979 resultados para consistency


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We evaluate the contribution of chiral fermions in d = 2, 4, 6, chiral bosons, a chiral gravitino like theory in d = 2 and chiral gravitinos in d = 6 to all the leading parity odd transport coefficients at one loop. This is done by using finite temperature field theory to evaluate the relevant Kubo formulae. For chiral fermions and chiral bosons the relation between the parity odd transport coefficient and the microscopic anomalies including gravitational anomalies agree with that found by using the general methods of hydrodynamics and the argument involving the consistency of the Euclidean vacuum. For the gravitino like theory in d = 2 and chiral gravitinos in d = 6, we show that relation between the pure gravitational anomaly and parity odd transport breaks down. From the perturbative calculation we clearly identify the terms that contribute to the anomaly polynomial, but not to the transport coefficient for gravitinos. We also develop a simple method for evaluating the angular integrals in the one loop diagrams involved in the Kubo formulae. Finally we show that charge diffusion mode of an ideal 2 dimensional Weyl gas in the presence of a finite chemical potential acquires a speed, which is equal to half the speed of light.


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Iron-based superconductors have been found to exhibit an intimate interplay of orbital, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom, dramatically affecting their low-energy electronic properties, including superconductivity. Albeit the precise pairing mechanism remains unidentified, several candidate interactions have been suggested to mediate the superconducting pairing, both in the orbital and in the spin channel. Here, we employ optical spectroscopy (OS), angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), ab initio band-structure, and Eliashberg calculations to show that nearly optimally doped NaFe0.978Co0.022As exhibits some of the strongest orbitally selective electronic correlations in the family of iron pnictides. Unexpectedly, we find that the mass enhancement of itinerant charge carriers in the strongly correlated band is dramatically reduced near the Gamma point and attribute this effect to orbital mixing induced by pronounced spin-orbit coupling. Embracing the true band structure allows us to describe all low-energy electronic properties obtained in our experiments with remarkable consistency and demonstrate that superconductivity in this material is rather weak and mediated by spin fluctuations.


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We propose the generation of Standard Model fermion hierarchy by the extension of renormalizable SO(10) GUT with O(N (g) ) family gauge symmetry. In this scenario, Higgs representations of SO(10) also carry family indices and are called Yukawons. Vacuum expectation values of these Yukawon fields break GUT and family symmetry and generate MSSM Yukawa couplings dynamically. We have demonstrated this idea using Higgs irrep, ignoring the contribution of 1 2 0-plet which is, however, required for complete fitting of fermion mass-mixing data. The effective MSSM matter fermion couplings to the light Higgs pair are determined by the null eigenvectors of the MSSM-type Higgs doublet superfield mass matrix . A consistency condition on the doublet (1,2,+/- 1]) mass matrix ( 0) is required to keep one pair of Higgs doublets light in the effective MSSM. We show that the Yukawa structure generated by null eigenvectors of are of generic kind required by the MSSM. A hidden sector with a pair of (S (a b) ; I center dot (a b) ) fields breaks supersymmetry and facilitates 0. SUSY breaking is communicated via supergravity. In this scenario, matter fermion Yukawa couplings are reduced from 15 to just 3 parameters in MSGUT with three generations.


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The effects of contact architecture, graphene defect density and metal-semiconductor work function difference on the resistivity of metal-graphene contacts have been investigated. An architecture with metal on the bottom of graphene is found to yield resistivities that are lower, by a factor of four, and most consistent as compared to metal on top of graphene. Growth defects in graphene film were found to further reduce resistivity by a factor of two. Using a combination of method and metal used, the contact resistivity of graphene has been decreased by a factor of 10 to 1200. +/-. 250 Omega mu m using palladium as the contact metal. While the improved consistency is due to the metal being able to contact uncontaminated graphene in the metal on the bottom architecture, lower contact resistivities observed on defective graphene with the same metal are attributed to the increased number of modes of quantum transport in the channel.


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In this paper, a pressure correction algorithm for computing incompressible flows is modified and implemented on unstructured Chimera grid. Schwarz method is used to couple the solutions of different sub-domains. A new interpolation to ensure consistency between primary variables and auxiliary variables is proposed. Other important issues such as global mass conservation and order of accuracy in the interpolations are also discussed. Two numerical simulations are successfully performed. They include one steady case, the lid-driven cavity and one unsteady case, the flow around a circular cylinder. The results demonstrate a very good performance of the proposed scheme on unstructured Chimera grids. It prevents the decoupling of pressure field in the overlapping region and requires only little modification to the existing unstructured Navier–Stokes (NS) solver. The numerical experiments show the reliability and potential of this method in applying to practical problems.


