956 resultados para concept of globalization
BACKGROUND: This integrative review of the literature describes the evolution in knowledge and the paradigm shift that is necessary to switch from advance directives to advance care planning. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: It presents an analysis of concepts, trends, models and experiments that enables identification of the best treatment strategies, particularly for older people living in nursing homes. DESIGN: Based on 23 articles published between 1999 and 2012, this review distinguishes theoretical from empirical research and presents a classification of studies based on their methodological robustness (descriptive, qualitative, associative or experimental). RESULTS: It thus provides nursing professionals with evidence-based information in the form of a synthetic vision and conceptual framework to support the development of innovative care practices in the end-of-life context. While theoretical work places particular emphasis on the impact of changes in practice on the quality of care received by residents, empirical research highlights the importance of communication between the different persons involved about care preferences at the end of life and the need for agreement between them. CONCLUSIONS: The concept of quality of life and the dimensions and factors that compose it form the basis of Advance care planning (ACP) and enable the identification of the similarities and differences between various actors. They inform professionals of the need to ease off the biomedical approach to consider the attributes prioritised by those concerned, whether patients or families, so as to improve the quality of care at the end of life. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: It is particularly recommended that all professionals involved take into account key stakeholders' expectations concerning what is essential at the end of life, to enable enhanced communication and decision-making when faced with this difficult subject.
Pathogen inactivation of blood products represents a global and major paradigm shift in transfusion medicine. In the next near future, it is likely that most blood products will be inactivated by various physicochemical approaches. The concept of blood safety will be challenged as well as transfusion medicine practice, notably for donor selection or biological qualification. In this context, it seems mandatory to develop analytical economic approaches by assessing costs-benefits ratio of blood transfusion as well as to set up cohorts of patients based on hemovigilance networks allowing rigorous scientific analysis of the benefits and the risks of blood transfusion at short- and long-term.
Short-term dynamic psychotherapy (STDP) has rarely been investigated with regard to its underlying mechanisms of change, even if psychoanalytic theory informs us about several potential putative mechanisms of change in patients. Change in overall defensive functioning is one. In this study, we explored the role of overall defensive functioning, by comparing it on the process level with the neighbouring concept of overall coping functioning. A total of N=32 patients, mainly presenting adjustment disorder, were included in the study. The patients underwent STDP up to 40 sessions; three sessions per psychotherapy were transcribed and analyzed by using two observer-rating scales: Defense Mechanism Rating Scales (Perry, 1990) and Coping Action Patterns (Perry, Drapeau, Dunkley, & Blake, 2005). Hierarchical linear modeling was applied to model the change over the course of therapy and relate it to outcome. Results suggest that STDP has an effect on the target variable of overall defensive functioning, which was absent for overall coping functioning. Links with outcome confirm the importance of the effect. These results are discussed from methodological and clinical viewpoints.
The concept of endocrine disruption emerged over a decade ago with the observation that several natural or industrial compounds can interfere with estrogen and androgen signaling, and thereby affect both male and female reproductive functions. Since then, many endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have been identified and the concept has been broadened to receptors regulating other aspects of endocrine pathways. In that context, interference of EDCs with receptors regulating metabolism has been proposed as a factor that could contribute to metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. We review recent studies showing that several pollutants, including phthalates and organotins, interfere with PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors) nuclear receptors and may thereby affect metabolic homeostasis. Particular emphasis is given on the mechanisms of action of these compounds. However, unlike what has been suspected, we provide evidence from mouse models suggesting that in utero exposure to the phthalate ester di-ethyl-hexyl-phthalate most likely does not predispose to obesity. Collectively, these studies define a subclass of EDCs that perturb metabolic signaling and that we propose to define as metabolic disruptors.
The concept of nosocomial infections (or healthcare-related infections) applies to the outpatients clinics. However, data are scarce and imprecise in this setting compared with hospitals. The choice of preventive measures is therefore difficult. A lower risk in the outpatient facilities does not justify the complete implementation of hospital precautions. The latter can nevertheless be adapted since infection may be acquired during an ambulatory consultation through the same mechanisms as in hospitals. We propose a preventive strategy derived from standard precautions to be applied in every case, transmission-based precautions that are more rarely needed, and asepsis in case of invasive procedure.
