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Suomen metsäteollisuus elää voimakasta uusiutumis- ja murrosvaihetta, joka ilmenee muutoksina yksittäisten tehtaiden ja tehdasintegraattien toiminnassa. Monia yksikköjä on poistunut tuotannosta ja tuotannon painotusta on muutettu. Toisaalta metsäteollisuus on suuntaamassa uusille aloille, jolloin tuotteina voivat olla esimerkiksi erilaiset biopolttoaineet, kemianteollisuuden raaka-aineet ja uuden sukupolven paperi- ja kartonkituotteet. Metsäteollisuuden muuttuminen ja laitosten monimutkaistuminen sekä jatkuvasti lisääntyvä tiedontarve asettavat yhä suurempia vaatimuksia sekä toiminnanharjoittajien ympäristövastaaville että viranomaisille. Hallinnon jatkuva muutos ja niukkenevat voimavarat voivat johtaa siihen, että käytännön lupa- ja valvontatyöhön jää yhä vähemmän aikaa. Kaakkois-Suomen ELY-keskuksen koordinoima hanke ”Metsäteollisuuden ympäristöstrategia vuoteen 2020 - hallinnon näkökulma” pyrkii vastaamaan edellä mainittuihin haasteisiin strategiatyön avulla. Hankkeen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella metsäteollisuuden ympäristönäkökohtia niistä lähtökohdista, joihin yritys voi vaikuttaa raaka-aineen tulosta tehtaalle ja tuotteen lähdöstä tehtaalta sekä tehtaan perustamisesta sulkemiseen ja jälkihoitoon asti. Tavoitteena oli määritellä toiminnoille toimiva ympäristöstrategia. Strategiassa pyrittiin löytämään yhteisymmärrys toiminnanharjoittajan ja viranomaisen kanssa mm. siitä, miten otetaan käyttöön parhaat käytännöt niin teollisuudessa kuin hallinnossakin, toimitaan uusien BAT-, IED- ja vesienhoitoperiaatteiden mukaisesti sekä edistetään kestävän kehityksen mukaisten tuotteiden markkinoille tuloa ja otetaan ennakointi tavaksi -lähtökohta käyttöön kaikessa toiminnassa. Hanketyössä esille nousseet haasteet ryhmiteltiin aihelueittain kolmeksi pääkohdaksi tärkeysjärjestyksessä: viranomaisen ja teollisuuden tiedonkulun ja tietämyksen parantaminen, lupa-, valvonta- ja hallintoprosessien parantaminen sekä uusien haasteiden kartoittaminen ja niihin reagointi. Haasteiden ratkaisukeinoiksi etsittiin käytännön toimenpiteitä sekä määriteltiin niille vastuutahot. Toimenpiteiksi esitettiin mm. viranomaisen ja teollisuuden yhteisiä koulutuspäiviä, asiantuntijapaneelin perustamista sekä lupamääräysten antamista myös tehtaan tai tuotantoyksikön sulkemisen tai muuttamisen varalle. Riittävien resurssien ja tietotaidon turvaaminen niin hallinnossa kuin teollisuudessa on ehdoton edellytys toimenpiteiden onnistumiselle


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We microscopically and mechanically evaluated the femurs of rats subjected to hindlimb unloading (tail suspension) followed by treadmill training. Female Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups containing 12-14 rats: control I (118 days old), control II (139 days old), suspended (tail suspension for 28 days), suspended-released (released for 21 days after 28 days of suspension), and suspended-trained (trained for 21 days after 28 days of suspension). We measured bone resistance by bending-compression mechanical tests of the entire proximal half of the femur and three-point bending tests of diaphyseal cortical bone. We determined bone microstructure by tetracycline labeling of trabecular and cortical bone. We found that tail suspension weakened bone (ultimate load = 86.3 ± 13.5 N, tenacity modulus = 0.027 ± 0.011 MPa·m vs ultimate load = 101.5 ± 10.5 N, tenacity modulus = 0.019 ± 0.006 MPa·m in control I animals). The tenacity modulus for suspended and released animals was 0.023 ± 0.010 MPa·m vs 0.046 ± 0.018 MPa·m for trained animals and 0.035 ± 0.010 MPa·m for control animals. These data indicate that normal activity and training resulted in recovered bone resistance, but suspended-released rats presented femoral head flattening and earlier closure of the growth plate. Microscopically, we found that suspension inhibited new bone subperiosteal and endosteal formation. The bone disuse atrophy secondary to hypoactivity in rats can be reversed by an early regime of exercising, which is more advantageous than ordinary cage activities alone.


