923 resultados para birthing mother
Further miniaturization of magnetic and electronic devices demands thin films of advanced nanomaterials with unique properties. Spinel ferrites have been studied extensively owing to their interesting magnetic and electrical properties coupled with stability against oxidation. Being an important ferrospinel, zinc ferrite has wide applications in the biological (MRI) and electronics (RF-CMOS) arenas. The performance of an oxide like ZnFe2O4 depends on stoichiometry (defect structure), and technological applications require thin films of high density, low porosity and controlled microstructure, which depend on the preparation process. While there are many methods for the synthesis of polycrystalline ZnFe2O4 powder, few methods exist for the deposition of its thin films, where prolonged processing at elevated temperature is not required. We report a novel, microwave-assisted, low temperature (<100°C) deposition process that is conducted in the liquid medium, developed for obtaining high quality, polycrystalline ZnFe2O4 thin films on technologically important substrates like Si(100). An environment-friendly solvent (ethanol) and non-hazardous oxide precursors (β-diketonates of Zn and Fe in 1:2 molar ratio), forming a solution together, is subjected to irradiation in a domestic microwave oven (2.45 GHz) for a few minutes, leading to reactions which result in the deposition of ZnFe2O4 films on Si (100) substrates suspended in the solution. Selected surfactants added to the reactant solution in optimum concentration can be used to control film microstructure. The nominal temperature of the irradiated solution, i.e., film deposition temperature, seldom exceeds 100°C, thus sharply lowering the thermal budget. Surface roughness and uniformity of large area depositions (50x50 mm2) are controlled by tweaking the concentration of the mother solution. Thickness of the films thus grown on Si (100) within 5 min of microwave irradiation can be as high as several microns. The present process, not requiring a vacuum system, carries a very low thermal budget and, together with a proper choice of solvents, is compatible with CMOS integration. This novel solution-based process for depositing highly resistive, adherent, smooth ferrimagnetic films on Si (100) is promising to RF engineers for the fabrication of passive circuit components. It is readily extended to a wide variety of functional oxide films.
Pregnancy is a critically important state for any women in her life time. Administration of a vaccine to a pregnant woman is not a routine event and it is generally preferred to administer vaccines either prior to conception or in the postpartum period. Currently vaccination with inactivated vaccines are recommended due to potential risk to mother and fetus with live vaccines. Multiple factors determine the administration of the vaccines for example age, life style, medical conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes etc.), type and location of travel and status of previous vaccination. If pregnant woman is exposed to these vaccines or if pregnancy occurs soon after vaccination, the women should be counselled regarding the risks to the fetus and vaccination should not be a reason to consider termination of pregnancy. Further research in vaccination among pregnancy is warranted for the safety of the pregnant women and their newborn for a healthy living and better life.
We found that Pd(II) ion (M) and the smallest 120 bidentate donor pyrimidine (L-a) self-assemble into a mononuclear M(L-a)(4) complex (1a) instead of the expected smallest M-12(L-a)(24) molecular ball (1), presumably due to the weak coordination nature of the pyrimidine. To construct such a pyrimidine bridged nanoball, we employed a new donor tris(4-(pyrimidin-5-yl)phenyl)amine (L); which upon selective complexation with Pd(II) ions resulted in the formation of a pregnant M24L24 molecular nanoball (2) consisting of a pyrimidine-bridged Pd-12 baby-ball supported by a Pd-12 larger mother-ball. The formation of the baby-ball was not successful without the support of the mother-ball. Thus, we created an example of a self-assembly where the inner baby-ball resembling to the predicted M-12(L-a)(24) ball (1) was incarcerated by the giant outer mother-ball by means of geometrical constraints. Facile conversion of the pregnant ball 2 to a smaller M-12(L-b)(24) ball 3 with dipyridyl donor was achieved in a single step.
Nacre, or mother-of-pearl, is a kind of composites of aragonite platelets sandwiched between organic materials. Its excellent mechanical properties are thought to stem from the micro architecture that is traditionally described as a "brick and mortar" arrangement. In this paper, a new microstructure, referred to as mineral bridge in the biomineralization, is directly observed in the organic matrix layers (mortar) of nacre. This is an indication that the organic matrix layer of nacre should be treated as a three-dimensional interface and the micro architecture of nacre ought to be considered as a "brick-bridge-mortar" structure rather than the traditional one. Experiments and analyses show that the mineral bridges not only improve the mechanical properties of the organic matrix layers but also play an important role in the pattern of the crack extension in nacre.
