982 resultados para antiwear additives


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The evolution of Eu3+ doped SnO2 xerogels to the cassiterite structure observed during sintering was studied by means of Eu3+ spectroscopy, XRD and EXAFS at the Sn K-edge. Eu3+ ions adsorbed at the surface of colloidal particles present a broad distribution of sites, typical of oxide glasses. With sintering at 300°C, this distribution is still broadened. Crystallization is clearly observed by the three techniques with increasing sintering temperature. It is found that the addition of Eu3+ limits the crystallite growth.


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Optical absorption, Stokes, and anti-Stokes photoluminescence were performed on Er3+-Yb3+ co-doped fluoroindate glasses. For compounds prepared with a fixed 2 mol % ErF3 concentration and YbF3 contents ranging from 0 to 8 mol %, important upconversion processes were observed as a function of temperature and photon excitation energy. Based on the experimental data, two mechanisms for the upconversion (or anti-Stokes photoluminescence) processes were identified and analyzed in detail. At high Yb contents, the upconversion mechanisms are mostly determined by the population of the 2F5/2 levels of Yb3+ ions (or 4I11/2 levels of Er3+ ions, by energy transfer) regardless of the photon excitation energy and temperature of measurement. Moreover, green and red light emission have similar intensities when a large Yb3+ content is present. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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Orthorhombic modification of europium doped lanthanum trimetaphosphate has been prepared. The compound was obtained by precipitation of rare earth chloride solution with trimetaphosphoric acid. The characterizations were made using X-ray diffractometry, chemical analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Excitation and emission spectra were recorded at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures. Assignments of the 5D0→7FJ (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) transitions were made and an unusual high 5D0→7F4 transition intensity with six split lines has been observed. Structural distortion of the crystal lattice may be caused by the Eu3+ ion inclusion. The simple overlap model was applied for the calculation of the total splitting of the 5D0→7F1 transition, the 5D0→7F0/5D 0→7F2 transition intensity ratio and the Ωλ (λ=2.4) intensity parameters. Theoretical predictions showed to be in good accordance with the experimental data. © 1988 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Er3+:LiYF4 single crystal has been studied by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in the IR-visible-UV (0-44000 cm-1) region from 4.2 K to room temperature. Polarized spectra were recorded in order to assign numerous Stark levels of electronic transitions mentioned but not attributed before in the related literature and to discuss the irreducible representations (irreps) of the 4I15/2 sublevels. A parametric hamiltonian, including free ion (Eν, α, β, γ, Tλ, ζ, Mk and Pi) and crystal field parameters (B2 0, B4 0, B4 4, B6 0 and B6 4) in an approximate D2d symmetry for the rare earth site in this scheelite type structure, was used to simulate 109 energy positions of the Er ion with a r.m.s. standard deviation of 14.6 cm-1. A comparison with previously published results for Nd3+ in the same matrix is done. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The effect of the addition of ground ear corn with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, on the rate of 0, 8, 16 and 24% (dry weight of additive/wet weight of cut green grass), upon the chemical composition of both fodder and silage of Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu was evaluated. A split-plot randomized block design was used. The plots were the additives and their levels and the sub-plots the material types (forage + additives and their silages). The grass was fertilized with 20 t/ha of green manure and 80, 160 and 160 kg/ha of P2O5, N and K2O, respectively. The material (chopped grass mixed with the levels of the additives) was ensiled in experimental silos (200 L plastic vessels). The dry matter percentages increased linearly as additive levels increased, being greater the effect of ground ear corn with husks. Wheat bran addition and saccharin increased the crude protein and soluble carbohydrates percentages while the ground ear corn with husks addition decreased them. Losses of dry matter soluble compounds (CP, ash and NFE) and a relative rise in the less soluble compounds (CF and organic matter) were observed.


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Silages of Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Guaçu prepared with 0, 8, 16 and 24% of ground ear com with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop basis. The experimental design was a randomized blocks one in split-plot; the plots were the additives and levels, and the sub-plots the sampling methods. The material was ensiled using plastic vessels in middle of which holed pvc pipes (3 inches diameter) were put. These pipes (one per vessel) had the same length as the height of the vessels, and were filled at the same time and compacted the same way as the vessels. The first method of sampling used the material ensiled inside the pvc pipe, which was lifted out from the vessel at the moment of the silo opening. The other sampling method, normaly used in digestibility trials, consisted of samples composed by daily sub-samples collected in the vessels. The pvc sampling method was more efficient because it sampled a profile of the whole silage. All of the silages showed high percentages of lactic acid and low percentages or even absence of butyric acid, though in all silages high ammoniacal-N percentages were detected.


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The non-linear electrical properties of CoO-doped and Nb205-doped SnO2 ceramics were characterized. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy indicated that the system is single phase. The electrical conduction mechanism for low applied electrical field was associated with thermionic emission of the Schottky type. An atomic defect model based on the Schottky double-barrier formation was proposed to explain the origin of the potential barrier at the ceramic grain boundaries. These defects create depletion layers at grain boundaries, favouring electron tunnelling at high values of applied electrical field. © 1998 Chapman & Hall.


