963 resultados para armazenamento


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This work aims for the evaluation of Cruzeta Irrigated Perimeter, RN, which consists in the efficient use of water for agricultural production. The goal is looking for the available quantity of water for supplying required demands for adequate and economically viable cultures for the region. It is supposed that regional community water is supplied by pipelines from sources located outside of the region. From this study it is recommended the implantation of adequate installments for culture management in accordance with the availability of water resources and others conditionings. It must be considered the intensity of rainy and drought seasons in order to adjust the cultivated area and equipments to be operated, and also, the use of operating models and simulations in order to establish alert levels and eventually, reduction of irrigated area. Based on obtained data it is proposed the cultivation of different types of non-permanent cultures so that temporary cultures would be extensively produced in periods of abundant reservoir storage water permitting the transformation of storage water in storage culture products and few or no production in severe drought periods. This is the basic premise for sustainable agricultural development for Brazilian semiarid region


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In northeastern semiarid, seasonality on precipitation temporal distribution, high intensity storm events and inadequate management of native vegetation can promote soil erosion. Vegetation removal causes soil surface exposure, reduces soil water storage capacity and can be the source degradation processes. In this context, this approach aims to analyze water and soil erosion processes on a 250 m2 undisturbed experimental plot with native vegetation, slope 2.5% by using 2006 and 2007 monitoring data. The site was instrumented to monitor rainfall, overland flow runoff and erosion by using a 5 m³ tank downstream the plot. Soil erosion monitoring was made by transported sediment and organic matter collection after each event. Field infiltration experiments were made at 16 points randomly distributed within the plot area by using a constant head infiltrometer during drought and rainy seasons, respectively. Infiltration data revealed high spatial and temporal variability. It was observed that during the beginning of the rainy period, 77% of the events showed runoff coefficient less than 0.05. As the rainy season began, soil water increase produced annual species germination. High intensity storms resulted in runoff coefficients varying between 0.33 and 0.42. Once the annual species was established, it was observed that approximately 39% of the events produced no runoff, which reflects an increase on soil water retention capacity caused by the vegetation. A gradual runoff reduction during the rainy season emphasizes the effect of vegetative density increase. Soil erosion observed data allowed to fit an empirical relationship involving soil loss and precipitation height, which was used to analyze the plot installation impact on soil erosion. Observed soil loss in 2006 and 2007 was 230 Kg/ha and 54 Kg/ha, respectively


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito combinado da desidratação osmótica e a influência do cloreto de cálcio em rodelas de kiwi submetidas ao processamento mínimo. Amostras com e sem desidratação osmótica foram armazenadas a 5 °C em embalagem PET. A adição do cloreto de cálcio foi realizada durante a desidratação osmótica. Foram avaliados a perda de peso, acidez, sólidos solúveis, pH, umidade, coliformes, fungos e leveduras nas amostras até 15 dias de armazenamento. A avaliação microbiológica e sensorial definiu a vida de prateleira do produto. Os resultados mostraram que o pré-tratamento osmótico com adição de cloreto de cálcio aumentou a vida útil em até 15 dias, enquanto as rodelas tratadas por osmodesidratação, sem a adição do sal apresentaram vida útil de 12 dias. Sensorialmente, os consumidores preferiram as rodelas de kiwi processadas com pré-tratamento osmótico e adição de cloreto de cálcio.


