928 resultados para automation of fit analysis


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This paper presents improved unification algorithms, an implementation, and an analysis of the effectiveness of an abstract interpreter based on the sharing + freeness domain presented in a previous paper, which was designed to accurately and concisely represent combined freeness and sharing information for program variables. We first briefly review this domain and the unification algorithms previously proposed. We then improve these algorithms and correct them to deal with some cases which were not well analyzed previously, illustrating the improvement with an example. We then present the implementation of the improved algorithm and evaluate its performance by comparing the effectiveness of the information inferred to that of other interpreters available to us for an application (program parallelization) that is common to all these interpreters. All these systems have been embedded in a real parallelizing compiler. Effectiveness of the analysis is measured in terms of actual final performance of the system: i.e. in terms of the actual speedups obtained. The results show good performance for the combined domain in that it improves the accuracy of both types of information and also in that the analyzer using the combined domain is more effective in the application than any of the other analyzers it is compared to.


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Critical infrastructures support everyday activities in modern societies, facilitating the exchange of services and quantities of various nature. Their functioning is the result of the integration of diverse technologies, systems and organizations into a complex network of interconnections. Benefits from networking are accompanied by new threats and risks. In particular, because of the increased interdependency, disturbances and failures may propagate and render unstable the whole infrastructure network. This paper presents a methodology of resilience analysis of networked systems of systems. Resilience generalizes the concept of stability of a system around a state of equilibrium, with respect to a disturbance and its ability of preventing, resisting and recovery. The methodology provides a tool for the analysis of off-equilibrium conditions that may occur in a single system and propagate through the network of dependencies. The analysis is conducted in two stages. The first stage of the analysis is qualitative. It identifies the resilience scenarios, i.e. the sequence of events, triggered by an initial disturbance, which include failures and the system response. The second stage is quantitative. The most critical scenarios can be simulated, for the desired parameter settings, in order to check if they are successfully handled, i.e recovered to nominal conditions, or they end into the network failure. The proposed methodology aims at providing an effective support to resilience-informed design.


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Fractal and multifractal are concepts that have grown increasingly popular in recent years in the soil analysis, along with the development of fractal models. One of the common steps is to calculate the slope of a linear fit commonly using least squares method. This shouldn?t be a special problem, however, in many situations using experimental data the researcher has to select the range of scales at which is going to work neglecting the rest of points to achieve the best linearity that in this type of analysis is necessary. Robust regression is a form of regression analysis designed to circumvent some limitations of traditional parametric and non-parametric methods. In this method we don?t have to assume that the outlier point is simply an extreme observation drawn from the tail of a normal distribution not compromising the validity of the regression results. In this work we have evaluated the capacity of robust regression to select the points in the experimental data used trying to avoid subjective choices. Based on this analysis we have developed a new work methodology that implies two basic steps: ? Evaluation of the improvement of linear fitting when consecutive points are eliminated based on R pvalue. In this way we consider the implications of reducing the number of points. ? Evaluation of the significance of slope difference between fitting with the two extremes points and fitted with the available points. We compare the results applying this methodology and the common used least squares one. The data selected for these comparisons are coming from experimental soil roughness transect and simulated based on middle point displacement method adding tendencies and noise. The results are discussed indicating the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology.


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The road to the automation of the agricultural processes passes through the safe operation of the autonomous vehicles. This requirement is a fact in ground mobile units, but it still has not well defined for the aerial robots (UAVs) mainly because the normative and legislation are quite diffuse or even inexistent. Therefore, to define a common and global policy is the challenge to tackle. This characterization has to be addressed from the field experience. Accordingly, this paper presents the work done in this direction, based on the analysis of the most common sources of hazards when using UAV's for agricultural tasks. The work, based on the ISO 31000 normative, has been carried out by applying a three-step structure that integrates the identification, assessment and reduction procedures. The present paper exposes how this method has been applied to analyze previous accidents and malfunctions during UAV operations in order to obtain real failure causes. It has allowed highlighting common risks and hazardous sources and proposing specific guards and safety measures for the agricultural context.


