968 resultados para arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of ectomycorrhizal isolates on root colonization, phosphorus uptake and growth of Eucalyptus dunnii seedlings. Inocula of ten ectomycorrhizal isolates of Chondrogaster angustisporus, Hysterangium gardneri, Pisolithus spp., and Scleroderma spp. were aseptically produced in a peat-vermiculite mixture supplemented with liquid culture medium. Plants grew in a similar substrate supplemented with macro-and micro-nutrients; treatments were randomly distributed in a greenhouse. After three months, seedlings inoculated with three isolates - UFSC-Sc68 (Scleroderma sp.), UFSC-Ch163 (Chondrogaster angustisporus), and UFSC-Pt188 (Pisolithus microcarpus) - had a phosphorus shoot content and a shoot dry matter higher or equivalent to those of noninoculated controls which had been fertilized with a 16-fold phosphorus amount. These isolates were selected for new studies for establishing inoculum production techniques, in order to be applied in reforestation programmes under nursery and field conditions.
Comment on: Hughes LA, Schouten LJ, Goldbohm RA, van den Brandt PA, Weijenberg MP. Self-reported clothing size as a proxy measure for body size. Epidemiology. 2009 Sep;20(5):673-6. PMID: 19451821
Fungi are a large group of eukaryotes found in nearly all ecosystems. More than 250 fungal genomes have already been sequenced, greatly improving our understanding of fungal evolution, physiology, and development. However, for the Pezizomycetes, an early-diverging lineage of filamentous ascomycetes, there is so far only one genome available, namely that of the black truffle, Tuber melanosporum, a mycorrhizal species with unusual subterranean fruiting bodies. To help close the sequence gap among basal filamentous ascomycetes, and to allow conclusions about the evolution of fungal development, we sequenced the genome and assayed transcriptomes during development of Pyronema confluens, a saprobic Pezizomycete with a typical apothecium as fruiting body. With a size of 50 Mb and ~13,400 protein-coding genes, the genome is more characteristic of higher filamentous ascomycetes than the large, repeat-rich truffle genome; however, some typical features are different in the P. confluens lineage, e.g. the genomic environment of the mating type genes that is conserved in higher filamentous ascomycetes, but only partly conserved in P. confluens. On the other hand, P. confluens has a full complement of fungal photoreceptors, and expression studies indicate that light perception might be similar to distantly related ascomycetes and, thus, represent a basic feature of filamentous ascomycetes. Analysis of spliced RNA-seq sequence reads allowed the detection of natural antisense transcripts for 281 genes. The P. confluens genome contains an unusually high number of predicted orphan genes, many of which are upregulated during sexual development, consistent with the idea of rapid evolution of sex-associated genes. Comparative transcriptomics identified the transcription factor gene pro44 that is upregulated during development in P. confluens and the Sordariomycete Sordaria macrospora. The P. confluens pro44 gene (PCON_06721) was used to complement the S. macrospora pro44 deletion mutant, showing functional conservation of this developmental regulator.
Der Aufsatz gilt den ,,Texten hinter den Texten" der aus dem elsässischen Produktionszusammenhang um Diebold Lauber im 15. Jahrhundert überlieferten Handschriften. Dass das rekonstruktive Potential dieses im deutschsprachigen Mittelalter einmaligen Corpus einer so grossen Gruppe von Handschriften eines einzelnen Skriptoriums bisher nahezu ungenutzt blieb, wird als Resultat einer unbemerkten perspektivischen Verschränkung zweier Wissenschaftsgruppen beschrieben: Wo die Texte der Handschriften überhaupt in den Blick gerieten, geschah dies entweder aus editorisch-kritischem Erkenntnisinteresse oder, den Impulsen jüngerer kunstgeschichtlicher Lauber-Forschung folgend, auf der Suche nach bewusstem, gar gestaltendem Umgang mit dem Text durch das Lauber-Team. Beiden Zugriffen liegen diametral entgegengesetzte Begriffe von textueller ,,Qualität" zugrunde, die schon auf terminologischer Ebene wiederholt zu Missverständnissen geführt haben. Was die