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The advent of nanotechnology has necessitated a better understanding of how material microstructure changes at the atomic level would affect the macroscopic properties that control the performance. Such a challenge has uncovered many phenomena that were not previously understood and taken for granted. Among them are the basic foundation of dislocation theories which are now known to be inadequate. Simplifying assumptions invoked at the macroscale may not be applicable at the micro- and/or nanoscale. There are implications of scaling hierrachy associated with in-homegeneity and nonequilibrium. of physical systems. What is taken to be homogeneous and equilibrium at the macroscale may not be so when the physical size of the material is reduced to microns. These fundamental issues cannot be dispensed at will for the sake of convenience because they could alter the outcome of predictions. Even more unsatisfying is the lack of consistency in modeling physical systems. This could translate to the inability for identifying the relevant manufacturing parameters and rendering the end product unpractical because of high cost. Advanced composite and ceramic materials are cases in point. Discussed are potential pitfalls for applying models at both the atomic and continuum levels. No encouragement is made to unravel the truth of nature. Let it be partiuclates, a smooth continuum or a combination of both. The present trend of development in scaling tends to seek for different characteristic lengths of material microstructures with or without the influence of time effects. Much will be learned from atomistic simulation models to show how results could differ as boundary conditions and scales are changed. Quantum mechanics, continuum and cosmological models provide evidence that no general approach is in sight. Of immediate interest is perhaps the establishment of greater precision in terminology so as to better communicate results involving multiscale physical events.


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Resumen: El presente estudio analiza el rol de la simpatía en la conducta prosocial infantil, determinando posibles diferencias en función del sexo y la edad. La muestra estuvo constituida por 275 niños de ambos sexos, escolarizados, de 6 y 7 años de edad de las provincias de Chaco y Corrientes, Argentina. Previo consentimiento informado de los padres, se administró la Escala de simpatía para niños de 6 y 7 años de edad, de Oros (2006), el Prosocial BehaviorScale de Caprara y Pastorelli (1993) traducido y adaptado al español por Del Barrio, Moreno y López, (2001), y el Cuestionario de Conducta Prosocial (PBQ) de Weiner y Duveen (1981).En función de los objetivos propuestos, se realizó un análisis univariado de varianza (ANOVA) y análisis multivariados de variancia (MANOVAs). Los diferentes resultados obtenidos, se discuten en función de los desarrollos teóricos y empíricos encontrados hasta el momento, hallando una consistencia general entre los mismos


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Resumen: El presente artículo propone una introducción al Documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional, titulado “En busca de una ética universal: una nueva mirada sobre la ley natural”. En el análisis de la introducción del Documento se considera la relación entre naturaleza y cultura como cuestión subyacente al tema de la ley natural. Se aborda luego la estructura del documento en un análisis sintético de cada uno de sus capítulos con sus principales tópicos, procurando mostrar el orden y la consistencia de la exposición. El artículo valora la actualidad y oportunidad del documento y se detiene en la importancia de la relación entre la inmutabilidad de la ley natural y su historicidad. También rescata la apertura al diálogo con las religiones, las sabidurías y las filosofías, como así también la referencia a Cristo en el quinto capítulo como original y novedosa.


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Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a popular technique for analysing data for complex models where the likelihood function is intractable. It involves using simulation from the model to approximate the likelihood, with this approximate likelihood then being used to construct an approximate posterior. In this paper, we consider methods that estimate the parameters by maximizing the approximate likelihood used in ABC. We give a theoretical analysis of the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimator. In particular, we derive results analogous to those of consistency and asymptotic normality for standard maximum likelihood estimation. We also discuss how sequential Monte Carlo methods provide a natural method for implementing our likelihood-based ABC procedures.


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The refractive indices of particles and dispersion medium are important parameters in many colloidal experiments using optical techniques, such as turbidity and light scattering measurements. These data are in general wavelength-dependent and may not be available at some wavelengths fitting to the experimental requirement. in this Study we present a novel approach to inversely determine the refractive indices of particles and dispersion medium by examining the consistency of measured extinction cross sections of particles with their theoretical values using a series of trial values of the refractive indices. The colloidal suspension of polystyrene particles dispersed in water was used as an example to demonstrate how this approach works and the data obtained via such a method are compared with those reported in literature, showing a good agreement between both. Furthermore, the factors that affect the accuracy of measurements are discussed. We also present some data of the refractive indices of polystyrene over a range of wavelengths smaller than 400 nm that have been not reported in the available literature. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: Este estudio presenta la estructura factorial y la evaluación de la fiabilidad de una versión en castellano de la escala Fetal Health Locus of Control, que evalúa creencias de control vinculadas a la salud del feto basándose en el concepto Locus de Control acuñado por Rotter. La escala fue administrada a mujeres en edad reproductiva (N = 130) en instituciones educativas de la ciudad de Santa Fe. La versión adaptada de la escala muestra una estructura de 3 factores principales que se corresponden con los constructos teóricos en los que se basa la escala original. La consistencia interna evaluada a través del alpha de Cronbach resultó adecuada, con valores de .81 para la subescala FHLCE-D, .75 para la subescala FHLCI y .76 para la subescala FHLCE-P. En conclusión, la versión adaptada de la escala posee propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias, similares a las de escala original.


