954 resultados para Yeast Pyruvate Decarboxylase
In C3 plants large amounts of photorespiratory glycine (Gly) are converted to serine by the tetrahydrofolate (THF)-dependent activities of the Gly decarboxylase complex (GDC) and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT). Using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, we monitored the flux of carbon through the GDC/SHMT enzyme system in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Columbia exposed to inhibitors of THF-synthesizing enzymes. Plants exposed for 96 h to sulfanilamide, a dihydropteroate synthase inhibitor, showed little reduction in flux through GDC/SHMT. Two other sulfonamide analogs were tested with similar results, although all three analogs competitively inhibited the partially purified enzyme. However, methotrexate or aminopterin, which are confirmed inhibitors of Arabidopsis dihydrofolate reductase, decreased the flux through the GDC/SHMT system by 60% after 48 h and by 100% in 96 h. The uptake of [α-13C]Gly was not inhibited by either drug class. The specificity of methotrexate action was shown by the ability of 5-formyl-THF to restore flux through the GDC/SHMT pathway in methotrexate-inhibited plants. The experiments with sulfonamides strongly suggest that the mitochondrial THF pool has a long half-life. The studies with methotrexate support the additional, critical role of dihydrofolate reductase in recycling THF oxidized in thymidylate synthesis.
The metabolisms of arginine (Arg), ornithine (Orn), and putrescine were compared in a nontransgenic and a transgenic cell line of carrot (Daucus carota L.) expressing a mouse Orn decarboxylase cDNA. [14C]Arg, [14C]Orn, and [14C]putrescine were fed to cells and their rates of decarboxylation, uptake, metabolism into polyamines, and incorporation into acid-insoluble material were determined. Transgenic cells showed higher decarboxylation rates for labeled Orn than the nontransgenic cells. This was correlated positively with higher amounts of labeled putrescine production from labeled Orn. With labeled Arg, both the transgenic and the nontransgenic cells exhibited similar rates of decarboxylation and conversion into labeled putrescine. When [14C]putrescine was fed, higher rates of degradation were observed in transgenic cells as compared with the nontransgenic cells. It is concluded that (a) increased production of putrescine via the Orn decarboxylase pathway has no compensatory effects on the Arg decarboxylase pathway, and (b) higher rates of putrescine production in the transgenic cells are accompanied by higher rates of putrescine conversion into spermidine and spermine as well as the catabolism of putrescine.
Previously, we reported that transformation of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with a vector containing a potato cytosolic pyruvate kinase (PKc) cDNA generated two plant lines specifically lacking leaf PKc (PKc−) as a result of co-suppression. PKc deficiency in these primary transformants did not appear to alter plant development, although root growth was not examined. Here we report a striking reduction in root growth of homozygous progeny of both PKc− lines throughout development under moderate (600 μE m−2 s−1) or low (100 μE m−2 s−1) light intensities. When both PKc− lines were cultivated under low light, shoot and flower development were also delayed and leaf indentations were apparent. Leaf PK activity in the transformants was significantly decreased at all time points examined, whereas root activities were unaffected. Polypeptides corresponding to PKc were undetectable on immunoblots of PKc− leaf extracts, except in 6-week-old low-light-grown PKc− plants, in which leaf PKc expression appeared to be greatly reduced. The metabolic implications of the kinetic characteristics of partially purified PKc from wild-type tobacco leaves are discussed. Overall, the results suggest that leaf PKc deficiency leads to a perturbation in source-sink relationships.
The molecular identification of ion channels in internal membranes has made scant progress compared with the study of plasma membrane ion channels. We investigated a prominent voltage-dependent, cation-selective, and calcium-activated vacuolar ion conductance of 320 pS (yeast vacuolar conductance, YVC1) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we report on a gene, the deduced product of which possesses significant homology to the ion channel of the transient receptor potential (TRP) family. By using a combination of gene deletion and re-expression with direct patch clamping of the yeast vacuolar membrane, we show that this yeast TRP-like gene is necessary for the YVC1 conductance. In physiological conditions, tens of micromolar cytoplasmic Ca2+ activates the YVC1 current carried by cations including Ca2+ across the vacuolar membrane. Immunodetection of a tagged YVC1 gene product indicates that YVC1 is primarily localized in the vacuole and not other intracellular membranes. Thus we have identified the YVC1 vacuolar/lysosomal cation-channel gene. This report has implications for the function of TRP channels in other organisms and the possible molecular identification of vacuolar/lysosomal ion channels in other eukaryotes.