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Round holes in the ears of MRL mice tend to close with characteristics of regeneration believed to be absent in other mouse strains (e.g., C57BL/6). We evaluated the kinetics and the histopathology of ear wound closure in young (8 weeks old) C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice. We also used middle-aged (40 weeks old) C57BL/6 mice to evaluate the influence of aging on this process. A circular through-and-through hole was made in the ear, photographs were taken at different times after injury and wound area was measured with digital analysis software. The percentages of closed area measured on day 100 were: 23.57 ± 8.66% for young BALB/c mice, 56.47 ± 7.39% for young C57BL/6 mice, and 75.31 ± 23.65% for middle-aged C57BL/6 mice. Mice were sacrificed on days 1, 3, 5, 25, 44, and 100 for histological evaluation with hematoxylin and eosin, Gomori’s trichrome, periodic acid-Schiff, or picrosirius red staining. In young mice of both strains, healing included re-epithelialization, chondrogenesis, myogenesis, and collagen deposition. Young C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice differed in the organization of collagen fibers visualized using picrosirius-polarization. Sebaceous glands and hair follicles regenerated and chondrogenesis was greater in young C57BL/6 mice. In middle-aged C57BL/6 mice all aspects of regeneration were depressed. The characteristics of regeneration were present during ear wound healing in both young BALB/c and young C57BL/6 mice although they differed in intensity and pattern. Greater ear wound closure in middle-aged C57BL/6 mice was not correlated with regeneration.


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This study determined the effects of gallium-aluminum-arsenide laser (GaAlAs), gallium-arsenide laser (GaAs) and Dersani® healing ointment on skin wounds in Wistar rats. The parameters analyzed were: type I and III collagen fiber concentrations as well as the rate of wound closure. Five wounds, 12 mm in diameter, were made on the animals’ backs. The depth of the surgical incision was controlled by removing the epithelial tissue until the dorsal muscular fascia was exposed. The animals were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine via intraperitoneal injection. The rats were randomly divided into five groups of 6 animals each, according to the treatment received. Group 1 (L4): GaAs laser (4 J/cm²); group 2 (L30): GaAlAs laser (30 J/cm²); group 3 (L60): GaAlAs laser (60 J/cm²); group 4 (D): Dersani® ointment; group 5 (control): 0.9% saline. The applications were made daily over a period of 20 days. Tissue fragments were stained with picrosirius to distinguish type I collagen from type III collagen. The collagen fibers were photo-documented and analyzed using the Quantum software based on the primary color spectrum (red, yellow and blue). Significant results for wound closing rate were obtained for group 1 (L4), 7.37 mm/day. The highest concentration of type III collagen fibers was observed in group 2 (L30; 37.80 ± 7.10%), which differed from control (29.86 ± 5.15%) on the 20th day of treatment. The type I collagen fibers of group 1 (L4; 2.67 ± 2.23%) and group 2 (L30; 2.87 ± 2.40%) differed significantly from control (1.77 ± 2.97%) on the 20th day of the experiment.


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Physical training influences the cells and mediators involved in skin wound healing. The objective of this study was to determine the changes induced by different intensities of physical training in mouse skin wound healing. Ninety male C57BL6 mice (8 weeks old, 20-25 g) were randomized into three physical training groups: moderate (70% VO2max), high (80% VO2max), and strenuous intensity (90% VO2max). Animals trained on a motorized treadmill for 8 weeks (Elesion: physical training until the day of excisional lesion, N = 10) or 10 weeks (Eeuthan: physical training for 2 additional weeks after excisional lesion until euthanasia, N = 10), five times/week, for 45 min. Control groups (CG) trained on the treadmill three times/week only for 5 min (N = 10). In the 8th week, mice were anesthetized, submitted to a dorsal full-thickness excisional wound of 1 cm², and sacrificed 14 days after wounding. Wound areas were measured 4, 7, and 14 days after wounding to evaluate contraction (d4, d7 and d14) and re-epithelialization (d14). Fragments of lesion and adjacent skin were processed and submitted to routine histological staining. Immunohistochemistry against alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) was performed. Moderate-intensity training (M) until lesion (M/Elesion) led to better wound closure 7 days after wounding compared to controls and M/Eeuthan (P < 0.05), and both moderate-intensity groups showed better re-epithelialization rates than controls (M/Elesion = 85.9%, M/Eeuthan = 96.4% and M/CG = 79.9%; P < 0.05). Sections of M/Elesion and M/Eeuthan groups stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Picrosirius red and α-SMA showed the most mature granulation tissues among all trained groups and controls. Thus, moderate-intensity physical training improves skin wound healing.