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The Serido is a region of northeastern Brazil highlighted by its problems related to water scarcity because of its semi-arid region, large rates of evaporation and rainfall irregular and scarce. Thus, the underground dams, become a strategically important resource with a simple and inexpensive technique for storage of water. They act in a positive way in the development of inland cities that suffer from drought, because in addition to exercise a great improvement in the social role of these families, can enjoy the type of soil (silt) and provides water for both irrigation and for human consumption throughout the year. Is therefore essential to its monitoring and studies to assess its effectiveness in accordance with its purposes, along with their wells Amazons, as can occur in conditions of physical degradation, chemical and microbiological appropriate, according to the Ordinance No 518/04 Ministry of Health, however, the proposed work aims to analyze the underground dams in the municipality of Sierra Negra North-RN (semi-arid region) as to their uses and their influences on the quality and quantity of water in periods of drought and rain. Analyzing monthly these parameters: determination of pH, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, RAS (sodium adsorption ratio), turbidity, total iron, nitrite, nitrate, total dissolved solids (STD), bicarbonate (HCO3), fecal coliform and pesticides compared to the standards allowed by the Ordinance in force for quality for human consumption. While at the risk of salinity and sodicity on the model proposed by the United Salinity Laboratory (USSL). Although efficient, it was found that results varied annually on water quality which may influence their specific uses, whether or irrigation water supply in the city


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The management of water resources in the river basin level, as it defines the Law nº 9433/97, requires the effective knowledge of the processes of hydrological basin, resulting from studies based on consistent series of hydrological data that reflect the characteristics of the basin. In this context, the objective of this work was to develop the modeling of catchment basin of the river Jundiaí - RN and carry out the study of attenuation of a flood of the dam Tabatinga, by means of a monitoring project of hydrological data and climatology of the basin, with a view to promoting the development of research activities by applying methodologies unified and appropriate for the assessment of hydrological studies in the transition region of the semiarid and the forest zone on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. For the study of the hydrological characteristics of the basin was conducted the automatic design of the basin of the river Jundiaí, with the aid of programs of geoprocessing, was adopted a hydrological model daily, the NRCS, which is a model determined and concentrated. For the use of this model was necessary to determine some parameters that are used in this model, as the Curve Number. Having in mind that this is the first study that is being conducted in the basin with the employment of this model, it was made sensitivity analysis of the results of this model from the adoption of different values of CN, situated within a range appropriate to the conditions of use, occupation and the nature of the soil of this basin. As the objective of this study was also developing a simulation model of the operation of the Tabatinga dam and with this flood control caused in the city of Macaíba, it was developed a mathematical model of fluid balance, developed to be used in Microsoft Excel. The simulation was conducted in two phases: the first step was promoted the water balance daily that allowed the analysis of the sensitivity of the model in relation to the volume of waiting, as well as the determination of the period of greatest discharges daily averages. From this point, it was assumed for the second stage, which was in the determination of the hydrograph of discharges effluent slots, that was determined by means of the fluid balance time, on the basis of the discharges effluents generated by a mathematical equation whose parameters were adjusted according to the hydrograph daily. Through the analyzes it was realized that the dam Tabatinga only has how to carry out the attenuation of floods through the regularization of the volume of waiting, with this there is a loss of approximately 56.5% on storage capacity of this dam, because for causing the attenuation effect of filled the shell of this dam has to remain more than 5m below the level of the sill, representing at least 50.582.927m3. The results obtained with the modeling represents a first step in the direction of improving the level of hydrological information about the behavior of the basins of the semiarid. In order to monitor quantitatively the hydrographic basin of the river Jundiaí will be necessary to install a rain gauge register, next to the Tabatinga dam and a pressure transducer, for regular measurements of flow in the reservoir of the dam. The climatological data will be collected in full automatic weather station installed in Agricultural School Jundiaí


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Dengue fever is an infectious disease that causes thousands of deaths each year in Brazil and other tropical countries. This work demonstrates that the irregularity in the supply of water by public water supply systems is a major factor that contributes to the proliferation of breeding sites of the mosquito that transmits dengue, due to the impossibility of removing water storage tanks. 31 points in the water supply network in thirteen districts of Natal, Brazil, were monitored by the installation of pressure gauges type Datalogger. The data about pressure showed deficiency in water supplies in many neighborhoods, forcing residents to accumulate water in tanks at ground level. In addition, It was observed that in neighborhoods with regular water supply, Infestation Index per type of container (ITR) of type A2 (Deposit ground level) was 0.00% and where there were failures in the supply of water , the ITR was high (above 50%). We believe that policies to combat dengue in Brazil should be reassessed so that more resources can be directed to the improvement of water supply systems and supply companies should be blamed for the problem too


