848 resultados para cascaded electroabsorption modulators


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We present the design, fabrication, and testing of a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) light modulator based on pixels patterned with periodic nanohole arrays. Flexure-suspended silicon pixels are patterned with a two dimensional array of 150 nm diameter nanoholes using nanoimprint lithography. A top glass plate assembled above the pixel array is used to provide a counter electrode for electrostatic actuation. The nanohole pattern is designed so that normally-incident light is coupled into an in-plane grating resonance, resulting in an optical stop-band at a desired wavelength. When the pixel is switched into contact with the top plate, the pixel becomes highly reflective. A 3:1 contrast ratio at the resonant wavelength is demonstrated for gratings patterned on bulk Si substrates. The switching time is 0.08 ms and the switching voltage is less than 15V.


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The hypothalamus in the lower part of the brain contains neurons that produce a small peptide, gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH, LHRH), that regulates luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion by the anterior pituitary gland. Important functions of LH include induction of ovulation in preovulatory follicles during estrus and the luteinization of granulosa cells lining those collapsed follicles to form corpora lutea that produce progesterone during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle or during pregnancy. The production of progesterone by the corpus luteum conveys a negative feed-back action at the central nervous system (CNS) for further episodic secretion of GnRH and in turn, LH secretion. Gonadal removal (i.e., ovariectomy) allows a greater amount of LH secretion to occur during a prolonged period. The objectives of this study were to characterize the pattern of GnRH secretion in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the bovine third ventricle region of the hypothalamus, determine its correspondence with the tonic and surge release of LH in ovariectomized cows, and examine the dynamics of GnRH pulse release activity in response to known modulators of LH release (suckling, neuropeptide-Y [NPY]). In ovariectomized cows, both tonic release patterns and estradiol-induced surges of GnRH and LH were highly correlated. A 500-microgram dose of NPY caused an immediate cessation of LH pulses and decreased plasma concentrations of LH for at least 4 hours. This corresponded with a decrease in both GnRH pulse amplitude and frequency. In anestrous cows, GnRH pulse frequency did not change before and 48 to 54 hours after weaning on day 18 postpartum, but GnRH concentration and amplitudes of GnRH pulses increased in association with weaning and heightened secretion of LH. It is clear that high-frequency, highamplitude pulses of LH are accompanied by similar patterns of GnRH in CSF of adult cattle. Yet strong inhibitors of LH pulsatility, putatively acting at the level of the central nervous system (i.e., suckling) or at both the central nervous system and pituitary (NPY) levels, produced periods of discordance between GnRH and LH pulses.


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Divalent metal ion transporter 1 (DMT1) is a proton-coupled Fe(2+) transporter that is essential for iron uptake in enterocytes and for transferrin-associated endosomal iron transport in many other cell types. DMT1 dysfunction is associated with several diseases such as iron overload disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. The main objective of the present work is to develop and validate a fluorescence-based screening assay for DMT1 modulators. We found that Fe(2+) or Cd(2+) influx could be reliably monitored in calcium 5-loaded DMT1-expressing HEK293 cells using the FLIPR Tetra fluorescence microplate reader. DMT1-mediated metal transport shows saturation kinetics depending on the extracellular substrate concentration, with a K0.5 value of 1.4 µM and 3.5 µM for Fe(2+) and Cd(2+), respectively. In addition, Cd(2+) was used as a substrate for DMT1, and we find a Ki value of 2.1 µM for a compound (2-(3-carbamimidoylsulfanylmethyl-benzyl)-isothiourea) belonging to the benzylisothioureas family, which has been identified as a DMT1 inhibitor. The optimized screening method using this compound as a reference demonstrated a Z' factor of 0.51. In summary, we developed and validated a sensitive and reproducible cell-based fluorescence assay suitable for the identification of compounds that specifically modulate DMT1 transport activity.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a novel class of molecules regulating gene expression, have been hailed as modulators of many biological processes and disease states. Recent studies demonstrated an important role of miRNAs in the processes of inflammation and cancer, however, there are little data implicating miRNAs in peripheral pain. Bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis (BPS/IC) is a clinical syndrome of pelvic pain and urinary urgency/frequency in the absence of a specific cause. BPS is a chronic inflammatory condition that might share some of the pathogenetic mechanisms with its common co-morbidities inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), asthma and autoimmune diseases. Using miRNA profiling in BPS and the information about validated miRNA targets, we delineated the signaling pathways activated in this and other inflammatory pain disorders. This review projects the miRNA profiling and functional data originating from the research in bladder cancer and immune-mediated diseases on the BPS-specific miRNAs with the aim to gain new insight into the pathogenesis of this enigmatic disorder, and highlighting the common regulatory mechanisms of pain and inflammation.


