952 resultados para Well-Behavior
To date, the published controlled trials on exposure to alcohol cues have had an abstinence treatment goal. A modification of cue exposure (CE) for moderation drinking, which incorporated priming doses of alcohol, could train participants to stop drinking after 2 to 3 drinks. This study examined the effects of modified CE within sessions, combined with directed homework practice. Nondependent problem drinkers who requested a moderation drinking goal were randomly allocated to modified CE or standard cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) for alcohol abuse. Both interventions were delivered in 6 90-min group sessions. Eighty-one percent of eligible participants completed treatment and follow-up assessment. Over 6 months, CE produced significantly greater reductions than CBT in participants' reports of drinking frequency and consumption on each occasion. No pretreatment variables significantly predicted outcome, The modified CE procedure appears viable for nondependent drinkers who want to adopt a moderate drinking goal.
Goals: To assess maternal and fetal outcomes and clinical management of pregnancy in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Background: There is a paucity of information about maternal and fetal outcomes, and AIH activity during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. There is no consensus about the administration of azathioprine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Study: Retrospective analysis of 54 pregnancies (3 still in progress) in 39 AIH patients. Results: The median age at conception was 24 years, and 68.4% of women had liver cirrhosis. Before conception and in early pregnancy, azathioprine and prednisone were administered in 48.1%, but treatment regimen vas usually changed further to 20 mg/d prednisone and 20.4%, were off treatment. There were 36 livebirths, and fetal loss rates were 29.4% (13 miscarriages, 1 stillbirth, and 1 ectopic pregnancy). Preterm birth rate was 11.8%. In 2 cases, there was acute fetal distress; and in 2 others congenital malformations (3.9%). The rate of serious maternal complication was 7.8%, with no deaths. There were no flares in 41.2% pregnancies, but aminotransferase elevations occurred in 54.9%, 31.4% of which were true AIH relapses, only registered in the postpartum period. Conclusions: Despite the high fetal miscarriage rate, pregnancy in AIH was safe. Patients needed careful monitoring, especially in the postpartum period because of relapses. There was no evidence of a cause and effect relationship among azathioprine administration and premature births and congenital abnormalities, but more studies are necessary. Higher doses of prednisone may be an alternative option for those who prefer azathioprine withdrawal during pregnancy.
Background/Aims: Acinar cell carcinomas are uncommon malignant tumors of the pancreas, accounting for 1-2% of all the cases of exocrine pancreatic tumor. Some authors have estimated acinar cell tumors to be as aggressive as ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas whereas other series showed acinar cell tumors to have a favorable clinical outcome. This discrepancy in prognosis may be related to the cellular components of the tumor. Methodology: With the aim to evaluate the possible relationship between the presence of neuroendocrine differentiation and behavior of these tumors, the authors reviewed all patients presenting acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas in the last 5 years with emphasis in the immunohistochemical evaluation. Results: Four patients presented neuroendocrine differentiation on immunohistochemical evaluation and had a more benign outcome. Two patients without neuroendocrine component had a disseminated disease at presentation. This data suggests that this tumor is less aggressive than ductal adenocarcinoma and even with nodal involvement, long term survival after complete resection can be achieved. Conclusions: It is possible that the absence of neuroendocrine component may be related to a less favorable outcome and adjuvant therapy may be necessary. Due to the rarity of this pancreatic tumor, this relationship remains to be confirmed with a multicentric study including a larger number of patients.
One of the main obstacles for understanding biological events involved in cancer is the lack of experimental models for in vitro studies especially for prostate cancer (PC).There are a limited number of PC cell lines being the majority originated from metastatic tumors mostly acquired from American Tissue Cell Culture which demands importation an expensive and bureaucratic process. Also it is well known that there are ethnic differences between populations concerning the behavior of tumors and the research based on cell lines derived from Brazilians should be interesting. Our aim was to develop tumor cell lines from primary PC.
This paper analyzes the astroglial and neuronal responses in subtelencephalic structures, following a bilateral ablation of the telencephalon in the Columba livia pigeons. Control birds received a sham operation. Four months later the birds were sacrificed and their brains processed for glial fribillary acid protein (GFAP) and neurofilament immunohistochemistry, markers for astrocytes and neurons, respectively. Computer-assisted image analysis was employed for quantification of the immunoreactive labeling in the nucleus rotundus (N.Rt) and the optic tectum (OT) of the birds. An increased number of GFAP immunoreactive astrocytes were found in several subregions of the N.Rt (p .001), as well as in layers 1, 2cd, 3, and 6 of the OT (p .001) of the lesioned animals. Neurofilament immunoreactivity decreased massively in the entire N.Rt of the lesioned birds; however, remaining neurons with healthy aspect showing large cytoplasm and ramified branches were detected mainly in the periphery of the nucleus. In view of the recently described paracrine neurotrophic properties of the activated astrocytes, the data of the present study may suggest a long-lasting neuroglial interaction in regions of the lesioned bird brain far from injury. Such events may trigger neuronal plasticity in remaining brain structures that may lead spontaneous behavior recovery as the one promoted here even after a massive injury.