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The semiarid potiguar presents a quite discrepant. It is a region with one of the highest rates of artificial lake the world, but the policy of building dams to mitigate the problem of water scarcity does not solve, given that they have not demonstrated the ability to ensure supply human priority during periods of great drought and fail to solve the widespread demand existent in the semiarid. This work aims to present the optimal allocation of water, according to multiple uses and limited availability of water resources in the reservoir, from the simulation of the operation of the same, with the application of techniques to support decision making and performance evaluation alternatives for water use. The reservoir of Santa Cruz, the second largest reservoir of RN with storage capacity of approximately 600 million cubic meters, located about 20 km from the town of Apodi in RN, was conceived as a way to promote economic development in the region as well as the water supply of nearby towns. The techniques used are the simulation model of network flow ACQUANET and also the set of performance indicators. The results showed that the container has the capacity to serve up to 3,83m3/s flow required by existing uses, without any compromising the same. However, it was also observed that all anticipated future demands are implemented it will generate failures in meeting some uses


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In Natal/RN, 68% of the population uses some kind of individual system for their domestic sewers treatment, being that the most used it is septic tank, followed by sumidouro. Every treatment system of sewers, usually used, generates a by-product denominated sludge. That residue presents some components, in its constitution, undesirable under the environmental and sanitary point of view. In such case, to assure that the system treatment has satisfactory results, it is necessary to do the adjusted disposition of the sludge sewage. Several countries are looking for technical alternatives for the use and disposition of residues. Under technical and environmental conditions appropriate, these materials can be used, decreasing the consumption of the natural resources and the treatment need, storage or elimination of the wastes, what decrease the risks created. Some of the alternatives of recycling of the sludge sewage are: the application in the agriculture, in the production of energy and as raw material in the civil construction. This study evaluated asphalt mixtures behavior that partially substituted conventional aggregates by septic tank sludge. The septic tank sludge gave origin to two raw materials called raw sludge and sludge ash. The raw sludge was put as a small aggregate and the sludge ash as filler. In the first experiment it was made a comparison between the mixture with conventional aggregates and the mixtures that replaced sand by raw sludge in the proportions from 5% to 40%. In the second experiment, it was made comparison between mixtures with 1%, 2% and 3% of sludge ash and cement. The stages developed along the study were: physical characterization of the conventional materials; physical, chemistry, thermal, mineralogical characterizations and analysis of environmental risk of the raw sludge; physical characterization and analysis of environmental risk of the sludge ash; analysis of the mixtures performance through its volumetric and mechanical characteristics; forecast of the mixtures susceptibility in the moisture presence. For the grain size composition used and with the percentage asphalt adopted, the mixtures with up to 7,5% of raw sludge in his composition attend to the National Department of Transports Infrastructure (DNIT) specifications. However, in agreement with the mixtures susceptibility in the moisture presence, the mixtures with addition of raw sludge don't present satisfactory acting. In such case, they could be used in arid and semi-arid areas. The raw sludge application in mixtures increased their voids volume and their stability. However, it damaged mixtures adhesiveness. Mixtures with sludge ash and with cement presented similar behavior. However, mixtures with sludge ash presented a better performance than mixtures with cement as for their stability and their tensile strength ratio. The mixture with 1% of sludge ash is better. The wastes studied don't represent environmental risk


