940 resultados para anaerobic wastewater treatment
Cysticercosis results from the ingestion Taenia solium eggs directly by faecal-oral route or contaminated food or water. Human tapeworm carriers who have become infected after ingesting pork meat contaminated with cysticerci release these eggs. Cysticercosis occurs after tapeworm eggs are ingested by an intermediate host (pig or human) and then hatch, migrate, and lodge in the host's tissues, where they develop onto larval cysticerci. When they lodged in the central nervous system of humans, results in the disease condition called Neurocysticercosis (NCC), with a heterogeneous manifestations depending of the locations of cysts, number, size and their stage of evolution (1). Consequently the prognostic ranges from asymptomatic to situations leading to death in 2% to 9.8%. of cases (7) In swine’s there are few studies, but recent works have proved that animals, for the same reasons, also have neurological abnormalities, expressed by seizures, stereotypic walk in circles, chewing motions with foamy salivation included tonic muscle contractions followed by a sudden diminution in all muscle tone leading to collapse (2). Conventional domestic wastewater treatment processes may not be totally effective in inactivating parasites eggs from Taenia solium, allowing some contamination of soils and agricultural products (11). In Portugal there are some evidence of aggregation of human cysticercosis cases in specific regions, bases in ecological design studies (6). There are few information about human tapeworm carriers and social and economic factors associated with them. Success in knowledge and consequently in lowering transmission is limited by the complex network of biological and social factors that maintain the spread. Effective control of mostly zoonosis require One Health approach, after a real knowledge and transparency in the information provided by the institutions responsible for both animal and human health, allowing sustained interventions targeted at the transmission cycle's crucial nodes. In general, the model used to control, reflects a rural reality, where pigs are raised freely, poor sanitation conditions and incipient sanitary inspection. In cysticercosis, pigs are obligate intermediate hosts and so considered as first targets for control and used as sentinels to monitor environmental T. solium contamination (3). Usually environmental contamination with Taenia spp. eggs is a key issue in most of studies with landscape factors influencing presence of Taenia spp. antigens in both pigs and humans (5). Soil-related factors as well as socio-economic and behavioural factors are associated with the emergence of significant clustering human cysticercosis (4,5). However scarce studies has been produced in urban environmental and in developed countries with the finality to characterize the spatial pattern. There are still few data available regarding its prevalence and spatial distribution; Transmission patterns are likely to exhibit correlations as housing conditions, water supply, basic sanitation, schooling and birthplace of the individual or relatives, more than pigs rearing free, soil conditions (9). As a matter of fact, tapeworm carriers from endemic zones can auto-infect or transmit infection to other people or arrive already suffering NCC (as a result of travelling to or being a citizen from an endemic cysticercosis country) to a free cysticercosis country. Transmission is fecal-oral; this includes transmission through person-to-person contact, through autoinfection, or through contaminated food This has been happening in different continents as North America (5.4–18% been autochthonous), Europe and Australia (7). Recently, case reports of NCC have also emerged from Muslim countries. (10). Actually, different papers relate an epidemic situation in Spain and Portugal (7, 8). However the kind of study done does not authorize such conclusion. There are no evidence that infections were acquired in Portugal and there are not characterized the mode of transmission. Papers with these kind of information will be allow to have economic consequences resulted from artificial trade barriers with serious consequences for pig producers and pig meat trade. We need transparency in information’s that allow provide the basis to support the development and targeting of future effective control programmes (and prove we need that). So, to have a real picture of the disease, it is necessary integrate data from human, animal and environmental factors surrounding human and pig cases to characterize the pattern of the transmission. The design needs to be able to capture unexpected, and not common outcomes (routine data). We need to think “One Health” to get a genuine image of the situation.
In this work, the risk of groundwater contamination from organic substances in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment stations was evaluated in its worst case. The sewage sludge was applied as fertilizer in corn culture, prioritizing the substances for monitoring. The assessing risk took place in a Typic Distrophic Red Latossol (TDRL) area, in the county district of Jaguariúna, SP. The simulators CMLS-94 and WGEN were used to evaluate the risk of twenty-eight organic substances in sewage sludge to leach to groundwater. The risk of groundwater contamination was accomplished for a single sludge dose application in a thousand independent and equally probable years, simulated to esteem the substances leaching in one year after the application date of the sludge. It is presented the substances that should be priorly monitored in groundwater.
