810 resultados para construção de contexto-específico


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Estresses ambientais abióticos são fatores que causam respostas ao nível molecular, fisiológico e morfológico em plantas, dependendo também de sua intensidade e duração. É visto que algumas espécies apresentam tolerância a condições estressantes e ao mesmo tempo são fontes naturais de matéria prima para indústria. Nesse contexto encontra-se a mamona (Ricinus comunnis L.), principal fonte de óleo de rícino valorizado por suas aplicações farmacêuticas e principalmente industriais, vem sendo usada como cultura em regiões onde a disponibilidade de água é reduzida, usada como fonte de renda para agricultura da região nordeste brasileira. Visto que pouco se sabe sobre as respostas moleculares que levam essa planta a tolerar regiões secas e como as sementes, principais foco de interesse, respondem a essa escassez, nesse trabalho foram construídas duas bibliotecas de cDNAs, onde a partir de uma abordagem subtrativa, continham RNAs diferencialmente expressos em sementes de plantas mamona submetidas ao estresse hídrico durante 5 dias (biblioteca L7), e a outra RNAs diferencialmente expressos em sementes controle (biblioteca L5). A biblioteca L7 apresentou a maior variedade de transcritos com um total de 182. A maior parte das funções estabelecidas pelo sistema Gene Ontology - GO, foram direcionadas aos “Processos Metabólicos” (526), em segundo “Respostas a estímulos” (57), o terceiro termo mais abundante foram referentes a “Desenvolvimento”(26). Já na biblioteca L5, foram encontrados 91 transcritos, com maior parte de suas funções referentes a “Processos Metabólicos”(413), em segundo “Respostas a estímulos” (8) e em terceiro Regulação (6). Alguns dos transcritos da biblioteca L7 foram escolhidos para análise por repetirem-se mais de 3x e não aparecerem na biblioteca L5, o que indica uma possível regulação positiva sobre estresse. As análises sobre Metalotioneína (4x), mostraram que a sequência de proteica apresentava os domínios conservados que a caracterizava como tipo II, onde são encontrados dois domínios funcionais ricos em cisteína com posições altamente conservadas, desempenhando a função de ligar-se a metais pesados, correlacionadas assim como a atividade de eliminação EROs e defesa contra o estresse oxidativo, além de apresentar homologia com a sequência de Bruguiera gymnorhiza, uma planta de mangue adaptada a ambientes salinos. Analisamos também os transcritos da referente a proteína AUXIN-REPRESSED 12.5 KDA (3x), apontada como sendo reprimida pelo hormônio auxina e associada ao processo de dormência da semente, é descrito em uma família gênica onde vários membros pertencem as vias de resposta ao estresse. Por último, analisamos a proteína GLUTELIN TYPE-A 3 (5x), uma importante proteína de armazenamento com caráter hidrofílico, possivelmente direcionada para o vacúolo. Em nosso trabalho foi possível observar um aumento de transcritos em relação a subtração controle, possivelmente reflexo do aumento do metabolismo da semente, tanto para resposta defensiva ao estresse hídrico quanto para o amadurecimento rápido da semente onde foram observados transcritos referentes a resposta oxidativa, controle hormonal, proteínas de reserva e produção de óleo.


