761 resultados para VOLUNTEER
Although cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug, duration of cannabis use is typically short, with many of those who initiate cannabis use ceasing use by their late twenties. In this paper we analyze data from a volunteer Australian cohort of 6265 male and female twins to examine whether the duration of cannabis use is an informative phenotype for future genetic analyses. Genetic modeling indicated: (a) moderate genetic influences on duration of cannabis use in both males (41%; 95% CI = 31–51) and females (55%; 95% CI = 46–63); (b) strong genetic influences on cannabis dependence in both males (72%, 95% CI = 61–81) and females (62%, 95% CI = 48–74); (c) no evidence of shared environmental influences on duration of cannabis use or on cannabis dependence in either males or females. Importantly, this model fitting indicated that a substantial component of genetic influences (rg = .90, 95% CI = .77–.99 (males); .70, 95% CI = .57–.83 (females)) on duration of cannabis use was shared with those influencing liability to cannabis dependence. While there were high genetic correlations in both women and men, lifetime duration of cannabis may be uniquely informative in assessing components of liability to cannabis use.
This paper explores the contributions made by older women to the Community as informal volunteers. It argues that ageing policy is not gender neutral and tends to ignore the contributions made by Women Outside paid work. As well as being ignored in policy, women's unpaid roles have been denigrated by some feminist commentators, who suggest that these roles Subordinate the position of women. The aim of the present paper is to explore the lived experiences of older women in relation to their informal volunteer roles, using role identity theory as a framework. The study utilizes data from a qualitative study Using focus group methodology. Findings demonstrate. that informal volunteering contributes to the women's identity and gives their lives meaning. These findings suggest that a more positive policy framework around ageing is needed to ensure that the worth of these contributions is recognised.
A growing proportion of women reach older age without having married or having children. Assumptions that these older women are lonely, impoverished, and high users of social and health services are based on little evidence. This paper uses data from the Older cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health to describe self-reported demographics, physical and emotional health, and use of services among 10,108 women aged 73-78, of whom 2.7% are never-married and childless. The most striking characteristic of this group is their high levels of education, which are associated with fewer reported financial difficulties and higher rates of private health insurance. There are few differences in self-reported physical or emotional health or use of health services between these and other groups of older women. Compared with older married women with children, they make higher use of formal services such as home maintenance and meal services, and are also more likely to provide volunteer services and belong to social groups. Overall, there is no evidence to suggest that these women are a problem group. Rather, it seems that their life experiences and opportunities prepare them for a successful and productive older age. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A novel surface electromyographic (EMG) technique was recently described for the detection of deep cervical flexor muscle activity. Further investigation of this technique is warranted to ensure EMG activity from neighbouring muscles is not markedly influencing the signals recorded. This study compared deep cervical flexor (DCF) muscle activity with the activity of surrounding neck and jaw muscles during various anatomical movements of the neck and jaw in 10 volunteer subjects. DCF EMG activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalene, masseter and suprahyoid muscles. Positioned in supine, subjects performed isometric cranio-cervical flexion, cervical flexion, right and left cervical rotation,jaw clench and resisted jaw opening. Across all movements examined, EMG amplitude of the DCF muscles was greatest during neck movements that would require activity of the DCF muscles, particularly during cranio-cervical flexion, their primary anatomical action. The actions of jaw clench and resisted jaw opening demonstrated significantly less DCF EMG activity than the cranio-cervical flexion action (p < 0.05). Across all other movements, the neighbouring neck and jaw muscles demonstrated greatest EMG amplitude during their respective primary anatomical actions, which occurred in the absence of increased EMG amplitude recorded from the DCF muscles. The finding of substantial EMG activity of the DCF muscles only during neck actions that would require their activity, particularly cranio-cervical flexion, and not during actions involving the jaw, provide further assurance that the majority of myoelectric signals detected from the nasopharyngeal electrode are from the DCF muscles. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The number of tourist railways and museums is increasing throughout the world. With many of these attractions staffed largely by volunteers it is becoming increasingly important to understand how to attract, train and retain these volunteers. This exploratory study seeks to establish what motivates people to volunteer at tourist railways. Analysis of in depth interviews with fifteen volunteers at three tourist railways within a 250 kilometre radius of Brisbane, Australia, indicated that often motivation to volunteer goes beyond the altruistic and egoistic motives that are frequently cited in the literature. This study found that many volunteers at tourist railways are also motivated by feelings of nostalgia. As the population ages and fewer people have had contact with the railways of yesteryear, a new challenge arises for organisations, to find an alternative stimulus to attract volunteers to tourist railways and museums.
