968 resultados para Vocal cyst


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Members of the Sox gene family of transcription factors are defined by the presence of an 80 amino acid homology domain, the High Mobility Group (HMG) box. Here we report the cloning and initial analysis of murine Sox-13 . The 984 amino acids Sox-13 protein contains a single HMG box, a leucine zipper motif and a glutamine-rich stretch. These characteristics are shared with another member of the Sox gene family, Sox-6. High level embryonic expression of Sox-13 occurs uniquely in the arterial walls of 13.5 days post coitum (dpc) mice and later. Low level expression was observed in the inner ear of 13.5 dpc mice and in a limited number of cells in the thymus of 16.5 dpc mice, from which Sox-13 was originally cloned. At 18.5 dpc, Sox-13 is expressed in the tracheal epithelium below the vocal cord and in the hair follicles. The Sox-13 protein binds to the consensus HMG box motif, AACAAAG, but does not transactivate transcription through a concatamer of this motif. Sox-13, like other members of the Sox family likely plays an important role in development.


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We reviewed the records of 108 patients who had a tracheostomy performed over a 10-year period from July 1979 to April 1989. Median age at tracheostomy was 6 months (1 week-15 years). Indications for surgery were acquired subglottic stenosis (31.4%), bilateral vocal cord paralysis (22.2%), congenital airway malformations (22.2%) and tumours (11.1%). No epiglottis and no emergency situation had to be managed by tracheostomy. Operation was uneventful in all, but 8 patients (7.4%) developed a pneumothorax in the postoperative period. Twenty-one (19.5%) had severe complications during the cannulation period (tube obstruction in 11 patients with cardiorespiratory arrest in 4; dislocation of the tube in 6 patients). Fifteen patients (13.8%) had severe complications after decannulation (2 had a cardiorespiratory arrest); all 15 had to be recannulated. At the end of the study period 85 patients (78.7%) were successfully decannulated with a median period of tracheostomy of 486 days (8 days-6.6 years). The median hospital stay was 159 days (13 days-2.7 years). All patients could be discharged. Eight patients (7.4%) died but no death was related to tracheostomy. In summary the mortality rate is lower than reported in previous reviews and tracheostomy is a safe operation even in small children but cannula-related complications may lead to life-threatening events. The management of tracheostomized small children and infants in a highly staffed and monitored intensive care unit has allowed better handling of complications and has resulted in a reduction in cannula-related deaths.


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Low-molecular-weight heparins have become the predominant choice for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis and treatment. However, their use may cause bleeding complications. Intrahepatic bleeding is exceptional and only very few cases have been described. The authors present a unique case of fatal intrahepatic hematoma complicating nadroparin use in a 65-year-old woman with a hepatic cyst who was admitted to hospital for unilateral total hip arthroplasty. At autopsy, hemoperitoneum (2,000 ml of blood and clots) was evident. A ruptured sub-capsular hematoma involving the right lobe of the liver was observed. The hemorrhage within the cyst induced by the nadroparin use was likely responsible for the subsequent hepatic hematoma, liver rupture, and death. This case highlights the need for pathologists and surgeons to be aware of the possibility of intrahepatic hematoma in patients who have received low-molecular-weight heparins, undergone major surgery and present postoperative hemodynamic instability, especially in those with preoperative diagnosis of hepatic cyst.