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The objective of this paper is to definite Historicity in Economic Sciences applying the principles of Entropy and methodological indeterminism. This implies the definition of two kinds of economic universes: one characterized by ergodicity and reversibility of Time and processes and the other by the opposite properties. The first part will deal with the construction of the subject of study and the nature of the proper analysis to these two universes. Taking such dichotomy into account, the second part will examine its implications as regards to the nature of equilibrium, the properties of stability and instability and the closure of the systems.


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Cyanobacteria are able to regulate the distribution of absorbed light energy between photo systems 1 and 2 in response to light conditions. The mechanism of this regulation (the state transition) was investigated in the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002. Three cell types were used: the wild type, psaL mutant (deletion of a photo system 1 subunit thought to be involved in photo system 1 trimerization) and the apcD mutant (a deletion of a phycobilisome subunit thought to be responsible for energy transfer to photo system 1). Evidence from 77K fluorescence emission spectroscopy, room temperature fluorescence and absorption cross-section measurements were used to determine a model of energy distribution from the phycobilisome and chlorophyll antennas in state 1 and state 2. The data confirm that in state 1 the phycobilisome is primarily attached to PS2. In state 2, a portion of the phycobilisome absorbed light energy is redistributed to photo system 1. This energy is directly transferred to photo system 1 by one of the phycobilisome terminal emitters, the product of the apcD gene, rather than via the photo system 2 chlorophyll antenna by spillover (energy transfer between the photo system 2 and photo system 1 chlorophyll antenna). The data also show that energy absorbed by the photo system 2 chlorophyll antenna is redistributed to photo system 1 in state 2. This could occur in one of two ways; by spillover or in a way analogous to higher plants where a segment of the chlorophyll antenna is dissociated from photo system 2 and becomes part of the photo system 1 antenna. The presence of energy transfer between neighbouring photo system 2 antennae was determined at both the phycobilisome and chlorophyll level, in states 1 and 2. Increases in antenna absorption cross-section with increasing reaction center closure showed that there is energy transfer (connectivity) between photosystem 2 antennas. No significant difference was shown in the amount of connectivity under these four conditions.


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Two efficient, regio- and stereo controlled synthetic approaches to the synthesis of racemic analogs of pancratistatin have been accomplished and they serve as the model systems for the total synthesis of optically active 7-deoxy-pancratistatin. In the Diels-Alder approach, an efficient [4+2] cycloaddition of 3,4-methylenedioxyco- nitrostyrene with Danishefsky's diene to selectively form an exo-nitro adduct has been developed as the key step in the construction of the C-ring of the target molecule. In the Michael addition approach, the key step was a conjugate addition of an organic zinc-cuprate to the 3,4-methylenedioxy-(B-nitrostyrene, followed by a diastereocontroUed closure to form the cyclohexane C-ring of the target molecule via an intramolecular nitro-aldol cyclization on a neutral alumina surface. A chair-like transition state for such a cyclization has been established and such a chelation controlled transition state can be useful in the prediction of diastereoselectivity in other related 6-exo-trig nitroaldol reactions. Cyclization of the above products fi^om both approaches by using a Bischler-Napieralski type reaction afforded two lycoricidine derivatives 38 and 50 in good yields. The initial results from the above modeling studies as well as the analysis of the synthetic strategy were directed to a chiral pool approach to the total synthesis of optically active 7-deoxy-pancratistatin. Selective monsilylation and iodination of Ltartaric acid provided a chiral precursor for the proposed key Michael transformation. The outlook for the total synthesis of 7-deoxy-pancratistatin by this approach is very promising.A concise synthesis of novel designed, optically pure, Cz-symmetrical disulfonylamide chiral ligands starting from L-tartaric acid has also been achieved. This sequence employs the metallation of indole followed by Sfj2 replacement of a dimesylate as the key step. The activity for this Cz-symmetric chiral disulfonamide ligand in the catalytic enantioselective reaction has been confirmed by nucleophilic addition to benzaldehyde in the disulfonamide-Ti (0-i-Pr)4-diethylzinc system with a 48% yield and a 33% e.e. value. Such a ligand tethered with a suitable metal complex should be also applicable towards the total synthesis of 7-deoxy-pancratistatin.