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Este trabajo tubo como objetivo estudiar el efecto combinado de la deshidratación osmótica y la influencia del cloruro de calcio en rodajas de kivi sometidos al proceso mínimo. Muestras con y sin deshidratación osmótica fueron almacenadas a 5 °C en embalajes PET. La adición de cloruro de calcio fue realizada durante la deshidratación osmótica. Se evaluaron la pérdida de peso, acidez, sólidos solubles, pH, humedad, coliformes, hongos y levaduras en las muestras hasta 15 días de almacenamiento. La deshidratación osmótica consistió en la inmersión de las rodajas de kivi en solución de sacarosa a 60% y en solución de sacarosa (60%) con adición de cloruro de calcio (0,1 M), ambos tratamientos se realizaron a temperatura ambiente (25 °C) por 24 horas y relación fruta:solución de 1:5. Los resultados mostraron que el pré-tratamiento osmótico con adición de cloruro de calcio aumentó la vida útil hasta 15 días, en cuanto las rodajas tratadas por osmodeshidratación sin adición de sal presentaron vida útil de 12 días. Sensorialmente, los consumidores prefirieron las rodajas de kivi procesadas con pré-tratamiento osmótico y adición de cloruro de calcio.


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Brazil is one of the major centers of diversity for polyploid cotton plants; these plants belong to the genus Gossypium, which has three known species: G. hirsutum, G. barbadense and G. mustelinum. The Northeast is the only region where the three species occur, the last group being endemic. Northeast s cotton plants can be important sources of variability for genetic breeding. It is believed that great part of local diversity is being lost, due to economic, political, cultural and agricultural problems. In an attempt to mitigate this loss and delineate conservation strategies it is necessary to know how the species are found where they occur. The objective was to characterize and determine how plants are maintained in situ in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba at the beginning of the XXI century. The in situ characterization of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense was conducted through structured interviews with the cotton plants owners and through the analysis of the environment. The data were collected during expeditions undertaken between the years 2004 to 2005. Twenty-two plants were collected in the state of Paraíba, forty-four in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, one hundred and forty-six in the state of Ceará, forty in the state of Maranhão and ninety-one plants in the state of Piauí. All plants collected in the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte belonged to moco type. Moco cotton plants also predominated in the other states, representing 92%, 62% and 78% of plants collected in Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão, respectively. The other cotton plants collected belong to the species G. barbadense. The cotton plants were found in situ as dooryard plants, roads side, feral populations, cultivation or local varieties. Great part were dooryard plants (45.2%), being major in Piauí and Maranhão. Cultivation predominated in Ceará; in Rio Grande do Norte feral populations were the most frequent and, in Paraíba, local varieties. The maintenance of moco plants is related, mainly, to the phytotherapic domestic use (20.9%) and to confection of lamp wicks (29.7%). Few inhabitants in Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí and none in Maranhão used harvest the plants, storage the seeds or gin; however, in Ceará, 40.5% of owners affirmed that they harvested and commercialized the fiber. It was found that the maintenance of species is dependent of the fragile cultural habits of local inhabitants, therefore the maintenance in situ is not a suitable way to conservation of genetic resources. The efforts must be directed to the continuity of collections, maintenance and characterization ex situ


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Brazil has been considered one of the diversity centers of Gossypium barbadense species. It is believed that a relatively big erosion genetic process occurs with the species, due to economic, cultural and agricultural problems. A local diagnostic about species situation is the first step for reducing the diversity loss and establishing conservation strategies in situ. This research aimed the identification of the presence of Gossypium populations, characterization, determination of the main risks and collection of the accesses to store in germoplam banks, in Para and Amapa States. Expeditions were conducted in November 2004. An interview was carried out with the plant proprietor for characterizing in situ of G. barbadense species and of the environment where the plants were inserted. On hundred seventy nine plants in 22 municipal districts were collected in Para State and 117 plants in nine municipal districts in Amapa State. The majority of plants belong to G. barbadense species (98% in Amapa and 94% in Para). Plants occur in back yards, beside roads and spontaneously. That ones from back yards were more abundant (97% in Amapa and 95% in Para) and maintained as medicinal plants as the principal reason. Plants in natural environments in both states evaluated were not found, therefore, the creation of reserves and the application of others conventional methods of maintenance in situ are not applicable. The plant proprietors do not use to store or process seeds. Seed storage was reported as a practice by only 1% of the plant proprietors from Para and 11% from Amapa. The most plants collected were from two to three years of age (58% in Amapa and 93% in Para). As conclusions G. barbadense is the species most spread in the two studied states and are found in back yards. In Amapa State the botanical variety barbadense or Quebradinho is predominant, whereas in Para State the predominant variety is brasiliense or Rim-de-boi. Adequate conservation of thestudied species must be carried out in germoplasm collections maintained ex situ