A conceptually new approach is introduced for the decomposition of the molecular energy calculated at the density functional theory level of theory into sum of one- and two-atomic energy components, and is realized in the "fuzzy atoms" framework. (Fuzzy atoms mean that the three-dimensional physical space is divided into atomic regions having no sharp boundaries but exhibiting a continuous transition from one to another.) The new scheme uses the new concept of "bond order density" to calculate the diatomic exchange energy components and gives them unexpectedly close to the values calculated by the exact (Hartree-Fock) exchange for the same Kohn-Sham orbitals
This article presents the notion of the postmodern midwife, defining her as one who takes a relativistic stance toward bio-medicine and other knowledge systems, alternative and indigenous, moving fluidly between them to serve the women she attends. She is locally and globally aware, culturally competent, and politically engaged, working with the resources at hand to preserve midwifery in the interests of women. Her informed relativism is most accessible to professional midwives but is also beginning to characterize some savvy traditional midwives in various countries. Thus the concept of the postmodern midwife can serve as a bridge across the ethnic, racial, and status gaps that divide the professional from the traditional midwife, and as an analytical focal point for understanding how the members of each group negotiate their identities and their roles in a changing world.
When one wishes to implement public policies, there is a previous need of comparing different actions and valuating and evaluating them to assess their social attractiveness. Recently the concept of well-being has been proposed as a multidimensional proxy for measuring societal prosperity and progress; a key research topic is then on how we can measure and evaluate this plurality of dimensions for policy decisions. This paper defends the thesis articulated in the following points: 1. Different metrics are linked to different objectives and values. To use only one measurement unit (on the grounds of the so-called commensurability principle) for incorporating a plurality of dimensions, objectives and values, implies reductionism necessarily. 2. Point 1) can be proven as a matter of formal logic by drawing on the work of Geach about moral philosophy. This theoretical demonstration is an original contribution of this article. Here the distinction between predicative and attributive adjectives is formalised and definitions are provided. Predicative adjectives are further distinguished into absolute and relative ones. The new concepts of set commensurability and rod commensurability are introduced too. 3. The existence of a plurality of social actors, with interest in the policy being assessed, causes that social decisions involve multiple types of values, of which economic efficiency is only one. Therefore it is misleading to make social decisions based only on that one value. 4. Weak comparability of values, which is grounded on incommensurability, is proved to be the main methodological foundation of policy evaluation in the framework of well-being economics. Incommensurability does not imply incomparability; on the contrary incommensurability is the only rational way to compare societal options under a plurality of policy objectives. 5. Weak comparability can be implemented by using multi-criteria evaluation, which is a formal framework for applied consequentialism under incommensurability. Social Multi-Criteria Evaluation, in particular, allows considering both technical and social incommensurabilities simultaneously.
Taking the Royal College of Barcelona (1760 -1843) as a case study this paper shows the development of modern surgery in Spain initiated by Bourbon Monarchy founding new kinds of institutions through their academic activities of spreading scientific knowledge. Antoni Gimbernat was the most famousinternationally recognised Spanish surgeon. He was trained as a surgeon at the Royal College of Surgery in Cadiz and was later appointed as professor of theAnatomy in the College of Barcelona. He then became Royal Surgeon of King Carlos IV and with that esteemed position in Madrid he worked resiliently to improve the quality of the Royal colleges in Spain. Learning human bodystructure by performing hands-on dissections in the anatomical theatre has become a fundamental element of modern medical education. Gimbernat favoured the study of natural sciences, the new chemistry of Lavoisier and experimental physics in the academic programs of surgery. According to the study of a very relevant set of documents preserved in the library, the so-called “juntas literarias”, among the main subjects debated in the clinical sessions was the concept of human beings and diseases in relation to the development of the new experimental sciences. These documents showed that chemistry andexperimental physics were considered crucial tools to understand the unexplained processes that occurred in the diseased and healthy human bodyand in a medico-surgical context. It is important to stress that through these manuscripts we can examine the role and the reception of the new sciences applied to healing arts.
Much of the current research in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements deals with the analysis of early pavement life failures and seeks to find ways to prevent those from reoccurring. The Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) portion of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) has identified some of the key factors in designing and building new PCC pavements. This statement will build on the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) project TR-463, Field Performance Study of Past Iowa Pavement Research: A Look Back. In Iowa and across the nation, there are multiple pavements that were built more than 20 years ago that have been and are continuing to provide very good service to the public. They are found on both state and local routes and in both low and high traffic volume areas. There is a need to learn what went into those pavements, from the subgrade through the surface, that makes them perform so well. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a scoping study that could be used to evaluate the need for additional research to study the attributes of well-performing concrete pavements. The concept of zero-maintenance jointed plain concrete pavements” was iterated in this study for long-lasting, well-performing portland cement concrete pavement sections. The scope of the study was limited to a brief literature survey, pavement performance data collection from many counties, cities, and primary and interstate roads in Iowa, field visits to many selected pavement sites, and analysis of the collected data. No laboratory orfield testing was conducted for this phase of the project. A problem statement with a research plan was created that could be used to guide the second phase of the project.