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The present work reports the study of KCl thin films doped with In+ or Tl+. Both systems show optical absorption bands similar to single crystals. As the impurity concentration increases, so does the absorption as also the half band width, unlike in KCl: Cu+ films. Further experimental techniques such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron micrographs and energy dispersive X-ray observations were used and comparative analysis with KCl : Cu+ films reveals new conditions for better crystallinity of the samples.


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The intake, the apparent digestibility and the nutritive value of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) silages prepared with the addition of 0, 8, 16 and 24% of ground ear corn with husks, wheat bran and saccharin, dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop upon the silage were evaluated. A randomized block design with three replications, in a factorial arrangement (3 additives x 4 levels) was used. As experimental silos, 200-liter plastic vessels were used. Sheep weighing approximately 50 kg, kept in individual cages, receiving water and mineral mixture ad libitum, were used to measure the intake and apparent digestibility of silages. There was a ten-day period of adaptation to the experiment conditions. The voluntary intake of the silages was determined by the mean of the intake observed in the last three days of a ten-day period. The fecal collection period lasted for seven days. In this period the animals were fed 80% of the observed intake obtained in the previous phase. The dry matter intake increased as the levels of the additives in the silages were increased. The digestibility of the wall cell components decreased as the rates of the additives in the ensilage process increased. The silages prepared with wheat bran or ground ear corn with husks showed higher nutritive value than the ones with saccharin.


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The ruminai fermentation patterns of sheep fed elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) silage enriched with ground ear corn with husks, wheat bran and saccharin in the levels 0, 8, 16 and 24% dry weight of additive/wet weight of green chop was evaluated. A split-plot randomized block design was used. The plots were the additives and their levels and the sub-plots the time of rumen fluid collection (0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 h after feeding). During the collection period, the sheep were fed 80% of the observed voluntary feed intake of the previous phase. For all additive types and levels used in preparing the silages, high levels of total volatile fat acids were observed, with predominance of the acetic acid. The silages having ground ear corn with husks as additive showed, in the ruminai fluid, ammonia production levels below the recommended for maximum microbial protein synthesis. However, silages with saccharin or wheat bran presented a good ammoniacal-N availability. In the ruminal fluid of the sheep fed ground ear corn with husks or wheat bran the molar proportion of butyric acid was increased and that of acetic acid and pH were decreased, as the levels of the additives in the silage increased.


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One hundred and eleven samples of processed fruit juices (apple, grape, pineapple, papaya, guava, banana and mango) and 38 samples of sound fruits (apple, papaya, mango, pear and peach) produced and marketed in Brazil, were analysed for patulin by HPLC. Only one out of 30 samples of apple juice was found positive at 17 μg/l. Patulin was not detected in the other foodstuffs. It was found in 14 samples of spoiled fruit samples of apple (150-267 μg/kg), pear (134-245 μg/kg) and peach (92-174 μg/kg). Confirmation of the identity of patulin was based on the UV spectrum obtained by the HPLC diode array detector, compared with that of standard patulin, TLC developed by several solvent systems and sprayed with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone, and by acetylation with acetic anhydride.


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Non-linear absorption is observed in Er3+-doped fluoroindate glass (in mol% 37InF2:20ZnF2:20SrF2:16BaF2:2GdF2: 2NaF:1GaF3:2ErF3) when the sample is irradiated with a CW laser emitting at 650 nm. An intensity dependence of the optical transmittance is detected. Saturation and sequential absorption of two photons are responsible for the decrease of 50% in the transmittance. The results are explained by simple models which are solved based on rate-equations for the populations of energy levels.


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Good optical quality Eu3+-doped silica-polyethyleneglycol hybrids were prepared by the sol-gel process. Thermomechanical analysis showed an increase of the glass transition temperature, due to the stiffness of the polymeric network, as the amount of Eu3+ increased. Europium luminescent properties were used to study structural evolution during the sol-gel transition. For lower doping concentrations dried gels present statistical distributions of Eu3+, typical of an amorphous environment, while for higher concentrations a crystalline-like environment of Eu3+ was observed. A broad emission band was observed in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum and assigned to the intrinsic emission from the hybrid polymeric network.


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Non-linear electrical properties of SnO2-based ceramics were investigated as a function of powder agglomeration condition and as a function of dopant addition. All doped powders presented a single phase, cassiterite, as evidenced by X-ray diffraction analysis. The effect of milling was quite evident, with non-milled powder showing higher agglomerated particle size than milled powder. Cr addition seemed to increase the non-linear coefficient. Cu and Mn rendered dense ceramics, but α values for systems with Mn were higher than for systems with Cu.


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Lead zirconate titanate powder, with Zr/Ti ratio of 50/50 was prepared by Pechini method after adding up to 10,0 mol% of Ba +2 and Sr +2 ions. Tetragonal phase is favored by the increase of barium and strontium concentration in the LiNbO 3 crystal lattice. The ratio c/a for tetragonal phase increases with the content of Ba +2 and Sr +2.