985 resultados para applied theatre and performance


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The objective of this study is to provide empirical evidence on how ownership structure and owner’s identity affect performance, in the banking industry by using a panel of Indonesia banks over the period 2000–2009. Firstly, we analysed the impact of the presence of multiple blockholders on bank ownership structure and performance. Building on multiple agency and principal-principal theories, we investigated whether the presence and shares dispersion across blockholders with different identities (i.e. central and regional government; families; foreign banks and financial institutions) affected bank performance, in terms of profitability and efficiency. We found that the number of blockholders has a negative effect on banks’ performance, while blockholders’ concentration has a positive effect. Moreover, we observed that the dispersion of ownership across different types of blockholders has a negative effect on banks’ performance. We interpret such results as evidence that, when heterogeneous blockholders are present, the disadvantage from conflicts of interests between blockholders seems to outweigh the advantage of the increase in additional monitoring by additional blockholder. Secondly, we conducted a joint analysis of the static, selection, and dynamic effects of different types of ownership on banks’ performance. We found that regional banks and foreign banks have a higher profitability and efficiency as compared to domestic private banks. In the short-run, foreign acquisitions and domestic M&As reduce the level of overhead costs, while in the long-run they increase the Net Interest Margin (NIM). Further, we analysed NIM determinants, to asses the impact of ownership on bank business orientation. Our findings lend support to our prediction that the NIM determinants differs accordingly to the type of bank ownership. We also observed that banks that experienced changes in ownership, such as foreign-acquired banks, manifest different interest margin determinants with respect to domestic or foreign banks that did not experience ownership rearrangements.


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The Plasma Focus is a device designed to generate a plasma sheet between two coaxial electrodes by means of a high voltage difference. The plasma is then driven to collapse into a “pinch”, where thermonuclear conditions prevail. During the “pinch phase” charged particles are emitted, with two main components: an ion beam peaked forward and an electron beam directed backward. The electron beam emitted backward by Plasma Focus devices is being investigated as a radiation source for medical applications, using it to produce x-rays by interaction with appropriate targets (through bremsstrahlung and characteristic emission). A dedicated Plasma Focus device, named PFMA-3 (Plasma Focus for Medical Applications number 3), has been designed, put in operation and tested by the research groups of the Universities of Bologna and Ferrara. The very high dose rate (several gray per discharge, in less than 1 µs) is a peculiarity of this device that has to be investigated, as it might modify the relative biological effectiveness (RBE). Aim of this Ph.D. project was to investigate the main physical properties of the low-energy x-ray beams produced by a Plasma Focus device and their potential medical applications to IORT treatments. It was necessary to develop the optimal geometrical configuration; to evaluate the x-rays produced and their dose deposited; to estimate the energy electron spectrum produced in the “pinch phase”; to study an optimal target for the conversion of the x-rays; to conduct simulations to study the physics involved; and in order to evaluate the radio-biological features of the beam, cell holders had to be developed for both irradiations and cell growth conditions.


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Pancreatic islet transplantation represents a fascinating procedure that, at the moment, can be considered as alternative to standard insulin treatment or pancreas transplantation only for selected categories of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Among the factors responsible for leading to poor islet engraftment, hypoxia plays an important role. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were recently used in animal models of islet transplantation not only to reduce allograft rejection, but also to promote revascularization. Currently adipose tissue represents a novel and good source of MSCs. Moreover, the capability of adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) to improve islet graft revascularization was recently reported after hybrid transplantation in mice. Within this context, we have previously shown that hyaluronan esters of butyric and retinoic acids can significantly enhance the rescuing potential of human MSCs. Here we evaluated whether ex vivo preconditioning of human ASCs (hASCs) with a mixture of hyaluronic (HA), butyric (BU), and retinoic (RA) acids may result in optimization of graft revascularization after islet/stem cell intrahepatic cotransplantation in syngeneic diabetic rats. We demonstrated that hASCs exposed to the mixture of molecules are able to increase the secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), as well as the transcription of angiogenic genes, including VEGF, KDR (kinase insert domain receptor), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Rats transplanted with islets cocultured with preconditioned hASCs exhibited a better glycemic control than rats transplanted with an equal volume of islets and control hASCs. Cotransplantation with preconditioned hASCs was also associated with enhanced islet revascularization in vivo, as highlighted by graft morphological analysis. The observed increase in islet graft revascularization and function suggests that our method of stem cell preconditioning may represent a novel strategy to remarkably improve the efficacy of islets-hMSCs cotransplantation.


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La simulazione è definita come la rappresentazione del comportamento di un sistema o di un processo per mezzo del funzionamento di un altro o, alternativamente, dall'etimologia del verbo “simulare”, come la riproduzione di qualcosa di fittizio, irreale, come se in realtà, lo fosse. La simulazione ci permette di modellare la realtà ed esplorare soluzioni differenti e valutare sistemi che non possono essere realizzati per varie ragioni e, inoltre, effettuare differenti valutazioni, dinamiche per quanto concerne la variabilità delle condizioni. I modelli di simulazione possono raggiungere un grado di espressività estremamente elevato, difficilmente un solo calcolatore potrà soddisfare in tempi accettabili i risultati attesi. Una possibile soluzione, viste le tendenze tecnologiche dei nostri giorni, è incrementare la capacità computazionale tramite un’architettura distribuita (sfruttando, ad esempio, le possibilità offerte dal cloud computing). Questa tesi si concentrerà su questo ambito, correlandolo ad un altro argomento che sta guadagnando, giorno dopo giorno, sempre più rilevanza: l’anonimato online. I recenti fatti di cronaca hanno dimostrato quanto una rete pubblica, intrinsecamente insicura come l’attuale Internet, non sia adatta a mantenere il rispetto di confidenzialità, integrità ed, in alcuni, disponibilità degli asset da noi utilizzati: nell’ambito della distribuzione di risorse computazionali interagenti tra loro, non possiamo ignorare i concreti e molteplici rischi; in alcuni sensibili contesti di simulazione (e.g., simulazione militare, ricerca scientifica, etc.) non possiamo permetterci la diffusione non controllata dei nostri dati o, ancor peggio, la possibilità di subire un attacco alla disponibilità delle risorse coinvolte. Essere anonimi implica un aspetto estremamente rilevante: essere meno attaccabili, in quanto non identificabili.


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Acute type A aortic dissection is a lethal condition requiring emergency surgery. It has diverse presentations, and the diagnosis can be missed or delayed. Once diagnosed, decisions with regard to initial management, transfer, appropriateness of surgery, timing of operation, and intervention for malperfusion complications are necessary. The goals of surgery are to save life by prevention of pericardial tamponade or intra-pericardial aortic rupture, to resect the primary entry tear, to correct or prevent any malperfusion and aortic valve regurgitation, and if possible to prevent late dissection-related complications in the proximal and downstream aorta. No randomized trials of treatment or techniques have ever been performed, and novel therapies-particularly with regard to extent of surgery-are being devised and implemented, but their role needs to be defined. Overall, except in highly specialized centers, surgical outcomes might be static, and there is abundant room for improvement. By highlighting difficulties and controversies in diagnosis, patient selection, and surgical therapy, our over-arching goal should be to enfranchise more patients for treatment and improve surgical outcomes.


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Patients with penetrating eye injuries are a very heterogeneous group both medically and economically. Since 2009, treatment involving sutures for open eye injuries and cases requiring amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) were allocated to DRG C01B of the German diagnosis-related group system. However, given the significant clinical differences between these treatments, an inhomogeneity of costs to performance is postulated. This analysis describes case allocation problems within the G-DRG C01B category and presents solutions.