1000 resultados para atividade biológica
Recapitulamos, neste trabalho, os principais dados que documentam a existencia de portadores de parasitos na ancilostomose, o papel da nutrição nesta doença e nas anemias em geral, e tambem as diversas concepções sôbre a patogenia dessa verminose. Apresentamos cinco casos de ancilostomose com graves anemias (Hb. de 13 a 30%), curados e assim conservados mediante diaria administração de ferro, durante lomgo tempo (3 a 10 mêses), apesár da persistencia de infestações muito intensas (25 a 40 mil ovos de ancilostomo por gr. de fezes). No periodo da manutenção fôram feitos diferentes exames, que mostraram quasi sempre cifras normais ou muito proximamente normais, persistindo, entretanto, uma intensa eosinofilia no sangue periferico. Fica assim constatado quais as perturbações corrigidas pelo ferro e quais as derivadas de uma ação direta do verme parasito. Discutimos, finalmente, a pouca ação dos processos diretos resultante da atividade do helminto, em relação á influencia preponderante da alimentação, salientando-se nesta última a importancia essencial da riqueza em ferro.
The outbreak of the jungle or forest yellow fever, through the adapta¬tion, quite recently of the yellow fever virus o the forest mosquitoes, brou¬ght the necessity of ecological researches on hese mosquitoes, as well as on the wild animals they bite, some of them being susceptible to the desease. This has been done by the special yellow fever Service of the State of Sao Paulo, in a special Biological Station in Perús, São Paulo, which has been built in the midst of the jungle. This station was made with plain materials, and covered with straw, but was confortable enough for the technical work, i nthe early months of 1938. During the months in which the investigations were being carried on, the following interesting results were obtained: 1. As we have already pointed out in other places, the forest mosquitoes biting us during daytime, are always new born insects, having not yet sucked blood, as it is the general rule with all mosquitoes, and therefore also, with the anopheles and stegomyia, and this explains why nobody gets malaria or yellow fever, transmitted by anofeles or by aedes aegypti during the day. We think therefore, the jungle yellow fever, got during daytime is not due to the infected jungle or forest mosquito biting, but to infection through the human skin coming into close contact with tre virus, which the forest mosquitoes lay with their dejections, on the leaves of the trees where they remain sitting du¬ring the day. 2. As it is the rule with anopheles, stegomyia and other mosquitoes, the insects once having sucked blood, take nocturnal habits and, therefore, bite us, only during the night, so it happens with the forest mosquito, and insects with developped eggs and blood in stomach have been caught within the sta¬tion house, during the night. During the day, these mosquitoes do not bite, but remain quite still on the leaves of the trees, in the damp parts of the woods. 3. Jungle or forest mosquitoes can easely bite wild animals, some with more avidity then ethers, as it has bee npointed out to the opossum (didei-phis) and other animals. They also bite birds having very thin skin and only exceptionally, cold bloods animals. 5. Is has hot been possible to ascertain how forest mosquitoes are able to live, from onde season to another, through winter, when temperature drops near and even below zero. They have not been found in holes of the terrain, of trees and of animals, as it is the rule in cold countries. During winter, in the forest, it is possible to find larvs in the holes of bambus and trees full of water. As wild animals do not harbour the yellow fever virus for a long time in their body, it is diffcult to explain how the desease lasts from one season to another. Many ecological features on the mosquito, remains yet to be explained and therefore it in necessary to go on with the investigations, in bio¬logical stations, such as that one built up in Perús, São Paulo.
The author who was appointed entomologist of the Biological Station in Perus, São Paulo, describes in this paper, the kind of work he has been doing there. He begins with a description of the organization of the Station and of the routine work as it was daily carried on there, by himself and his staff, during nearly 6 months. During the day as well as during the night, captures of jungle were made in the forest and the same was done by night, in the Station House chiefly when the athmosphere was damp, just before, during, or after a rain. There was also an intensive search for foci of mosquitoes' larves in the bromelias, in holes, in trees and in the soil. The larves found in these breeding places were brought to a larvarium established in the forest in a place close to the station where they were bred in holes of bambus which were very suitable for them. During daytime, only new hatched mosquitoes have been captured, but during the night it has been possible to catch, inside the Station house, many female mosquitoes, with developped eggs, so confirming Aragão's opinion, that mosquitoes biting during the day are always, newly hatched ones. Some species of Sabetini were captured only inside the Biological Station House, during the night. The habits of the following species were subjected to more accurate investigations. Aedes scapularis, Aedes leucocelaenus, Lutzia braziliae, Culex (Carolia) iridescens, Orthopodomyia albicosta, Goeldia palidiventer, Joblotia compressum, Wyeomyia longirostris, Sabetoides intermedius, Limatus durhami. The conditions of the temperature of the Station, did not permit the authour to obtain breedings of Aedes aegypti in the larvarium of the Station, even during he summer months. A great diminuitions of species of the jungle mosquitoes was observed, from January till June, that is, when temperature gets lower and lower. The author has made the interesting observation that some species of mosquitoes (Joblotia and Limatus), must take a meal of flowers or bee honey before they suck blood. A list of the mosquitoes captured during the months of February to June, in the Station is given.
1. Pesquisamos a atividade antibacteriana em 14 amostras de Aspergillus niger da National Collection of Type Cultures. 2. Em meio de Raulin e Mosseray, sete amostras apresentaram atividade total, nunca superior a 1:10, contra Staphylococcus aureus nº 553, sendo que as amostras 1.161 e 2.390 permaneceram ativas por mais de 40 dias. 3. A utilização do meio de Czapek-Dox com 5% de "corn-steep" não melhorou os resultados obtidos com o meio de Raulin e Mosseray. 4. No meio de levedo peptonado, todas as amostras apresentaram-se inativas.
