829 resultados para computer engineering education


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The objective of this research was to find Young's elastic modulus for thin gold films at room and cryogenic temperatures based on the flexional model which has not been previously attempted. Electrical Sonnet simulations and numerical methods using Abacus for the mechanical responses were employed for this purpose. A RF MEM shunt switch was designed and a fabrication process developed in house. The switch is composed of a superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 coplanar waveguide structure with an Au bridge membrane suspended above an area of the center conductor covered with BaTiO3 dielectric. The Au membrane is actuated by the electrostatic attractive force acting between the transmission line and the membrane when voltage is applied. The value of the actuation force will greatly depend on the switch pull-down voltage and on the geometry and mechanical properties of the bridge material. Results show that the elastic modulus for Au thin film can be 484 times higher at cryogenic temperature than it is at room temperature.


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The effective control of production activities in dynamic job shop with predetermined resource allocation for all the jobs entering the system is a unique manufacturing environment, which exists in the manufacturing industry. In this thesis a framework for an Internet based real time shop floor control system for such a dynamic job shop environment is introduced. The system aims to maintain the schedule feasibility of all the jobs entering the manufacturing system under any circumstance. The system is capable of deciding how often the manufacturing activities should be monitored to check for control decisions that need to be taken on the shop floor. The system will provide the decision maker real time notification to enable him to generate feasible alternate solutions in case a disturbance occurs on the shop floor. The control system is also capable of providing the customer with real time access to the status of the jobs on the shop floor. The communication between the controller, the user and the customer is through web based user friendly GUI. The proposed control system architecture and the interface for the communication system have been designed, developed and implemented.


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The primary purpose of this thesis was to present a theoretical large-signal analysis to study the power gain and efficiency of a microwave power amplifier for LS-band communications using software simulation. Power gain, efficiency, reliability, and stability are important characteristics in the power amplifier design process. These characteristics affect advance wireless systems, which require low-cost device amplification without sacrificing system performance. Large-signal modeling and input and output matching components are used for this thesis. Motorola's Electro Thermal LDMOS model is a new transistor model that includes self-heating affects and is capable of small-large signal simulations. It allows for most of the design considerations to be on stability, power gain, bandwidth, and DC requirements. The matching technique allows for the gain to be maximized at a specific target frequency. Calculations and simulations for the microwave power amplifier design were performed using Matlab and Microwave Office respectively. Microwave Office is the simulation software used in this thesis. The study demonstrated that Motorola's Electro Thermal LDMOS transistor in microwave power amplifier design process is a viable solution for common-source amplifier applications in high power base stations. The MET-LDMOS met the stability requirements for the specified frequency range without a stability-improvement model. The power gain of the amplifier circuit was improved through proper microwave matching design using input/output-matching techniques. The gain and efficiency of the amplifier improve approximately 4dB and 7.27% respectively. The gain value is roughly .89 dB higher than the maximum gain specified by the MRF21010 data sheet specifications. This work can lead to efficient modeling and development of high power LDMOS transistor implementations in commercial and industry applications.


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The purpose of the research is to investigate the emerging data security methodologies that will work with most suitable applications in the academic, industrial and commercial environments. Of several methodologies considered for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), MARS (block cipher) developed by IBM, has been selected. Its design takes advantage of the powerful capabilities of modern computers to allow a much higher level of performance than can be obtained from less optimized algorithms such as Data Encryption Standards (DES). MARS is unique in combining virtually every design technique known to cryptographers in one algorithm. The thesis presents the performance of 128-bit cipher flexibility, which is a scaled down version of the algorithm MARS. The cryptosystem used showed equally comparable performance in speed, flexibility and security, with that of the original algorithm. The algorithm is considered to be very secure and robust and is expected to be implemented for most of the applications.


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The purpose of this research is to develop an optimal kernel which would be used in a real-time engineering and communications system. Since the application is a real-time system, relevant real-time issues are studied in conjunction with kernel related issues. The emphasis of the research is the development of a kernel which would not only adhere to the criteria of a real-time environment, namely determinism and performance, but also provide the flexibility and portability associated with non-real-time environments. The essence of the research is to study how the features found in non-real-time systems could be applied to the real-time system in order to generate an optimal kernel which would provide flexibility and architecture independence while maintaining the performance needed by most of the engineering applications. Traditionally, development of real-time kernels has been done using assembly language. By utilizing the powerful constructs of the C language, a real-time kernel was developed which addressed the goals of flexibility and portability while still meeting the real-time criteria. The implementation of the kernel is carried out using the powerful 68010/20/30/40 microprocessor based systems.


