723 resultados para compactação de abomaso
A utilização de métodos de formulação de misturas betuminosas tem como objetivo determinar a combinação de agregados e betume numa mistura, de tal modo que se obtenha um material de pavimentação tão económico quanto possível, fácil de fabricar e colocar, e que suporte os efeitos das cargas e do clima ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. As misturas colocadas nas camadas de pavimentos podem diferir no tipo de material agregado e na sua granulometria, no tipo e na quantidade de ligante, na utilização de aditivos ou agentes que modificam o betume, e na sua composição volumétrica. Os métodos empíricos de formulação de misturas betuminosas, como o método de Marshall, não permitem formular com a fiabilidade necessária misturas betuminosas com o desempenho mecânico adequado para resistir aos mecanismos de degradação a que vão ficar sujeitas nos pavimentos. Uma das alternativas ao método de Marshall é a metodologia de formulação volumétrica SUPERPAVE, desenvolvida no programa Strategic Highway Research Program(SHRP). Nesta metodologia o procedimento de seleção da percentagem ótima em betume é realizado com base nas propriedades volumétricas de provetes compactados com o compactador giratório. A percentagem ótima em betume depende da energia de compactação utilizada, sendo esta fornecida pelo número de giros a que o provete foi submetido. O equipamento geralmente usado nos ensaios é a prensa giratória de corte (PGC) que permite medir a compacidade e estimar com uma precisão suficiente a porosidade que será obtida insitu. Nestes métodos a seleção da curva granulométrica e da percentagem ótima de betume a usar é feita pela verificação da maior ou menor correspondência entre as composiçõestestadas e certos requisitos de compactabilidade pré-definidos, entendendo-se estes como uma medida da aptidão da mistura para apresentar bom comportamento no seu ciclo de vida. A prática portuguesa é a de utilizar o método de Marshall para formular misturas betuminosas convencionais e até algumas misturas não convencionais. Torna-se, assim, útil comparar os resultados de formulações obtidas por duas vias diferentes, tendo em conta que a utilização da prensa giratória de corte tem vindo a ser progressivamente integrada em várias metodologias de formulação utilizadas internacionalmente. Crê-se que os métodos baseados em PGC, mantêm alguma simplicidade de procedimentos, ao mesmo tempo que permitem amentar o nível de confiança nas composições a que se chega, no que diz respeito ao seu desempenho no seu ciclo de vida.
A presente dissertação procura contribuir para avaliar a utilidade de três equipamentos ligeiros na caracterização in situ de materiais de pavimentação de infraestruturas de transporte. Aquele tipo de avaliação visa o controlo de qualidade dos materiais durante o processo construtivo, embora possa contribuir também para estimar o comportamento previsível dos materiais utilizados. O estudo centrou-se principalmente na utilização do Defletómetro de Impacto Ligeiro (DIL), do GeoGauge (GG) e do Densímetro Elétrico (DE). No entanto, realizaramse complementarmente ensaios com o Cone de Penetração Dinâmica (CPD), com o Gamadensímetro (GD) e com o Indicador de Qualidade de Pavimentos (IQP). O GG e o DIL foram concebidos com o objetivo de medirem o módulo de deformabilidade de camadas constituídas por solo ou por materiais granulares. O DE destina-se a avaliar a qualidade da compactação de camadas de solo. Numa fase inicial do trabalho, fez-se uma recolha bibliográfica sobre as características, os princípios de funcionamento e o modo operatório de cada um dos equipamentos, de modo a apoiar o estudo de caso que se realizou mais tarde no âmbito do trabalho. O estudo bibliográfico centrou-se ainda na procura dos parâmetros que é possível medir com cada um dos equipamentos estudados, bem como na procura de relações entre aqueles parâmetros. Para a realização da campanha de ensaios previamente estabelecida, o estudo incluiu a construção de um modelo físico de pavimento. O pavimento construído, com dimensões em planta da ordem de 2 1,5 m2, é constituído por duas estruturas diferentes, assentes sobre a mesma fundação, com uma espessura total de 29 cm: uma formada por uma camada granular e uma camada betuminosa; a outra constituída por uma camada de solo estabilizado com cimento e uma camada betuminosa. Os materiais constituintes do modelo foram caracterizados em laboratório e/ou in situ com recurso a ensaios convencionais. Nalguns casos recorreu-se às fichas de produto para recolher as propriedades necessárias. Na fundação estudou-se a utilização do DIL, do GG e do DE. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se o solo, com o CPD e com o GD. Nas camadas granular e de solo estabilizado estudou-se a utilização do DIL, do GG e do GD. Na camada betuminosa efetuaram-se ensaios com o DIL e com o IQP. Em cada um dos materiais colocados foi estudada a utilização dos equipamentos individualmente, de modo a obter os parâmetros caracterizadores dos materiais: o CBR (com o CPD), o módulo de deformabilidade (com o DIL, o GG e o CPD), a baridade seca e o teor em água (com o GD e o DE), a baridade (com o IQP). Quando se revelou útil, compararam-se resultados obtidos com os diferentes equipamentos para cada um dos materiais. Em termos gerais, pode afirmar-se que a utilização dos equipamentos testados pode contribuir de forma útil para avaliar os materiais in situ. Contudo, foram detetadas fragilidades no processo de caracterização, particularmente no que diz respeito à análise de sistemas multicamada com o DIL. O processo de calibração necessário à obtenção de resultados fiáveis com o DE revelou-se pouco prático. Além disso, o GG permitiu obter resultados com baixa variabilidade, embora geralmente bastante diferentes dos obtidos com o DIL. Os equipamentos complementares estudados neste trabalho mostraram ser úteis na avaliação dos materiais. Em suma, para que o controlo de qualidade seja efetivo, é necessário estabelecer, através de estudos mais alargados, quais os materiais em os equipamentos estudados podem ser utilizados com propriedade, e quais os critérios de aceitação/rejeição dos materiais que devem ser considerados em cada caso.
A incorporação de pigmentos na composição do betão é uma técnica aplicada como alternativa arquitetónica à pintura ou colocação de revestimentos em edifícios. Tratando-se de um betão à vista importa considerar cuidados adicionais na sua aplicação para assegurar a homogeneidade e qualidade do acabamento superficial. Utilizando betões autocompactáveis, não só a homogeneidade do material é aumentada devido à eliminação da compactação, como também o acabamento superficial é melhorado devido à maior capacidade de preenchimento dos moldes que estes betões apresentam. Neste trabalho dimensionam-se cinco composições de betão autocompactável colorido utilizando agregados britados vulcânicos correntemente utilizados no fabrico de betão na Região Autónoma da Madeira. Para o dimensionamento dos betões, realizaram-se vários estudos em pastas, de seguida em argamassas e finalmente em betões. Com o estudo das pastas obtiveram-se as primeiras informações sobre o efeito da introdução de pigmentos. Depois estudaram-se argamassas que continham o mesmo volume de areia relativo mas incorporando pastas com diferentes cores. Identificaram-se as pastas que conduziam a argamassas com propriedades reológicas semelhantes às da argamassa da composição considerada como referência. Nos betões começou-se por produzir uma composição de betão autocompactável de referência que foi caracterizada em termos de autocompactabilidade pelos ensaios de espalhamento, caixa L, funil V e segregação. Finalmente, realizaram-se composições de betões coloridos cujos conteúdos em agregados e finos eram os mesmos que os da composição de referência mas substituindo parcialmente o volume de água por igual volume de pigmentos. Os resultados mostraram que a incorporação de pigmentos conduz a uma ligeira perda de trabalhabilidade, sendo essa perda de trabalhabilidade facilmente compensada com um aumento da dosagem de superplastificante, cujo volume adicionado é substituído pela remoção de igual volume de água.