Pozzolans and slag extend the market for concrete products by improving specific properties of the products, which allows the products to be constructed with materials or placed in environments that would have precluded the use of portland cement alone. In properly formulated concrete mixes, pozzolans and slag have been shown to enhance long-term strength, decrease permeability, increase durability, reduce thermal cracking of mass concrete, minimize or eliminate cracking related to alkali-silica reaction (ASR), and minimize or eliminate cracking related to sulfate attack. The purpose of this research project was to conduct a scoping study that could be used to evaluate the need for additional research in the area of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) that are used in concrete for highway applications. Special emphasis was given to the concept of using two or more SCMs in a single concrete mixture. The scope of the study was limited to a literature survey and panel discussions concerning issues relevant to the project. No laboratory work was conducted for this project. A problem statement with research plan was created that could be used to guide a pooled fund project.
Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a potent inhibitor of neurotransmitter release through the Y2 receptor subtype. Specific antagonists for the Y2 receptors have not yet been described. Based on the concept of template-assembled synthetic proteins we have used a cyclic template molecule containing two beta-turn mimetics for covalent attachment of four COOH-terminal fragments RQRYNH2 (NPY 33-36), termed T4-[NPY(33-36)]4. This structurally defined template-assembled synthetic protein has been tested for binding using SK-N-MC and LN319 cell lines that express the Y1 and Y2 receptor, respectively. T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 binds to the Y2 receptor with high affinity (IC50 = 67.2 nM) and has poor binding to the Y1 receptor. This peptidomimetic tested on LN319 cells at concentrations up to 10 microM shows no inhibitory effect on forskolin-stimulated cAMP levels (IC50 for NPY = 2.5 nM). Furthermore, we used confocal microscopy to examine the NPY-induced increase in intracellular calcium in single LN319 cells. Preincubation of the cells with T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 shifted to the right the dose-response curves for intracellular mobilization of calcium induced by NPY at concentrations ranging from 0.1 nM to 10 microM. Finally, we assessed the competitive antagonistic properties of T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 at presynaptic peptidergic Y2 receptors modulating noradrenaline release. the compound T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 caused a marked shift to the right of the concentration-response curve of NPY 13-36, a Y2-selective fragment, yielding a pA2 value of 8.48. Thus, to our best knowledge, T4-[NPY(33-36)]4 represents the first potent and selective Y2 antagonist.
This paper attempts to give an account of the syntax of quotation from an LFG perspective. I claim that quotes are inserted at N’ positions by making use of a special phrase structure rule that makes the quote’s f-structure the PRED value of the mother f-structure. However, in order to reach to this conclusion, the concept of quotation has to be restricted to only include metalinguistic and direct reported speech quotes, by making use of the property of grammatical opacity, i.e. only subsegments whose ungrammaticality does not affect the grammaticality of the whole sentence are quotes. The main advantage of this is this distinguishes the syntax of direct quotes from the one of other citational but not quotational structures like Davidson’s (1979) and Cappelen and Lepore’s (2007) mixed quotation.
BACKGROUND: Closures of atrial septal defects or a patent foramen ovale (PFO) are increasingly performed percutaneously. The experience of late migration of a new bio-absorbable device is presented here, followed by conceptual discussion. METHODS: Six months post PFO closure with a BioSTAR® device a patient presented with chest pain. Echocardiography showed a hyperechogenic structure perforating the aortic wall. RESULTS: Surgical exploration showed a perforation of the ascending aorta by one metallic, non absorbable arm. This is the second case of late (>6 months) dislocation of the residual framework of the occluder. CONCLUSIONS: The overall incidence of perforation of cardiac structures due to secondary dislocation is low. However this complication exists and should kept in mind in symptomatic patients with new onset of chest pain, after percutaneous procedures. The concept of biodegradation, with residual, non absorbable metal braiding, should be reviewed, analyzing in particular long term results and incidence of secondary dislocation.
Since the 1980s in Western Europe, centralized states' control over subnational territories has been deeply affected by processes of Europeanization and regionalization. These changes have raised the issue of state territorial restructuring in a particular fashion: what capacity have formerly centralized states retained to steer and control subnational territories? The article draws on Mann's concept of infrastructural power, which refers to the state's capacity to exercise control and implement political decisions over the national territory. The article applies the two main operationalizations of the concept, namely the capability of the state to exercise control and the weight of the state in the subnational territories. Empirically, the article focuses on the French state in two policy sectors (education and housing). Although France is a most likely case, this article challenges this expectation, and shows the limits of the French state's infrastructural power over the subnational territories since the late 1980s.