993 resultados para Weak interactions (Nuclear physics)


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We introduce and study new integrable models (IMs) of An (1)-nonabelian Toda type which admit U(1) ⊗ U(1) charged topological solitons. They correspond to the symmetry breaking SU(n + 1) → SU(2) ⊗ SU(2) ⊗ U(1)n-2 and are conjectured to describe charged dyonic domain walls of N = 1 SU(n + 1) SUSY gauge theory in large n limit. It is shown that this family of relativistic IMs corresponds to the first negative grade q = -1 member of a dyonic hierarchy of generalized cKP type. The explicit relation between the 1-soliton solutions (and the conserved charges as well) of the IMs of grades q = -1 and q = 2 is found. The properties of the IMs corresponding to more general symmetry breaking SU(n + 1) → SU(2)⊗p ⊗ U(1)n-p as well as IM with global SU(2) symmetries are discussed. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pion virtual compton scattering (VCS) via the reaction π-e→π-eγ was observed in the Fermilab E781 SELEX experiment. SELEX used a 600 GeV/c π- beam incident on target atomic electrons, detecting the incident π- and the final state π-, electron and γ. Theoretical predictions based on chiral perturbation theory are incorporated into a Monte Carlo simulation of the experiment and are compared to the data. The number of reconstructed events (=9) and their distribution with respect to the kinematic variables (for the kinematic region studied) are in reasonable accord with the predictions. The corresponding π- VCS experimental cross section is σ=38.8±13 nb, in agreement with the theoretical expectation of σ=34.7 nb.


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We derive the equation of state of nuclear matter for the quark-meson coupling model taking into account quantum fluctuations of the σ meson as well as vacuum polarization effects for the nucleons. This model incorporates explicitly quark degrees of freedom with quarks coupled to the scalar and vector mesons. Quantum fluctuations lead to a softer equation of state for nuclear matter giving a lower value of incompressibility than would be reached without quantum effects. The in-medium nucleon and σ-meson masses are also calculated in a self-consistent manner. The spectral function of the σ meson is calculated and the σ mass has the value increased with respect to the purely classical approximation at high densities.


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The short-range properties of the kaon-nucleon (KN) interaction are studied within the meson-exchange model of the Jülich group. Specifically, dynamical explanations for the phenomenological short-range repulsion, required in this model for achieving agreement with the empirical KN data, are explored. Evidence is found that contributions from the exchange of a heavy scalar-isovector meson [a0(980)] as well as from genuine quark-gluon exchange processes are needed. Taking both mechanisms into account, a satisfactory description of the KN phase shifts can be obtained without resorting to phenomenological pieces.


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The effects of opacity of the nuclei together with a blackbody type of emission along the system history are considered as a means to explain the ratio Rout/Rsid observed by STAR and PHENIX collaborations at RHIC. Within our model, no flow is required to explain the data trend of this ratio for large surface emissivities. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work we study the warm equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter in the quark-meson coupling model which incorporates explicitly quark degrees of freedom, with quarks coupled to scalar, vector, and isovector mesons. Mechanical and chemical instabilities are discussed as a function of density and isospin asymmetry. The binodal section, essential in the study of the liquid-gas phase transition is also constructed and discussed. The main results for the equation of state are compared with two common parametrizations used in the nonlinear Walecka model and the differences are outlined.