Biochar is a carbonaceous material produced through pyrolysis of biomass. One promising application of biochar is phosphorus recovery from wastewater. Phosphorus is a vital nutrient for plant growth, but its use in fertilizers often leads to runoff or leaching. Wastewater treatment plants discharge large amounts of phosphorus-rich wastewater, contributing to eutrophication and ecological harm. Biochar can sorb phosphorus, retaining it in solid form. In this thesis, two composites made of biomass and dolomite or shells exhibited superior phosphate sorption compared to biochar alone, reaching up to 100% sorption. Biochar also finds use in soil remediation, specifically in cleaning up contaminated soil. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which can be carcinogenic and toxic, can be present in soil. Biochar adsorb PAHs, preventing their leakage or bioaccumulation. Hetero-PAHs, a subclass of PAHs with nitrogen, sulfur, or oxygen atoms in their ring structures, are particularly challenging to degrade. Little is known about their behavior or sorption onto biochar. In this thesis, biochar and activated carbon were effective in immobilizing PAHs and hetero-PAHs in real soils, with rates of immobilization reaching 100%. Biochar performed equally or better than activated carbon, offering a cost-effective alternative due to its lower price. Biochar reduce of metal(loid)s mobility in soil. Metal(loid)s like lead, zinc, and arsenic can contaminate soil through industrial sources, agricultural runoff, and other pollution, and are toxic to plants and animals, rendering the soil unsuitable for agriculture. When biochar is added to contaminated soil, it binds to metal(loid)s, preventing leaching into the environment. A biomass-dolomite composite was compared to activated carbon for immobilizing metal(loid)s in contaminated soils. The composite generally outperformed activated carbon and exhibited the ability to immobilize arsenic. In summary, biochar shows promise for phosphorus recovery, soil remediation, and reducing the mobility of heavy metals, offering cost-effective and sustainable solutions to these environmental challenges.
Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) technology finds space as a promising technology as a green alternative power-generating device, by the possibility to convert organic matter directly into electricity by microbially catalysed reactions, especially for the potential of the simultaneous treatment of wastewaters. Despite the studies that were carried out over the decades, MFCs still provide insufficient power and current densities in order to be commercially attractive in the energy market. Scientific community today pursues two main strategies in order to increase the overall performance output of the MFC. The first is to support the cells with an external supercapacitor (SC), which is able to accept and deliver charge much faster than normal capacitors, thanks to the use of an electrostatic double-layer capacitance, in combination with pseudocapacitance. The second is to implement directly the SC into the MFC, by using carbon electrodes with high surface area, similar to the SC. Both strategies are eventually supported by the use of charge boosters, respect to the application of the MFC. Galvanostatic measures for the MFC and SCs are performed at different currents, alone and by integration of both devices. The SCs used have a capacitance respectively of 1F, 3F and 6F. Subsequently, a stack of MFCs is assembled and paired to a 3F SC, in order to power an ambient diffuser, able to spray at intervals with a can and a controller. In conclusion, the use of a SC in parallel to the MFCs increases the overall performance of the system. The SC remove the discharge current limit of the MFC and increases the energy and power delivered by the system, allowing it to power for a certain time the ambient diffuser successfully. The key factor highlighted by the final experiment was the insufficient charging time of the SC, resulting finally in a voltage that is inadequate to power the device. Further studies are therefore necessary to improve the performance of the MFCs.
Microplastics (MPs) are highly debated emerging contaminants that are widespread on Earth. Nowadays, assessment of the risk that MPs pose on human health and environment were not developed yet, and standardized analytical methods for their quantification in complex matrices do not exist. Therefore, the formulation of standards which regulating MPs emission in the environment is not possible. The purpose of this study was to develop and apply a method for the analysis of MPs in sewage sludges and water from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), due to the relevance of those matrices as important pathway for MPs to enter the environment. Seven polymers were selected, because of their relevance on market production and their frequency of occurrence in such plants: polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polycarbonate (PC), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and nylon 6 (PA-6). In the study, a pre-treatment procedure was optimised using Fenton’s reagent and analyses carried out by combining thermochemolysis with Py-GC-MS after sample filtration on quartz (0.3 µm). Polymer quantification was performed with solid polymer mixture in silica and good correlations were obtained with internal calibration. As main results, Fenton's reagent negatively affected the recovery of some polymers (PP, PE, PS, PA-6) and a possible matrix interference was noticed, especially for PET and PVC. The WWTP allowed a good abatement of PS, PE, PP and PVC (on average 90 %) and comparable results were hypothesised for the other polymers. Polymer concentrations is sewage sludges ranged between < 2 μg/gdry and 3.5 mg/ gdry, for PC and PVC, respectively. Possible overestimations for PET and PVC, due to matrix interreferences, were taken into account and discussed.