Email has been used for some years as a low-cost telemedicine medium to provide support for developing countries. However, all operations have been relatively small scale and fairly labour intensive to administer. A scalable, automatic message-routing system was constructed which automates many of the tasks. During a four-month study period in 2002, 485 messages were processed automatically. There were 31 referrals from eight hospitals in three countries. These referrals were handled by 25 volunteer specialists from a panel of 42. Two system operators, located 10 time zones apart, managed the system. The median time from receipt of a new referral to its allocation to a specialist was 1.0 days (interquartile range 0.7-2.4). The median interval between allocation and first reply was 0.7 days (interquartile range 0.3-2.3). Automatic message handling solves many of the problems of manual email telemedicine systems and represents a potentially scalable way of doing low-cost telemedicine in the developing world.
A presente dissertação de mestrado abordou a qualidade de vida, a percepção de suporte social e o consumo de medicamentos em idosas participantes de um programa da Universidade para a Terceira Idade, no município de São Caetano do Sul - São Paulo - Brasil. O estudo objetivou descrever uma possível relação entre o perfil sociodemografico da amostra, a percepção subjetiva da qualidade de vida, a percepção subjetiva de suporte social, e o consumo de medicamentos, submetendo a testes estatísticos, um conjunto de possíveis relações entre as características sociodemográficas, percepção de qualidade de vida, percepção de suporte social e consumo de medicamentos. Utilizou-se o método descritivo exploratório, de corte transversal, e de caráter quantitativo. Os dados foram coletados entre os meses de agosto a outubro de 2014, através de uma amostra de conveniência, formada por 150 mulheres, com idade média de 66,13 anos. Foram utilizados instrumentos autoaplicáveis: WHOQOL-OLD e WHOQOL-BREF (Word Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument); Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social (EPSS); um questionário sobre a utilização de medicamentos de uso geral, e um questionário contendo os dados sociodemográficos. Dos resultados, 59,3% da amostra concluiu o ensino fundamental, 49,3% é casada, 79,3% não exerce atividade remunerada, e 78,7% não exerce atividades voluntárias. Apresentou boa percepção de Qualidade de Vida Global (82,90%), sendo o domínio com menor valor médio o Funcionamento do Sensório (12,56%), e maior escore médio no domínio Autonomia (14,66%). Sente segurança ao recorrer à rede de suporte social prático (53,08%), e insegurança ao recorrer à sua rede de apoio social emocional (28,88%). A prevalência do uso de medicamentos foi de 3,6%, todos prescritos, e os princípios ativos mais utilizados pertenciam aos tratamentos da hipertensão e sistema cardiovascular. Não foram evidenciadas correlações significativas relevantes entre as variáveis do estudo, do ponto de vista estatístico. Apesar de residirem em um município com elevado Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano, conclui-se que o aumento das possíveis incapacidades físicas das idosas apontam dificuldades de acesso aos recursos do ambiente, onde a amostra estava inserida. Sugere-se a criação de pesquisas e intervenções com idosas, incluindo nos programas de educação continuada, espaços para debate com o tema da finitude e o envelhecimento, bem como a realização de novos estudos de natureza qualitativa, para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a qualidade de vida, a percepção do suporte social e o consumo de medicamentos nesta população, como também a inclusão de outros grupos sociodemográficos de idosas, em estudos longitudinais.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os níveis de dimensões de suporte social (emocional e prático) e de balanço emocional, analisar as suas correlações e investigar as suas relações com variáveis sócio demográficas de um grupo de pessoas que participam de programa de apoio emocional e informacional em uma instituição beneficente de São Paulo. A amostra pesquisada, escolhida aleatoriamente, consistiu de 95 pessoas do sexo masculino e feminino com idade média de 47,99 anos (DP=12,11). O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário de auto preenchimento composto por duas medidas que aferiram as variáveis de estudo (percepção de suporte social, afetos positivos e negativos), além dos dados sócio demográficos. Foram utilizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, testadas diferenças entre médias, bem como calculados os índices de correlação entre as variáveis. Os resultados mostraram que não há diferenças significativas na percepção de suporte social (emocional e prático) e as variáveis sócio demográficas sexo, trabalho, estudo, voluntariado, permanência na instituição, escolaridade e estado civil. Os mais jovens, com menos de 30 anos, revelaram maior percepção do suporte social (emocional e prático). Revelaram também que não há diferença significativa do balanço emocional em relação às variáveis sócio demográficas, com exceção do trabalho voluntário que repercutiu expressiva e positivamente no balanço emocional. A análise das relações entre suporte social (emocional e prático) e idade revelou existir uma correlação significativa, baixa e negativa, isto é, com o aumento da idade há uma tendência a decrescer levemente a percepção de suporte social. A descrição dos níveis de suporte social revelou que as percepções de suporte emocional e prático são significativamente diferentes, embora a diferença entre as médias seja pequena, prevalece a percepção de maior suporte emocional. A descrição dos escores de balanço emocional revelou que cerca de três quartos dos entrevistados registrou balanço emocional positivo e cerca de um quarto registrou balanço emocional negativo. Não foi constatada correlação significativa entre balanço emocional e idade. As análises das relações entre suporte emocional, suporte prático e balanço emocional revelaram correlações significativas e positivas, isto é, com um acréscimo na percepção de suporte social (emocional e prático) há a tendência de acréscimo no balanço emocional. Portanto, os resultados deste estudo poderão contribuir para a compreensão do quadro psicológico dos indivíduos pesquisados, bem como, suscitar aos gestores de instituições reflexões para o aprimoramento dos serviços de programas assistenciais.(AU)
Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar a capacidade de otimismo, de suporte social e de valores do trabalho serem preditores de bem estar subjetivo, bem como analisar as relações de variáveis demográficas com essas variáveis de estudo, descrevê-las e examinar as relações entre elas. A amostra consistiu de 47 homens e de 101 mulheres com idade média de 41,00 anos (DP =10,72) que buscavam apoio em instituição para sua transição profissional. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário de autopreenchimento composto por cinco medidas que aferiram as variáveis incluídas no estudo: otimismo, percepção de suporte social, valores do trabalho, satisfação geral com a vida e afetos positivos e negativos, bem como variáveis demográficas: sexo, idade, estudo, trabalho, voluntariado, estado civil e permanência na instituição. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, testadas diferenças entre médias, correlações, análise de variância e calculados modelos de regressão linear múltipla. As relações das variáveis de estudo com variáveis demográficas revelaram que as pessoas que não estudam percebem ter mais suporte prático e dão mais importância a motivações de autopromoção e de prestígio do que as que estudam. Os mais jovens com até 30 anos relataram que se percebem tendo mais apoio emocional e prático do que os mais velhos. Com o avanço da idade diminuem as percepções de suporte emocional e prático, contudo as pessoas com mais de 50 anos revelaram menos afetos negativos e maior satisfação com a vida do que os mais jovens. Casados revelaram dar menos importância do que separados, divorciados, viúvos, etc. à estabilidade no trabalho e segurança financeira; solteiros revelaram ter mais afetos negativos do que os casados. Homens relataram se sentir mais satisfeitos com a vida, ter mais afetos positivos e menos afetos negativos que mulheres. Quem realiza trabalho voluntário revelou ser mais otimista e ter menos afetos negativos do que aqueles que não realizam. Os dados revelaram que os pesquisados têm um bom nível de otimismo e uma percepção de suporte emocional maior do que a percepção de suporte prático; são motivados, principalmente por metas de realização no trabalho e de estabilidade e segurança financeira; sentem-se indiferentes quanto à satisfação com a vida; apresentam afetos positivos um pouco acima da indiferença; contudo sentem poucos afetos negativos. Disso decorre que um pouco mais de dois terços dos pesquisados apresentaram predominância de estados emocionais positivos sobre os negativos. O otimismo foi a variável que estabeleceu associações mais altas e em maior quantidade; correlacionou positivamente com valores de realização no trabalho, com valores de relações sociais, com valores do trabalho de prestígio, com satisfação com a vida e com afetos positivos; e correlacionou negativamente com afetos negativos. A percepção de suporte emocional correlacionou positivamente com valores de prestígio, afetos positivos e com satisfação com a vida; e correlacionou negativamente com afetos negativos. Percepção de suporte prático não apresentou correlações significativas com nenhuma variável de estudo. Afetos positivos correlacionaram-se positivamente com valores do trabalho de relações sociais e com valores do trabalho de prestígio. A partir da análise de três modelos preditivos encontrou-se que otimismo e suporte emocional repercutem positivamente sobre a satisfação com a vida e sobre afetos positivos. Otimismo repercute negativamente sobre afetos negativos. Valores do trabalho de prestígio repercutem positivamente sobre afetos positivos. Valores de estabilidade repercutem negativamente sobre satisfação com a vida e sobre afetos positivos; e positivamente sobre afetos negativos. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que o estado otimista é um poderoso fator de impacto positivo sobre o estado de saúde denominado bem estar subjetivo.(AU)
To explore the images and perceptions of pharmacy with potential applicants to undergraduate pharmacy education. There is currently considerable interest in the UK in studying aspects of the pharmacy profession because of the changing pharmacy agenda and the need to understand the workforce and its motivations. Aim: To explore the images and perceptions of pharmacy with potential applicants to undergraduate pharmacy education. Design: Four interactive focus groups involving 40 volunteer year 12 students (age 17). The focus group theme plan was designed after a review of relevant literature. A novel approach was employed using photographic images of pharmacists and doctors in varied settings. Subjects and setting: The research was carried out in six schools in the West Midlands, UK. Results: The students presented a rather negative image of pharmacy as a boring occupation in a laboratory or the back of a shop. Most had little idea of what pharmacists actually do. Unlike nursing, they were unaware of positive role models in the media. The small number who did have a realistic idea of pharmacy based it on their previous work experience in pharmacy. Conclusions: The focus group technique is useful for exploring hitherto untapped perceptions of the profession. Undertaking research with year 12 students provided some useful insights into the ways in which pharmacy as a profession is perceived. Although no claims to generalisability are made here, the results were fed into the design of quantitative surveys. The somewhat negative image presented suggests that the profession has more work to do in marketing itself to young people as a potential career choice.
