809 resultados para Vision, ocular
Facial injuries with the retention of foreign bodies inside the tissues, both in soft and hard ones, can cause major functional and aesthetic damage. Among the different etiological agents, cutting tools, fragments of a firearm, the splinter of wood, steel, or iron, launched by misuse, or even caused by defects in equipment, are the main cause of these injuries. The aim of this study was to discuss the peculiarity of the multidisciplinary approach in caring of a 33-year-old man, victim of an accident at work, by the rupture of an emery disc and consequent penetration of the fragments in violation of the tissues in the orbital and zygomatic region of the left side, with perforation of the eyeball and orbital-zygomatic fracture. Urgent treatment consisted of debridement of wounds, bleeding control, removal of foreign bodies, fracture reduction with rigid internal fixation, and suture, performed by the oral and maxillofacial surgical team. Reconstruction of orbital tissues by the ophthalmology team consisted of suture of the injuries. About 1 month after the trauma, phthisis bulbi was noted, and the patient underwent a new procedure under general anesthesia for eye evisceration and installation of an alloplastic prosthesis associated with the homogenous sclera. Facial harmony was restored, especially in aesthetics and function of the zygomatic-orbital complex.
Common sense tells us that the future is an essential element in any strategy. In addition, there is a good deal of literature on scenario planning, which is an important tool in considering the future in terms of strategy. However, in many organizations there is serious resistance to the development of scenarios, and they are not broadly implemented by companies. But even organizations that do not rely heavily on the development of scenarios do, in fact, construct visions to guide their strategies. But it might be asked, what happens when this vision is not consistent with the future? To address this problem, the present article proposes a method for checking the content and consistency of an organization's vision of the future, no matter how it was conceived. The proposed method is grounded on theoretical concepts from the field of future studies, which are described in this article. This study was motivated by the search for developing new ways of improving and using scenario techniques as a method for making strategic decisions. The method was then tested on a company in the field of information technology in order to check its operational feasibility. The test showed that the proposed method is, in fact, operationally feasible and was capable of analyzing the vision of the company being studied, indicating both its shortcomings and points of inconsistency. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present 6 patients with ocular involvement due to paracoccidioidomycosis. All cases were confirmed by the finding of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in histopathological or direct mycologic examination of material from the lesion in the eyelid or conjunctiva. In two cases the bulbar conjunctiva was also involved, in another the cornea, and still another patient developed endophthalmitis. The presence of this mutilating disease which may lead to blindness should be suspected when chronic blepharitis or palpebral ulcerated papular lesions are detected in patients from endemic areas of paracoccidioidomycosis. This etiology should also be suspected in patients with anterior and posterior uveitis after discarding the most frequent causes of this condition. © 1988 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The problem of dynamic camera calibration considering moving objects in close range environments using straight lines as references is addressed. A mathematical model for the correspondence of a straight line in the object and image spaces is discussed. This model is based on the equivalence between the vector normal to the interpretation plane in the image space and the vector normal to the rotated interpretation plane in the object space. In order to solve the dynamic camera calibration, Kalman Filtering is applied; an iterative process based on the recursive property of the Kalman Filter is defined, using the sequentially estimated camera orientation parameters to feedback the feature extraction process in the image. For the dynamic case, e.g. an image sequence of a moving object, a state prediction and a covariance matrix for the next instant is obtained using the available estimates and the system model. Filtered state estimates can be computed from these predicted estimates using the Kalman Filtering approach and based on the system model parameters with good quality, for each instant of an image sequence. The proposed approach was tested with simulated and real data. Experiments with real data were carried out in a controlled environment, considering a sequence of images of a moving cube in a linear trajectory over a flat surface.