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La veu de les persones amb pèrdues auditives severes o profundes presenta diverses característiques acústiques que són reconegudes pels oients i que, sovint, se’ls assignen valoracions negatives.En aquest treball s’exposen els resultats d’una experiència d’entrenament vocal amb un grup de deu adults amb pèrdues auditives severes i pregones, portadores de diferents tipus de pròtesi. L’entrenament es va duu a terme durant un any amb una mitjana de 14 sessions individuals. Es va realitzar un registre de la veu en format digital previ i posterior dels participants que ha estat analitzada des de tres perspectives distintes: acústica, perceptiva i narrativa. Des del punt de vista acústic, les mostres han estat analitzades amb el programa MDVP de Kay Elemetrics. S’han utilitzat els paràmetres jitter (estabilitat de freqüència), shimmer (estabilitat d’intensitat) i NHR (relació soroll vs. harmònics). En segon lloc, les mostres s’han sotmès a la valoració de dos jurats d’escolta, un de logopedes experts en veu i un altre de no experts, format per estudiants universitaris no entrenats. Finalment, s’han analitzat els discursos dels participants sobre les característiques de la seva veu.El conjunt de resultats no és totalment coincident entre les distintes perspectives d’anàlisi. Totes tres coincideixen a reflectir la millora vocal en sis dels participants, però discrepen en els altres quatre.L’experiència obre les portes a noves investigacions sobre l’efectivitat dels tractaments de millora de la veu en les persones sordes.


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Parents allocate food resources to their offspring in proportion to the intensity of begging behaviour. Begging encompasses several activities including vocalizations that should honestly signal need and jostling for the position in the nest where parents predictably deliver food items. Although siblings are known to adjust begging level to each other, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. We examined this issue in experimental two-chick broods of the barn owl, Tyto alba, a species in which siblings communicate vocally with each other in the prolonged absence of parents. The function of sib-sib vocal communication, so-called sibling negotiation, is to resolve conflicts over which individual will have priority of access to the next delivered indivisible food item. We found that when a nestling produced longer negotiation calls and stood closer to the nestbox entrance in the absence of parents, its sibling vocally negotiated at a lower rate. Additionally, when an individual produced more negotiation calls in the absence of parents, its sibling begged less intensely at the parent's return, with begging being the key factor that determined which nestling obtained a food item. We conclude that position in the nest and the duration of negotiation calls produced in the absence of parents influence the rate of producing negotiation calls, which in turn influences the rate at which siblings beg for food from their parents. Adjusting begging behaviour could therefore depend on complex sib-sib interactions taking place in the prolonged absence of parents.


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We report the case of a 6-month-old boy known antenatally to have a mediastinal cyst. Postnatal workup showed a noncommunicating compressive cyst bound to the lower third of the native esophagus. He underwent its removal by transhiatal laparoscopy. This appears to be the first case of laparoscopic removal of a thoracic esophageal duplication cyst in a child.


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There are two species of the genus Echinococcus, Echinococcus multilocularis (also called alveolar hydatid) and Echinococcus granulosus, characterized by distinct growth features in humans. The main endemic regions for human alveolar echinococcosis (AE) caused by E. multilocularis are Central Europe, Russia, Turkey, Japan, China, eastern France and North America. Human echinococcosis is usually caused by an intrahepatic growth of parasitic larvae. Cerebral occurrence of E. multilocularis disease is rare, accounting for only 1% of cases, and is generally considered to be fatal. This report presents two cases of intracerebral E. multilocularis disease which occurred in two infected patients with AE pulmonary metastases. The anatomical and clinical features are discussed. Our retrospective survey would indicate that surgical treatment should be envisaged whenever possible.


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Eight patients with colloid cysts of the third ventricle were examined with CT and MR. In six, surgical resection was performed and the material was subjected to histologic evaluation; the concentrations of trace elements were determined by particle-induced X-ray emission. Stereotaxic aspiration was performed in two. The investigation showed that colloid cysts are often iso- or hypodense relative to brain on CT (5/8), but sometimes have a center of increased density. Increased density did not correlate with increased concentration of calcium or other metals but did not correlate with high cholesterol content. Colloid cysts appear more heterogeneous on MR (6/8) than on CT (3/8), despite a homogeneous appearance at histology. High signal on short TR/TE sequences is correlated with a high cholesterol content. A marked shortening of the T2 relaxation time is often noticed in the central part of the cyst. Analysis of trace elements showed that this phenomenon is not related to the presence of metals with paramagnetic effects. Our analysis of the contents of colloid cysts does not support the theory that differing metallic concentrations are responsible for differences in MR signal intensity or CT density. We did find that increased CT density and high MR signal correlated with high cholesterol content.