systematische, vergleichende Untersuchung der Texte Lauberscher Handschriften - hier anhand von Mehrfachüberlieferungen - sowohl für die Erschliessung von Informationen über den elsässischen Betrieb als auch für den Census der älteren volkssprachigen Überlieferung im deutschen Südwesten zu leisten vermag, zeigen die Beispielanalysen der Lauber-Texte von ,Flore und Blanscheflur' (H, B) und ,Parzival' (m, n, o). In beiden Fällen lassen sprachliche Untersuchungen und paläographische Fehleranalysen der erhaltenen Textzeugen eine Vorlage mit frühem, aus kritischer Perspektive bemerkenswert gutem - von den Lauber-Redaktoren nach diesen Kriterien gewähltem? - Text erkennen. Im Fall von ,Flore und Blanscheflur' stammte mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit die Vorlagenhandschrift selber aus dem 13. oder spätestens frühen 14. Jahrhundert; den ,Parzival'-Abschriften dagegen lagen zwei verschiedene zeitgenössische Handschriften zugrunde. Erhellt wird auch der praktische Umgang mit Vorlagenhandschriften im Herstellungsprozess, der bisher im Dunkeln lag: Der Aufsatz belegt, dass in beiden untersuchten Beispielen Handschriften fremder Provenienz als Vorlagenexemplare zur wiederholten Benutzung aufbereitet und dauerhaft verwahrt wurden. Dabei müssen die laubertypischen, gliedernden Zwischenüberschriften auf einem separaten Anweisungsblatt bzw. Faszikel notiert gewesen sein. Ihre vorgesehene Positionierung wurde dem Schreiber vermutlich durch Randmarkierungen im Vorlagenexemplar angezeigt. Besondere Umstände galten für die Vorlagen der drei erhaltenen ,Parzival'-Handschriften: Lauber benutzte offenbar zunächst eine den Lauber-Produkten im Typ ähnliche Bilderhandschrift, die er, da sie beschädigt war, später durch ein anderes Exemplar ersetzte. Dabei handelte es sich wieder um eine Bilderhandschrift gleichen Typs, die nun allerdings nach werkstattüblichem Verfahren über ein separates Anweisungsblatt so aufbereitet wurde, dass sich die Zahl der Illustrationen und Zwischenüberschriften erhöhte. Als wahrscheinlichste Quelle dieser zweimal verfügbaren, textlich zusammengehörenden bebilderten Handschriften ist die sogenannte ,Werkstatt von 1418' auszumachen. Auch andere Hinweise deuten darauf, dass ab etwa den 1440er Jahren eine grössere Gruppe von Handschriften aus dieser älteren Produktion, deren Schwerpunkt die höfische Literatur des 13. Jahrhunderts bildete, in den Bestand Laubers geriet und dessen Programm erweiterte. Die ab dieser Phase in der jüngeren Forschung (Saurma-Jeltsch) beobachtete, scheinbar marktorientiert gezielte Neugestaltung des Programms erweist sich so möglicherweise nur als Folge einer plötzlich verfügbaren neuen Vorlagengruppe.
The capacity of fungi to serve as vectors for the dispersion of pollutant-degrading bacteria was analyzed in laboratory model systems mimicking water-saturated (agar surfaces) and unsaturated soil environments (glass-bead-filled columns). Two common soil fungi (Fusarium oxysporum and Rhexocercosporidium sp.) forming hydrophilic and hydrophobic mycelia, respectively, and three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degrading bacteria (Achromobacter sp. SK1, Mycobacterium frederiksbergense LB501TG, and Sphingomonas sp. L138) were selected based on the absence of mutual antagonistic effects. It was shown that fungal hyphae act as vectors for bacterial transport with mobilization strongly depending on the specific microorganisms chosen: The motile strain Achromobacter sp. SK1 was most efficiently spread along hyphae of hydrophilic F. oxysporum in both model systems with transport velocities of up to 1 cm d(-1), whereas no dispersion of the two nonmotile strains was observed in the presence of F. oxysporum. By contrast, none of the bacteria was mobilized along the hydrophobic mycelia of Rhexocercosporidium sp. growing on agar surfaces. In column experiments however, strain SK1 was mobilized by Rhexocercosporidium sp. It is hypothesized that bacteria may move by their intrinsic motilitythrough continuous (physiological) liquid films forming around fungal hyphae. The results of this study suggest that the specific stimulation of indigenous fungi may be a strategy to mobilize pollutant-degrading bacteria leading to their homogenization in polluted soil thereby improving bioremediation.