The MMS19 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a polypeptide of unknown function which is required for both nucleotide excision repair (NER) and RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) transcription. Here we report the molecular cloning of human and mouse orthologs of the yeast MMS19 gene. Both human and Drosophila MMS19 cDNAs correct thermosensitive growth and sensitivity to killing by UV radiation in a yeast mutant deleted for the MMS19 gene, indicating functional conservation between the yeast and mammalian gene products. Alignment of the translated sequences of MMS19 from multiple eukaryotes, including mouse and human, revealed the presence of several conserved regions, including a HEAT repeat domain near the C-terminus. The presence of HEAT repeats, coupled with functional complementation of yeast mutant phenotypes by the orthologous protein from higher eukaryotes, suggests a role of Mms19 protein in the assembly of a multiprotein complex(es) required for NER and RNAP II transcription. Both the mouse and human genes are ubiquitously expressed as multiple transcripts, some of which appear to derive from alternative splicing. The ratio of different transcripts varies in several different tissue types.
Polarized growth in yeast requires cooperation between the polarized actin cytoskeleton and delivery of post-Golgi secretory vesicles. We have previously reported that loss of the major tropomyosin isoform, Tpm1p, results in cells sensitive to perturbations in cell polarity. To identify components that bridge these processes, we sought mutations with both a conditional defect in secretion and a partial defect in polarity. Thus, we set up a genetic screen for mutations that conferred a conditional growth defect, showed synthetic lethality with tpm1Δ, and simultaneously became denser at the restrictive temperature, a hallmark of secretion-defective cells. Of the 10 complementation groups recovered, the group with the largest number of independent isolates was functionally null alleles of RAS2. Consistent with this, ras2Δ and tpm1Δ are synthetically lethal at 35°C. We show that ras2Δ confers temperature-sensitive growth and temperature-dependent depolarization of the actin cytoskeleton. Furthermore, we show that at elevated temperatures ras2Δ cells are partially defective in endocytosis and show a delocalization of two key polarity markers, Myo2p and Cdc42p. However, the conditional enhanced density phenotype of ras2Δ cells is not a defect in secretion. All the phenotypes of ras2Δ cells can be fully suppressed by expression of yeast RAS1 or RAS2 genes, human Ha-ras, or the double disruption of the stress response genes msn2Δmsn4Δ. Although the best characterized pathway of Ras function in yeast involves activation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A pathway, activation of the protein kinase A pathway does not fully suppress the actin polarity defects, suggesting that there is an additional pathway from Ras2p to Msn2/4p. Thus, Ras2p regulates cytoskeletal polarity in yeast under conditions of mild temperature stress through the stress response pathway.
During meiosis II in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the cytoplasmic face of the spindle pole body changes from a site of microtubule initiation to a site of de novo membrane formation. These membranes are required to package the haploid meiotic products into spores. This functional change in the spindle pole body involves the expansion and modification of its cytoplasmic face, termed the outer plaque. We report here that SPO21 is required for this modification. The Spo21 protein localizes to the spindle pole in meiotic cells. In the absence of SPO21 the structure of the outer plaque is abnormal, and prospore membranes do not form. Further, decreased dosage of SPO21 leaves only two of the four spindle pole bodies competent to generate membranes. Mutation of CNM67, encoding a known component of the mitotic outer plaque, also results in a meiotic outer plaque defect but does not block membrane formation, suggesting that Spo21p may play a direct role in initiating membrane formation.
Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) is the only protein known to bind specifically to the group of oxysterols with potent effects on cholesterol homeostasis. Although the function of OSBP is currently unknown, an important role is implicated by the existence of multiple homologues in all eukaryotes so far examined. OSBP and a subset of homologues contain pleckstrin homology (PH) domains. Such domains are responsible for the targeting of a wide range of proteins to the plasma membrane. In contrast, OSBP is a peripheral protein of Golgi membranes, and its PH domain targets to the trans-Golgi network of mammalian cells. In this article, we have characterized Osh1p, Osh2p, and Osh3p, the three homologues of OSBP in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that contain PH domains. Examination of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion to Osh1p revealed a striking dual localization with the protein present on both the late Golgi, and in the recently described nucleus-vacuole (NV) junction. Deletion mapping revealed that the PH domain of Osh1p specified targeting to the late Golgi, and an ankyrin repeat domain targeting to the NV junction, the first such targeting domain identified for this structure. GFP fusions to Osh2p and Osh3p showed intracellular distributions distinct from that of Osh1p, and their PH domains appear to contribute to their differing localizations.
Hypertonic shock of Saccharomyces cerevisiae activates the Hog1p MAP kinase cascade. In contrast, protein kinase C (Pkc1p) and the “cell integrity” MAP kinase cascade are critical for the response to hypotonic shock. We observed that hypertonic shock transiently relocated many, but not all, nuclear and nucleolar proteins to the cytoplasm. We hypothesized that the relocation of nuclear proteins was due to activation of the Hog1p kinase cascade, yet, surprisingly, Hog1p was not required for these effects. In contrast, Pkc1p kinase activity was required, although the Pkc1p MAP kinase cascade and several factors known to lie upstream and downstream of Pkc1p were not. Moreover, sudden induction of a hyperactive form of Pkc1p was sufficient to relocate nuclear proteins. Taken together, these observations show that the scope of involvement of Pkc1p in the organization of the nucleus considerably exceeds what has been characterized previously. The relocation of nuclear proteins is likely to account for the profound inhibition of RNA synthesis that was observed during hypertonic shock.
Gga proteins represent a newly recognized, evolutionarily conserved protein family with homology to the “ear” domain of the clathrin adaptor AP-1 γ subunit. Yeast cells contain two Gga proteins, Gga1p and Gga2p, that have been proposed to act in transport between the trans-Golgi network and endosomes. Here we provide genetic and physical evidence that yeast Gga proteins function in trans-Golgi network clathrin coats. Deletion of Gga2p (gga2Δ), the major Gga protein, accentuates growth and α-factor maturation defects in cells carrying a temperature-sensitive allele of the clathrin heavy chain gene. Cells carrying either gga2Δ or a deletion of the AP-1 β subunit gene (apl2Δ) alone are phenotypically normal, but cells carrying both gga2Δ and apl2Δ are defective in growth, α-factor maturation, and transport of carboxypeptidase S to the vacuole. Disruption of both GGA genes and APL2 results in cells so severely compromised in growth that they form only microcolonies. Gga proteins can bind clathrin in vitro and cofractionate with clathrin-coated vesicles. Our results indicate that yeast Gga proteins play an important role in cargo-selective clathrin-mediated protein traffic from the trans-Golgi network to endosomes.
Break-induced replication (BIR) is a nonreciprocal recombination-dependent replication process that is an effective mechanism to repair a broken chromosome. We review key roles played by BIR in maintaining genome integrity, including restarting DNA replication at broken replication forks and maintaining telomeres in the absence of telomerase. Previous studies suggested that gene targeting does not occur by simple crossings-over between ends of the linearized transforming fragment and the target chromosome, but involves extensive new DNA synthesis resembling BIR. We examined gene targeting in Saccharomyces cerevisiae where only one end of the transformed DNA has homology to chromosomal sequences. Linearized, centromere-containing plasmid DNA with the 5′ end of the LEU2 gene at one end was transformed into a strain in which the 5′ end of LEU2 was replaced by ADE1, preventing simple homologous gene replacement to become Leu2+. Ade1+ Leu2+ transformants were recovered in which the entire LEU2 gene and as much as 7 kb of additional sequences were found on the plasmid, joined by microhomologies characteristic of nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). In other experiments, cells were transformed with DNA fragments lacking an ARS and homologous to only 50 bp of ADE2 added to the ends of a URA3 gene. Autonomously replicating circles were recovered, containing URA3 and as much as 8 kb of ADE2-adjacent sequences, including a nearby ARS, copied from chromosomal DNA. Thus, the end of a linearized DNA fragment can initiate new DNA synthesis by BIR in which the newly synthesized DNA is displaced and subsequently forms circles by NHEJ.