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Resumen: La poesía es minuciosa: celebra cada pequeño don que constantemente se ofrece; lo rescata, lo menciona. La poesía es también magnánima: canta los secretos vínculos que, en cada cosa, teje a todas en una sola ofrenda donde todo se reúne y alude. La poesía es sabia: pregunta y conoce al ser en sus profundidades, allí desde donde surge y se sostiene cuanto se celebra y canta por medio de la palabra poética; tiene afinidad con él, connaturalidad. La poesía, por fin, es esperanzada y abierta. Ella sabe que tiene un límite, pero que no es una clausura sino un umbral: aguarda y anhela la Palabra, vedada a la pronunciación humana, que sólo puede decirse por sí misma, aquella en la que todo, incluso el ser, tiene su consistencia. La poesía hace silencio y oye, convoca, anhela el Don que desciende y se corporiza. Hasta aquí llega el gran poeta, el hermano mayor. Entre los argentinos, quizás sea Jorge Luis Borges el que mejor adaptó el lenguaje para alcanzar este lugar, el más alto, el que lo torna a uno más cercano al misterio y, a la vez, el mejor testigo de la distancia. De estas materias, que son una sola, está hecha su poesía. Desde lo más frágil y pequeño hasta lo más inmenso y definitivo, pronunciado, encarnado. Por eso aquello de Von Balthasar: La resurrección de la carne da la razón a los poetas.


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The rapid evolution of nanotechnology appeals for the understanding of global response of nanoscale systems based on atomic interactions, hence necessitates novel, sophisticated, and physically based approaches to bridge the gaps between various length and time scales. In this paper, we propose a group of statistical thermodynamics methods for the simulations of nanoscale systems under quasi-static loading at finite temperature, that is, molecular statistical thermodynamics (MST) method, cluster statistical thermodynamics (CST) method, and the hybrid molecular/cluster statistical thermodynamics (HMCST) method. These methods, by treating atoms as oscillators and particles simultaneously, as well as clusters, comprise different spatial and temporal scales in a unified framework. One appealing feature of these methods is their "seamlessness" or consistency in the same underlying atomistic model in all regions consisting of atoms and clusters, and hence can avoid the ghost force in the simulation. On the other hand, compared with conventional MD simulations, their high computational efficiency appears very attractive, as manifested by the simulations of uniaxial compression and nanoindenation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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CLEMAPS is a tool for multiple alignment of protein structures. It distinguishes itself from other existing algorithms for multiple structure alignment by the use of conformational letters, which are discretized states of 3D segmental structural states. A letter corresponds to a cluster of combinations of three angles formed by C-alpha pseudobonds of four contiguous residues. A substitution matrix called CLESUM is available to measure the similarity between any two such letters. The input 3D structures are first converted to sequences of conformational letters. Each string of a fixed length is then taken as the center seed to search other sequences for neighbors of the seed, which are strings similar to the seed. A seed and its neighbors form a center-star, which corresponds to a fragment set of local structural similarity shared by many proteins. The detection of center-stars using CLESUM is extremely efficient. Local similarity is a necessary, but insufficient, condition for structural alignment. Once center-stars are found, the spatial consistency between any two stars are examined to find consistent star duads using atomic coordinates. Consistent duads are later joined to create a core for multiple alignment, which is further polished to produce the final alignment. The utility of CLEMAPS is tested on various protein structure ensembles.


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Resumen: Se aplicó el Modelo de Crédito Parcial (MCP) de la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI) al análisis de ítems de una escala que mide Afecto hacia la Matemática. Esta variable describe el interés de los estudiantes de Psicología por involucrarse en actividades vinculadas a la matemática y los sentimientos asociados al uso de sus conceptos. La prueba consta de 8 ítems con formato de respuesta Likert de 6 opciones. Participaron 1875 estudiantes de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) de los cuales un 82% fueron mujeres. El análisis de la consistencia interna brindó un índice altamente satisfactorio (Alfa = .91). Se verificó la condición de unidimensionalidad requerida por el modelo mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio. Todos los análisis basados sobre la TRI se realizaron con el programa Winsteps. La estimación de los parámetros del modelo se efectuó por Máxima Verosimilitud Conjunta. El ajuste del MCP fue satisfactorio para todos los ítems. La Función de Información del Test fue elevada en un rango amplio de niveles del rasgo latente. Un ítem presentó una inversión en dos parámetros de umbral. Como consecuencia, 1 de las 6 categorías del ítem no fue máximamente probable en ningún intervalo de la escala del rasgo latente. Se analizan las implicancias de este hallazgo en la evaluación de la calidad psicométrica del ítem. Los resultados de este estudio permitieron profundizar el análisis del constructo y aportaron evidencias de validez basadas en las estructura interna de la escala