O trabalho objetivou determinar o coeficiente de determinação genotípica (b) do mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) quanto à capacidade de se associar e responder ao fungo micorrízico arbuscular (FMA) Gigaspora margarita. O experimento foi instalado em casa de vegetação da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, usando solo com uma dose única de fósforo (20 mg dm-3). Os tratamentos foram representados por quatro genótipos de cada um dos grupos 'Solo' e 'Formosa', mais as variedades 'Improved Sunrise Solo Line 72/12' e 'Tainung Nº 1', submetidas ou não à inoculação do fungo Gigaspora margarita. Foi utilizado um delineamento de blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições. Após a coleta dos dados, estimou-se o coeficiente "b" para os seguintes caracteres: parte aérea, comprimento de raiz, altura de planta, eficiência micorrízica e colonização. Os genótipos testados responderam à inoculação do fungo MA; os genótipos do grupo Formosa apresentaram menor comprimento de raiz; a eficiência micorrízica e a colonização radicular média para os dois grupos de plantas foram similares, situando-se em 60% e 50%, respectivamente; a inoculação aumentou a absorção de P, K e Cu, sendo esse efeito maior na variedade representante de cada grupo; o coeficiente "b" demonstrou que o melhoramento de plantas pode modular a produção de parte aérea, comprimento de raízes, altura de plantas e a eficiência micorrízica do grupo Formosa; para o grupo Solo este efeito mostrou-se mais provável para colonização radicular e menos provável para produção de parte aérea, eficiência micorrízica, comprimento de raízes e altura de plantas.
The first step in the synthesis of the bicyclic rings of D-biotin is mediated by 8-amino-7-oxononanoate (AON) synthase, which catalyzes the decarboxylative condensation of l-alanine and pimelate thioester. We found that the Aspergillus nidulans AON synthase, encoded by the bioF gene, is a peroxisomal enzyme with a type 1 peroxisomal targeting sequence (PTS1). Localization of AON to the peroxisome was essential for biotin synthesis because expression of a cytosolic AON variant or deletion of pexE, encoding the PTS1 receptor, rendered A. nidulans a biotin auxotroph. AON synthases with PTS1 are found throughout the fungal kingdom, in ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, and members of basal fungal lineages but not in representatives of the Saccharomyces species complex, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A. nidulans mutants defective in the peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase AoxA or the multifunctional protein FoxA showed a strong decrease in colonial growth rate in biotin-deficient medium, whereas partial growth recovery occurred with pimelic acid supplementation. These results indicate that pimeloyl-CoA is the in vivo substrate of AON synthase and that it is generated in the peroxisome via the β-oxidation cycle in A. nidulans and probably in a broad range of fungi. However, the β-oxidation cycle is not essential for biotin synthesis in S. cerevisiae or Escherichia coli. These results suggest that alternative pathways for synthesis of the pimelate intermediate exist in bacteria and eukaryotes and that Saccharomyces species use a pathway different from that used by the majority of fungi.
Conduziu-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, com o objetivo de avaliar o crescimento de mudas de goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.), produzidas em blocos prensados, confeccionados com resíduos agro-industriais, e inoculadas com o fungo micorrízico arbuscular (FMA) Glomus clarum Nicolson & Schenck. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2, sendo 2 tratamentos microbiológicos: controle e FMA; e 2 sistemas de produção de mudas: blocos prensados (nova metodologia) e tubetes plásticos (tradicional), com 5 repetições. O substrato utilizado para a confecção dos blocos prensados e enchimento dos tubetes foi constituído por uma mistura de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e torta de filtro (3:1 v/v). O FMA proporcionou aumentos significativos na produção de matéria seca, conteúdo de N e P da parte aérea da goiabeira, apenas no sistema de produção das mudas em blocos prensados. Mudas produzidas e inoculadas em blocos prensados mostraram um aumento de 88% na matéria seca da parte aérea, 82% e 89% para os conteúdos de nitrogênio e fósforo da parte aérea, respectivamente, em relação ao tratamento-controle.
Visando a avaliar diferentes substratos na formação de mudas de bananeira e seu efeito na resposta da planta à inoculação do fungo micorrízico Gigaspora margarita, foi conduzido um experimento em estufa de aclimatação da Biofábrica CAMPO - CPA/Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, Cruz das Almas, Bahia. Foram testados 13 substratos, com e sem inoculação do fungo, em plântulas na fase de aclimatação. A inoculação foi realizada no momento do transplante e, após 55 dias de cultivo, obtiveram-se dados de crescimento, nutrição mineral e colonização micorrízica. O fungo micorrízico arbuscular (FMA) Gigaspora margarita colonizou intensamente e mostrou-se benéfico para o desenvolvimento das mudas de bananeira, sendo o seu efeito modulado pelo substrato de crescimento; o substrato turfa + vermiculita + 5% de esterco destacou-se entre os melhores para a formação de mudas normais e sadias, mas só quando associado à inoculação do FMA; o uso de substrato comercial Rendmax Citrus promoveu o melhor desenvolvimento das mudas, mas inibiu a colonização e o efeito da micorriza; a complementação mineral do Rendmax Citrus não se mostrou necessária para o cultivo de mudas de bananeira; o uso de vermicomposto mostrou-se promissor para a produção de mudas de bananeira, permitindo o efeito da inoculação com FMA.