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Neuropeptide S (NPS) is an endogenous 20-aminoacid peptide which binds a G protein-coupled receptor named NPSR. This peptidergic system is involved in the modulation of several biological functions, such as locomotion, anxiety, nociception, food intake and motivational behaviors. Studies have shown the participation of NPSR receptors in mediating the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS. A growing body of evidence suggests the participation of adenosinergic, dopaminergic and CRF systems on the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS. Considering that little is known about the role of dopaminergic system in mediating NPS-induced hyperlocomotion, the present study aims to investigate the locomotor actions of intracerebroventricular (icv) NPS in mice pretreated with α-metil-p-tirosine (AMPT, inhibitor of dopamine synthesis), reserpine (inhibitor of dopamine vesicle storage) or sulpiride (D2 receptor antagonist) in the open field test. A distinct group of animals received the same pretreatments described above (AMPT, reserpine or sulpiride) and the hyperlocomotor effects of methylphenidate (dopamine reuptake inhibitor) were investigated in the open field. NPS and methylphenidate increased the mouse locomotor activity. AMPT per se did not change the locomotion of the animals, but it partially reduced the hyperlocomotion of methylphenidate. The pretreatment with AMPT did not affect the psychostimulant effects of NPS. Both reserpine and sulpiride inhibited the stimulatory actions of NPS and methylphenidate. These findings show that the hyperlocomotor effects of methylphenidate, but not NPS, were affected by the pretreatment with AMPT. Furthermore, methylphenidate- and NPS-induced hyperlocomotion was impaired by reserpine and sulpiride pretreatments. Together, data suggests that NPS can increase locomotion even when the synthesis of catecholamines was impaired. Additionally, the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS and methylphenidate depend on monoamines vesicular storaged, mainly dopamine, and on the activation of D2 receptors. The psychostimulant effects of NPS via activation of dopaminergic system display clinical significance on the treatment of diseases which involves dopaminergic pathways, such as Parkinson s disease and drug addiction


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Learning strategies can be understood as a planned sequence of procedures or activities, selected in order to facilitate the acquisition, storage and use of information. Although important to the learning process, the knowledge on these strategies is still insufficient, especially with regard to students with visual impairments. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize learning strategies used by blind and sighted students, registered in elementary education in schools and special institutions. Were participants 23 teachers, male and female, aged between 26 and 51 years, and 102 students, of whom 25 were blind and 77 seers, of both genders, registered on the 3rd to the 9th grade of elementary school, aged 7 to 16 years old. The instruments used were: field diary (students and teachers); structured questionnaire (teachers); sociodemographic questionnaire, interview and Assessment Scale of Learning Strategies for Elementary School (students). Initially were made observations in the classroom and the teachers received the questionnaires, with instructions for completion. Then were made the interviews with blind students and the scale was administered with these and with the seers. All instruments were administered individually. We conducted content analysis of the questionnaires with teachers and the interviews with blind students. The scale of strategies and sociodemographic questionnaire were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. It was noticed that the blind students use few learning strategies in the classroom, regardless of city, series, sex or age. It was found that teachers didn t receive training to deal with blind students, either during graduation or after have completed it, in such a way that few of them were able to inform about the learning strategies the students use, and demonstrated low ability to deal with these inefficiencies. It was also found that the blind and the sighted use cognitive and metacognitive strategies during learning, but those used by the blind seem to be more basic, low complexity, given that the seers have achieved higher scores on all subscales. We conclude that the repertoire of learning strategies for blind students is inflexible, requiring increments so that they can achieve significant results. It is important that teachers receive training to understand the learning strategies and how they positively influence learning


