914 resultados para buying decision process


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Em um mercado internacional de vinhos cada dia mais competitivo, exportadores franceses estão procurando novos mercados para expandir suas atividades. Nesse cenário o Brasil aparece como um mercado potencial enorme e, por isso, é necessário aos empreendedores o perfeito entendimento das dinâmicas de mercado, a fim de moldar estratégias de marketing eficientes. A primeira etapa é entender o comportamento do consumidor final, a fim de oferecer o produto certo de maneira certa. Essa dissertação tem por objeto a análise dos hábitos de consumo, bem como a percepção do consumidor sobre os vinhos franceses no mercado do vinho brasileiro. A análise será efetuada em função do comportamento do consumidor; portanto, uma atenção especial será dada à demografia, aos hábitos de consumo e as tendências do mercado para os produtos vitivinícolas. Mais precisamente, a investigação tentará identificar diferentes grupos de consumidores com padrões semelhantes, baseados em dados demográficos, consumo atual ou potencial de vinho, e sua percepção particular sobre o vinho francês. A idéia por trás desse processo é a construção de um quadro que pode ajudar a desenvolver estratégias de marketing para profissionais do mercado de vinhos franceses no Brasil, fornecendo a potenciais exportadores uma melhor compreensão sobre como direcionar o seu posicionamento e atingir metas de forma eficaz. A realização desta dissertação foi um desafio importante porque o comportamento do consumidor de vinho no Brasil nao foi estudado inteiramente. É muito difícil hoje para exportadores franceses que desejam compreender melhor o consumidor brasileiro de vinho encontrar qualquer estudo ou análise. A fim de fazer isso, a literatura sobre o mercado do vinho brasileiro foi utilizada (especificidades dos produtos, produção, dados de consumo, etc.). A literatura também inclui os fatores de decisão que influenciam os consumidores nas suas decisões de compra, o que é uma questão muito complexa quando se trata de vinho. Finalmente, a literatura sobre as estratégias de marketing foi revista, a fim de avaliar o tanto o impacto potencial como a relevância para o mercado brasileiro. A segunda etapa do estudo foi a apresentação de questionários a consumidores brasileiros e a análise, com o intuito de determinar as preferências dos consumidores e compreender a percepção do vinho francês. O objetivo foi identificar potenciais grupos alvos para os produtores franceses de vinho.


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Em um esforço continuo de sobrevivência, corporações buscam meios para expandir seus negócios, seja dentro de seus mercados atuantes, ou na exploração de novos mercados. Para alcançar esse objetivo, inovações são realizadas pelos funcionários que, por meio de suas iniciativas, praticam o empreendedorismo coorporativo. São diversas formas em que o empreendedorismo corporativo se manifesta, dentre elas por meio de aquisições. Ao comprar uma outra empresa, a empresa compradora tem como motivação a busca de alguns atributos que complementem seus objetivos iniciais. Após a compra, o processo de integração entre as duas empresas é, por muitas vezes, complicado e penoso. O objetivo desse estudo é o de identificar quais são essas motivações de compra, os problemas enfrentados durante a integração entre as duas empresas, e quais são as lições aprendidas por grandes/médias corporações quando adquirem Start-ups. Muitos estudos atualmente tratam de temas relacionados à aquisição de empresas, porém, quando se trata de Start-ups, pouca literatura é encontrada. Os resultados dessa pesquisa são fruto de entrevistas com os gestores e empreendedores que participaram do processo de aquisição da SAMURAI pela Momentum e da Save-me pela Buscapé – empresas brasileiras. Os resultados são seis sugestões que devem ser consideradas por grandes/medias corporações antes e durante o processo de aquisição de uma strat-up: (i) A base de clientes da empresa comprada deve ser cuidadosamente considerada; (ii) um contato muito próximo entre os gestores das duas empresas é crucial antes da realização da aquisição; (iii) a contratação de uma empresa de consultoria em aquisições pode ser primordial durante o processo de integração; (iv) o empreendedor tem um papel de central importância para o future da nova empresa formada após a aquisição; (v) a forma como a integração entre as duas empresas ocorrerá após a compra deve ser cuidadosamente escolhida e (iv) a criação de uma corporate venture deve ser levada em consideração.