Purpose: To study the effects of two drugs (captopril and propranolol) used in the treatment of systemic hypertension, on the intraocular pressure (IOP) of anesthetized dogs. Methods: 24 dogs, divided into 3 groups of 8 each. In the first group, 1.5 mg/kg IV of captopril (an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) was administered. In the second group, 1.5 mg/kg IV of propranolol (a beta-blocker) was administered. The third group was the control. IOP and blood pressure (BP) were measured by manometry. The perfusion pressure was calculated by the difference between BP and IOP (BP-IOP). The parameters were studied at 6 moments (0, 10, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes). Results: There was significant reduction of IOP (p<0.05) with captopril and propranolol, without difference between the drugs. With captopril the BP and PP decreased markedly at 10 and 30 minutes. With propranolol there was no reduction of BP or PP. Conclusions: Captopril and propranolol reduced IOP. However, the marked reduction of BP, and consequently of PP caused by captopril may be undesirable for irrigation of the optic nerve.
The ocular losses are embarrassing to the bearer because they commit the face which has the essential organs for the human relationship. The present study shows the multidiscipline interaction in the treatment of a child who lost his left eye victim of a fire gun and needed an ocular plastic surgery for a correct prosthesis insertion. The ocular prosthesis fills in the ocular cavity simulating the facial growth and restoring its symmetry. Therefore, there are aesthetics, anatomic and physiological improvement on the child's face that allows her to be reinstated in society without being discriminated for her differences. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The patient with anophthalmia may present feelings of inferiority and rejection. Knowing his/her needs and expectations contribute to a better technical intervention. Purpose: To elaborate a questionnaire of the psychosocial profile of the patient with anophthalmia with indication of ocular prosthesis. Methods: An exploratory research was used to elaborate the questionnaire, by means of a guided interview followed by writing down what was said by the interviewees, who were adult patients of the Bucco-Maxillo-Facial Prosthesis Center of FOSJC - UNESP. The guided interview was made up of 14 items directly related to the future outline of the profile. Each item of the interview resulted in questions of the questionnaire, which was pretested twice before reaching its final version. Results: The patients reported, in the exploratory research, unpleasant feelings with the loss of the eye; relationship shyness; expectations regarding surgery and prosthesis use; a wish to receive explanations and to hold their opinion about the treatment. The questionnaire of the psychosocial profile of the patient with anophthalmia with indication of ocular prosthesis is, therefore, made of 43 questions divided into 5 blocks in order to aid the comprehension of the inquired aspects and to facilitate both the computation of data and discussion, and also to improve the selection of questions according to the objective of the researcher or professional. Conclusions: It was concluded that the questionnaire was viable, can be used in full or by selecting blocks and provide a panorama of the patient's history related to the problem he/she faces, from the loss of the ocular globe to the confection of the prosthesis.
Purpose: To analyze the conditions, consequences and risks of self-medication in patients attended in ophthalmology emergency room at Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu (UNESP). Methods: Sixty patients who had used any form of self-medication were studied according: age, sex, professional activity, mainly complain, visual acuity (best-corrected vision), who administrated the self-medication (friends/parents, pharmacy clerk, advertisement, or the person himself), sort of medication or product used (eyedrops/ointments/contact lenses), cost (R$), time expenditure to medical attention, ocular complications, risk of visual loss and final diagnose. Results: The majority of patients with self-medication were male (72%). The mean age was 40,9 years (7-77 years). Patients usually used eyedrops that they had at home and delayed 3 days to the first medical evaluation. The most frequently kind of topical eyedrop used was vasoconstrictor (17%). However, many patients even knew what kind of medication they had dropped in their eyes (21%). The great majority of the patients (68%) were exposed to the risk of visual loss. According to our results, self-medication may cause visual complications in 12% of patients, in which, 42% was related to the contact lenses fit without ophthalmologic assistance. Conclusion: The majory of the patients used medication that they had in home. The topical vasoconstrictor was the most frequently used drug, however, they did not know which medication were dropping in their eyes (21%).
The purpose of this study was to assess color alteration of the paints used for iris painting in artificial eyes. Five disks of heat cured acrylic resin were confectioned by microwave energy for each paint analyzed, in a total of 40 specimens. Each specimen consisted of a colorless acrylic resin disk and another of equal size, of scleral white colored acrylic resin, with the painting interposed between the two disks. The specimens were submitted to an accelerated aging process in a chamber under ultraviolet radiation for 1,008 hours. To assess color variation, a reflective spectrophotometer was used. The results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey test (p < 0.05). All the paints underwent chromatic alteration. The oil paint presented the highest resistance to accelerated aging.