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Ellipsometry is a well known optical technique used for the characterization of reflective surfaces in study and films between two media. It is based on measuring the change in the state of polarization that occurs as a beam of polarized light is reflected from or transmitted through the film. Measuring this change can be used to calculate parameters of a single layer film such as the thickness and the refractive index. However, extracting these parameters of interest requires significant numerical processing due to the noninvertible equations. Typically, this is done using least squares solving methods which are slow and adversely affected by local minima in the solvable surface. This thesis describes the development and implementation of a new technique using only Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to calculate thin film parameters. The new method offers a speed in the orders of magnitude faster than preceding methods and convergence to local minima is completely eliminated.


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Methods for accessing data on the Web have been the focus of active research over the past few years. In this thesis we propose a method for representing Web sites as data sources. We designed a Data Extractor data retrieval solution that allows us to define queries to Web sites and process resulting data sets. Data Extractor is being integrated into the MSemODB heterogeneous database management system. With its help database queries can be distributed over both local and Web data sources within MSemODB framework. Data Extractor treats Web sites as data sources, controlling query execution and data retrieval. It works as an intermediary between the applications and the sites. Data Extractor utilizes a two-fold "custom wrapper" approach for information retrieval. Wrappers for the majority of sites are easily built using a powerful and expressive scripting language, while complex cases are processed using Java-based wrappers that utilize specially designed library of data retrieval, parsing and Web access routines. In addition to wrapper development we thoroughly investigate issues associated with Web site selection, analysis and processing. Data Extractor is designed to act as a data retrieval server, as well as an embedded data retrieval solution. We also use it to create mobile agents that are shipped over the Internet to the client's computer to perform data retrieval on behalf of the user. This approach allows Data Extractor to distribute and scale well. This study confirms feasibility of building custom wrappers for Web sites. This approach provides accuracy of data retrieval, and power and flexibility in handling of complex cases.


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With the growing commercial importance of the Internet and the development of new real-time, connection-oriented services like IP-telephony and electronic commerce resilience is becoming a key issue in the design of TP-based networks. Two emerging technologies, which can accomplish the task of efficient information transfer, are Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Differentiated Services. A main benefit of MPLS is the ability to introduce traffic-engineering concepts due to its connection-oriented characteristic. With MPLS it is possible to assign different paths for packets through the network. Differentiated services divides traffic into different classes and treat them differently, especially when there is a shortage of network resources. In this thesis, a framework was proposed to integrate the above two technologies and its performance in providing load balancing and improving QoS was evaluated. Simulation and analysis of this framework demonstrated that the combination of MPLS and Differentiated services is a powerful tool for QoS provisioning in IP networks.


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The primary purpose of this thesis was to design a logical simulation of a communication sub block to be used in the effective communication of digital data between the host and the peripheral devices. The module designed is a Serial interface engine in the Universal Serial Bus that effectively controls the flow of data for communication between the host and the peripheral devices with the emphasis on the study of timing and control signals, considering the practical aspects of them. In this study an attempt was made to realize data communication in the hardware using the Verilog Hardware Description language, which is supported by most popular logic synthesis tools. Various techniques like Cyclic Redundancy Checks, bit-stuffing and Non Return to Zero are implemented in the design to provide enhanced performance of the module.


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Electromagnetic waves in suburban environment encounter multiple obstructions that shadow the signal. These waves are scattered and random in polarization. They take multiple paths that add as vectors at the portable device. Buildings have vertical and horizontal edges. Diffraction from edges has polarization dependent characteristics. In practical case, a signal transmitted from a vertically polarized high antenna will result in a significant fraction of total power in the horizontal polarization at the street level. Signal reception can be improved whenever there is a probability of receiving the signal in at least two independent ways or branches. The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method was applied to obtain the two and three-dimensional dyadic diffraction coefficients (soft and hard) of right-angle perfect electric conductor (PEC) wedges illuminated by a plane wave. The FDTD results were in good agreement with the asymptotic solutions obtained using Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD). Further, a material wedge replaced the PEC wedge and the dyadic diffraction coefficient for the same was obtained.