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An increasing number of lipid mediators have been identified as key modulators of immunity. Among these is a family of glycolipids capable of cellular uptake, loading onto the MHC-like molecule CD1d and stimulation of NKT cells. NKT cells are particularly interesting because they bridge innate and adaptive immunity by coordinating the early events of dendritic cell maturation, recruitment of NK cells, CD4 and CD8 T cells, and B cells at the site of microbial injury. As such, their therapeutic manipulation could be of the greatest interest in vaccine design or active immunotherapy. However, the use of NKT cells as cellular adjuvant of immunity in the clinic will require a better knowledge of the pharmacology of lipid agonists in order to optimize their action and avoid potential unseen off-target effects. We have been studying extracellular transport and cellular uptake of NKT agonists for the past few years. This field is confronted to a very limited prior knowledge and a small set of usable tools. New technology must be put in place and adapted to answering basic immunology questions related to NKT cells. The intimate link between the pharmacology of glycolipids and lipid metabolism makes us believe that great variations of bioactivity could be seen in the general population when NKT agonists are used therapeutically.


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Numerous naturalistic, experimental, and mechanistic studies strongly support the notion that-as part of fight-or-flight response-hemostatic responses to acute psychosocial stress result in net hypercoagulability, which would protect a healthy organism from bleeding in case of injury. Sociodemographic factors, mental states, and comorbidities are important modulators of the acute prothrombotic stress response. In patients with atherosclerosis, exaggerated and prolonged stress-hypercoagulability might accelerate coronary thrombus growth following plaque rupture. Against a background risk from acquired prothrombotic conditions and inherited thrombophilia, acute stress also might trigger venous thromboembolic events. Chronic stressors such as job strain, dementia caregiving, and posttraumatic stress disorder as well as psychological distress from depressive and anxiety symptoms elicit a chronic low-grade hypercoagulable state that is no longer viewed as physiological but might impair vascular health. Through activation of the sympathetic nervous system, higher order cognitive processes and corticolimbic brain areas shape the acute prothrombotic stress response. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and autonomic dysfunction, including vagal withdrawal, are important regulators of hemostatic activity with longer lasting stress. Randomized placebo-controlled trials suggest that several cardiovascular drugs attenuate the acute prothrombotic stress response. Behavioral interventions and psychotropic medications might mitigate chronic low-grade hypercoagulability in stressed individuals, but further studies are clearly needed. Restoring normal hemostatic function with biobehavioral interventions bears the potential to ultimately decrease the risk of thrombotic diseases.


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Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is the fourth leading cancer cause of death in the US. Gemcitabine is the first-line therapy for this disease, but unfortunately it shows only very modest benefit. The focus of the current study was to investigate the role and regulation of EphA2, a receptor tyrosine kinase expressed in PDAC, to further understand this disease and identify new therapeutic targets. The role of EphA2 was determined in PDAC by siRNA mediated silencing. In combination with gemcitabine, silencing of EphA2 caused a dramatic increase in apoptosis even in highly resistant cells in vitro. Furthermore, EphA2 silencing was found to be useful in 2 orthotopic models in vivo: 1) shRNA-pretreated Miapaca-2 cells, and 2) in vivo delivery of siRNA to established MPanc96 tumors. Silencing of EphA2 alone reduced tumor growth in Miapaca-2 cells. In MPanc96, only the combination treatment of gemcitabine plus siEphA2 significantly reduced tumor growth, as well as the number of lung and liver metastases. Taken together, these observations support EphA2 as a target for combination therapies for PDAC. The regulation of EphA2 was further explored with a focus on the role of Ras. K-Ras activating mutations are the most important initiating event in PDAC. We demonstrated that Ras regulates EphA2 expression through activation of MEK2 and phosphorylation of ERK. Downstream of ERK, silencing of the transcription factor AP-1 subunit c-Jun or inhibition of the ERK effector RSK caused a decrease in EphA2 expression, supporting their roles in this process. Further examination of Ras/MEK/ERK pathway modulators revealed that PEA-15, a protein that sequesters ERK to the cytoplasm, inhibited expression of EphA2. A significant inverse correlation between EphA2 and PEA-15 levels was observed in mouse models of PDAC. In cells where an EGFR inhibitor reduced phospho-Erk, expression of EphA2 was also reduced, indicating that changes in EphA2 levels may allow monitoring the effectiveness of anti-Ras/MEK/ERK therapies. In conclusion, EphA2 levels may be a good prognostic factor for anti-EGFR/anti-Ras therapies, and EphA2 itself is a relevant target for the development of new therapies.