Mining is an activity of great economic and social value, assisting in the development of the country. However, it can be extremely harmful to the environment if no proper waste management study exists as mitigation measure its effects. Sample some of these harmful effects are pollution: water, through the seepage of waste into the groundwater; soil; of fauna and flora; sound (due to the noise of machines); visual from the residue stored in the open, changing the local landscape; and air. One way to mitigate environmental impacts caused by mining is the proper management of their waste through their use on highways. To that end, this paper proposes to give an appropriate destination to grit coming from the beneficiation of scheelite, due to mining activity from mining group Tomaz Salustino in Brejuí mine, located in the city of Currais Novos in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This work was developed in four stages. The first comprised the chemical and mineralogical tests, DRX and FRX in which they sought to discover the composition of the material studied. The next step involved the physical characteristics of the waste by means of specific tests and grinding the solid mass, LL and LP. The third stage included the specific tests applied to the pavement, with the compaction test and test Index Support California. Finally, the fourth stage was the mechanical characterization, represented by direct shear tests, both in the flooded condition and not in flooded condition. The technical feasibility of using the modified energie compacted in layers of subbase power has been verified. In normal and intermediate energies is feasible to use less noble as layers as the subgrade. The incorporation of the waste in layers of road pavements provide an alternative to conventionally used in paving aggregates, providing a proper disposal of tailings from scheelite, as well as environmental preservation
The drilling of wells for petroleum extraction generates rocks and soils fragments, among other residues. These fragments are denominated petroleum drilling gravel or simply petroleum drilling residue. On the sites of onshore exploration are formed big deposits of drilling gravel, an expensive final destination material. This work aims at evaluating the addition of drilling residue to a lateritic soil, as composite material, for construction of compacted fills for earth work projects. Soil and residue were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and by laboratory tests traditionally used in soil mechanics, as particle-size analysis of soils, determination of liquid and plasticity indexes and compaction test. After soil and residue characterization, soil-residue mixtures were studied, using dosages of 2,5%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of residue in relation to the dry soil mass. These mixtures were submitted to compaction test, CBR, direct shear test and consolidation test. The test results were compared to the current legislation of DNIT for compacted fill construction. The results showed that the mixtures presented the minimal necessary parameters, allowing, from the point of view of geotechnical analysis, the use of these mixtures for construction of compacted fills
From an economic standpoint, the powder metallurgy (P/M) is a technique widely used for the production of small parts. It is possible, through the P/M and prior comminution of solid waste such as ferrous chips, produce highly dense sintered parts and of interest to the automotive, electronics and aerospace industries. However, without prior comminution the chip, the production of bodies with a density equal to theoretical density by conventional sintering techniques require the use of additives or significantly higher temperatures than 1250ºC. An alternative route to the production of sintered bodies with high density compaction from ferrous chips (≤ 850 microns) and solid phase sintering is a compression technique under high pressure (HP). In this work, different compaction pressures to produce a sintered chip of SAE 1050 carbon steel were used. Specifically, the objective was to investigate them, the effect of high pressure compression in the behavior of densification of the sintered samples. Therefore, samples of the chips from the SAE 1050 carbon steel were uniaxially cold compacted at 500 and 2000 MPa, respectively. The green compacts obtained were sintered under carbon atmosphere at 1100 and 1200°C for 90 minutes. The heating rate used was 20°C/min. The starting materials and the sintered bodies were characterized by optical microscopy, SEM, XRD, density measurements (geometric: mass/volume, and pycnometry) and microhardness measurements Vickers and Rockwell hardness. The results showed that the compact produced under 2000 MPa presented relative density values between 93% and 100% of theoretical density and microhardness between 150 HV and 180 HV, respectively. In contrast, compressed under 500 MPa showed a very heterogeneous microstructure, density value below 80% of theoretical density and structural conditions of inadequate specimens for carrying out the hardness and microhardness measurements. The results indicate that use of the high pressure of ferrous chips compression is a promising route to improve the sinterability conditions of this type of material, because in addition to promoting greater compression of the starting material, the external tension acts together with surface tension, functioning as the motive power for sintering process. Additionally, extremely high pressures allow plastic deformation of the material, providing an intimate and extended contact of the particles and eliminating cracks and pores. This tends to reduce the time and / or temperature required for good sintering, avoiding excessive grain growth without the use of additives. Moreover, higher pressures lead to fracture the grains in fragile or ductile materials highly hardened, which provides a starting powder for sintering, thinner, without the risk of contamination present when previous methods are used comminution of the powder.