Objective: To investigate the sexual behavior and knowledge about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among undergraduate students in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: Self-reported questionnaires were used. Results: Most of the 447 students in the study were single (97.3%), in their first year of university (87.7%), and the mean ages were 20.4 years (males) and 19.8 years (females). Vaginal intercourse was practiced by 69.7% of males and 48.4% of females, oral sex by 64.5% of males and 43.7% of females, and anal sex by 18.4% of males and 14.1% of females. Use of a condom during vaginal sex was practiced by 80.4% of males and 74.8% of females and during anal sex by 47.8% of males and 30.0% of females. Knowledge of transmission of STIs was greater than 90% for HIV, syphilis, genital herpes, and gonorrhea; 63%-76% for HPV and genital warts; 30%-34% for Trichomonas and only 16% for Chlamydia. Only 25%-34% knew that HIV was transmitted by breastfeeding; 56%-60% knew that HIV was transmitted by anal sex. Conclusion: Many students engage in high-risk sexual behavior with multiple partners and use condoms inconsistently. Knowledge of the acquisition and modes of sexual and vertical transmission of HIV are strikingly deficient. (C) 2010 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the entries associated to the sexual function of patients undergoing physical disability rehabilitation, as well as the course of changes and medical approach through a retrospective review of medical charts. Methods: Medical records referring to the period between July and September, 1998 were evaluated. The data was divided into two groups, records containing physician`s entries on sexual function and/or entries of other health care professionals. The following aspects were investigated: whether complaints were spontaneously voiced by the patient, and whether diagnosis had been reached, with corresponding management. Results: Out of 245 medical records investigated, 17 (6.9%) contained clinical observations on the sexual function; out of those, 14 reached diagnosis. Twelve records (4.9%) had information by non-medical healthcare professionals. Out of 17 entries by doctors, 16 referred to male patients, which was found to be significant (p = 0.0202). Conclusions: Records for the sexual function of patients undergoing physical rehabilitation are scarce. In this population, the sexual function of male patients had more extensive investigation on the part of physicians when compared to other health care professionals.
Background: Up to 60% of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD) patients can present airway hyperresponsiveness. However, it is not known whether the peripheral lung tissue also shows an exaggerated response to agonists in COPD. Objectives: To investigate the in vitro mechanical behavior and the structural and inflammatory changes of peripheral lung tissue in COPD patients and compare to nonsmoking controls. Methods: We measured resistance and elastance at baseline and after acetylcholine (ACh) challenge of lung strips obtained from 10 COPD patients and 10 control subjects. We also assessed the alveolar tissue density of neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, mast cells and CD8+ and CD4+ cells, as well as the content of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive cells and elastic and collagen fibers. We further investigated whether changes in in vitro parenchymal mechanics correlated to structural and inflammatory parameters and to in vivo pulmonary function. Results: Values of resistance after ACh treatment and the percent increase in tissue resistance (%R) were higher in the COPD group (p <= 0.03). There was a higher density of macrophages and CD8+ cells (p < 0.05) and a lower elastic content (p = 0.003) in the COPD group. We observed a positive correlation between %R and eosinophil and CD8+ cell density (r = 0.608, p = 0.002, and r = 0.581, p = 0.001, respectively) and a negative correlation between %R and the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 s to forced vital capacity (r = -0.451, p < 0.05). Conclusions: The cholinergic responsiveness of parenchymal lung strips is increased in COPD patients and seems to be related to alveolar tissue eosinophilic and CD8 lymphocytic inflammation and to the degree of airway obstruction on the pulmonary function test. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Since the first description of Leishmania (Viannia) shawi, few studies were performed with this parasite. In the present work, the in vivo and ex vivo behavior of L. (Viannia) shawi infection was studied using murine model. Peritoneal macrophages from BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were infected with promastigotes in the stationary phase of growth; after 24 h, the infection index and nitric oxide (NO) levels in the supernatant of the cultures were analyzed. BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were infected into the hind footpad, and at each 2 weeks, mice were sacrificed, and the histological changes of the skin inoculation site, parasitism, and humoral immune responses were evaluated during 8 weeks. Ex vivo experiments showed that macrophages of BALB/c presented higher infection index and lesser NO levels than macrophages of C57BL/6. In vivo experiments showed that BALB/c presented higher lesion size than C57BL/6 mice; similarly, the histopathological changes and the parasitism in skin were more exacerbate in BALB/c mice. In draining lymph nodes, the main change was increase of germinative centers, and parasites were detected from 6 weeks pi onwards in both mice strain. IgG was detected in BALB/c mice from 4 weeks, while in C57BL/6, from 6 weeks pi onwards. Taken together, these results indicate that BALB/c showed a classical behavior of susceptibility when compared to C57BL/6 mice.