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Dry eye syndrome is a multifactorial disease of the tear film, resulting from the instability of the lacrimal functional unit that produces volume change, up or tear distribution. In patients in intensive care the cause is enhanced due to various risk factors, such as mechanical ventilation, sedation, lagophthalmos, low temperatures, among others. The study's purpose is to build an assessment tool of Dry Eye Severity in patients in intensive care units based on the systematization of nursing care and their classification systems. The aim of this study is to build an assessment tool of Dry Eye Severity in hospitalized patients in Care Unit Intensiva.Trata is a methodological study conducted in three stages, namely: context analysis, concept analysis, construction of operational definitions and magnitudes of nursing outcome. For the first step we used the methodological framework for Hinds, Chaves and Cypress (1992). For the second step we used the model of Walker and Avant and an integrative review Whitemore seconds, Knalf (2005). This step enabled the identification of the concept of attributes, background and consequent ground and the construction of the settings for the result of nursing severity of dry eye. For the construction of settings and operational magnitudes, it was used Psicometria proposed by Pasquali (1999). As a result of context analysis, visualized from the reflection that the matter should be discussed and that nursing needs to pay attention to the problem of eye injury, so minimizing strategies are created this event with a high prevalence. With the integrative review were located from the crosses 19 853 titles, selected 215, and from the abstracts 96 articles were read in full. From reading 10 were excluded culminating in the sample of 86 articles that were used to analyze the concept and construction of settings. Selected articles were found in greater numbers in the Scopus database (55.82%), performed in the United States (39.53%), and published mainly in the last five years (48.82). Regarding the concept of analysis were identified as antecedents: age, lagophthalmos, environmental factors, medication use, systemic diseases, mechanical ventilation and ophthalmic surgery. As attributes: TBUT <10s, Schimer I test <5 mm in Schimer II test <10mm, reduced osmolarity. As consequential: the ocular surface damage, ocular discomfort, visual instability. The settings were built and added indicators such as: decreased blink mechanism and eyestrain.


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Nowadays lives up in an era of tight credit caused by the global financial crisis, as occurred in the past, it is the responsibility of various sectors and segments of society find ways to reinvent itself. In this context, Lean Construction presents itself as a strong alternative production management for companies in the construction segment. Arising out of lean thinking that originated in Japan in the postwar period and has spread around the world in times of extreme scarcity with the oil crisis. In practice the Lean Construction is a philosophy that seeks to improve the process of production management, maximizing the value of the flow from the customer's perspective through the elimination of losses. And thrives in environments and cultures that consider the scarcity of resources like something natural, applying both the macroeconomic crisis as in times of prosperity. The Planning and Production Control - PCP presents itself as a fundamental building block for companies to protect themselves in the face of economic fluctuations, seeking for their survival and success in the competitive market. Motivated by the lack of discussion of the topic in the local academy, and for the identification of 93.33% of construction companies that do not make use of methodological tools for PCP in the state, this dissertation aims to study and propose the implementation of lean construction in methodology of planning projects implemented on construction sites. This characterized the management system, of the production of a construction company, pointing out the main causes of ineffectiveness related to consequent low performance of one of his ventures. In sequence, the PCP was implemented with the use of tools to serve the principles of lean construction. This being monitored through indicators that provided managers managerial view of process of actions control and production of protective mechanisms. All implementation guidelines and application of this management model, were exposed in a simplified way, practical and efficient, in order to break the resistance of new practices and old paradigms in the industry.


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The little interest in reading and the large presence of deviations in writing observed in the texts of students of the 5th grade of a public school in RN, led us to question the motives of this problem. Thus, the idea to organize and develop teaching sequences with a variety of possibilities of reading and production through the text genres. The practice with the textual genres in elementary school extends the use of reading and writing and improves the quality of learning. In this way, the school, as one of the most active spheres in social practices of the language, we justify this work with the use of text genres as facilitators for teaching and learning the mother tongue. For this purpose, we draw as the main objective to talk about the work with textual genres from the development of didactic sequences, as well as encourage students to take a more reflexive attitude toward language and its uses, as discursive social practices. The development of the study with the text genres was made through the application of didactic sequences in the school context of elementary school classes, from 5th grade. Specifically were chosen, the letter, note, music, poetry, fable and the tale. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: Bakhtin (2011), Miller (1994), Marcuschi (2008) and Bronckart (1999) on the text genres; Marcuschi (2005) and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) that approve a teaching-learning proposal focused on textual genres, giving a meaning to language in the construction of the knowledge and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) regarding the didactic sequence; other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), Lerner (2005), among others. The methodology followed the action research guidelines, in a qualitative approach perspective. The instruments of research included questionnaire, observations, readings and productions. The results pointed the students' interest in relation to the activities developed in the didactic sequences and consequently improvement in the students‘ own writings. In this sense, we reiterate the need to contamplate in the teaching activities the diversity of texts and genres and, not only due to its social relevance, therefore the student should be able to use the language in various way and adapt their texts to situations of oral and written interlocution.