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The Wnt pathways contribute to many processes in cancer and developmental biology, with β-catenin being a key canonical component. P120-catenin, which is structurally similar to β-catenin, regulates the expression of certain Wnt target genes, relieving repression conferred by the POZ/ zinc-finger transcription factor Kaiso. In my first project, employing Xenopus embryos and mammalian cell lines, I found that the degradation machinery of the canonical Wnt pathway modulates p120-catenin protein stability, especially p120 isoform-1, through mechanisms shared with b-catenin. Exogenous expression of destruction-complex components such as GSK3b or Axin promotes p120-catenin degradation, and consequently, is able to rescue developmental phenotypes resulting from p120 over-expression during early Xenopus embryonic development. Conversely, as predicted, the in vivo depletion of either Axin or GSK3b coordinately increased p120 and b-catenin levels, while p120 levels decreased upon LRP5/6 depletion, which are positive modulators in the canonical Wnt pathway. At the primary sequence level, I resolved conserved GSK3b phosphorylation sites in p120’s (isoform 1) amino-terminal region. Point-mutagenesis of these residues inhibited the association of destruction complex proteins including those involved in ubiquitination, resulting in p120-catenin stabilization. Importantly, we found that two additional p120-catenin family members, ARVCF-catenin and d-catenin, in common with b-catenin and p120, associate with Axin, and are degraded in Axin’s presence. Thus, by similar means, it appears that canonical Wnt signals coordinately modulate multiple catenin proteins having roles in development and conceivably disease states. In my second project, I found that the Dyrk1A kinase exhibits a positive effect upon p120-catenin levels. That is, unlike the negative regulator GSK3b kinase, a candidate screen revealed that Dyrk1A kinase enhances p120-catenin protein levels via increased half-life. Dyrk1A is encoded by a gene located within the trisomy of chromosome 21, which contributes to mental retardation in Down Syndrome patients. I found that Dyrk1A expression results in increased p120 protein levels, and that Dyrk1A specifically associates with p120 as opposed to other p120-catenin family members or b-catenin. Consistently, Dyrk1A depletion in mammalian cell lines and Xenopus embryos decreased p120-catenin levels. I further confirmed that Dyrk overexpression and knock-down modulates both Siamois and Wnt11 gene expression in the expected manner based upon the resulting latered levels of p120-catenin. I determined that Dyrk expression rescues Kaiso depletion effects (gastrulation failure; increased endogenous Wnt11 expression), and vice versa. I then identified a putative Dyrk phosphorylation region within the N-terminus of p120-catenin, which may also be responsible for Dyrk1A association. I went on to make a phosphomimic mutant, which when over-expressed, had the predicted enhanced capacity to positively modulate endogenous Wnt11 and Siamois expression, and thereby generate gastrulation defects. Given that Dyrk1A modulates Siamois expression through stabilization of p120-catenin, I further observed that ectopic expression of Dyrk can positively influence b-catenin’s capacity to generate ectopic dorsal axes when ventrally expressed in early Xenopus embryos. Future work will investigate how Dyrk1A modulates the Wnt signaling pathway through p120-catenin, and possibly begin to address how dysfunction of Dyrk1A with respect to p120-catenin might relate to aspects of Down syndrome. In summary, the second phase of my graduate work appears to have revealed a novel aspect of Dyrk1A/p120-catenin action in embryonic development, with a functional linkage to canonical Wnt signaling. What I have identified as a “Dyrk1A/p120-catenin/Kaiso pathway” may conceivably assist in our larger understanding of the impact of Dyrk1A dosage imbalance in Down syndrome.