A combinação da Moldagem por Injeção de pós Metálicos (Metal Injection Moulding MIM) e o Método do Retentor Espacial (Space Holder Method - SHM) é uma técnica promissora para fabricação de peças porosas de titânio com porosidade bem definida como implantes biomédicos, uma vez que permite um alto grau de automatização e redução dos custos de produção em larga escala quando comparado a técnica tradicional (SHM e usinagem a verde). Contudo a aplicação desta técnica é limitada pelo fato que há o fechamento parcial da porosidade na superfície das amostras, levando ao deterioramento da fixação do implante ao osso. E além disso, até o presente momento não foi possível atingir condições de processamento estáveis quando a quantidade de retentor espacial excede 50 vol. %. Entretanto, a literatura descreve que a melhor faixa de porosidade para implantes de titânio para coluna vertebral está entre 60 - 65 vol. %. Portanto, no presente estudo, duas abordagens foram conduzidas visando a produção de amostras altamente porosas através da combinação de MIM e SHM com o valor constante de retentor espacial de 70 vol. % e uma porosidade aberta na superfície. Na primeira abordagem, a quantidade ótima de retentor espacial foi investigada, para tal foram melhorados a homogeneização do feedstock e os parâmetros de processo com o propósito de permitir a injeção do feedstock. Na segunda abordagem, tratamento por plasma foi aplicado nas amostras antes da etapa final de sinterização. Ambas rotas resultaram na melhoria da estabilidade dimensional das amostras durante a extração térmica do ligante e sinterização, permitindo a sinterização de amostras de titânio altamente porosas sem deformação da estrutura.
Government efforts have found some obstacles in achieving a better infrastructure regarding environmental preservation requirements. There is a need to develop new techniques that leave the big exploitation of environmental resources. This study measures the evaluation of the behavior of a composite formed by lateritic soil mix and tire buffings. In this way, a road embankment model was developed to assess the bearing capacity of the composite. This study measured the load capacity of the composites with 0%, 10%, 20% and 40% rubber mixed with the soil, by weight, iron plate loading tests on a simulated embankment in a metal box of 1.40 x 1.40 x 0.80 m. After four compaction layers of the composite, a plate test was performed, and then stress-settlement curves were obtained for the material. The embankments with 20% and 40% rubber content was difficult to compact. There was a significant reduction in the load capacity of the soil-plate system with increasing rubber content. The composite with the lowest loss of bearing capacity in relation to the reference soil was the one with a χ = 10%. In the load capacity tests, another aspect noted was the bearing capacity in terms of CBR. The results also show a gradual decrease in bearing capacity in the composites as with the rubber incorporation content increases. As in the plate load tests, the composite that had the lower bearing capacity loss was also that with 10% content.
