. Quels sont les outils et les approches que propose la discipline pour analyser un tel objet, quels enseignements peut-on titrer de leur mise à l'épreuve sur un cas concret ? Quel est le défi lancé par le Nouveau cinéma suisse à la sociologie de l'art ?Mais commençons par le début car le point initial de cette longue entreprise était en réalité tout autre.
The trabecular bone score (TBS, Med-Imaps, Pessac, France) is an index of bone microarchitecture texture extracted from anteroposterior dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry images of the spine. Previous studies have documented the ability of TBS of the spine to differentiate between women with and without fractures among age- and areal bone mineral density (aBMD)-matched controls, as well as to predict future fractures. In this cross-sectional analysis of data collected from 3 geographically dispersed facilities in the United States, we investigated age-related changes in the microarchitecture of lumbar vertebrae as assessed by TBS in a cohort of non-Hispanic US white American women. All subjects were 30 yr of age and older and had an L1-L4aBMDZ-score within ±2 SD of the population mean. Individuals were excluded if they had fractures, were on any osteoporosis treatment, or had any illness that would be expected to impact bone metabolism. All data were extracted from Prodigy dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry devices (GE-Lunar, Madison, WI). Cross-calibrations between the 3 participating centers were performed for TBS and aBMD. aBMD and TBS were evaluated for spine L1-L4 but also for all other possible vertebral combinations. To validate the cohort, a comparison between the aBMD normative data of our cohort and US non-Hispanic white Lunar data provided by the manufacturer was performed. A database of 619 non-Hispanic US white women, ages 30-90 yr, was created. aBMD normative data obtained from this cohort were not statistically different from the non-Hispanic US white Lunar normative data provided by the manufacturer (p = 0.30). This outcome thereby indirectly validates our cohort. TBS values at L1-L4 were weakly inversely correlated with body mass index (r = -0.17) and weight (r = -0.16) and not correlated with height. TBS values for all lumbar vertebral combinations decreased significantly with age. There was a linear decrease of 16.0% (-2.47 T-score) in TBS at L1-L4 between 45 and 90 yr of age (vs. -2.34 for aBMD). Microarchitectural loss rate increased after age 65 by 50% (-0.004 to -0.006). Similar results were obtained for other combinations of lumbar vertebra. TBS, an index of bone microarchitectural texture, decreases with advancing age in non-Hispanic US white women. Little change in TBS is observed between ages 30 and 45. Thereafter, a progressive decrease is observed with advancing age. The changes we observed in these American women are similar to that previously reported for a French population of white women (r(2) > 0.99). This reference database will facilitate the use of TBS to assess bone microarchitectural deterioration in clinical practice.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la universitat d'Udine, Itàlia, entre setembre i desembre del 2006.S'han caracteritzat mitjançant la reducció a temperatura programada i tests catalítics catalitzadors en pols basats en cobalt i supostats en òxid de zinc i monòlits ceràmics funcionaliltzats també amb cobalt i òxid de zinc. L'addició de promotors (manganès, crom i ferro ) als catalitzadors en pols, preparats per impregnació i precipitació, no afecta significativament ni la temperatura a la qual té lloc la reducció ni al percentatge global de reducció. En els cicles de reducció-oxidació sí que s'observen diferències entre el primer perfil de reducció i els següents, especialment en el cas de la mostra que té ferro com a promotor, on les diferències s'accentuen en cicles successius (fins al quart). S'ha evaluat l'activitat d'aquests catalitzadors en la reacció de desplaçament de gas d'aigua, obtenint uns resultats satisfactoris. Finalment s'han realitzat reduccions a temperatura programada i tests catalítics en la reacció de desplaçament de gas d'aigua amb monòlits funcionalitzats amb cobalt i òxid de zinc (en cap d'ells s'ha introduït promotors). El nivell de conversió assolit és menor que en el cas de catalitzadors en pols, fet que s'associa a la geometria d'aquests sistemes catalítics, però la relació CH4/CO2 és més favorable que en els catalitzadors en pols, el que els converteix en sistemes molt selectius.
This paper examines the effect that heterogeneous customer orders flows have on exchange rates by using a new, and the largest, proprietary dataset of weekly net order flow segmented by customer type across nine of the most liquid currency pairs. We make several contributions. Firstly, we investigate the extent to which customer order flow can help to explain exchange rate movements over and above the influence of macroeconomic variables. Secondly, we address the issue of whether order flows contain (private) information which explain exchange rates changes. Thirdly, we look at the usefulness of order flow in forecasting exchange rate movements at longer horizons than those generally considered in the microstructure literature. Finally we address the question of whether the out-of-sample exchange rate forecasts generated by order flows can be employed profitably in the foreign exchange markets
The disconnect between rising short and low long interest rates has been a distinctive feature of the 2000s. Both research and policy circles have argued that international forces, such as global monetary policy (e.g. Rogoff, 2006); international business cycles (e.g. Borio and Filardo, 2007); or a global savings glut (e.g Bernanke, 2005) may be responsible. In this paper, we employ recent advances in panel data econometrics to document the disconnect and link it explicitly to the existence of a global latent factor that dominates the long end of the term spread for the recent period; the saving glut story emerges as the most likely contender for the global factor.