A pilot-scale (1.2 m(3)) anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) containing mineral coal for biomass attachment was fed with sulfate-rich wastewater at increasing sulfate concentrations. Ethanol was used as the main organic source. Tested COD/sulfate ratios were of 1.8 and 1.5 for sulfate loading rates of 0.65-1.90 kgSO(4)(2-)/cycle (48 h-cycle) or of 1.0 in the trial with 3.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). Sulfate removal efficiencies observed in all trials were as high as 99%. Molecular inventories indicated a shift on the microbial composition and a decrease on species diversity with the increase of sulfate concentration. Beta-proteobacteria species affiliated with Aminomonas spp. and Thermanaerovibrio spp. predominated at 1.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). At higher sulfate concentrations the predominant bacterial group was Delta-proteobacteria mainly Desulfovibrio spp. and Desulfomicrobium spp. at 2.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1), whereas Desulfurella spp. and Coprothermobacter spp. predominated at 3.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). These organisms have been commonly associated with sulfate reduction producing acetate, sulfide and sulfur. Methanogenic archaea(Methanosaeta spp.)was found at 1.0 and 2.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). Additionally, a simplified mathematical model was used to infer on metabolic pathways of the biomass involved in sulfate reduction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the results from 92 cycles of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor containing biomass immobilized on inert support (mineral coal) applied for the treatment of an industrial wastewater containing high sulfate concentration. The pilot-scale reactor, with a total volume of 1.2 m(3), was operated at sulfate loading rates ranging from 0.15 to 1.90 kgSO(4)(2-)/cycle (48 It - cycle) corresponding to sulfate concentrations of 0.25 to 3.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). Domestic sewage and ethanol were utilized as electron donors for sulfate reduction. Influent sulfate concentrations were increased in order to evaluate the minimum COD/sulfate ratio at which high reactor performance could be maintained. The mean sulfate removal efficiency remained between the range of 88 to 92% at several sulfate concentrations. Temporal profiles along the 48 h cycles were carried out under stable operation at sulfate concentrations of 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 gSO(4)(2-) l(-1). Sulfate removal reached 99% for cycle times of 15, 25, and 30 h, and the effluents sulfate concentrations were lower than 8 mgSO(4)(2-) l(-1). The results demonstrate the potential applicability of the anaerobic configuration for the biological treatment of sulfate-rich wastewaters. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Biological sulfate reduction was studied in a laboratory-scale anaerobic sequential batch reactor (14 L) containing mineral coal for biomass attachment. The reactor was fed industrial wastewater with increasingly high sulfate concentrations to establish its application limits. Special attention was paid to the use of butanol in the sulfate reduction that originated from melamine resin production. This product was used as the main organic amendment to support the biological process. The reactor was operated for 65 cycles (48 h each) at sulfate loading rates ranging from 2.2 to 23.8 g SO(4)(2-)/cycle, which corresponds to sulfate concentrations of 0.25, 0.5,1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g SW(4)(2-)L(-1). The sulfate removal efficiency reached 99% at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 g SO(4)(2-)L(-1). At higher sulfate concentrations (2.0 and 3.0 g SO(4)(2-)L(-1)), the sulfate conversion remained in the range of 71-95%. The results demonstrate the potential applicability of butanol as the carbon source for the biological treatment of sulfate in an anaerobic batch reactor. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A two-phase anaerobic biodigestor was employed in order to analyze methane production with different manipueira organic loading rates. The acidogenic phase was carried out in a batch process whereas the methanogenic in an up-flow anaerobic fixed bed reactor with continuous feeding. The organic loading rates varied from 0.33 up to 8.48g of Chemical Demand Oxygen (COD)/L.day. The highest content of methane, 80.9%, was obtained with organic loading rate of 0.33g and the lowest, 56.8%, with 8.48gCOD/L.d. The highest reduction of COD, 88.89%, was obtained with organic loading rate of 2.25g and the lowest, 54.95%, with 8.48gCOD/L.d. From these data it was possible to realize that anaerobic biodigestion can be managed in at least two ways, i.e., for energy production (methane) or for organic loading reduction. The organic loading rate should be calculated as part of the purpose of the treatment to be accomplished.