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La computación basada en servicios (Service-Oriented Computing, SOC) se estableció como un paradigma ampliamente aceptado para el desarollo de sistemas de software flexibles, distribuidos y adaptables, donde las composiciones de los servicios realizan las tareas más complejas o de nivel más alto, frecuentemente tareas inter-organizativas usando los servicios atómicos u otras composiciones de servicios. En tales sistemas, las propriedades de la calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS), como la rapídez de procesamiento, coste, disponibilidad o seguridad, son críticas para la usabilidad de los servicios o sus composiciones en cualquier aplicación concreta. El análisis de estas propriedades se puede realizarse de una forma más precisa y rica en información si se utilizan las técnicas de análisis de programas, como el análisis de complejidad o de compartición de datos, que son capables de analizar simultáneamente tanto las estructuras de control como las de datos, dependencias y operaciones en una composición. El análisis de coste computacional para la composicion de servicios puede ayudar a una monitorización predictiva así como a una adaptación proactiva a través de una inferencia automática de coste computacional, usando los limites altos y bajos como funciones del valor o del tamaño de los mensajes de entrada. Tales funciones de coste se pueden usar para adaptación en la forma de selección de los candidatos entre los servicios que minimizan el coste total de la composición, basado en los datos reales que se pasan al servicio. Las funciones de coste también pueden ser combinadas con los parámetros extraídos empíricamente desde la infraestructura, para producir las funciones de los límites de QoS sobre los datos de entrada, cuales se pueden usar para previsar, en el momento de invocación, las violaciones de los compromisos al nivel de servicios (Service Level Agreements, SLA) potenciales or inminentes. En las composiciones críticas, una previsión continua de QoS bastante eficaz y precisa se puede basar en el modelado con restricciones de QoS desde la estructura de la composition, datos empiricos en tiempo de ejecución y (cuando estén disponibles) los resultados del análisis de complejidad. Este enfoque se puede aplicar a las orquestaciones de servicios con un control centralizado del flujo, así como a las coreografías con participantes multiples, siguiendo unas interacciones complejas que modifican su estado. El análisis del compartición de datos puede servir de apoyo para acciones de adaptación, como la paralelización, fragmentación y selección de los componentes, las cuales son basadas en dependencias funcionales y en el contenido de información en los mensajes, datos internos y las actividades de la composición, cuando se usan construcciones de control complejas, como bucles, bifurcaciones y flujos anidados. Tanto las dependencias funcionales como el contenido de información (descrito a través de algunos atributos definidos por el usuario) se pueden expresar usando una representación basada en la lógica de primer orden (claúsulas de Horn), y los resultados del análisis se pueden interpretar como modelos conceptuales basados en retículos. ABSTRACT Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is a widely accepted paradigm for development of flexible, distributed and adaptable software systems, in which service compositions perform more complex, higher-level, often cross-organizational tasks using atomic services or other service compositions. In such systems, Quality of Service (QoS) properties, such as the performance, cost, availability or security, are critical for the usability of services and their compositions in concrete applications. Analysis of these properties can become more precise and richer in information, if it employs program analysis techniques, such as the complexity and sharing analyses, which are able to simultaneously take into account both the control and the data structures, dependencies, and operations in a composition. Computation cost analysis for service composition can support predictive monitoring and proactive adaptation by automatically inferring computation cost using the upper and lower bound functions of value or size of input messages. These cost functions can be used for adaptation by selecting service candidates that minimize total cost of the composition, based on the actual data that is passed to them. The cost functions can also be combined with the empirically collected infrastructural parameters to produce QoS bounds functions of input data that can be used to predict potential or imminent Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations at the moment of invocation. In mission-critical applications, an effective and accurate continuous QoS prediction, based on continuations, can be achieved by constraint modeling of composition QoS based on its structure, known data at runtime, and (when available) the results of complexity analysis. This approach can be applied to service orchestrations with centralized flow control, and choreographies with multiple participants with complex stateful interactions. Sharing analysis can support adaptation actions, such as parallelization, fragmentation, and component selection, which are based on functional dependencies and information content of the composition messages, internal data, and activities, in presence of complex control constructs, such as loops, branches, and sub-workflows. Both the functional dependencies and the information content (described using user-defined attributes) can be expressed using a first-order logic (Horn clause) representation, and the analysis results can be interpreted as a lattice-based conceptual models.