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This research was directed towards the investigation and development of an aryne route to the syntheses of aporphi ne and dibenzopyrrocolinium (dibenzoindolizinium) alkaloids and to the stability of the latter under the conditions used for aryne formation. The work c an be divided into three main sections . i) - Synthesis of Glaucine 6-Bromo-3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic acid, prepared by the action of bromine i n acetic acid on3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic a cid, was converted into its acid chloride by t he action of thionyl chloride. This on treatment with 3,4- dimethoxyphenylethylamine pr ovided N-(3, 4-dimethoxyphenylethyl)- 2-(2-bromo-4,S-dimethoxyphenyl)-acetamide which on dehydration with phosphoryl chloride (Bischler Napieralski reaction) in dry benzene afforded l -(2-bromo-4,S-dimethoxybenzyl)- 3,4-dihydro-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline, isolated as hydrochl oride. A new method o f destroying the excess of phosphoryl chloride was developed which proved to be quite useful. Methylation of the dihydroisoquinoline'with methyl iodide in methanol , and subsequent reduction with sodium borohydride provided (±)-6-bromolaudanosine. Act ion of potassamide or sodamide in anhydrous liquid ammonia on (±)-6-bromolaudanosine yielded the corresponding amino derivative along with other products. Diazotization and ring closure of (±)-6-aminolaudanosine then a f forded (±)-glaucine which was isolated as methiodide. ii) - Intramolecular Capture of Aryne During Glaucine Synthesis, and Subsequent Reactions . This section deals with the by-products formed under the conditions of the aryne stage of t he glaucine synthesis. The crude product, obtained in the reaction of potassamide or sodamide in liquid ammonia on (±)-6-bromolaudanosine, was s eparated by chromatography, Three products were separated and identified. a ) - 5,6-Dimethoxy-2-( 3,4-dimethoxy-6-ethylphenyl)-lmethylindole. Two mechanisms are proposed for the formation of this interesting product. This compound also was prepared by the action of potassamide in l,iquid ammonia on 5,6 ,l2,l2atetrahydro- 2,3,9,lO-tetramethoxy-7-methyldibenz[b,g]indolizinium i odide . b) - 5,6-Dimethoxy-2-(3,4-dimethoxy-6-vinylphenyl)-lmethylindoline. Its formation represented a new method of Hofmann degradation . Further confirmation of structure was done by performing the normal Hofmann reaction on 5, 6,12,12a-tetrahydro -2/3,9,lO-tetramethoxy ~7-methyldibe nz[ b,g]indolizinium iodide. The indoline prepared i n this way was identical in all respects with that prepared above . c) - 1- (2-amino-4,5-dimethoxybenzyl ) -l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2- methyl-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline, was converted t o glaucine as stated in section 1 . iii) - Attempt:,ed Sxnthesis of Liriodenine Piperonal was converted into 3,4-methylenedioxyinitrostyrene which on reduction with lithium aluminium hydride provided 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylethylamine. The method of extraction after the reduction was improved t o some extent. The amine on condensation with m-chlorophenylacetyl chloride, prepared by the action of oxalyl chloride on 3,4-methylenedioxyphenylacetic acid, provided N-[ ~ -(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)- e thyl)-3-chlorophenylacetamide. This on dehydration with phosphoryl chloride in dry benzene followed by air oxidation afforded l-(3-chlorobenzoyl)-6,7-methylenedioxyi soquinoline. This compound on r eaction with potassamide in liquid ammonia afforded a crude product from which. one product was separated by chromatography i n a pure condition . This yellow compound analysed as,c17Hl ON2021 and was t he main product i n the reaction ; a t entative structure is proposed. A second compound, not obtained in pure condition, was submitted to Pschorr reaction in the hope of obtaining liriodenine, but without success.