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Vertebrates produce at least seven distinct beta-tubulin isotypes that coassemble into all cellular microtubules. The functional differences among these tubulin isoforms are largely unknown, but recent studies indicate that tubulin composition can affect microtubule properties and cellular microtubule-dependent behavior. One of the isotypes whose incorporation causes the largest change in microtubule assembly is beta5-tubulin. Overexpression of this isotype can almost completely destroy the microtubule network, yet it appears to be required in smaller amounts for normal mitotic progression. Moderate levels of overexpression can also confer paclitaxel resistance. Experiments using chimeric constructs and site-directed mutagenesis now indicate that the hypervariable C-terminal region of beta5 plays no role in these phenotypes. Instead, we demonstrate that two residues found in beta5 (Ser-239 and Ser-365) are each sufficient to inhibit microtubule assembly and confer paclitaxel resistance when introduced into beta1-tubulin; yet the single mutation of residue Ser-239 in beta5 eliminates its ability to confer these phenotypes. Despite the high degree of conservation among beta-tubulin isotypes, mutations affecting residue 365 demonstrate that amino acid substitutions can be context sensitive; i.e. an amino acid change in one isotype will not necessarily produce the same phenotype when introduced into a different isotype. Modeling studies indicate that residue Cys-239 of beta1-tubulin is close to a highly conserved Cys-354 residue suggesting the possibility that disulfide formation could play a significant role in the stability of microtubules formed with beta1- but not with beta5-tubulin.


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Astrogliosis is induced by neuronal damage and is also a pathological feature of the major aging-related neurodegenerative disorders. The mechanisms that control the cascade of astrogliosis have not been well established. In a previous study, we identified a novel androgen receptor (AR)-interacting protein (p44/WDR77) and found that it plays a critical role in the control of proliferation and differentiation of prostate epithelial cells. In the present study, we found that deletion of the p44 gene in the mouse brain caused accelerated aging with dramatic astrogliosis. The p44/WDR77 is expressed in astrocytes and loss of p44/WDR77 expression in astrocytes leads to astrogliosis. Our results reveal a novel role of p44/WDR77 in astrocytes, which may explain the well-documented role of androgens in suppression of astrogliosis. While many of detailed mechanisms of astrocyte activation remain to be elucidated, a number pathways have been implicated in astrocyte activation including p21Cip1 and the NF-kB pathway. Astrocytic activation induced by p44/WDR77 gene deletion was associated with a significant increase of p21Cip1 expression and NF-kB activation characterized by p65 nuclear localization. We found that down-regulation of p21Cip1 expression inhibited astrocyte activation induced by the p44/WDR77 deletion and was accompanied by a decreased p65 nuclear localization. While p21Cip1 role in astrocyte activation and NF-kB activation is not well understood, studies of other cell cycle regulators have implicated cell cycle control systems as modulators of astrocyte activation, thus p21Cip1 could induce secondary effect to induce p65 nuclear localization. However, p65 knockdown completely relieved the inhibition of astrocyte growth induced by the p44/WDR77 deletion, while p21Cip1 knockdown only partially recovered this inhibition. Thus, NF-kB activity performs additional regulatory actions not mediated by p21Cip1. These analyses imply that p4/WDR77 suppresses astrocyte activation through modulating p21Cip1 expression and NF-kB activation.


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Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal type of cancer due to its high metastasis rate and resistance to chemotherapy. Pancreatic fibrosis is a constant pathological feature of chronic pancreatitis and the hyperactive stroma associated with pancreatic cancer. Strong evidence supports an important role of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and COX-2 generated prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) during pancreatic fibrosis. Pancreatic stellate cells (PSC) are the predominant source of extracellular matrix production (ECM), thus being the key players in both diseases. Given this background, the primary objective is to delineate the role of PGE2 on human pancreatic stellate cells (PSC) hyper activation associated with pancreatic cancer. This study showed that human PSC cells express COX-2 and synthesize high levels of PGE2. PGE2 stimulated PSC migration and invasion; expression of extra cellular matrix (ECM) genes and tissue degrading matrix metallo proteinases (MMP) genes. I further identified the PGE2 EP receptor responsible for mediating these effects on PSC. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches I identified the receptor required for PGE2 mediates PSC hyper activation. Treating PSC with Specific antagonists against EP1, EP2 and EP4, demonstrated that blocking EP4 receptor only, resulted in a complete reduction of PGE2 mediated PSC activation. Furthermore, siRNA mediated silencing of EP4, but not other EP receptors, blocked the effects of PGE2 on PSC fibrogenic activity. Further examination of the downstream pathway modulators revealed that PGE2 stimulation of PSC involved CREB and not AKT pathway. The regulation of PSC by PGE2 was further investigated at the molecular level, with a focus on COL1A1. Collagen I deposition by PSC is one of the most important events in pancreatic cancer. I found that PGE2 regulates PSC through activation of COL1A1 expression and transcriptional activity. Downstream of PGE2, silencing of EP4 receptor caused a complete reduction of COL1A1 expression and activity supporting the role of EP4 mediated stimulation of PSC. Taken together, this data indicate that PGE2 regulates PSC via EP4 and suggest that EP4 can be a better therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer to reduce the extensive stromal reaction, possibly in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs can further kill pancreatic cancer cells.