The present study aims to evaluate the potential use of bagasse ash from sugar cane (CBC) as a flux, replacing phyllite and/or feldspar in standard industrial mass production of enameled porcelain, verifying the possibility of the CBC contribute to the overall reduction of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the ceramic mass. To this end, as a result of the research, we characterized the raw material components of the standard mass (clay, phyllite, kaolin, feldspar, quartz and talc) and the residue of BCC, by testing by XRF, XRD, AG, DTA and ATG. Specimens (CDP) were manufactured in the dimensions of 100 mm x 50 mm x 8 mm in uniaxial matrix under compaction pressure of 33 MPa, assembled in batches of 3 units subsequently sintered at temperatures of 1150°C to 1210°C by varying the Rating Scale at 10°C, heating and cooling ramp of 50°C/min and 25°C/min, with levels of 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 8 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min and 60 min. analyzing the results of the physical properties of water absorption (WA), linear firing shrinkage (LFS), dilatometric analysis (DTA), flexural strain (SFT) and SEM of the sintered bodies in order to verify the adequacy of CDP to ISO 13006, ISO 10545, NBR 13816 standards; NBR 13817 and NBR 13818. The study showed that the formulations that best suit the requirements of the standards are:. G4 - which was applied in 10% of replacing the CBC phyllite, sintering temperature 1210 ° C for 10 min and porch, and F3 - with application of 7.5% of CBC to replace the feldspar in the sintering temperatures of 1190°C, 1200°C and 1210°C for 10 min and porch. These formulations showed better performance regarding the formation of primary and secondary mullite, with considerable reduction of cracks and pores, meeting the prerequisites of standards for glazed porcelain. The results shows that the use of the CBC as a flux in the preparation of porcelain mass meets standard parameters for the manufacture of the product, and thereby can reduce environmental impact and the cost of production. Therefore, it is recommended to use this residue in the ceramics industry, due to its industrial, commercial and collaborative viability for sustainability.
The Nb-Cu pseudoalloys present themselves as potential substitutes for the alloys from a well known system and already commercially applied, as the W-Cu alloys, used in applications such as heat sinks, electrical contacts and coils for the generation of high magnetic fields. Because it is an immiscible system, where there is mutual insolubility and low wettability of the liquid Cu on the Nb surface, the processing route used in this work was the Powder Metallurgy. Two Nb alloys were used, with additions of 10% and 20% in weight of Cu, and times of 20, 30 and 40 hours for the high energy milling of the starting powders. The milling evolution of the powders is presented through the characterization techniques, such as the LASER diffraction for particle size, XRD, SEM, EDS, DSC, dilatometry, TEM and chemical analysis. After the milling, portions of the loads were submitted to the annealing heat treatment. The process used for the samples consolidation was the hot pressing, which has been applied both on some milled powders samples, as on the annealed powders. Subsequent heat treatments were performed in the samples at temperatures of 1000ºC (solid phase) and 1100ºC (in the Cu liquid phase). All sets of consolidated samples, and also the two sets of the heat treated, were analyzed by XRD, SEM, EDS, density and Vickers microhardness. Moreover, other Nb powder samples with 10% and 20% in weight of Cu obtained by simple mechanical mixing, were consolidated, thermally treated and characterized with the same techniques applied to the others, and the results were compared among themselves. Despite the difficulty of consolidation and densification of the two pseudoalloys of the Nb-Cu system of this study, on the route that passes through the HEM, samples were obtained with densities around 90% of the theoretical density. And, on the processing route of which were only mixed, the values reached up to 97%. Therefore, in this work are also emphasized the processes that made possible these results.
The distribution of diagenetic alterations in Late Cenomanian siliciclastic reservoirs from Potiguar Basin was influenced by the stratigraphic framework and the depositional system. Seismic sections and geophysical logs of two wells drilled in the SW portion of the mentioned basin above register regional stratigraphic surfaces representing maximum floods related to a transgressive event. The sequential analysis of 80 m of drill core (~450 m deep) recognized nine depositional facies with an upwards granodecrescent standard piling that limits cycles with an erosional conglomeratic base (lag) overlain by intercalations of medium to very fine sandstones showing cross bedding (channel, planar and low angled) and horizontal bedding (plane-parallel , wave and flaser). The top of the cycles is marked by the deposition of pelites and the development of paleosoils and lagoons. The correlation of genetically related facies reveals associations of channel fillings, crevasse, and flood plains deposited in a transgressive system. Detailed descriptions of seventy nine thin sections aided by MEV-EBSD/EDS, DRX and stable isotope analyses in sandstones revealed an arcosian composition and complex textural arrays with abundant smectite fringes continuously covering primary components, mechanically infiltrated cuticles and moldic and intragrain pores. K-feldspar epitaxial overgrowth covers microcline and orthoclase grains before any other phase. Abundant pseudomatrix due to the compactation of mud intraclasts concentrate along the stratification planes, locally replaced by macrocristalline calcite and microcrystalline and framboidal pyrite. Kaolinite (booklets and vermicular), microcrystalline smectite, microcrystalline titanium minerals and pyrite replace the primary components. The intergrain porosity prevails over the moldic, intragrain and contraction porosities. The pores are poorly connected due to the presence of intergranular smectite, k-feldspar overgrowth, infiltrated mud and pseudomatrix. The sandstones were subjected to eodiagenetic conditions next to the surface and shallow burial mesodiagenetic conditions. The diagenetic alterations reduced the porosity and the permeability mainly due to the precipitation of smectite fringes, compactation of mud intraclasts onto the pseudomatrix and cementing by poikilotopic calcite characterizing different reservoir petrofacies. These diagenetic products acted as barriers and detours to the flow of fluids thus reducing the quality of the reservoir.