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The Introducti on deals mainly with hi storical studies on aryne chemi stry and ring closure via arynes , hydride replacement from aromatic rings by nucleophi les, c l eavage of anthr aquinones in basic medium and the Leuckart reaction . This work can be divided into two main s ect i ons. Section I is concerned with the investigation of t he reaction of some aromatic ni t ro-compounds with potassamide in l iquid ammonia. 3-Amino-4- nitrobenzophenone was obtained from the reacti on of 4-nitrobenzophenone with t his reagent, toge t her with benzoic acid formed in a competing Haller-Bauer reaction. Nitrobenzene under these conditions gave a complex mixture from which 2-phenylphenol was isolated; a reaction i nvolving benzyne may be i nvo l ved. 4-Nitrodiphenyl sulfone gave 4-aminodiphenyl sulfone and 4-nitroani l ine. 4-Ethoxydiphenyl sulfone and 4-ethoxynitrobenzene were isolated when ethanol was used as a co-solvent in the reaction. Oxidative coupling reactions were observed with nitrotoluenes. 4-Nitrotoluene gave 4,4t-dinitrobibenzyl which i n a pro longed reaction gave 4,4t-dinitros t ilbene . 2-Nitrotoluene gave 2 , 2 t-dinitrobibenzyl, but not the corresponding stilbene derivative even after a longer time . A rather i nteresting result was obtained with 1-nitro-2,4,6- trimethylbenzene which gave a stilbene derivative only. Also the corresponding stilbene was obtained from bis-(4-nitrophenyl)-methane in a rather slow r eaction with this reagent . Section II deals wi th (i) the preparation of 5-chloro- 1-N-methyl aminoanthraquinone and a new synthesis of N-methyl acridones and (ii) treatment of chloro-anthraquinones with fo rmamide and a new synthesis of chloro-anthracenes . 5-Chloro-1 -N-methylaminoanthraqui none was synthesised f rom 1,5-dichloroanthraquinone by treatment with N-methylformamide. Treatment of 5-chloro-1-N-methylaminoanthraquinone with potassamide in liquid ammonia or with potassium t-butoxide i n t-butylbenzene gave N-methylacridone-1-carboxylic acid. This pleasing result, t he outcome of r i ng opening and alter native ring closure, is being extended to related ring systems.


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The deinstitutionalization of individuals with developmental disabilities to community-based residential services is a pervasive international trend. Although controversial, the remaining three institutions in Ontario were closed in March of 2009. Since these closures, there has been limited research on the effects of deinstitutionalization. The following retrospective study evaluated family perceptions of the impact of deinstitutionalization on the quality of life of fifty-five former residents one year post-closure utilizing a survey design and conceptual quality of life framework. The methods used to analyze the survey results included descriptive statistical analyses and thematic analyses. Overall, the results suggest that most family members are satisfied with community placement and supports, and report an improved quality of life for their family member with a developmental disability. These findings were consistent with previously published studies demonstrating the short-term and long-term benefits of community living for most individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.


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This thesis describes the chemoenzymatic synthesis of three morphine alkaloids. The total synthesis of dihydrocodeine and hydrocodone was accomplished starting from bromobenzene in 16 and 17 steps, respectively. The key steps included a microbial oxidation of bromobenzene by E. coli JM109 (pDTG601A), a Kazmaier-Claisen rearrangement of glycinate ester to generate C-9 and C-14 stereo centers, a Johnson-Claisen rearrangement to set the C-13 quaternary center, and a C-10/C-11 ring closure via a Friedel-Crafts reaction. In addition, the total synthesis of ent-hydromorphone starting from β-bromoethylbenzene in 12 steps is also described. The key reactions included the enzymatic dihydroxylation of β-bromoethylbenzene to the corresponding cis-cyclohexadienediol, a Mitsunobu reaction, and an oxidative dearomatization followed by an intramolecular [4+2] cycloaddition.


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It Has Been Argued That in the Construction and Simulation Process of Computable General Equilibrium (Cge) Models, the Choice of the Proper Macroclosure Remains a Fundamental Problem. in This Study, with a Standard Cge Model, We Simulate Disturbances Stemming From the Supply Or Demand Side of the Economy, Under Alternative Macroclosures. According to Our Results, the Choice of a Particular Closure Rule, for a Given Disturbance, May Have Different Quantitative and Qualitative Impacts. This Seems to Confirm the Imiportance of Simulating Cge Models Under Alternative Closure Rules and Eventually Choosing the Closure Which Best Applies to the Economy Under Study.