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El futuro de la energía nuclear de fisión dependerá, entre otros factores, de la capacidad que las nuevas tecnologías demuestren para solventar los principales retos a largo plazo que se plantean. Los principales retos se pueden resumir en los siguientes aspectos: la capacidad de proporcionar una solución final, segura y fiable a los residuos radiactivos; así como dar solución a la limitación de recursos naturales necesarios para alimentar los reactores nucleares; y por último, una mejora robusta en la seguridad de las centrales que en definitiva evite cualquier daño potencial tanto en la población como en el medio ambiente como consecuencia de cualquier escenario imaginable o más allá de lo imaginable. Siguiendo estas motivaciones, la Generación IV de reactores nucleares surge con el compromiso de proporcionar electricidad de forma sostenible, segura, económica y evitando la proliferación de material fisible. Entre los sistemas conceptuales que se consideran para la Gen IV, los reactores rápidos destacan por su capacidad potencial de transmutar actínidos a la vez que permiten una utilización óptima de los recursos naturales. Entre los refrigerantes que se plantean, el sodio parece una de las soluciones más prometedoras. Como consecuencia, esta tesis surgió dentro del marco del proyecto europeo CP-ESFR con el principal objetivo de evaluar la física de núcleo y seguridad de los reactores rápidos refrigerados por sodio, al tiempo que se desarrollaron herramientas apropiadas para dichos análisis. Efectivamente, en una primera parte de la tesis, se abarca el estudio de la física del núcleo de un reactor rápido representativo, incluyendo el análisis detallado de la capacidad de transmutar actínidos minoritarios. Como resultado de dichos análisis, se publicó un artículo en la revista Annals of Nuclear Energy [96]. Por otra parte, a través de un análisis de un hipotético escenario nuclear español, se evalúo la disponibilidad de recursos naturales necesarios en el caso particular de España para alimentar una flota específica de reactores rápidos, siguiendo varios escenarios de demanda, y teniendo en cuenta la capacidad de reproducción de plutonio que tienen estos sistemas. Como resultado de este trabajo también surgió una publicación en otra revista científica de prestigio internacional como es Energy Conversion and Management [97]. Con objeto de realizar esos y otros análisis, se desarrollaron diversos modelos del núcleo del ESFR siguiendo varias configuraciones, y para diferentes códigos. Por otro lado, con objeto de poder realizar análisis de seguridad de reactores rápidos, son necesarias herramientas multidimensionales de alta fidelidad específicas para reactores rápidos. Dichas herramientas deben integrar fenómenos relacionados con la neutrónica y con la termo-hidráulica, entre otros, mediante una aproximación multi-física. Siguiendo este objetivo, se evalúo el código de difusión neutrónica ANDES para su aplicación a reactores rápidos. ANDES es un código de resolución nodal que se encuentra implementado dentro del sistema COBAYA3 y está basado en el método ACMFD. Por lo tanto, el método ACMFD fue sometido a una revisión en profundidad para evaluar su aptitud para la aplicación a reactores rápidos. Durante ese proceso, se identificaron determinadas limitaciones que se discutirán a lo largo de este trabajo, junto con los desarrollos que se han elaborado e implementado para la resolución de dichas dificultades. Por otra parte, se desarrolló satisfactoriamente el acomplamiento del código neutrónico ANDES con un código termo-hidráulico de subcanales llamado SUBCHANFLOW, desarrollado recientemente en el KIT. Como conclusión de esta parte, todos los desarrollos implementados son evaluados y verificados. En paralelo con esos desarrollos, se calcularon para el núcleo del ESFR las secciones eficaces en multigrupos homogeneizadas a nivel nodal, así como otros parámetros neutrónicos, mediante los códigos ERANOS, primero, y SERPENT, después. Dichos parámetros se utilizaron más adelante para realizar cálculos estacionarios con ANDES. Además, como consecuencia de la contribución de la UPM al paquete de seguridad del proyecto CP-ESFR, se calcularon mediante el código SERPENT los parámetros de cinética puntual que se necesitan introducir en los típicos códigos termo-hidráulicos de planta, para estudios de seguridad. En concreto, dichos parámetros