Brazil is a country in development, rich in natural resources. In order to grow sustainably, it is necessary to Brazil to preserve its environment, which is an expressive challenge, especially to industries, such as those producing ceramic materials. This study was developed using Porcelain Tile Polishing Residue (RPP) in blends with soil to build compacted fills. This residue is a slurry generated during the polishing process of porcelain tiles and contains powdery material from the polished tile, the abrasives used during the process and cooling water. The RPP was collected from a private company located in Conde/PB and it was mixed with a sandy-clayey soil, to build the fills. Laboratorial tests were conducted with pure soil, pure RPP and blends in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of RPP in addition to the dry mass of pure soil. The Chemical and Physical Characterization tests performed were: specific solid weight, grain size distribution, laser analysis of grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and soil compaction,. The materials and blends were also compacted and direct shear tests and plate load tests were performed. Plate load tests were conducted using a circular plate with 30 cm diameter, on specimens of pure soil and 5% blend, compacted in a metallic box inside the Soil Mechanics Laboratory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Both mechanical tests performed were conducted under inundated conditions, willing to reduce the influence of soil suction. An evaluation of the results of the tests performed shows that RPP is a fine material, with grain size distribution smaller than 0,015mm, composed mainly of silica and alumina, and particles in angular shape. The soil was characterized as a clayey sand, geologically known as a lateritic soil, with high percentages of alumina and iron oxide, and particles with rounded shape. Both the Soil and the blends presented low plasticity, while the residue showed a medium plasticity. Direct shear tests showed that the addition of RPP did not cause major changes into blends’ friction angle data, however, it was possible to note that, for the proportions studied, that is a tendency of obtain lower shear stresses for higher percentages of RPP in the blends. Both pure soil and 5% mixture showed a punching disruption for the Plate load test. For this same test, the allowable stress for 5% mixture was 44% higher than the pure soil, and smaller vertical settlement results for all stresses.
Brazil is a country in development, rich in natural resources. In order to grow sustainably, it is necessary to Brazil to preserve its environment, which is an expressive challenge, especially to industries, such as those producing ceramic materials. This study was developed using Porcelain Tile Polishing Residue (RPP) in blends with soil to build compacted fills. This residue is a slurry generated during the polishing process of porcelain tiles and contains powdery material from the polished tile, the abrasives used during the process and cooling water. The RPP was collected from a private company located in Conde/PB and it was mixed with a sandy-clayey soil, to build the fills. Laboratorial tests were conducted with pure soil, pure RPP and blends in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of RPP in addition to the dry mass of pure soil. The Chemical and Physical Characterization tests performed were: specific solid weight, grain size distribution, laser analysis of grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and soil compaction,. The materials and blends were also compacted and direct shear tests and plate load tests were performed. Plate load tests were conducted using a circular plate with 30 cm diameter, on specimens of pure soil and 5% blend, compacted in a metallic box inside the Soil Mechanics Laboratory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Both mechanical tests performed were conducted under inundated conditions, willing to reduce the influence of soil suction. An evaluation of the results of the tests performed shows that RPP is a fine material, with grain size distribution smaller than 0,015mm, composed mainly of silica and alumina, and particles in angular shape. The soil was characterized as a clayey sand, geologically known as a lateritic soil, with high percentages of alumina and iron oxide, and particles with rounded shape. Both the Soil and the blends presented low plasticity, while the residue showed a medium plasticity. Direct shear tests showed that the addition of RPP did not cause major changes into blends’ friction angle data, however, it was possible to note that, for the proportions studied, that is a tendency of obtain lower shear stresses for higher percentages of RPP in the blends. Both pure soil and 5% mixture showed a punching disruption for the Plate load test. For this same test, the allowable stress for 5% mixture was 44% higher than the pure soil, and smaller vertical settlement results for all stresses.
