818 resultados para caring.
Este trabalho traz como tema central às práticas de capelães e psicólogos hospitalares junto às pessoas em situação de perda por morte. Os objetivos desse trabalho foi compreender os processos de acolhimento, cuidado e aconselhamento que são realizados por psicólogos e capelães nas situações de luto; e investigar as semelhanças e diferenças nas práticas de acolhimento, cuidado e aconselhamento entre esses profissionais nas situações de luto por morte. Foram sujeitos desta pesquisa 1 Capelã protestante, 1 Capelão Padre Camiliano, e 2 Psicólogas, que trabalhavam com acolhimento, cuidado, aconselhamento pastoral e psicológico em hospitais. O método de investigação qualitativo utilizado nesta pesquisa foi a Grounded Teory , que categoriza dados e cuja interpretação é realizada considerando todo o conteúdo verbal, respeitando-se cada palavra dada pelo sujeito. A Capelã foi entrevistada em sua sala de atendimento na universidade onde trabalha e os demais sujeitos foram entrevistados nas próprias dependências dos hospitais, ocasião em que solicitamos que falassem sobre suas práticas de trabalho no contexto hospitalar. Pelos resultados obtidos foi possível verificar que existe ainda hoje uma dificuldade para lidar com o termo morte e para definir o conceito de morte, tanto no âmbito religioso, como no psicológico. Existe uma cultura muito forte, que cerca as relações humanas e que dificulta a nossa compreensão e que nos impede de mencionar a palavra morte. Foi possível identificar divergências na prática diária tanto dos capelães, quanto das psicólogas, em relação aos seus Métodos e Técnicas, pois eles se confundem na hora do acolhimento, do aconselhamento, do apoio dado às pessoas que estão passando pela perda por morte. Tanto os capelães, como as psicólogas disseram que a espiritualidade é um recurso utilizado para o enfrentamento dessa perda por morte e as sugestões e sentimentos dos entrevistados em relação as suas práticas foram que os profissionais necessitam de um espaço de expressão, para o desenvolvimento de um trabalho integrado, para um suporte aos cuidadores, para a necessidade de se desmistificar o trabalho do capelão e da necessidade do trabalho das psicólogas se estender aos funcionários do hospital. Concluímos que através da pesquisa realizada apresenta-se confusão nos papéis ou funções entre Capelão e Psicólogo. Esta confusão coloca em dúvida a própria profissão, atuação ou técnicas de intervenção. Isto sugere que há necessidade, na formação destes profissionais, de esclarecimentos ou conhecimentos sobre sua atuação diante da perda por morte
The National Health Service is one of the portuguese social progress pillars and as a key role in terms of health services, organized around a universal service, general and tend to free, provided for the Portuguese Republic Constitution, in order to promote people's access to health care,adequate and adaptively to their needs and expectations, seeking economic efficiency in a control context of public expenditure and budget. Primary Health Care are considered fundamental piece for the National Health Service, as they are the first users accessibility to health care, being the health center a unit to serve and providing the essential first treatments, preventive and/or curative, assuming important functions of promotion of health and prevention of disease, cooperating with other services for continuity of caring. The implementation of the Health Centers Groupings aims to decentralize the management and allow decision making on key resources to the provision of care, absorbing the district offices of the extinct Health Sub-Regions and having the task of ensuring the provision of health care primary the population of a given geographical area, based on a multidisciplinary team with organization and technical autonomy and is guaranteed intercooperation with other functional units. However, these district offices were attached to the Regional Health Administrations following the reverse path, causing dysfunctional positions and making health centers Groupings their dependents. Thus, before the reform of Primary Health Care, all the structural changes were made, except to check the Health Centers Groupings proper management autonomy, currently one of the biggest obstacles to the implementation of such reform. It is intended in this work through a inquiry by forms done at 21 Health Centers Groupings North Regional Health Authority, IP, evidence can the management autonomy in Health Centers Groupings provide greater efficiency in the provision of Primary health Care to citizens and ensure greater sustainability of the National health Service, better managing existing resources, human and financial, showing a growing responsibility in its management and ensuring appropriate practices, more quality in health care and better accessibility, providing the ability to apply more adjusted measures in providing health care to the population of their geographical área.