sirvieron para el análisis del impacto que tienen los actínidos minoritarios en el comportamiento de transitorios. Concluyendo, la tesis presenta una aproximación sistemática y multidisciplinar aplicada al análisis de seguridad y comportamiento neutrónico de los reactores rápidos de sodio de la Gen-IV, usando herramientas de cálculo existentes y recién desarrolladas ad' hoc para tal aplicación. Se ha empleado una cantidad importante de tiempo en identificar limitaciones de los métodos nodales analíticos en su aplicación en multigrupos a reactores rápidos, y se proponen interesantes soluciones para abordarlas. ABSTRACT The future of nuclear reactors will depend, among other aspects, on the capability to solve the long-term challenges linked to this technology. These are the capability to provide a definite, safe and reliable solution to the nuclear wastes; the limitation of natural resources, needed to fuel the reactors; and last but not least, the improved safety, which would avoid any potential damage on the public and or environment as a consequence of any imaginable and beyond imaginable circumstance. Following these motivations, the IV Generation of nuclear reactors arises, with the aim to provide sustainable, safe, economic and proliferationresistant electricity. Among the systems considered for the Gen IV, fast reactors have a representative role thanks to their potential capacity to transmute actinides together with the optimal usage of natural resources, being the sodium fast reactors the most promising concept. As a consequence, this thesis was born in the framework of the CP-ESFR project with the generic aim of evaluating the core physics and safety of sodium fast reactors, as well as the development of the approppriated tools to perform such analyses. Indeed, in a first part of this thesis work, the main core physics of the representative sodium fast reactor are assessed, including a detailed analysis of the capability to transmute minor actinides. A part of the results obtained have been published in Annals of Nuclear Energy [96]. Moreover, by means of the analysis of a hypothetical Spanish nuclear scenario, the availability of natural resources required to deploy an specific fleet of fast reactor is assessed, taking into account the breeding properties of such systems. This work also led to a publication in Energy Conversion and Management [97]. In order to perform those and other analyses, several models of the ESFR core were created for different codes. On the other hand, in order to perform safety studies of sodium fast reactors, high fidelity multidimensional analysis tools for sodium fast reactors are required. Such tools should integrate neutronic and thermal-hydraulic phenomena in a multi-physics approach. Following this motivation, the neutron diffusion code ANDES is assessed for sodium fast reactor applications. ANDES is the nodal solver implemented inside the multigroup pin-by-pin diffusion COBAYA3 code, and is based on the analytical method ACMFD. Thus, the ACMFD was verified for SFR applications and while doing so, some limitations were encountered, which are discussed through this work. In order to solve those, some new developments are proposed and implemented in ANDES. Moreover, the code was satisfactorily coupled with the thermal-hydraulic code SUBCHANFLOW, recently developed at KIT. Finally, the different implementations are verified. In addition to those developments, the node homogenized multigroup cross sections and other neutron parameters were obtained for the ESFR core using ERANOS and SERPENT codes, and employed afterwards by ANDES to perform steady state calculations. Moreover, as a result of the UPM contribution to the safety package of the CP-ESFR project, the point kinetic parameters required by the typical plant thermal-hydraulic codes were computed for the ESFR core using SERPENT, which final aim was the assessment of the impact of minor actinides in transient behaviour. All in all, the thesis provides a systematic and multi-purpose approach applied to the assessment of safety and performance parameters of Generation-IV SFR, using existing and newly developed analytical tools. An important amount of time was employed in identifying the limitations that the analytical nodal diffusion methods present when applied to fast reactors following a multigroup approach, and interesting solutions are proposed in order to overcome them.