Resumen: Este ensayo teológico comprende y expone el pensamiento pastoral del Papa Francisco, primer obispo de Roma y Papa latinoamericano, elegido desde las periferias del orbe para guiar al Pueblo de Dios en el corazón de la urbe. Francisco es un pastor misionero y un pastoralista lúcido, que ha enseñado teología pastoral y, lo sigue haciendo, de otra forma, desde el ministerio petrino. La exhortación Evangelii gaudium (2013) condensa de una forma orgánica su mirada a la evangelización en la huella de la exhortación Evangelii nuntiandi de Pablo VI (1975) y del Documento Conclusivo de Aparecida del Episcopado latinoamericano y caribeño (2007). La novedad de su pontificado reformador y misionero hunde sus raíces en la figura singular del jesuita argentino Jorge Mario Bergoglio; en su arraigo en la Iglesia latinoamericana y en el proyecto misionero de Aparecida; y en la incipiente pero promisoria teología argentina postconciliar. El autor hace un pormenorizado estudio sistemático y contextualizado de la exhortación La alegría del Evangelio desde el propio documento y en relación a otros textos de Jorge Bergoglio y, ahora, del Papa Francisco. Articula su discurso en dos momentos mostrando sus interrelaciones. El primero, breve, presenta al sucesor de Pedro como un icono de la fisonomía regional y la reflexión pastoral de la Iglesia latinoamericana. El segundo analiza nueve claves de la Evangelii gaudium: la alegría de evangelizar, síntesis de la mística misionera; la figura de la Iglesia centrada en la misión; la influencia del proyecto misionero de Aparecida; la conversión misionera para la reforma eclesial desde el Concilio Vaticano II; la Iglesia, Pueblo de Dios y Madre de los pueblos, como sujeto de la misión; la fuerza evangelizadora de la piedad católica popular; la revolución de la ternura comunicada en el Evangelio de la misericordia; la dimensión social del Evangelio y de la evangelización; la opción por los pobres desde el corazón de Dios.
This paper reports that an optical diagnostic system consisting of Mach-Zehnder interferometer with a phase shift device and image processor has been used for study of the kinetics of protein crystal growing process. The crystallization process of protein crystal by vapour diffusion is investigated. The interference fringes are observed in real time. The present experiment demonstrates that the diffusion and the sedimentation influence the crystallization of protein crystal which grows in solution, and the concentration capillary convection associated with surface tension occurs at the vicinity of free surface of the protein mother liquor, and directly affects on the outcome of protein crystallization. So far the detailed analysis and the important role of the fluid phenomena in protein crystallization have been discussed a little in both space- and ground-based crystal growth experiments. It is also found that these fluid phenomena affect the outcome of protein crystallization, regular growth, and crystal quality. This may explain the fact that many results of space-based investigation do not show overall improvement.
The effect of a negative Poisson ratio is experimentally revealed in the tension deformation of a natural layered ceramic. This effect can increase the volume strain energy per unit volume by 1100% and, simultaneously, decrease the deformation strain energy per unit volume by about 44%, so that it effectively enhances the deformation capacity by about 1 order of magnitude in the tension of the material. The present study also shows that the physical mechanisms producing the effect are attributed to the climbing on one another of the nanostructures in the natural material, which provides a guide to the design of synthetic toughening composites.
Resumen: El propósito de este trabajo es demostrar que el sentido esencial de la Introducción de los Milagros de Nuestra Señora de Gonzalo de Berceo consiste en la brevísima exposición poética de una especial teología mística diferente tanto de la mística especulativa cristiana medieval occidental de origen platónico o neoplatónico como de la mística amorosa cristiana occidental que tiene origen en el Cantar de los Cantares y en sus comentarios antiguos y medievales, y que esta teología mística de Gonzalo de Berceo se basa en la función mediadora de la Virgen María y en su carácter de Madre de Dios.
Resumen: Los animales no humanos, ¿pueden tener derechos? Un tribunal argentino, a fines de 2014, determinó que Sandra, una orangutana residente en el zoológico de Buenos Aires, es un sujeto de derecho y un hábeas corpus en su favor debe ser objeto de tratamiento. El artículo examina esa sentencia y los argumentos “antiespecistas”, por parte de Peter Singer, Tom Regan y Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni. También los argumentos de la ecología profunda acerca de los derechos de la naturaleza, con referencia a la llamada “ecología andina”, de acuerdo con las Constituciones de Ecuador y Bolivia, las primeras en el mundo que han codificado los derechos de la Madre Tierra, la Pachamama.