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This exploratory research aims to find out the extent to which Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) impacts the purchasing behavior of Peruvian consumers when it comes to convenience food products. The study includes qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis consists of in-depth interviews with CSR representatives from consumer product companies, CSR practitioners and some consumers from the quantitative sample. That group’s composition was selected in order to obtain a wide picture of the consumers’ perception towards CSR, including their understanding of the concept and the relevance in their decision making process when buying convenience food products. The quantitative analysis portion consists of an on-line survey focused on Peruvian consumers who live in Lima during the year 2015. Consumers included in the sample were selected by convenience. After analyzing the 134 completed surveys, the results obtained suggest that even though there is an increasing interest in CSR, including CSR as an attribute of the purchased goods, interest is not fully demonstrated by the purchasing behavior of consumers. The main breach leading to this inconsistency appears to be the lack of or failure in the companies’ CSR communication towards consumers. Consumers demand reliable information which socially responsible companies usually provide; however at this stage, the target audiences of such information are mostly corporations and communities surrounding the manufacturing plants of convenience food products.


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We consider multistage stochastic linear optimization problems combining joint dynamic probabilistic constraints with hard constraints. We develop a method for projecting decision rules onto hard constraints of wait-and-see type. We establish the relation between the original (in nite dimensional) problem and approximating problems working with projections from di erent subclasses of decision policies. Considering the subclass of linear decision rules and a generalized linear model for the underlying stochastic process with noises that are Gaussian or truncated Gaussian, we show that the value and gradient of the objective and constraint functions of the approximating problems can be computed analytically.


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Global society and technology have changed the relationships of the market. Quality and cost are not the main aspects of any industrial product. On the other hand, design, innovation and sustainability became significant requirements to company’s competitiveness. In this context, the design approach has shown evolutions, integrating social and environmental aspects beside traditional aspects such as technical and economic. Still, design has been becoming a strategic opportunity for companies, improving their competitiveness and increasing their market share. Thus, this research has analyzed the integration of both the Sustainable Design and Strategic Design Coaching (SDC) method in the making decision activities of companies. A cement company (BQMIL) was assigned as case study, in which the previous results have pointed out the significant hole of those concepts to generate Eco-innovation and Eco-Brand to increase its market share, corroborating the expectative of the design team


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Making diagnoses in oral pathology are often difficult and confusing in dental practice, especially for the lessexperienced dental student. One of the most promising areas in bioinformatics is computer-aided diagnosis, where a computer system is capable of imitating human reasoning ability and provides diagnoses with an accuracy approaching that of expert professionals. This type of system could be an alternative tool for assisting dental students to overcome the difficulties of the oral pathology learning process. This could allow students to define variables and information, important to improving the decision-making performance. However, no current open data management system has been integrated with an artificial intelligence system in a user-friendly environment. Such a system could also be used as an education tool to help students perform diagnoses. The aim of the present study was to develop and test an open case-based decisionsupport system.Methods: An open decision-support system based on Bayes' theorem connected to a relational database was developed using the C++ programming language. The software was tested in the computerisation of a surgical pathology service and in simulating the diagnosis of 43 known cases of oral bone disease. The simulation was performed after the system was initially filled with data from 401 cases of oral bone disease.Results: the system allowed the authors to construct and to manage a pathology database, and to simulate diagnoses using the variables from the database.Conclusion: Combining a relational database and an open decision-support system in the same user-friendly environment proved effective in simulating diagnoses based on information from an updated database.