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In this research, we intend to deliver a possible reading of the narrative Oiteiro: memórias de uma Sinhá-Moça (1958), by the writer Magdalena Antunes, placing it within the context of the Brazilian Literature of Rio Grande do Norte. The author’s personal and social relations described in her book as well as the outcomes within an autobiographical, memorialistic and fictional approach will be under inquiry here. Our intent is to reach an understanding of the autobiographical aspects in Antunes’ work that reveal the “writing of the self” and its probable fictional traits, by means of the tensions identified in the narrative. For this reason, we rely on contributions by Lejeune (2008); Amorim (2007; 2012); Walty (1985) and Iser (2002), among others. Aditionally, Antunes’ work is also constituted of a memorialistic nature, which emerges in the book through the reinterpretation of memories based on the author’s childhood and adolescence. For a theoretical description of those moments, we will utilize some conceptions on individual and collective memory and the thoughts of Henri Bergson (1999) and Le Goff (1984), as opposed to the contributions brought by Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and other authors.


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Aims to understand the construction of the professional identity of undergraduate in Music UFRN, through the study of autobiographical sources of these subjects, checking their formative dimensions and their (re) meanings established throughout life stories. To do so, shows a brief presentation of the study and the main motivations of the author to do it; expresses the life story of the researcher and their training courses in music career; analyzes the historical overview of the route Search (Auto) biography as research and training approach (JOSSO, 2010; NÓVOA; FINGER, 2010; SOUZA, 2007; PASSEGGI; SILVA (2010b) and DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012); It presents some reflections and discussions about the construction of identity, beyond the concepts and perceptions of the training and professional representations of this building (DUBAR, 2005); discusses the historical background regarding teacher training in Brazil and Music Education; describes the ways and methodological resources used for data collection and implementation of this research, namely, a reflective open questionnaire and autobiographical essays; It presents the life stories of the undergraduate students of the Music course and its educational and musical dimensions; Lastly, it presents a reflection about the paths taken. The results indicated that the autobiographical essays make it possible to understand the ways and social relations in the various identified training dimensions, in addition to realize that the family contexts and the first musical social contacts in informal settings, enable the licensees, an identification with the possible career lecturer in Music, as well as the main reasons for this choice. We conclude, therefore, that the experiences and musical experiences throughout life favor the construction of professional identity and that in the course of training, such experiences make ways to (re) define the musical experiences, as well as the (re) thinking their professional career.


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Aims to understand the construction of the professional identity of undergraduate in Music UFRN, through the study of autobiographical sources of these subjects, checking their formative dimensions and their (re) meanings established throughout life stories. To do so, shows a brief presentation of the study and the main motivations of the author to do it; expresses the life story of the researcher and their training courses in music career; analyzes the historical overview of the route Search (Auto) biography as research and training approach (JOSSO, 2010; NÓVOA; FINGER, 2010; SOUZA, 2007; PASSEGGI; SILVA (2010b) and DELORY-MOMBERGER, 2012); It presents some reflections and discussions about the construction of identity, beyond the concepts and perceptions of the training and professional representations of this building (DUBAR, 2005); discusses the historical background regarding teacher training in Brazil and Music Education; describes the ways and methodological resources used for data collection and implementation of this research, namely, a reflective open questionnaire and autobiographical essays; It presents the life stories of the undergraduate students of the Music course and its educational and musical dimensions; Lastly, it presents a reflection about the paths taken. The results indicated that the autobiographical essays make it possible to understand the ways and social relations in the various identified training dimensions, in addition to realize that the family contexts and the first musical social contacts in informal settings, enable the licensees, an identification with the possible career lecturer in Music, as well as the main reasons for this choice. We conclude, therefore, that the experiences and musical experiences throughout life favor the construction of professional identity and that in the course of training, such experiences make ways to (re) define the musical experiences, as well as the (re) thinking their professional career.