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A nuclear waste stream is the complete flow of waste material from origin to treatment facility to final disposal. The objective of this study was to design and develop a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) module using Google Application Programming Interface (API) for better visualization of nuclear waste streams that will identify and display various nuclear waste stream parameters. A proper display of parameters would enable managers at Department of Energy waste sites to visualize information for proper planning of waste transport. The study also developed an algorithm using quadratic Bézier curve to make the map more understandable and usable. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 were used for the implementation of the project. The study has shown that the combination of several technologies can successfully provide dynamic mapping functionality. Future work should explore various Google Maps API functionalities to further enhance the visualization of nuclear waste streams.


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The performance of a compact, wearable Conformal Strongly Coupled Magnetic Resonance (CSCMR) system is studied when the antenna is in the air and is worn on a user’s arm. The wireless powering system consists of the receiver and load elements designed on a printed circuit board that is attached to a polyester fabric band. The wearable antenna achieves high efficiency, has a small volume, and can be easily printed on substrates. Although the user effect on mobile terminal antennas has been studied in detail, absorption losses in wearable antennas have not been widely investigated. Our results show that efficiency of the antenna in free space is 70% and on a user’s arm is 50%. Human tissue in the close proximity of our wearable Conformal SCMR caused a decrease in radiated efficiency and total efficiency. This undesired degradation in antenna efficiency might be attributed to body loss and absorption losses. Our findings can be used as a reference for future studies on wearable devices and their applications, such as health and sports monitoring.


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The requirement that primary school children appreciate fully the pivotal role played by engineering in the sustainable development of future society is reflected in the literature with much attention being paid to the need to spark childrens engineering imagination early-on in their school careers. Moreover, UK policy documents highlight the value of embedding engineering into the school curriculum, arguing that programmes aimed at inspiring children through a process of real-life learning experiences are vital pedagogical tools in promoting engineering to future generations. Despite such attention, engineering education at school-level remains sporadic, often reliant on individual engineering-entrepreneurs such as teachers who, through personal interest, get children involved in what are usually extra-curriculum, time-limited engineering focused programmes and competitions. This paper briefly discusses an exploratory study aimed at investigating the issues surrounding embedding engineering into the primary school curriculum. It gives some insight into the perceptions of various stakeholders in respect of the viability and value of introducing engineering education into the primary school curriculum from the age of 6 or 7. A conceptual framework of primary level engineering education, bringing together the theoretical, pedagogical and policy related phenomena influencing the development of engineering education is proposed. The paper concludes by arguing that in order to avert future societal disaster, childrens engineering imagination needs to be ignited from an early age and that to do this primary engineering education needs to be given far more educational, social and political attention. © 2009 Authors.


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Despite being frequently misrepresented as outdated or old fashioned (IMechE, 2009, p1), engineering is increasingly called upon to deal with some of societies biggest challenges including those associated with climate, infrastructure and security. In order to meet such challenges there needs to be a supply of engineering talent able to turn its collective mind to what is required. Yet at a time when demands for engineers able to provide innovative solutions to contemporary problems is possibly at its highest, the profession is plagued by shortages and an inability to attract young people (DIUS, 2008; RAE 2008; NSF, 2009). Although the current situation appears critical, potential future shortages of engineers means that unless action is taken urgently, matters will get worse during the next 20 to 30 years. For higher education, the challenge is how to change young peoples perceptions of engineering in such a manner that it is seen as a worthwhile and rewarding career. This paper considers this challenge, looking in detail at why young people fail to view engineering positively. A theoretical framework outlining the various real-life barriers and drivers is proposed. A critical analysis of current policy and practice suggests that in order to promote engineering as a profession that young people want to enter, both pedagogic and policy grounded solutions need to be found. By bringing together pedagogy and policy within an engineering framework the paper adds to current debates in engineering education whilst providing a distinctive look at what seems to be a recurring problem. © 2009 Authors.


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A phenomenographic study uncovers variations in the way that the subjects are aware of a phenomenon. In the categories of description that represent the variations in awareness there are features that, through their variation, define the characteristics of the categories. Teaching seeks to foster a change in the way that the learner is aware of a phenomenon through opening up a space of learning. This paper outlines the way that the outcome spaces from a phenomenographic study can be used to plan a teaching programme that utilises variations in the features. It discusses a strategy for teaching programming based on a phenomenographic study of practitioner conceptions of an object-oriented program. The strategy covers features related to the nature of an object-oriented program. Copyright 2010 ACM.