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Genes of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family have been implicated in many different developmental processes from neurogenesis to myogenesis. The recently cloned bHLH transcription factor, paraxis, has been found to be expressed in the paraxial mesoderm of the mouse suggesting a role for paraxis in the development of this mesodermal subtype which gives rise to the axial muscle, skeleton, and dermis of the embryo. In order to perform in vivo gain of function assays and obtain a better understanding of the possible roles of paraxis in mesodermal and somitic development, we have successfully identified homologues of paraxis in the frog, Xenopus laevis, where the process of mesodermal induction and development is best understood. The two homologues, Xparaxis-a and Xparaxis-b, are conserved with respect to their murine homologue in structure and expression within the embryo. Xparaxis genes are expressed immediately after gastrulation in the paraxial mesoderm of Xenopus embryos and are down regulated in the myotome of the mature somite with continued expression in the undifferentiated dermatome. Overexpression of Xparaxis-b in Xenopus embryos caused defects in the organization and morphology of the somites. This effect was not dependent on DNA binding of Xparaxis but is likely due to its dimerization with other bHLH factors. Co-injections with XE12 did not diminish the effects indicating that the defects were not the result of limiting amounts of XE12. We also demonstrated that Xparaxis does not cause obvious defects in the cell adhesions and movements required for proper mesoderm patterning during gastrulation. The paraxis proteins also lacked the ability to activate transcription as GAL4 fusion proteins in a GAL4 reporter assay, indicating that the genes may function more as modulators of the activity of dimerization partners than as positively acting cell determination factors. In agreement with this, Xparaxis is regulated in response to other pathways of bHLH gene action, in that XE12 can activate Xparaxis-b, in vivo. In addition we show regulation of Xparaxis in response to mMyoD induced myogenesis pathways, again suggesting Xparaxis plays an important role in the patterning and organization of the paraxial mesoderm. ^


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The coordination of the apoptotic program necessitates the timely expression of sensor, effector, and mediator molecules. Fas/CD95, a transmembrane receptor which tethers the cell-death machinery, triggers apoptosis to maintain immune homeostasis, tolerance, and surveillance. Dysregulation in Fas-mediated apoptosis, either from disproportionate expression or disruptions in the downstream signaling pathway, manifests in autoimmune disorders and certain malignant progression. ^ In this project, the transcriptional requirements underlying two modulators of Fas expression were investigated. In T-lymphocytes, activation results in potent Fas upregulation followed by an acquisition of sensitivity towards FasL-mediated apoptosis. Human fas promoter cloning and analysis have identified a cis-element critical for inducible Fas expression. EMSA studies using this region demonstrated a constitutive association with the transcription factor Sp1 and inducible NF-κB binding in response to activation. These interactions were mutually exclusive, as the rB/Sp1 element bound with recombinant Sp1 was readily displaced by increasing amounts of NF-κB p50. Thus, Fas upregulation by T-cell activation stimuli is dependent upon NF-κB binding at the fas promoter. ^ The capacity of Sp1 to direct basal Fas expression was examined through mutagenesis of several GC-rich regions within the core fas promoter. Reporter analysis of single or combinatorial mutant GC-box constructs revealed usage of a particular GC-element in moderating over 50% of basal fas transcription. Inducible expression was Sp1-independent, however, since activated Jurkat cells containing fas Sp1-mutant constructs retained equivalent reporter induction. Overall, a dual-level of transcriptional control exists in fas, where constitutive activity is monitored through Sp1 binding, whereas T-cell activation obligates NF κB transactivation. ^ In response to genotoxic damage, p53 modulates Fas levels partly by a transcription-dependent mechanism. Reconstitution of wild-type p53 in the hepatoma cell line Hep3B readily induced Fas transcription. Furthermore, fas promoter analysis identified an undescribed p53 responsive element which, when deleted, ablated p53-mediated reporter activity. Therefore, the pro-apoptotic function mediated by p53 is driven partially through the enhancement of Fas expression. ^ Altogether, events elicting Fas transcription may invoke single or overlapping mechanisms that converge at the level of promoter activity. Agents that enhance or attenuate these pathways may be therapeutically beneficial in modulating the expression and sensitivity towards Fas-dependent apoptosis. ^