Um biodigestor anaeróbio de duas fases foi utilizado para se analisar a produção de metano com diferentes cargas de entrada de manipueira. A fase acidogênica foi realizada em processo de batelada e a metanogênica em biodigestor anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e leito fixo com alimentação contínua. As cargas orgânicas de entrada variaram de 0,33 a 8,48 gDQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio)/L.dia. A maior porcentagem de metano encontrada foi de 80,9%, com carga orgânica de 0,33g e a menor, 56,8%, obtida com 8,49gDQO/L.d. A maior taxa de redução de DQO foi de 88,89%, obtida com carga orgânica de 2,25g e a menor, 54,95%, com 8,48gDQO/L.d. Analisando-se os dados apresentados verificou-se que a biodigestão anaeróbia pode ser conduzida, pelo menos, de duas maneiras, ou seja, para produção de energia (metano) ou para redução de carga orgânica. A carga orgânica de entrada deve ser calculada em função do objetivo a ser alcançado com a biodigestão anaeróbia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The performance of an anaerobic sequencing-batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR-laboratory scale- 14L) containing biomass immobilized on coal was evaluated for the removal of elevated concentrations of sulfate (between 200 and 3,000 mg SO4-2.L-1) from industrial wastewater effluents. The ASBBR was shown to be efficient for removal of organic material (between 90% and 45%) and sulfate (between 95% and 85%). The microbiota adhering to the support medium was analyzed by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). The ARDRA profiles for the Bacteria and Archaea domains proved to be sensitive for the determination of microbial diversity and were consistent with the physical-chemical monitoring analysis of the reactor. At 3,000 mg SO4-2.L-1, there was a reduction in the microbial diversity of both domains and also in the removal efficiencies of organic material and sulfate.
The performance of an anaerobic sequencing-batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR- laboratory scale- 14L )containing biomass immobilized on coal was evaluated for the removal of elevated concentrations of sulfate (between 200 and 3,000 mg SO4-2·L-1) from industrial wastewater effluents. The ASBBR was shown to be efficient for removal of organic material (between 90% and 45%) and sulfate (between 95% and 85%). The microbiota adhering to the support medium was analyzed by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). The ARDRA profiles for the Bacteria and Archaea domains proved to be sensitive for the determination of microbial diversity and were consistent with the physical-chemical monitoring analysis of the reactor. At 3,000 mg SO4-2·L-1, there was a reduction in the microbial diversity of both domains and also in the removal efficiencies of organic material and sulfate.
This study proposes a simplified mathematical model to describe the processes occurring in an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) treating lipid-rich wastewater. The reactor, subjected to rising organic loading rates, contained biomass immobilized cubic polyurethane foam matrices, and was operated at 32 degrees C +/- 2 degrees C, using 24-h batch cycles. In the adaptation period, the reactor was fed with synthetic substrate for 46 days and was operated without agitation. Whereas agitation was raised to 500 rpm, the organic loading rate (OLR) rose from 0.3 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) . L(-1) . day(-1) to 1.2 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1). The ASBBR was fed fat-rich wastewater (dairy wastewater), in an operation period lasting for 116 days, during which four operational conditions (OCs) were tested: 1.1 +/- 0.2 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1) (OC1), 4.5 +/- 0.4 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1) (OC2), 8.0 +/- 0.8 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1) (OC3), and 12.1 +/- 2.4 g COD . L(-1) . day(-1) (OC4). The bicarbonate alkalinity (BA)/COD supplementation ratio was 1:1 at OC1, 1:2 at OC2, and 1:3 at OC3 and OC4. Total COD removal efficiencies were higher than 90%, with a constant production of bicarbonate alkalinity, in all OCs tested. After the process reached stability, temporal profiles of substrate consumption were obtained. Based on these experimental data a simplified first-order model was fit, making possible the inference of kinetic parameters. A simplified mathematical model correlating soluble COD with volatile fatty acids (VFA) was also proposed, and through it the consumption rates of intermediate products as propionic and acetic acid were inferred. Results showed that the microbial consortium worked properly and high efficiencies were obtained, even with high initial substrate concentrations, which led to the accumulation of intermediate metabolites and caused low specific consumption rates.
The influence of impeller type and stirring frequency on the performance of a mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass on an inert support (AnSBBR - Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor) was evaluated. The biomass was immobilized on polyurethane foam cubes placed in a stainless-steel basket inside a glass cylinder. Each 8-h batch run consisted of three stages: feed (10 min), reaction (460 min) and discharge (10 min) at 30 degrees C. Experiments were performed with four impeller types, i.e., helical, flat-blade, inclined-blade and curved-blade turbines, at stirring frequencies ranging from 100 to 1100 rpm. Synthetic wastewater was used in all experiments with an organic-matter concentration of 530 +/- 37 mg/L measured as chemical oxygen demand (COD). The reactor achieved an organic-matter removal efficiency of around 87% under all investigated conditions. Analysis of the four impeller types and the investigated stirring frequencies showed that mass transfer in the liquid phase was affected not only by the applied stirring frequency but also by the agitation mode imposed by each impeller type. The best reactor performance at all stirring frequencies was obtained when agitation was provided by the flat-blade turbine impeller. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.