Dementia is one of the greatest contemporary health and social care challenges, and novel approaches to the care of its sufferers are needed. New information and communication technologies (ICT) have the potential to assist those caring for people with dementia, through access to networked information and support, tracking and surveillance. This article reports the views about such new technologies of 34 carers of people with dementia. We also held a group discussion with nine carers for respondent validation. The carers' actual use of new ICT was limited, although they thought a gradual increase in the use of networked technology in dementia care was inevitable but would bypass some carers who saw themselves as too old. Carers expressed a general enthusiasm for the benefits of ICT, but usually not for themselves, and they identified several key challenges including: establishing an appropriate balance between, on the one hand, privacy and autonomy and, on the other: maximising safety; establishing responsibility for and ownership of the equipment and who bears the costs; the possibility that technological help would mean a loss of valued personal contact; and the possibility that technology would substitute for existing services rather than be complementary. For carers and dementia sufferers to be supported, the expanding use of these technologies should be accompanied by intensive debate of the associated issues.
Building on social exchange theory and qualitative inquiry, managerial responsiveness, caring, and aggressiveness were uncovered as three key social exchange dimensions used by sales managers when dealing with problem situations in the salesforce. We used Australian data to develop measures of these three constructs. Results of the development process indicate that the measures show good validity. Further to this, we also provide examination of the relationship of the three exchange dimensions with key organizational outcomes. Overall the findings suggest that the three constructs are important in sales manager problem resolution exchanges, and that they may ultimately influence the success of sales organizations.
While sales managers spend much of their time resolving sales force-related problems, existing theory offers little insight into the social exchange processes which occur in problem resolution situations. Using a qualitative inquiry method rooted in grounded theory, we uncover three key social exchange contributions used by sales managers when dealing with problem situations in the sales force: sales manager responsiveness, caring, and aggressiveness. We then show that the extent to which managers use these exchange contributions in problem situations is a function of manager characteristics, problem-specific characteristics, and the situational context. We also show that the extent to which managers invest in these three social exchange contributions has implications for the quality for the interpersonal relationships between salespeople and their managers, and for the effectiveness of problem resolution activity.
In order to take an interest in environmental issues, people need an idea of what ‘the environment’ is, and to have access to something worth caring about. In the UK, around 90% of us already live in towns or cities, and by 2030, around 60% of the world’s population will live in urban areas. But without a vocal set of ‘owners’, public land such as parks and allotments can easily be lost. The majority of the UK's ‘natural’ areas have historically been created, managed or modified by humans. and we should appreciate urban habitats just as much as pristine reserves for the ecosystem services they provide. In particular, scruffy and overlooked brownfield sites can be amazing refugia for insect and plant species which can no longer persist in a countryside dominated by industrialised agriculture.
Personal selling and sales management play a critical role in the short and long term success of the firm, and have thus received substantial academic interest since the 1970s. Sales research has examined the role of the sales manager in some depth, defining a number of key technical and interpersonal roles which sales managers have in influencing sales force effectiveness. However, one aspect of sales management which appears to remain unexplored is that of their resolution of salesperson-related problems. This study represents the first attempt to address this gap by reporting on the conceptual and empirical development of an instrument designed to measure sales managers' problem resolution styles. A comprehensive literature review and qualitative research study identified three key constructs relating to sales managers' problem resolution styles. The three constructs identified were termed; sales manager willingness to respond, sales manager caring, and sales manager aggressiveness. Building on this, existing literature was used to develop a conceptual model of salesperson-specific consequences of the three problem resolution style constructs. The quantitative phase of the study consisted of a mail survey of UK salespeople, achieving a total sample of 140 fully usable responses. Rigorous statistical assessment of the sales manager problem resolution style measures was undertaken, and construct validity examined. Following this, the conceptual model was tested using latent variable path analysis. The results for the model were encouraging overall, and also with regard to the individual hypotheses. Sales manager problem resolution styles were found individually to have significant impacts on the salesperson-specific variables of role ambiguity, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviours. The findings, theoretical and managerial implications, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.
