820 resultados para care practice
Aim: This study aims to describe the sex education and sexual health needs of young people in care, and to explore the degree to which these needs are being met by current provision.As part of the Department for Children and Youth Affairs ‘National Strategy for Data and Research on Children’s Lives, 2011-2016’, the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme (CPP) and HSE Children and Families Social Services Care Group have co-commissioned a team of researchers from UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems, Insights Health and Social Research and Queen’s University Belfast to examine the sex education and sexual health needs of young people in care in the Republic of Ireland. The project is supported by a steering group of senior personnel from both partner organisations (CPP and CFS) and external advisors. The study involves data collection with young people, care providers, birth parents and foster parents using a mixed methods approach. Findings from each stage of the study will be combined to inform recommendations for policy and practice.
Advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment have resulted in longer survival, meaning patients are living with a chronic-type condition. Therefore the needs of such patients have changed placing greater emphasis on survivorship, such as impact on quality of life and sleep patterns. Evidence suggests complementary therapies positively impact not only on the cancer patient's quality of life but also on family members and friends.
This service evaluation examines self-reported benefits following a course of complementary therapy offered by a local cancer charity.
Analysis of self-reported sleep scores and perceived quality of life experiences confirmed a number of trends relating to the demographics of people accessing the complementary therapy service.
Results suggest the complementary therapies provided by Action Cancer significantly improved clients' quality of life. Based on these findings the authors make a number of recommendations in relation to the use of complementary therapies by cancer patients.
Care Planning in Children and Young People's Nursing addresses a selection of the most common concerns that arise when planning care for infants, children and young people within the hospital and community setting. Clear and detailed, this text reflects both the uniqueness and diversity of contemporary children's nursing and utilizes images and case studies to provide a holistic insight into the practice of care planning through the reporting of best available evidence and current research, policy and education.
Divided into sections for ease of reference, Care Planning in Children and Young People’s Nursing explores both the theory and practice of care planning. Chapters on the principles of care planning include issues such as managing risk, safeguarding children, ethical and legal implications, integrated care pathways, interprofessional assessment, and invaluable parent perspectives. Additional chapters on the application of planning care examine the practical aspects of a wide range of specific conditions including cystic fibrosis, obesity, cardiac/renal failure and HIV/AIDS. Each chapter is interactive, with questions, learning activities and points for discussion creating an engaging and enquiry-based learning approach.
Care Planning in Children and Young People’s Nursing is a definitive resource, reflecting innovative practice which is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate nurse education.
This paper examines the debate over nursing staff to patient ratios through the lens of Marxist political economy, arguing that the owners and controllers of healthcare in the USA have a vested interest in opposing mandated minimum ratios, while those involved in carrying out nursing care have a vested interest in their implementation, which coincides with the interests of patients. We examine how evidence-based practice articulates with social power, and proceed to interrogate the research methods used to generate evidence for practice, noting that randomised controlled trials are not suitable for evaluating nurse/patient ratios, which means that observational studies are the primary source of evidence. Representatives of nursing managers have used the fact that observational studies, while demonstrating an association between high ratios and poor outcomes, have not established a causal relationship, to support their argument that there is not sufficient evidence for the imposition of mandatory ratios. We argue that the precautionary principle provides firm justification for mandatory ratios, unless and until a causal relationship has been disproved. We conclude that those involved in the generation of evidence have to choose between technical arguments about the inferiority of observational studies, or emphasising their sufficiency in triggering the precautionary principle.
Education is viewed as central to improving future palliative care for children and families across all countries. International education initiatives will ensure practitioners are aware of global health issues and can provide culturally sensitive care. Creative and innovative means of meeting such directives are required to achieve meaningful student learning. This paper focuses on one innovation, a children's palliative care workshop using case studies as a teaching method, with nursing students from the USA and nursing and midwifery students from the UK. Key learning points arising from student evaluation were recorded under three main themes, these were: differences across countries, similarities across countries, and making learning fun and memorable. Findings indicated that this joint learning activity was viewed positively by all students and has enabled them to learn with and from each other, potentially impacting on their future practice.
RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Health care services offered to the public should be based on the best available evidence. We aimed to explore pharmacy tutors' and trainees' views on the importance of evidence when making decisions about over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and also to investigate whether the tutor influenced the trainee in practice.
METHODS: Following ethical approval and piloting, semi-structured interviews were conducted with pharmacy graduates (trainees) and pharmacist tutors. Transcribed interview data were entered into the NVivo software package (version 10), coded and analysed via thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Twelve trainees (five males, seven females) and 11 tutors (five males, six females) participated. Main themes that emerged were (in)consistency and contradiction, confidence, acculturation, and continuation and perpetuation. Despite having an awareness of the importance and potential benefits, an evidence-based approach did not seem to be routinely or consistently implemented in practice. Confidence in products was largely derived from personal use and patient feedback. A lack of discussion about evidence was justified on the basis of not wanting to lessen patient confidence in requested product(s) or possibly negating the placebo effect. Trainees became acculturated to 'real-life' practice; university teaching and evidence was deemed less relevant than meeting customer expectations. The tutor's actions were mirrored by their trainee resulting in continuation and perpetuation of the same professional attitudes and behaviours.
CONCLUSIONS: Evidence appeared to have limited influence on OTC decision making. The tutor played a key role in the trainee's professional development. More work could be performed to investigate how evidence can be regarded as relevant and something that is consistently implemented in practice.
Aims To determine whether the financial incentives for tight glycaemic control, introduced in the UK as part of a pay-for-performance scheme in 2004, increased the rate at which people with newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes were started on anti-diabetic medication.
Methods A secondary analysis of data from the General Practice Research Database for the years 1999-2008 was performed using an interrupted time series analysis of the treatment patterns for people newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (n=21 197).
Results Overall, the proportion of people with newly diagnosed diabetes managed without medication 12months after diagnosis was 47% and after 24months it was 40%. The annual rate of initiation of pharmacological treatment within 12months of diagnosis was decreasing before the introduction of the pay-for-performance scheme by 1.2% per year (95% CI -2.0, -0.5%) and increased after the introduction of the scheme by 1.9% per year (95% CI 1.1, 2.7%). The equivalent figures for treatment within 24months of diagnosis were -1.4% (95% CI -2.1, -0.8%) before the scheme was introduced and 1.6% (95% CI 0.8, 2.3%) after the scheme was introduced.
Conclusion The present study suggests that the introduction of financial incentives in 2004 has effected a change in the management of people newly diagnosed with diabetes. We conclude that a greater proportion of people with newly diagnosed diabetes are being initiated on medication within 1 and 2years of diagnosis as a result of the introduction of financial incentives for tight glycaemic control.
With the changing demography of populations and increasing prevalence of co-morbidity, frail patients and more complex cardiac conditions, the modern medicine is facing novel challenges leading to rapid innovation where evidence and experiences are lacking. This scenario is also evident in cardiovascular disease prevention, which continuously needs to accommodate its ever changing strategies, settings, and goals. The present paper summarises actual challenges of secondary prevention, and discusses how this intervention should not only be effective but also efficient. By this way the paper tries to bridge the gaps between research and real-world findings and thereby may find ways to improve standard care.