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Cereal cyst nematode (CCN, Heterodera avenae) and Hessian fly (HF, Mayetiola destructor) are two major pests affecting wheat crops worldwide including important cereal areas of Spain. Aegilops ventricosa and Ae. triuncialis were used as donors in a strategy to introduce resistance genes (RG) for these pests in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Two 42 chromosomes introgression lines have been derived from Ae. ventricosa: H-93-8 and H-93-33 carrying genes Cre2 and H27 conferring resistance to CCN and HF, respectively. Line TR-3531 with 42 chromosomes has been derived from Ae. triuncialis and carries RGs conferring resistance for CCN (Cre7) and for HF (H30). Alien material has been incorporated in lines H-93 by chromosomal substitution and recombination, while in line TR-3531 homoeologous recombination affecting small DNA fragments has played a major role. It has been demonstrated that Cre2, Cre7, H27 and H30 are major single dominant genes and not allelic of other previously described RGs. Biochemical and molecular-biology studies of the defense mechanism triggered by Cre2 and Cre7 have revealed specific induction of peroxidase and other antioxidant enzymes. In parallel to these basic studies advanced lines carrying resistance genes for CNN and/or HF have been developed. Selection was done using molecular markers for eventually «pyramiding» resistance genes. Several isozyme and RAPD markers have been described and, currently, new markers based on transposable elements and NBS-LRR sequences are being developed. At present, two advanced lines have already been included at the Spanish Catalogue of Commercial Plant Varieties.


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Los ejercicios de percusión corporal propuestos por el método BAPNE pretenden estimular a través del juego nuestras dimensiones corporal, emocional y cognitiva. Ello requiere, en primer lugar, focalizar la atención para el aprendizaje y coordinación de todas las actividades involucradas (canto, movimiento, percusión extremidades superiores e inferiores) lo cual demanda una buena disposición de nuestras funciones cognitivas. El movimiento es vital para nuestra salud, y la música está íntimamente relacionada con el movimiento. Es conocido que incluso en estados de escucha pasiva de música, el área cerebral que planifica los mecanismos necesarios para los movimientos está activa, aunque externamente no lo manifestemos. Se ha constatado la existencia de conexiones neuronales entre las áreas auditiva y motora, y de ahí nuestra tendencia a imitar con movimientos corporales la música que percibimos y escuchamos. Por otra parte, son conocidos muchos de los beneficios terapéuticos que las actividades musicales pueden aportarnos en todas sus modalidades, desde el aprendizaje hasta la interpretación (ya sea vocal o instrumental) pasando por la simple escucha activa o pasiva. Todo pa rece indicar, pues, que el movimiento es básico para nuestra salud y que la música, íntimamente ligada a él, es una fuente placentera y agradable para experimentarlo.


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Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has a key role in osmoregulation by facilitating water transport in the collecting duct. Recent evidence suggests that AVP may have additional effects on renal function and favor cyst growth in polycystic kidney disease. Whether AVP also affects kidney structure in the general population is unknown. We analyzed the association of copeptin, an established surrogate for AVP, with parameters of renal function and morphology in a multicentric population-based cohort. Participants from families of European ancestry were randomly selected in three Swiss cities. We used linear multilevel regression analysis to explore the association of copeptin with renal function parameters as well as kidney length and the presence of simple renal cysts assessed by ultrasound examination. Copeptin levels were log-transformed. The 529 women and 481 men had median copeptin levels of 3.0 and 5.2 pmol/L, respectively (P<0.001). In multivariable analyses, the copeptin level was associated inversely with eGFR (β=-2.1; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], -3.3 to -0.8; P=0.002) and kidney length (β=-1.2; 95% CI, -1.9 to -0.4; P=0.003) but positively with 24-hour urinary albumin excretion (β=0.11; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.20; P=0.03) and urine osmolality (β=0.08; 95% CI, 0.05 to 0.10; P<0.001). A positive association was found between the copeptin level and the presence of renal cysts (odds ratio, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.4; P=0.02). These results suggest that AVP has a pleiotropic role in renal function and may favor the development of simple renal cysts.