This study seeks to describe current practice and opinion in schools for the maladjusted in England and Wales and to exarnlne how far this coincides with earlier descriptions. A review of the literature provides an account of this earlier work, and data accrued from questionnaires completed by 114 schools describe current practice and opinion. The study represents the most extensive empirical enquiry into the work of these schools since 1955 and provides a wide data basis for future research and assessment of progress and change. The data suggest that there is much communality of practice and opinion within the schools, with most schools emphasising their therapeutic rather than their educational purpose. The work is characterised by the wide use and perceived efficacy of warm, caring adult to child relationships, improvement of pupil self-image through success, and individual counselling and discussion, which permeate a structure of routine, discipline and educational concern. Specialised treatments are not used widely and involve only a minority of pupils. Practice tends to be in reference to conduct disordered pupils who are now perceived as the largest single disorder group within the schools, whereas previously neurotic disorders formed the largest single group. The majority of pupils are perceived as underachieving on entry and requiring remedial help: consequently the educational programme has a remedial bias. For staff, qualities of personality are considered to be more valuable than professional skills. The schools differ in the emphasis they allocate to one or more of four identified areas of treatment described as concern for pupils' needs; degree of pupil participation; theoretical orientation: and the use of external controls. There is a diminished reference to psychoanalytical theory and an increased reference to behaviourist theory relative to previous practice. Similarly, the use and perceived importance and effectiveness of pupil participation and unconditional affection has diminished.
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of registerable blindness with a high medical and societal cost burden. Much of the research examining experiences of living with AMD has been conducted independently with small sample sizes and has failed to impact on practice. Meta-synthesis of qualitative research can improve the understanding of the experience of living with AMD by drawing together findings of qualitative studies. This article presents a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies investigating the experience of AMD (literature searched up to April 2012; published studies identified range from 1996 to 2009). The review highlights themes relating to: functional limitations, adaptation and independence; feelings about the future with vision impairment; interaction with the health service; social engagement; disclosure; and the emotional impacts of living with AMD. Attention to the experience of living with AMD can help us to better understand the needs of patients. This meta-synthesis aimed to bring together the findings of qualitative research studies and highlights important areas for consideration when caring for patients with AMD. Our findings suggest that a holistic approach to service provision and support for AMD is needed which takes into account individuals' needs and experiences when coping with and adjusting to living with AMD. This support should aim to reduce stigma, increase social engagement, and develop the psychological resources of patients with AMD.
Background - Problems of quality and safety persist in health systems worldwide. We conducted a large research programme to examine culture and behaviour in the English National Health Service (NHS). Methods - Mixed-methods study involving collection and triangulation of data from multiple sources, including interviews, surveys, ethnographic case studies, board minutes and publicly available datasets. We narratively synthesised data across the studies to produce a holistic picture and in this paper present a highlevel summary. Results - We found an almost universal desire to provide the best quality of care. We identified many 'bright spots' of excellent caring and practice and high-quality innovation across the NHS, but also considerable inconsistency. Consistent achievement of high-quality care was challenged by unclear goals, overlapping priorities that distracted attention, and compliance-oriented bureaucratised management. The institutional and regulatory environment was populated by multiple external bodies serving different but overlapping functions. Some organisations found it difficult to obtain valid insights into the quality of the care they provided. Poor organisational and information systems sometimes left staff struggling to deliver care effectively and disempowered them from initiating improvement. Good staff support and management were also highly variable, though they were fundamental to culture and were directly related to patient experience, safety and quality of care. Conclusions - Our results highlight the importance of clear, challenging goals for high-quality care. Organisations need to put the patient at the centre of all they do, get smart intelligence, focus on improving organisational systems, and nurture caring cultures by ensuring that staff feel valued, respected, engaged and supported.