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The biodiesel is defined as the mono-alkyl ester derived from long-chain fatty acids, from renewable sources such as vegetable oils or animal fat, whose use is associated with the replacement of fossil fuels in diesel engine cycle. The biodiesel is susceptible to oxidation when exposed to air and this process of oxidation affects the quality of fuel, mainly due to long periods of storage. Because of this, the oxidation stability has been the focus of numerous researches since it directly affects the producers, distributors and users of fuel. One of the possibilities to increase the resistance of biodiesel is the autoxidation treatment with inhibitors of oxidation. The antioxidants can be used as potential inhibitors of the effects of oxidation on the kinematic viscosity and the index of acidity of biodiesel, thereby increasing oxidative stability. This work aims to examine the efficiency of antioxidants, α-tocopherol and butylated hydroxy-toluene (BHT), added the biodiesel content of remembrance through Pressurized-Differential Scanning Calorimetry (P-DSC), Thermogravimetry (TG) and Petrology. The results showed that the use of antioxidant BHT, at the concentration of 2000ppm, increased resistance to oxidation of the biodiesel and oxidative induction time (OIT), which is a better result as antioxidant than the α-tocopherol. With the thermogravimetric analysis, it was observed that the biodiesel presented an initial decomposition temperature of lower tendency than that of oil, demonstrating to be more volatile, bearing great similarity to the diesel and being characterized as an alternative fuel. The rheological analysis indicated that each sample of biodiesel behaved as a Newtonian fluid


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During the storage of oil, sludge is formed in the bottoms of tanks, due to decantation, since the sludge is composed of a large quantity of oil (heavy petroleum fractions), water and solids. The oil sludge is a complex viscous mixture which is considered as a hazardous waste. It is then necessary to develop methods and technologies that optimize the cleaning process, oil extraction and applications in industry. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the composition of the oil sludge, to obtain and characterize microemulsion systems (MES), and to study their applications in the treatment of sludge. In this context, the Soxhlet extraction of crude oil sludge and aged sludge was carried out, and allowing to quantify the oil (43.9 % and 84.7 % - 13 ºAPI), water (38.7 % and 9.15 %) and solid (17.3 % and 6.15 %) contents, respectively. The residues were characterized using the techniques of X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Xray diffraction (XRD) and transmission Infrared (FT-IR). The XRF technique determined the presence of iron and sulfur in higher proportions, confirming by XRD the presence of the following minerals: Pyrite (FeS2), Pyrrhotite (FeS) and Magnetite (Fe3O4). The FT-IR showed the presence of heavy oil fractions. In parallel, twelve MES were prepared, combining the following constituents: two nonionic surfactants (Unitol L90 and Renex 110 - S), three cosurfactants (butanol, sec-butanol and isoamyl alcohol - C), three aqueous phase (tap water - ADT, acidic solution 6 % HCl, and saline solution - 3.5 % NaCl - AP) and an oil phase (kerosene - OP). From the obtained systems, a common point was chosen belonging to the microemulsion region (25 % [C+S] 5 % OP and AP 70 %), which was characterized at room temperature (25°C) by viscosity (Haake Rheometer Mars), particle diameter (Zeta Plus) and thermal stability. Mixtures with this composition were applied to oil sludge solubilization under agitation at a ratio of 1:4, by varying time and temperature. The efficiencies of solubilization were obtained excluding the solids, which ranged between 73.5 % and 95 %. Thus, two particular systems were selected for use in storage tanks, with efficiencies of oil sludge solubilization over 90 %, which proved the effectiveness of the MES. The factorial design delimited within the domain showed how the MES constituents affect the solubilization of aged oil sludge, as predictive models. The MES A was chosen as the best system, which solubilized a high amount of aged crude oil sludge (~ 151.7 g / L per MES)