Composites based on alumina (Al2O3), tungsten carbide (WC) and cobalt (Co) exhibit specific properties such as low density, high oxidation resistance, high melting point and high chemical inertia. That composite shows to be a promising material for application in various fields of engineering. In this work, the mechanical properties of the composite (Al2O3 – WC – Co), particularly density and hardness, were evaluated according to the effects of the variables of powder processing parameters, green compact and sintered. Powder composites with the composition of 80 wt% Al2O3, 18 wt% WC and 2 wt% Co were processed by high energy ball milling in a planetary mill for 50 hours as well as mixed by manual mixing in a glass vessel with the same proportion. Samples were collected (2, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 hours) during the milling process. Then, the powders were compacted in a cylindrical die with 5 mm in diameter in a uniaxial press with pressures of 200 and 400 MPa. The sintering was in two stages: first, the solid phase sintering was performed at 1126 and 1300 °C for 1 hour with a heating rate of 10 °C/min in a resistive furnace under argon atmosphere for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa; the second sintering was performed on dilatometer in solid phase at 1300 °C for green sample compacted in 200 MPa, another sintering also was performed on dilatometer, this time in liquid phase at 1550 °C for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa, with the same parameters used in resistive furnace. The raw materials were characterized by X – ray diffraction (XRD), X – ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and laser particlemeter. The sintered samples were subjected to microhardness testing. The results showed that high energy milling achieved to the objectives regarding the particle size and the dispersion of composite phases. However, the hardness did not achieve to significant results, this is an indication that the composite has low fracture toughness.
Composites based on alumina (Al2O3), tungsten carbide (WC) and cobalt (Co) exhibit specific properties such as low density, high oxidation resistance, high melting point and high chemical inertia. That composite shows to be a promising material for application in various fields of engineering. In this work, the mechanical properties of the composite (Al2O3 – WC – Co), particularly density and hardness, were evaluated according to the effects of the variables of powder processing parameters, green compact and sintered. Powder composites with the composition of 80 wt% Al2O3, 18 wt% WC and 2 wt% Co were processed by high energy ball milling in a planetary mill for 50 hours as well as mixed by manual mixing in a glass vessel with the same proportion. Samples were collected (2, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 hours) during the milling process. Then, the powders were compacted in a cylindrical die with 5 mm in diameter in a uniaxial press with pressures of 200 and 400 MPa. The sintering was in two stages: first, the solid phase sintering was performed at 1126 and 1300 °C for 1 hour with a heating rate of 10 °C/min in a resistive furnace under argon atmosphere for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa; the second sintering was performed on dilatometer in solid phase at 1300 °C for green sample compacted in 200 MPa, another sintering also was performed on dilatometer, this time in liquid phase at 1550 °C for green samples compacted in 200 and 400 MPa, with the same parameters used in resistive furnace. The raw materials were characterized by X – ray diffraction (XRD), X – ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and laser particlemeter. The sintered samples were subjected to microhardness testing. The results showed that high energy milling achieved to the objectives regarding the particle size and the dispersion of composite phases. However, the hardness did not achieve to significant results, this is an indication that the composite has low fracture toughness.