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Les urodèles amphibiens, dont fait partie l’axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), ont la capacité de régénérer leurs organes et membres suite à une amputation, tout au long de leur vie. La patte est l’organe dont le processus de régénération est le mieux caractérisé et ce dernier est divisé en deux phases principales. La première est la phase de préparation et commence immédiatement suite à l’amputation. Elle renferme des étapes essentielles au processus de régénération comme la guérison de la plaie et la formation d’une coiffe apicale ectodermique. Par la suite, les fibroblastes du derme et certaines cellules musculaires vont revenir à un état pluripotent via un processus appelé dédifférenciation cellulaire. Une fois dédifférenciées, ces cellules migrent et s’accumulent sous la coiffe apicale pour former le blastème. Lors de la phase de redéveloppement, les cellules du blastème se divisent puis se redifférencient pour régénérer la partie amputée. Fait intéressant, la régénération d’un membre ou la guérison d’une plaie chez l’axolotl ne mène jamais à la formation d’une cicatrice. Afin d’en apprendre plus sur le contrôle moléculaire de la régénération, les gènes Heat-shock protein-70 (Hsp-70) et Transforming growth factor-β1 (Tgf-β1) ont été sélectionnés. Ces gènes jouent un rôle important dans la réponse au stress et lors de la guérison des plaies chez les mammifères. HSP-70 est une chaperonne moléculaire qui est produite pour maintenir l’intégrité des protéines cellulaires lorsqu’un stress se présente. TGF-β1 est une cytokine produite suite à une blessure qui active la réponse inflammatoire et qui stimule la fermeture de la plaie chez les amniotes. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse démontrent que Hsp-70 est exprimé et régulé lors du développement et de la régénération du membre chez l’axolotl. D’autre part, nos expériences ont mené à l’isolation de la séquence codante pour Tgf-β1 chez l’axolotl. Nos résultats montrent que Tgf-β1 est exprimé spécifiquement lors de la phase de préparation dans le membre en régénération. De plus, le blocage de la voie des Tgf-β avec l’inhibiteur pharmacologique SB-431542, lors de la régénération, mène à l’inhibition du processus. Ceci démontre que la signalisation via la voie des Tgf-β est essentielle à la régénération du membre chez l’axolotl.


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Le traitement du cancer à l’aide d’une exposition aux radiations ionisantes (RI) peut mener au développement de plusieurs effets secondaires importants, dont un retard de réparation et de régénération des tissus. Les mécanismes responsables de ces effets demeurent largement inconnus encore aujourd’hui, ce qui a pour effet de limiter le développement d’approches thérapeutiques. À l’aide d’un modèle de guérison de plaie cutanée chez la souris, nous avons cherché à déterminer les mécanismes par lesquels l’exposition aux RI limite la régénération de la peau. Nos résultats démontrent que l’induction de la "stromal-derived growth factor 1α" (SDF-1α), une cytokine normalement surexprimée dans les tissus hypoxiques, est sévèrement diminuée dans les plaies de souris irradiées versus non-irradiées. Ce défaut corrèle avec un retard de guérison des plaies et est encore évident plusieurs mois suivant l’exposition aux RI, suggérant qu’il y a une altération permanente de la capacité de la peau à se réparer. Parce que SDF-1α est secrété principalement par les fibroblastes du derme, nous avons évalué le potentiel des cellules stromales multipotentes (MSCs), qui sont reconnues pour secréter des niveaux élevés de SDF-1α, à accélérer la régénération de la peau chez les souris irradiées. L’injection de MSCs en périphéries des plaies a mené à une accélération remarquable de la guérison de la peau chez les souris exposées aux RI. Les actions des MSCs étaient principalement paracrines, dû au fait que les cellules n’ont pas migré à l’extérieur de leur site d’injection et ne se sont pas différentiées en kératinocytes. L’inhibition spécifique de l’expression de SDF-1α a mené à une réduction drastique de l’efficacité des MSCs à accélérer la fermeture de plaie indiquant que la sécrétion de SDF-1α par les MSCs est largement responsable de leur effet bénéfique. Nous avons découvert aussi qu’un des mécanismes par lequel SDF-1α accélère la guérison de plaie implique l’augmentation de la vascularisation au niveau de la peau blessée. Les résultats présentés dans ce mémoire démontrent collectivement que SDF-1α est une importante cytokine dérégulée au niveau des plaies cutanées irradiées, et que le déclin du potentiel de régénération des tissus qui est observé suivant une exposition au RI peut être renversé, s’il est possible de restaurer le microenvironnement de la blessure avec un support stromal adéquat.