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This thesis proposes environmental education as a strategy for the inclusion of sustainability in the academic education of higher level. The dentistry course has been the object of study, which is justified by the recognition of the need for reflection on environmental issues in the dental academia, initially based on professional experience of the author as a dental surgeon. The aim of this study is to investigate the scientific production of dentistry and its content related to environmental issues, in addition to expanding discussions and reflections on the need to insert environmental education as academic content. With the specific purpose of verifying the amount and analyze the content of scientific articles involving issues related to sustainability in dentistry, Chapter 01 presents research in leading journals portals available on the internet. Works were surveyed where sustainability and related issues were present and placed in a theoretical framework that analyzes the dental service inclusion in the dominant economic model. These procedures are intended to prove the hypothesis that the dental profession does not produce significant scientific content that relates the profession to the environment and sustainability. A literature review was conducted with the statement of dentistry changes from its origins to the front position to the dominant development model and exemplification of the deleterious effects of this model on the environment. In addition, there was a scientific research in journals portals available on the internet and investigated the amount and content of scientific articles involving issues related to sustainability in dentistry. Chapter 02 has the specific purpose of providing content to expand discussions and reflections on the need to insert environmental education in undergraduate courses in dentistry, such as insertion strategy into a new development model guided by sustainability. In this, students questionnaires were given the 8th dentistry course of the period the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), to be understood environmental perception of learners and were obtained grants for proof of the thesis that environmental education applied dentistry has the potential to make people aware and willing to act practicing and propagating sustainability in their conduct. The overall results indicate little scientific production, as the research and work that relates to dentistry to sustainability and the issues related to the environment have not significantly been present in the syllabus of the undergraduate courses in dentistry, despite the interest shown by survey respondents When such issues are addressed. In this context, it is proposed fostering actions to environmental education, so that dental professionals are engaged in the construction of a new development model based on sustainability, as despite the environmental theme seems to be little explored in the academic and scientific world of dentistry, there interest from students and great potential multiplier for appropriate environmental behavior. After proving the hypothesis that the environment-related content are poorly explored in the academic and scientific world of dentistry, the main conclusions were recognizing the importance of environmental education as an interdisciplinary tool for environmental thematic approach in undergraduate courses dentistry, in addition to implementing this new pedagogical proposal in the professional practice of dentists, given their potential multiplier for environmental knowledge.


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Software bug analysis is one of the most important activities in Software Quality. The rapid and correct implementation of the necessary repair influence both developers, who must leave the fully functioning software, and users, who need to perform their daily tasks. In this context, if there is an incorrect classification of bugs, there may be unwanted situations. One of the main factors to be assigned bugs in the act of its initial report is severity, which lives up to the urgency of correcting that problem. In this scenario, we identified in datasets with data extracted from five open source systems (Apache, Eclipse, Kernel, Mozilla and Open Office), that there is an irregular distribution of bugs with respect to existing severities, which is an early sign of misclassification. In the dataset analyzed, exists a rate of about 85% bugs being ranked with normal severity. Therefore, this classification rate can have a negative influence on software development context, where the misclassified bug can be allocated to a developer with little experience to solve it and thus the correction of the same may take longer, or even generate a incorrect implementation. Several studies in the literature have disregarded the normal bugs, working only with the portion of bugs considered severe or not severe initially. This work aimed to investigate this portion of the data, with the purpose of identifying whether the normal severity reflects the real impact and urgency, to investigate if there are bugs (initially classified as normal) that could be classified with other severity, and to assess if there are impacts for developers in this context. For this, an automatic classifier was developed, which was based on three algorithms (Näive Bayes, Max Ent and Winnow) to assess if normal severity is correct for the bugs categorized initially with this severity. The algorithms presented accuracy of about 80%, and showed that between 21% and 36% of the bugs should have been classified differently (depending on the algorithm), which represents somewhere between 70,000 and 130,000 bugs of the dataset.