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This paper describes the authors? experience with static analysis of both WCET and stack usage of a satellite on-board software subsystem. The work is a continuation of a previous case study that used a dynamic WCET analysis tool on an earlier version of the same software system. In particular, the AbsInt aiT tool has been evaluated by analysing both C and Ada code generated by Simulink within the UPMSat-2 project. Some aspects of the aiT tool, specifically those dealing with SPARC register windows, are compared to another static analysis tool, Bound-T. The results of the analysis are discussed, and some conclusions on the use of static WCET analysis tools on the SPARC architecture are commented in the paper.


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The present work covers the first validation efforts of the EVA Tracking System for the assessment of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) psychomotor skills. Instrument movements were recorded for 42 surgeons (4 expert, 22 residents, 16 novice medical students) and analyzed for a box trainer peg transfer task. Construct validation was established for 7/9 motion analysis parameters (MAPs). Concurrent validation was determined for 8/9 MAPs against the TrEndo Tracking System. Finally, automatic determination of surgical proficiency based on the MAPs was sought by 3 different approaches to supervised classification (LDA, SVM, ANFIS), with accuracy results of 61.9%, 83.3% and 80.9% respectively. Results not only reflect on the validation of EVA for skills? assessment, but also on the relevance of motion analysis of instruments in the determination of surgical competence.


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The movement of water through the landscape can be investigated at different scales. This study dealt with the interrelation between bedrock lithology and the geometry of the overlying drainage systems. Parameters of fractal analysis, such as fractal dimension and lacunarity, were used to measure and quantify this relationship. The interrelation between bedrock lithology and the geometry of the drainage systems has been widely studied in the last decades. The quantification of this linkage has not yet been clearly established. Several studies have selected river basins or regularly shaped areas as study units, assuming them to be lithologically homogeneous. This study considered irregular distributions of rock types, establishing areas of the soil map (1:25,000) with the same lithologic information as study units. The tectonic stability and the low climatic variability of the study region allowed effective investigation of the lithologic controls on the drainage networks developed on the plutonic rocks, the metamorphic rocks, and the sedimentary materials existing in the study area. To exclude the effect of multiple in- and outflows in the lithologically homogeneous units, we focused this study on the first-order streams of the drainage networks. The geometry of the hydrologic features was quantified through traditional metrics of fluvial geomorphology and scaling parameters of fractal analysis, such as the fractal dimension, the reference density, and the lacunarity. The results demonstrate the scale invariance of both the drainage networks and the set of first-order streams at the study scale and a relationship between scaling in the lithology and the drainage network.


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The paper focuses on the analysis of radial-gated spillways, which is carried out by the solution of a numerical model based on the finite element method (FEM). The Oliana Dam is considered as a case study and the discharge capacity is predicted both by the application of a level-set-based free-surface solver and by the use of traditional empirical formulations. The results of the analysis are then used for training an artificial neural network to allow real-time predictions of the discharge in any situation of energy head and gate opening within the operation range of the reservoir. The comparison of the results obtained with the different methods shows that numerical models such as the FEM can be useful as a predictive tool for the analysis of the hydraulic performance of radial-gated spillways.


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Ripple-based controls can strongly reduce the required output capacitance in PowerSoC converter thanks to a very fast dynamic response. Unfortunately, these controls are prone to sub-harmonic oscillations and several parameters affect the stability of these systems. This paper derives and validates a simulation-based modeling and stability analysis of a closed-loop V 2Ic control applied to a 5 MHz Buck converter using discrete modeling and Floquet theory to predict stability. This allows the derivation of sensitivity analysis to design robust systems. The work is extended to different V 2 architectures using the same methodology.