Studies have been carried out on the method of Britton and Silvette modified by Reinecke and Kendall, for the evaluation of cortico-adrenal extracts, based on the deposition of glycogen in the liver of adrenaletomized rats. The test was performed in a total of 180 normal and adrenalectomized rats. The extracts tested were: a) an aqueous extract of cortico-adrenal cortex prepared by the Swingle and Pfiffner technique; b) the same extract added with ascorbic acid (Supracortin Labor); c) desoxycorticosterone acetate (Percortol Ciba and Syncortyl Roussell). Male rats were used, ranging from 40-200g, fed since the 18 th days old with a special diet, in which they were maintained until the day before the injection. Adrenalectomy was performed under urethane anesthesia. The fourth day after operation, food was removed and they were fasted for 24 hours. In the morning of the fifth day, injections of the material to be assayed were given at hourly and two hours intervals, during four to eight hours. One or two hours after the last injection, the animals were sacrified, the livers removed and dropped into a hot 30% solution of potassium hydroxide, and worked by Good, Kramer and Somogyi method. The glycogen was calculated as milligrams per lOOg of body and liver weight. The results obtained are shown in the tables I, II, and III. When several dosages of the same sample of extract were made (5 animals each dose), the amount of glycogen deposited in the liver per lOOg of body and liver weight, was found to be a positive function of the dose injected. The graph 2, shows these results. The synthetic compounds were ineffective. Our results are in agreement with those of Reinecke and Kendall and of Olson et al.
Foram feitas experimentações om o intuito de se buscar mais evidências sobre a participação do íon Mn[2+] no mecanismo esporogenético de uma amostra de Bacillus licheniformis. Quando as formas vegetativas desta bactéria eram depositadas em um meio mineral, carente de fonte de carbono utilizável, em conjunto com um agente seqüestrante de metais como EDTA, a esporulação endotrófica deixava de ocorrer. Entretanto, a esporulação pôde ser protegida quando as células eram previamente saturadas com um excesso de Mn[2+] exógeno. As formas esporuladas obtidas nas condições estudadas mostraram termorresistência a 85ºC durante 20 minutos.
Continuamos observações sobre as biocenoses litorâneas, na parte oeste do Rio de Janeiro, na Enseada mais poluída, onde está a ilha do Pinheiro. Chegamos à conclusão que há graus de estragos acima dos verificados em publicações anteriores, os 7º, 8º, 9º e 10º graus de estragos, com desaparecimento de todas cinturas vegetais. Anotamos os assoreamentos; devido a aterros artificiais na vizinhança, a lama subiu muito, meio metro em 20 anos, ou seja 2,5 centímetros por ano. Apresentamos as alterações ecológicas resultantes do assoreamento, mostramos a mudança de vários nichos de alguns componentes do manguezal. Fizemos 4 mapas ecológicos, em local que constitui a média representativa do que se passou na Enseada de Inhaúma nesses últimos 5 anos. Chegamos a índices de recuperação de zonações do manguezal, como 60/1 para o Avicennietum; e nenhum para o Laguncularietum, comunidade de "mangues mansos" que está em regressão; Houve regeneração das populações de caranguejos Ucides e Cardisoma que voltaram a habitar a Ilha do Pinheiro. Mostramos uma correlação entre o guaiamu e a aroeira da praia, Schinus. Concluímos que: podem ser usadas as técnicas de recuperação de poluição para esses caranguejos e guaiamus, para a alimentação humana, assim como para peixes apanhados em alagados de manguezais poluídos. O material pescado no Rio de Janeiro, tendo algas do gênero Oscillatoria, apresenta um cheiro de urina pútrida, bem como outros cheiros, mas pode ser recuperado para a alimentação humana. Damos sugestões para se utilizar cercados de vegetação de manguezal contra a poluição em locais apropriados, alagados com camarões e peixes, como usam-se na Ásia. As plantas utilizadas baseiam-se no estudo ecológico que estabelece o nicho apropriado a cada uma delas, resistente á poluição, e que pode combater alguns estragos; entre elas as Iresine e as do gênero Avicennia, pois elas promoveram uma pequena recuperação na Ilha do Pinheiro, onde apareceram novamente os caranguejos e guaiamus.
Foi avaliada, em laboratório, a ação moluscicida de extratos aquosos (macerado e fervido), hexânico e etanólico de Aristolochia brasiliensis, Caesalpinia peltophoroides, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Delonix regia, Spathodea campanulata e Tibouchina scrobiculata. As soluções dos extratos obtidos foram testadas sobre caramujos adultos e desovas de Biomphalaria glabrata, criados em laboratório, nas concentrações de 1, 10, 20, 200 e 1000ppm. Dos extratos testado o mais ativo foi o etanólico das flores da D. regia (flamboyant) que apresentou atividade moluscicida sobre caramujos adultos na concentração de 20ppm.
A amostra Berenice-78 de T. cruzi recém-isolada apresentou características bem distintas da cepa Berenice isolada há 16 anos da mesma paciente. Foram verificadas sua alta infectividade e baixa virulência para camundongos C3H isogênicos que sobreviveram à fase aguda da infecção. Os parasitas desta cepa apresentaram tropismo para os músculos esquelético e cardíaco, ascensão gradual da parasitemia ao longo de 25 passagens sangüíneas sucessivas e estabilidade da curva de parasitemia. A cepa Berenice apresentou as mesmas características descritas por Brener, Chiari & Alvarenga (1974) em relação ao tropismo e padrão da curva de parasitemia, sendo no entanto demonstrado que sua virulência para camundongos albinos continua aumentando com o decorrer do tempo. Foram discutidas a possibilidade de reinfecção da paciente Berenice e a importância do conhecimento de amostras de T. cruzi de baixa virulência para animais de laboratório.