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The design and implementation of an ERP system involves capturing the information necessary for implementing the system's structure and behavior that support enterprise management. This process should start on the enterprise modeling level and finish at the coding level, going down through different abstraction layers. For the case of Free/Open Source ERP, the lack of proper modeling methods and tools jeopardizes the advantages of source code availability. Moreover, the distributed, decentralized decision-making, and source-code driven development culture of open source communities, generally doesn't rely on methods for modeling the higher abstraction levels necessary for an ERP solution. The aim of this paper is to present a model driven development process for the open source ERP ERP5. The proposed process covers the different abstraction levels involved, taking into account well established standards and common practices, as well as new approaches, by supplying Enterprise, Requirements, Analysis, Design, and Implementation workflows. Copyright 2008 ACM.


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Digital data sets constitute rich sources of information, which can be extracted and evaluated applying computational tools, for example, those ones for Information Visualization. Web-based applications, such as social network environments, forums and virtual environments for Distance Learning, are good examples for such sources. The great amount of data has direct impact on processing and analysis tasks. This paper presents the computational tool Mapper, defined and implemented to use visual representations - maps, graphics and diagrams - for supporting the decision making process by analyzing data stored in Virtual Learning Environment TelEduc-Unesp. © 2012 IEEE.


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Reverse Logistics activities are practiced by most Brazilian companies. However, a relevant problem is to identify how different Reverse Logistics programs can affect corporate performance indicators. Analytic Network Process is one of the analytical tools, which can be used to handle a multi-criteria decision-making problem and it is the only one that can capture the interdependencies between the criteria under consideration. This method was adopted here to study the influence of Reverse Logistics practices in corporate performance. Preliminary results indicated that the method can be used, reaching a result compatible to the reality of the Brazilian companies.


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This study evaluated alternatives for producing erosion susceptibility maps, considering different weight combinations for an environment's attributes, according to four different points of views. The attributes considered were landform, steepness, soils, rocks and land occupation. Considered alternatives were: (1) equal weights, more traditional approach, (2) different weights, according to a previous study in the area, (3) different weights, based on other works in the literature, and (4) different weights based on the analytical hierarchical process. The area studied included the Prosa Basin located in Campo Grande-Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The results showed that the assessed alternatives can be used together or in different stages of studies aiming at urban planning and decision-making on the interventions to be applied.


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In a recent paper, "A combined tool for environmental scientists and decision makers: ternary diagrams and emergy accounting." [Giannettti BF, Barrella FA, Almeida CMVB. A combined tool for environment scientists and decision makers: ternary diagrams and emergy accounting. J Clean Prod, in press http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2004.09.002] Ternary diagrams were proposed as a graphical tool to assist emergy analysis. The graphical representation of the emergy accounting data makes it possible to compare processes and systems with and without ecosystem services, to evaluate improvements and to follow the system performance over time. The graphic tool is versatile and adaptable to represent products, processes, systems, countries, and different periods of time.The use and the versatility of ternary diagrams for assisting in performing emergy analyses are illustrated by means of five examples taken from the literature, which are presented and discussed. It is shown that emergetic ternary diagram's properties assist the assessment of the system of the system efficiency, its dependance upon renewable and non-renewable inputs and the environmental support for dilution and abatement of process emissions. With the aid of ternary diagrams, details such as the interaction between systems and between systems and the environment are recognized and evaluated. Such a tool for graphical analysis allows a transparent presentation of the results and can serve as an interface between emergy scientists and decision makers, provided the meaning of each line in the diagram is carefully explained and understood. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The management of health services is a complex administrative practice due to the breadth of the field of health and the need to reconcile individual, corporate and collective interests that are not always convergent. In this context, the evaluation needs to have specific characteristics in order to fulfill its role. The scope of this study was to establish the characteristics that the evaluation for the management of health services should have to contribute to decision-making. Usefulness, opportunity, feasibility, reliability, objectivity and directionality represent the set of principles upon which the evaluation should be based. Evaluations should lead to decisions that guarantee not only their efficiency and effectiveness but also their implementation. The evaluation process should ensure that decisions involve all stakeholders in order to render the implementation of decisions feasible, and take into account the health needs of the population and the goals set for the services. The scope of this article is to elicit a debate among different stakeholders in the evaluation in the hope that it can contribute to the reflection on the real usefulness of evaluations in which the political component in management has been increasingly prevalent.