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Teacher identity is a subject of study and discussion in the academic world whichhas become an object of attention of researchaddressing teaching and teacher formation. Life history, initial and continuing formation, the meaning of teaching to the teacher, and also pedagogical practice are all contributing factors to teachers’ professional identity. The present study is a proposal developed in the research field of Educational Knowledge and Practice, and its main focus lies in university teaching. Higher education teaching in the context of a dance course, and the issues and challenges of constructing teachers’ professional identity are presented. Thus, my main questions were: what is the teaching path followed by newly hired dance teachers in the Federal University of Uberlândia? How is teaching identity developed in these new teachers’ professional socialization process? What kind of educational knowledge is (re)produced and mobilized by teachers when they join university teaching? In order to answer these questions, my objectives are: to analyze the teaching path of the newly hired dance teachers of the Federal University of Uberlândia; to investigate how their teaching identity is built within their professional socialization process; and identify the kinds of educational knowledge they (re)produce and mobilize as soon as they become university teachers. The present research comprises a qualitative data analysis from previous studies on the subject, having as starting point relevant bibliographic research, followed by an identification questionnaire and an interview conducted with the newly hired dance teachers. The construction of teaching identity is related to objective and subjective conditions involving a teaching job and how the teacher perceives this identity as constantly evolving. Hence I understand the importance of personal and institutional incentives to prepare studies which raise or problematize issues specific to this area, contributing to extend the debate over higher education professionals’ formation, in particular that of dance course teachers on national scope.


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Estudo sobre o processo de construção imaginária do público de gênero feminino ao consumir os produtos dos fenômenos musicais de massa, no Brasil. Tendo como base o caso do sucesso do cantor Michel Teló, representante do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, o objetivo é compreender o processo de construção imaginária que permeia a relação do público feminino (fãs) e consumo do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, a partir do discurso do cantor Michel Teló. Para tal, será tomado referencial teórico do campo dos Estudos Culturais em diálogo com estudos sobre imaginário e música de massa. A análise do discurso, de linha francesa, é a metodologia empregada em duas instâncias para se testar as reflexões construídas com a base teórica: a priori, a partir de um processo de observação participante, durante um espetáculo do artista, em que será observada a interação entre “fenômeno” e público, no momento de execução da sua música “Ai, se eu te pego!”; e, doravante, o discurso do músico é analisado, por meio de entrevistas realizadas em programas televisivos. Um questionário aplicado a uma amostra entre o público feminino apreciador do cantor e de suas músicas contribui ainda no aprofundamento da reflexão. Resulta desta pesquisa a compreensão da proeminência do discurso ao conteúdo. Desta maneira, a importância maior se encontra na forma com que o cantor dialoga com seu público, por meio da imagem que ele constrói em torno de si.


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Ao que se percebe, paradigmas até então vigentes passam a ser considerados singulares e ditatoriais. Em contrapartida, estabelece-se uma nova acepção, cujo norte é o pensar “politicamente correto”. Entendendo a publicidade como um produto sociocultural, essa pesquisa inicialmente é bibliográfica visando à conceituação e análise de questões inerentes ao seu tema. Com este contexto devidamente apreendido, uma análise pragmática do discurso foi realizada em um corpus de anúncios publicitários veiculados entre 2009 e 2014, no meio televisivo brasileiro de formato aberto. Nossa investigação se concentrou nos modos com que os elementos postulados pelo pensamento politicamente correto vêm sendo incorporados ao gênero publicitário em construções de sentido. Pudemos observar uma tendência de repreensão de determinados grupos a conteúdos publicitários que tocam em temáticas muito específicas, com interpretações marcadas por um alto grau de subjetividade; e o que se busca muitas vezes, através de um empoderamento permitido por nosso contexto atual, é mesmo a supressão de determinadas temáticas dentro da comunicação publicitária.