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Supersymmetry is formulated for integrable models based on the sl(2 1) loop algebra endowed with a principal gradation. The symmetry transformations which have half-integer grades generate supersymmetry. The sl(2 1) loop algebra leads to N=2 supersymmetric mKdV and sinh-Gordon equations. The corresponding N=1 mKdV and sinh-Gordon equations are obtained via reduction induced by twisted automorphism. Our method allows for a description of a non-local symmetry structure of supersymmetric integrable models. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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After constructing a BRST operator from the fermionic Green-Schwarz constraints and a bosonic pure spinor ghost variable, the superstring is covariantly quantized and N-point tree amplitudes are computed in a manifestly ten-dimensional super-Poincaré covariant manner. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Quadratic gravity in (2+1)D is nonunitarity at the tree level. When a topological Chern-Simons term is added to this theory, the harmless massive scalar mode of the former gives rise to a troublesome massive spin-0 ghost, while the massive spin-2 ghost is replaced by two massive physical particles both of spin-2. Therefore, unlike what it is claimed in the literature, quadratic Chern-Simons gravity in (2+1)D is nonunitary at the tree level. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A numerical study of the non-oscillatory reheating mechanism in a quintessential inflation context shows that high reheating temperature can be achieved compared with the usual reheating mechanism in which particles are produced gravitationally. We find that even for a very small coupling between the inflaton field and a massless scalar field, the non-oscillatory reheating production of particles dominates over the gravitational production mechanism. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A generalized relativistic harmonic oscillator for spin 1/2 particles is studied. The Dirac Hamiltonian contains a scalar S and a vector V quadratic potentials in the radial coordinate, as well as a tensor potential U linear in r. Setting either or both combinations Σ=5+V and δ=V-S to zero, analytical solutions for bound states of the corresponding Dirac equations are found. The eigenenergies and wave functions are presented and particular cases are discussed, devoting a special attention to the nonrelativistic limit and the case Σ=0, for which pseudospin symmetry is exact. We also show that the case U=δ=0 is the most natural generalization of the nonrelativistic harmonic oscillator. The radial node structure of the Dirac spinor is studied for several combinations of harmonic-oscillator potentials, and that study allows us to explain why nuclear intruder levels cannot be described in the framework of the relativistic harmonic oscillator in the pseudospin limit.


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It is demonstrated that measurements of photon asymmetry in the γn → K-K+n reaction, can most likely determine the parity of the newly discovered Θ+ pentaquark. We predict that if the parity of Θ+ is positive, the photon asymmetry is significantly positive; if the parity is negative, the photon asymmetry is significantly negative. If the background contribution is large, the photon asymmetry may become very small in magnitude, thereby making it difficult to distinguish between the positive and negative parity results. However, even in this case, a combined analysis of the (K+n) invariant mass distribution and photon asymmetry should allow a determination of the parity of Θ+. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The transition levels at the top of the two Np237 fission barriers were obtained for the first time by means of the so-called semimicroscopic combined method, which we have developed and implemented. To overcome the difficulties in dealing with large nuclear deformations, we used our developed BARRIER code, which calculates single-particle spectra in a deformed Woods-Saxon potential using a coordinate system based on Cassini ovaloids as nuclear shape parametrization. The results enabled us to describe the experimentally observed near-barrier photofission cross-section structures for Np237, as well as a subbarrier shelf, the latter being consistently interpreted in terms of the accumulation of levels at the top of the inner and outer double fission barrier of Np237. © 2006 The American Physical Society.


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A comprehensive analysis of electrodisintegration yields of protons on Zr90 is proposed taking into account the giant dipole resonance, isovector giant quadrupole resonance (IVGQR), and quasideuteron contributions to the total photoabsorption cross section from 10 to 140 MeV. The calculation applies the MCMC intranuclear cascade to address the direct and pre-equilibrium emissions and another Monte Carlo-based algorithm to describe the evaporation step. The final results of the total photoabsorption cross section for Zr90 and relevant decay channels are obtained by fitting the (e,p) measurements from the National Bureau of Standards and show that multiple proton emissions dominate the photonuclear reactions at higher energies. These results provide a consistent explanation for the exotic and steady increase of the (e,p) yield and also a strong evidence of a IVGQR with a strength parameter compatible with the E2 energy-weighted sum rule. The inclusive photoneutron cross sections for Zr90 and natZr, derived from these results and normalized with the (e,p) data, are in agreement within 10% with both Livermore and Saclay data up to 140 MeV. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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We show that the conditions which originate the spin and pseudospin symmetries in the Dirac equation are the same that produce equivalent energy spectra of relativistic spin-1/2 and spin-0 particles in the presence of vector and scalar potentials. The conclusions do not depend on the particular shapes of the potentials and can be important in different fields of physics. When both scalar and vector potentials are spherical, these conditions for isospectrality imply that the spin-orbit and Darwin terms of either the upper component or the lower component of the Dirac spinor vanish, making it equivalent, as far as energy is concerned, to a spin-0 state. In this case, besides energy, a scalar particle will also have the same orbital angular momentum as the (conserved) orbital angular momentum of either the upper or lower component of the corresponding spin-1/2 particle. We point out a few possible applications of this result. © 2007 The American Physical Society.