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El WCTR es un congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte, y aunque las actas publicadas están en formato digital y sin ISSN ni ISBN, lo consideramos lo suficientemente importante como para que se considere en los indicadores. This paper develops a model based on agency theory to analyze road management systems (under the different contract forms available today) that employ a mechanism of performance indicators to establish the payment of the agent. The base assumption is that of asymmetric information between the principal (Public Authorities) and the agent (contractor) and the risk aversion of this latter. It is assumed that the principal may only measure the agent?s performance indirectly and by means of certain performance indicators that may be verified by the authorities. In this model there is presumed to be a relation between the efforts made by the agent and the performance level measured by the corresponding indicators, though it is also considered that there may be dispersion between both variables that gives rise to a certain degree of randomness in the contract. An analysis of the optimal contract has been made on the basis of this model and in accordance with a series of parameters that characterize the economic environment and the particular conditions of road infrastructure. As a result of the analysis made, it is considered that an optimal contract should generally combine a fixed component and a payment in accordance with the performance level obtained. The higher the risk aversion of the agent and the greater the marginal cost of public funds, the lower the impact of this performance-based payment. By way of conclusion, the system of performance indicators should be as broad as possible but should not overweight those indicators that encompass greater randomness in their results.


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*************************************************************************************** EL WCTR es un Congreso de reconocido prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la investigación del transporte que hasta el 2010 publicaba sus libros de abstracts con ISBN. Por ello consideramos que debería seguir teníendose en cuenta para los indicadores de calidad ******************************************************************************************* Investment projects in the field of transportation infrastructures have a high degree of uncertainty and require an important amount of resources. In highway concessions in particular, the calculation of the Net Present Value (NPV) of the project by means of the discount of cash flows, may lead to erroneous results when the project incorporates certain flexibility. In these cases, the theory of real options is an alternative tool for the valuation of concessions. When the variable that generates uncertainty (in our case, the traffic) follows a random walk (or Geometric Brownian Motion), we can calculate the value of the options embedded in the contract starting directly from the process followed by that variable. This procedure notably simplifies the calculation method. In order to test the hypothesis of the evolution of traffic as a Geometric Brownian Motion, we have used the available series of traffic in Spanish highways, and we have applied the Augmented Dickey-Fuller approach, which is the most widely used test for this kind of study. The main result of the analysis is that we cannot reject the hypothesis that traffic follows a Geometric Brownian Motion in the majority of both toll highways and free highways in Spain.


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The phenomenon of self-induced vibrations of prismatic beams in a cross-flow has been studied for decades, but it is still of great interest due to their important effects in many different industrial applications. This paper presents the experimental study developed on a prismatic beam with H-section.The aim of this analysis is to add some additional insight into the behaviour of the flow around this type of bodies, in order to reduce galloping and even to avoid it. The influence of some relevant geometrical parameters that define the H-section on the translational galloping behaviour of these beams has been analysed. Wind loads coefficients have been measured through static wind tunnel tests and the Den Hartog criterion applied to elucidate the influence of geometrical parameters on the galloping properties of the bodies under consideration.These results have been completed with surface pressure distribution measurements and, besides, dynamic tests have been also performed to verify the static criterion. Finally, the morphology of the flow past the tested bodies has been visualised by using smoke visualization techniques. Since the rectangular section beam is a limiting case of the H-section configuration, the results here obtained are compared with the ones published in the literature concerning rectangular configurations; the agreement is satisfactory.


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This paper is a preliminary version of Chapter 3 of a State-of-the-Art Report by the IASS Working Group 5: Concrete Shell Roofs. The intention of this chapter is to set forth for those who intend to design concrete shell roofs information and advice about the selection, verification and utilization of commercial computer tools for analysis and design tasks.The computer analysis and design steps for a concrete shell roof are described. Advice follows on the aspects to be considered in the application of commercial finite element (FE)computer programs to concrete shell analysis, starting with recommendations on how novices can gain confidence and competence in the use of software. To establish vocabulary and provide background references, brief surveys are presented of, first,element types and formulations for shells and, second, challenges presented by advanced analyses of shells. The final section of the chapter indicates what capabilities to seek in selecting commercial FE software for the analysis and design of concrete shell roofs. Brief concluding remarks summarize advice regarding judicious use of computer analysis in design practice.