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Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 houve a eclosão de experiências comunicacionais populares, em todo Brasil, com vasta produção de materiais, especialmente arquivados pelos centros de documentação. Em sua maioria, criados e financiados por setores progressistas da Igreja Católica e Protestante. Entre eles, o Centro de Pastoral Vergueiro (CPV) e o Centro de Comunicação e Educação Popular de São Miguel Paulista (CEMI) que também tiveram importante papel na construção e preservação da memória das lutas populares no período de reorganização social, no contexto de distensão da ditadura militar. No entanto, tais acervos estão em iminente risco, por falta de investimento e vontade política. O que seria um prejuízo histórico e científico para movimentos sociais atuais e à pesquisa acadêmica. O objetivo do estudo é identificar a que se deve este desinteresse. A abordagem se dá pelo método da história oral e como técnicas de investigação adotamos a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e a pesquisa de campo, por meio da entrevista em profundidade. A falta de uma política pública que garanta a preservação dos documentos é sinal de que no Brasil predomina uma cultura que não privilegia a memória, sobretudo das camadas empobrecidas da população. Além do que, a memória pode ser subversiva. Afinal tais documentos expressam a força da participação popular no processo de transformação social e podem despertar novas ações, o que não interessa aos grupos que estão no poder.


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O presente trabalho de investigação designado “Prática Profissional do Assistente Social no contexto da Incapacidade Intelectual” tem como objetivo conhecer os procedimentos de intervenção dos Assistentes Sociais no âmbito da Incapacidade Intelectual. Realizado um aprofundamento teórico e conceptual sobre a Incapacidade Intelectual, sobre a resposta social para a Incapacidade Intelectual (Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais e Lar Residencial) sobre a prática do Assistente Social no âmbito da Incapacidade Intelectual. Encetámos uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo descritivo que se socorreu da entrevista estruturada para recolher dados junto de três Assistentes Sociais de duas instituições da zona centro do país no ano lectivo de 2014/2015. A análise de conteúdo aos dados levantados permite-nos concluir que o Serviço Social é uma profissão de intervenção, onde o Assistente Social desempenha as funções de mediador de facilitador de capacitador entre as famílias e os clientes, aconselhando-os e possibilitando-lhe o diálogo a outros serviços. Os dados revelaram, ainda, que o Assistente Social desenvolve o seu trabalho com a família, com os clientes, com a equipa técnica e ainda com a comunidade, corroborando os resultados dos estudos de Carvalho (2013), Silva (2012) e Gomes (2010). Considerando a pertinência do trabalho do Assistente Social no contexto da Incapacidade Intelectual e a escassez de estudos nacionais sobre esta temática, este trabalho assume-se como o primeiro contributo científico facilitador da construção de um olhar crítico e reflexivo para futuros debates.


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A prática pedagógica do futuro professor é marcada fortemente pela formaçao profissional deste, pois é a partir daí que este constrói pontes e ligaçoes para sua identidade docente. A partir de um relato de experiência de acadêmicas do curso de Licenciatura em Educaçao Física da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, realizado no Colégio Técnico Industrial de Santa Maria (CTISM) nos cursos técnicos integrados ao ensino médio desta Escola, construímos este trabalho que tem por objetivo refletir acerca da formaçao inicial de professores, bem como apontar possibilidades de aprimoramento da prática pedagógica do futuro professor de Educaçao Física. Sabemos que a formaçao inicial exerce um papel importante na formaçao dos futuros professores, a qual nem sempre se aplica ao contexto escolar, sendo pertinente entao, a busca de alternativas que contribuam para a experiência prática docente. Assim, as vivências oportunizadas no estágio voluntário no CTISM contribuíram de forma contundente na construçao da identidade profissional, como também no despertar do interesse pelo ambiente escolar a partir das experiências próprias que a futura carreira docente nos reserva