Resumen: Para entender el Cuidado Paliativo, según el Personalismo ontológico y el Magisterio, se necesita una ética del cuidado, basado en el imperativo del amor al prójimo. El centro de toda la asistencia es la persona, el respeto por su dignidad y la inviolabilidad de la vida humana, sin dejar de hacer referencia al fin último trascendente que fundamenta toda la existencia. Se considera imprescindible el diálogo integrador entre la fe, la razón y las ciencias que permita iluminar los Cuidados Paliativos a través de una antropología y filosofía moral que guíe la praxis de los profesionales y voluntarios. En el Hospice Madre Teresa se cuida al enfermo hasta su fin natural intentando anunciar el Se ayuda a todas las personas a descubrir, a la luz de la razón y de la fe, el significado a su existencia. Se trata de encontrar puntos de diálogo con los no creyentes para promover la cultura de la vida sabiendo que la razón, iluminada por la fe, se libera de los límites propios de la naturaleza humana encontrando la fuerza necesaria para elevarse al conocimiento del misterio de Dios.
Resumen: Un niño con anencefalia, debido a su innegable condición humana, merece ser tratado con respeto y dignidad, como cualquier otro hombre. Por su severa patología y su corta expectativa de vida, es una criatura frágil e indefensa a la que hay que cuidar, y no por ello aplicar tratamiento, hasta que devenga su inevitable muerte. La futilidad de cualquier medida agresiva sustenta la necesidad de proporcionarle calor y cuidados básicos, sin incurrir en tratamientos desproporcionados. Al mismo tiempo, resulta fundamental informar, acompañar y brindar apoyo médico y psicológico a toda la familia, en especial a la madre, para poder superar la muerte del niño. Por último, es preciso establecer que el pronóstico ominoso de una criatura anencefálica jamás justifica el aborto. A partir del estudio de la bibliografía argentina sobre el tema, y desde la perspectiva de un estudiante de medicina, se analizan los textos publicados, añadiendo algunos comentarios éticos actuales sobre los problemas de la anencefalia.
361 p.
Report: Rights-based fishing - Flagging rights, realizing responsibilities. Senegal: Artisanal fisheries - A health check. Analysis: Fuel prices - Fishing in times of high prices. Panama: Protected areas - Mother earth, mother sea. Review: Films - A restless, throbbing ballet. Norway: Fuel subsidies - Skimming the cream. India: Coastal Management - Save the coast, save the fishers. Report: Chile Workshop - Common concerns, lasting bonds. Indonesia: Fisheries Legislation - Ring of fire. Report: CBD COP9 - Breaking away from tradition. On Samudra Report At 50 – Supplement. (64 pp.)
An experimental investigation will be performed on the thermocapillary motion of two bubbles in Chinese return-satellite. The experiment will study the migration process of bubble caused by thermocapillary effect in microgravity environment, and their interaction between two bubbles. The bubble is driven by the thermocapillary stress on the surface on account on the variation of the surface tension with temperature. The interaction between two bubbles becomes significant as the separation distance between them is reduced drastically so that the bubble interaction has to be considered. Recently, the problem has been discussed on the method of successive reflections, and accurate migration velocities of two arbitrarily oriented bubbles were derived for the limit of small Marangoni and Reynolds numbers. Numerical results for the migration of the two bubbles show that the interaction between two bubbles has significant influence on their thermocapillary migration velocities with a bubble approaching another. However, there is a lack of experimental validate for the theoretic results. Now the experimental facility is designed for experimenting time after time. A cone-shaped top cover is used to expel bubble from the cell after experiment. But, the cone-shaped top cover can cause temperature uniformity on horizontal plane in whole cell. Therefore, a metal board with multi-holes is fixed under the top cover. The board is able to let the temperature distribution on the board uniform because of their high heat conductivity, and the bubble can pass through it. In the system two bubbles are injected into the test cell respectively by two sets of cylinder. And the bubbles sizes are controlled by two sets of step-by-step motor. It is very important problem that bubble can be divorced from the injecting mouth in microgravity environment. Thus, other two sets of device for injecting mother liquid were used to push bubble. The working principle of injecting mother liquid is to utilize pressure difference directly between test cell and reservoir