Changes in DNA superhelicity during DNA replication are mediated primarily by the activities of DNA helicases and topoisomerases. If these activities are defective, the progression of the replication fork can be hindered or blocked, which can lead to double-strand breaks, elevated recombination in regions of repeated DNA, and genome instability. Hereditary diseases like Werner's and Bloom's Syndromes are caused by defects in DNA helicases, and these diseases are associated with genome instability and carcinogenesis in humans. Here we report a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, MGS1 (Maintenance of Genome Stability 1), which encodes a protein belonging to the AAA+ class of ATPases, and whose central region is similar to Escherichia coli RuvB, a Holliday junction branch migration motor protein. The Mgs1 orthologues are highly conserved in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The Mgs1 protein possesses DNA-dependent ATPase and single-strand DNA annealing activities. An mgs1 deletion mutant has an elevated rate of mitotic recombination, which causes genome instability. The mgs1 mutation is synergistic with a mutation in top3 (encoding topoisomerase III), and the double mutant exhibits severe growth defects and markedly increased genome instability. In contrast to the mgs1 mutation, a mutation in the sgs1 gene encoding a DNA helicase homologous to the Werner and Bloom helicases suppresses both the growth defect and the increased genome instability of the top3 mutant. Therefore, evolutionarily conserved Mgs1 may play a role together with RecQ family helicases and DNA topoisomerases in maintaining proper DNA topology, which is essential for genome stability.
DNA polymerase η (Polη) functions in the error-free bypass of UV-induced DNA lesions, and a defect in Polη in humans causes the cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. Both yeast and human Polη replicate through a cis-syn thymine-thymine dimer (TT dimer) by inserting two As opposite the two Ts of the dimer. Polη, however, is a low-fidelity enzyme, and it misinserts nucleotides with a frequency of ≈ 10−2 to 10−3 opposite the two Ts of the TT dimer as well as opposite the undamaged template bases. This low fidelity of nucleotide insertion seems to conflict with the role of Polη in the error-free bypass of UV lesions. To resolve this issue, we have examined the ability of human and yeast Polη to extend from paired and mispaired primer termini opposite a TT dimer by using steady-state kinetic assays. We find that Polη extends from mispaired primer termini on damaged and undamaged DNAs with a frequency of ≈ 10−2 to 10−3 relative to paired primer termini. Thus, after the incorporation of an incorrect nucleotide, Polη would dissociate from the DNA rather than extend from the mispair. The resulting primer-terminal mispair then could be subject to proofreading by a 3′→5′ exonuclease. Replication through a TT dimer by Polη then would be more accurate than that predicted from the fidelity of nucleotide incorporation alone.
We have developed a yeast model system to address transcriptional repression by the retinoblastoma protein (pRB). When fused to the DNA-binding domain of Gal4p (DB-pRB), pRB can repress transcription of reporter genes containing Gal4p binding sites; the histone deacetylase activity encoded by yeast RPD3 is required for DB-pRB repression. Mutation of the LXCXE binding cleft in pRB, a region reported to be required for histone deacetylase recruitment, does not interfere with pRB-mediated repression. From these findings based on yeast experiments, we surmise that the small pocket region of pRB must contain an additional domain that confers histone deacetylase-dependent transcriptional repression. This hypothesis was verified by experiments examining pRB-dependent histone deacetylase association in mammalian cells. In addition to RPD3, repression by pRB in yeast requires MSI1, an ortholog of RbAp48, but not SIN3 or SAP30. By comparing the genetic requirements of DB-pRB repression in yeast to those of other DB-repressor fusions, we can suggest a mechanism by which pRB recruits histone deacetylase activity.