This thesis presents a program of work designed to explore and describe what the experience of caring for a child who has an Acute Life Threatening Event (ALTE) is like for the nurses. An ALTE may include a cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest or unplanned admission for a ward to the Paediatric Intensive Care unit. Using the MRC framework for the development of complex interventions, this information was then coupled with theory to develop the PREPARE and SUPPORT interventions. Given the wide-ranging and exploratory nature of this research, a pragmatic, mixed design approach was used to address the aims and objectives of the thesis. The mixed design approach included: a systematic literature review; international survey of practice; interviews with nurses and doctors using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis; development, refinement and evaluation of interventions during a feasibility study. Two studies were identified through the systematic review which aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of debriefing. The studies did not provide evidence to support the use of these interventions within healthcare. The international survey of practice demonstrated hospitals were using interventions to both prepare and support nurses for these events. The preparatory interventions were clinically focused and the majority of the supportive interventions included a debrief. The interventions were not being evaluated for effectiveness. The interviews conducted with nurses and doctors provided insight into what that experience was like for the participants. Using the MRC framework, this evidence was coupled with theory to develop the PREPARE and SUPPORT interventions. A multidisciplinary working party used an iterative process to refine and evaluate the interventions and study procedures were explored through a feasibility study. The pragmatic, mixed design approach demonstrated how the empirical evidence was coupled with theory and clinical expertise to develop interventions for use within the healthcare environment.
Grandparents play a valuable role in the socialisation of young children, and as many as 36% of British parents use grandparents as their main form of childcare. Research has begun to explore how grandparents impact the social and cognitive development of children, but very little research has evaluated their contribution to child feeding. The present study explores whether there are differences between parents and grandparents in terms of their feeding practices, and whether grandparents' feeding practices are related to the number of hours that they spend caring for grandchildren. Results indicate that grandparents reported using significantly more maladaptive feeding practices such as using food to regulate emotions and restricting food, but more positive practices such as providing a healthy food environment. The more hours that grandparents spent caring for children the more their feeding practices resembled those broadly reported by parents. Results suggest that grandparents can have a measurable impact on child feeding behaviour which in turn is likely to predict the eating behaviours of their grandchildren. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
Background: Qualitative research has suggested that spousal carers of someone with dementia differ in terms of whether they perceive their relationship with that person as continuous with the premorbid relationship or as radically different, and that a perception of continuity may be associated with more person-centered care and the experience of fewer of the negative emotions associated with caring. The aim of the study was to develop and evaluate a quantitative measure of the extent to which spousal carers perceive the relationship to be continuous. Methods: An initial pool of 42 questionnaire items was generated on the basis of the qualitative research about relationship continuity. These were completed by 51 spousal carers and item analysis was used to reduce the pool to 23 items. The retained items, comprising five subscales, were then administered to a second sample of 84 spousal carers, and the questionnaire's reliability, discriminative power, and validity were evaluated. Results: The questionnaire showed good reliability: Cronbach's α for the full scale was 0.947, and test-retest reliability was 0.932. Ferguson's δ was 0.987, indicating good discriminative power. Evidence of construct validity was provided by predicted patterns of subscale correlations with the Closeness and Conflict Scale and the Marwit-Meuser Caregiver Grief Inventory. Conclusion: Initial psychometric evaluation of the measure was encouraging. The measure provides a quantitative means of investigating ideas from qualitative research about the role of relationship continuity in influencing how spousal carers provide care and how they react emotionally to their caring role. © 2012 International Psychogeriatric Association.