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ALS is the most common adult neurodegenerative disease that specifically affects upper and lower neurons leading to progressive paralysis and death. There is currently no effective treatment. Thus, identification of the signaling pathways and cellular mediators of ALS remains a major challenge in the search for novel therapeutics. Recent studies have shown that noncoding RNA molecules have a significant impact on normal CNS development and on causes and progression of human neurological disorders. To investigate the hypothesis that expression of the mutant SOD1 protein, which is one of the genetic causes of ALS, may alter expression of miRNAs thereby contributing to the pathogenesis of familial ALS, we compared miRNA expression in SH-SY5Y expressing either the wild type or the SOD1 protein using small RNA deep-sequencing followed by RT-PCR validation. This strategy allowed us to find a group of up and down regulated miRNAs, which are predicted to play a role in the motorneurons physiology and pathology. The aim of my work is to understand if these modulators of gene expression may play a causative role in disease onset or progression. To this end I have checked the expression level of these misregulated miRNAs derived from RNA-deep sequencing by qPCR on cDNA derived from ALS mice models at early onset of the disease. Thus, I’m looking for the most up-regulated one even in Periferal Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) of sporadic ALS patients. Furthermore I’m functionally characterizing the most up-regulated miRNAs through the validation of bioinformatic-predicted targets by analyzing endogenous targets levels after microRNA transfection and by UTR-report luciferase assays. Thereafter I’ll analyze the effect of misregulated targets on pathogenesis or progression of ALS by loss of functions or gain of functions experiments, based on the identified up/down-regulation of the specific target by miRNAs. In the end I would define the mechanisms responsible for the miRNAs level misregulation, by silencing or stimulating the signal transduction pathways putatively involved in miRNA regulation.


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GABA-A receptors are chloride ion channels composed of five subunits, mediating fast synaptic and tonic inhibition in the mammalian brain. 19 different subunit isoforms have been identified, with the major receptor type in mammalian adult brain consisting of α1, β2, and γ2 subunits. GABA-A receptors are the target of numerous sedating and anxiolytic drugs such as benzodiazepines. The currently known endogenous ligands are GABA, neurosteroids and the endocannabinoid 2- arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG). The pharmacological properties of this chloride ion channel strictly depend on receptor subunit composition and arrangement. GABA-A receptors bind and are inhibited by epileptogenic agents such as picrotoxin, and cyclodiene insecticides such as dieldrin. We screened aromatic monovalent anions with five-fold symmetry for inhibition of GABA-A receptors. One of the anions, PCCPinhibited currents elicited by GABA with comparable potency as picrotoxin. This inhibition showed all characteristics of an open channel block. The GABA-A receptor ion channel is lined by residues from the M2 membrane-spanning segment. To identify important residues of the pore involved in the interaction with the blocking molecules PCCP-, a mutation scan was performed in combination with subsequent analysis of the expressed mutant proteins using electrophysiological techniques. In a second project we characterised a light-switchable modulator of GABA-A receptors based on propofol. It was my responsibility to investigate the switching kinetics in patch clamp experiments. After its discovery in 1980, propofol has become the most widely used intravenous general anaesthetic. It is commonly accepted that the anaesthesia induced by this unusually lipophilic drug mostly results from potentiation of GABA induced currents. While GABA-A receptors respond to a variety of ligands, they are normally not sensitive towards light. This light sensitivity could be indirectly achieved by using modulators that can be optically switched between an active and an inactive form. We tested an azobenzene derivative of propofol where an aryldiazene unit is directly coupled to the pharmacophore. This molecule was termed azopropofol (AP2). The effect of AP2 on Cl- currents was investigated with electrophysiological techniques using α1β2γ2 GABA-A receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes and HEK-cells. In the third project we wanted to investigate the functional role of GABA-A receptors in the liver, and their possible involvement in cell proliferation. GABA-A receptors are also found in a wide range of peripheral tissues, including parts of the peripheral nervous system and non-neural tissues such as smooth muscle, the female reproductive system, liver and several cancer tissues. However their precise function in non neuronal or cancerous cells is still unknown. For this purpose we investigated expression, localization and function of the hepatocytes GABA-A receptors in model cell lines and healthy and cancerous hepatocytes.