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INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to evaluate the concordance of 2- and 3-dimensional radiography and histopathology in the diagnosis of periapical lesions. METHODS: Patients were consecutively enrolled in this study provided that preoperative periapical radiography (PR) and cone-beam computed tomographic imaging of the tooth to be treated with apical surgery were performed. The periapical lesional tissue was histologically analyzed by 2 blinded examiners. The final histologic diagnosis was compared with the radiographic assessments of 4 blinded observers. The initial study material included 62 teeth in the same number of patients. RESULTS: Four lesions had to be excluded during processing, resulting in a final number of 58 evaluated cases (31 women and 27 men, mean age = 55 years). The final histologic diagnosis of the periapical lesions included 55 granulomas (94.8%) and 3 cysts (5.2%). Histologic analysis of the tissue samples from the apical lesions exhibited an almost perfect agreement between the 2 experienced investigators with an overall agreement of 94.83% (kappa = 0.8011). Radiographic assessment overestimated cysts by 28.4% (cone-beam computed tomographic imaging) and 20.7% (periapical radiography), respectively. Comparing the correlation of the radiographic diagnosis of 4 observers with the final histologic diagnosis, 2-dimensional (kappa = 0.104) and 3-dimensional imaging (kappa = 0.111) provided only minimum agreement. CONCLUSIONS: To establish a final diagnosis of an apical radiolucency, the tissue specimen should be evaluated histologically and specified as a granuloma (with/without epithelium) or a cyst. Analysis of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional radiographic images alike results only in a tentative diagnosis that should be confirmed with biopsy.


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BACKGROUND: Dermoid cysts are frequent unilateral congenital benign tumors that can be found at different locations throughout the body. In the orbital region, dermoid cysts occur predominantly in the supero-temporal quadrant. However, different orbital locations are possible, making this entity an important differential diagnosis for orbital tumors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 23 consecutive patients operated in our institution between 2005 and 2014 for orbital tumors that were diagnosed as congenital dermoid or epidermoid cysts. RESULTS: There were 21 dermoid and 2 epidermoid cysts. The median age at surgery time was 7 years (range 1-41). There were 15 females and 8 males. Eleven cysts were located supero-temporally (47.8%), seven supero-medially (30.4%), two temporally (8.7%), one at the frontal bone (4.4%) and two in the fossa of the lacrimal gland (8.7%). The mean cyst diameter was 13.1 mm±5.0 (SD). None had signs of malignant disease. No recurrence was observed after complete excision. CONCLUSION: Dermoid cysts of orbital region are mostly located in the supero-temporal quadrant. However, other orbital locations are possible and dermoid cysts must thus be considered in the differential diagnosis of any mass in the orbital region.


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Nonverbal behavior coding is typically conducted by "hand". To remedy this time and resource intensive undertaking, we illustrate how nonverbal social sensing, defined as the automated recording and extracting of nonverbal behavior via ubiquitous social sensing platforms, can be achieved. More precisely, we show how and what kind of nonverbal cues can be extracted and to what extent automated extracted nonverbal cues can be validly obtained with an illustrative research example. In a job interview, the applicant's vocal and visual nonverbal immediacy behavior was automatically sensed and extracted. Results show that the applicant's nonverbal behavior can be validly extracted. Moreover, both visual and vocal applicant nonverbal behavior predict recruiter hiring decision, which is in line with previous findings on manually coded applicant nonverbal behavior. Finally, applicant average turn duration, tempo variation, and gazing best predict recruiter hiring decision. Results and implications of such a nonverbal social sensing for future research are discussed.