Objective: The debate surrounding the science/practice balance in the teaching of undergraduate pharmacy has been played out in the professional literature for years. The objective of this work was to explore the attitudes of pharmacy undergraduates on the practice-science debate. Setting: The study was undertaken as part of a national study of teaching, learning and assessment methods in United Kingdom (UK) schools of pharmacy. Method: Six focus groups were carried out. The sample was 44 volunteer students from nine UK schools of pharmacy, representing all 4 years of the MPharm programme. Groups were tape recorded and transcribed. Analysis of the transcripts was theme based by topic. Main Outcome Measure: Qualitative data on student attitudes and experiences. Results: Most students thought that there was too strong an emphasis placed on the science components of the course in the early part of their studies. Later in the course they realised that the majority of the science was necessary; it just had not been apparent to them at the time. There were strongly held attitudes across all 4 years that it would be beneficial to include more practice-related material at the beginning of their studies. This would be beneficial for three reasons: to make the course more interesting, to aid in the contextualisation of the science component and to assist the students in any early placement or vacational work. Conclusion: Internationally, changes to the role of the pharmacist from a traditional supply function to a more clinical role has resulted in differing educational needs for the pharmacist of the future. Pharmacy will remain a degree built on a strong scientific background, but students advise that the contextualisation and sequencing of material within the degree could make a considerable improvement to their learning. Consulting students helps us to understand the teaching, learning and assessment experience better by giving insights into ways of improving the delivery. In the case of the UK, there are legislative changes impending which may provide an opportunity to review the balance of practice-and science in the curriculum. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
This thesis is based on ethnographic research carried out on a Liverpool protest movement which occurred between November, 1980 and July,1983. The protest movement was waged by residents of the working class community of Croxteth Liverpool who wished to retain their state secondary school, Croxteth Comprehensive. The Liverpool City Council voted in favour of closing Croxteth Comprehensive in January, 1981 because of its declining roles. Residents began theIr campaign as soon as they became aware of intentions to close the school at the end of the previous year. The campaIgn itself went through a number of different phases, distinguishable accordIng to the groups of people involved, the strategy and tactics they employed, the ways in which they justified their campaign, and the goals they pursued. In July of 1982 the organisation which led the protest, the Croxteth Community Action Committee, took illegal possession of the school buildings and ran a pilot summer school project. In September of 1982 they opened the school doors for all secondary pupils on the council estate and began running classes, with the help of volunteer teachers. The school was run successfully in this way for the entire 1982/83 school year. By the end of this period the school was officially reinstated by a new Labour Party majorIty on the city council. This thesis presents a comprehensive account of the entire campaign, from its beginning to end. The campaign is analysed in a number of ways: by situating the closure itself in the economic and political conditions of Liverpool in the 1980s, by examining the relation of Croxteth Comprehensive to its community, by describing the conditions in which different groups of people contributed to the campaign and the changes it went through in its use of tactics, and through a close examination of the activities which took place inside the school during its year of occupation. A number of levels of analysis are used in the study. To explain the closure and the early forms of resistance which developed to oppose it, the structural location of the local government of Liverpool in the late 1970s and early 1980s is described. To explain the relationship of the school to its community, the formation of a group of activists and their leaders, and the resources available to the protestors for pursuing their aims, a single-group model of social action is used. To analyse the establishment of social routines and schooling practices within the school during its occupation, action-theoretica1 models are drawn upon., The chapters of literature review and concept analysis with which this thesis begins link these different levels theoretIcalIy through a model of actIon and its conditions. The theoretical framework employed is reviewed in the last chapter. It is one which could be used to study any social movement, and has applications to other social phenomena as well. Lastly various issues within the sociology of education are examined in light of the events which took place in Croxteth Comprehensive, especially the theory of community education.
Safety enforcement practitioners within Europe and marketers, designers or manufacturers of consumer products need to determine compliance with the legal test of "reasonable safety" for consumer goods, to reduce the "risks" of injury to the minimum. To enable freedom of movement of products, a method for safety appraisal is required for use as an "expert" system of hazard analysis by non-experts in safety testing of consumer goods for implementation consistently throughout Europe. Safety testing approaches and the concept of risk assessment and hazard analysis are reviewed in developing a model for appraising consumer product safety which seeks to integrate the human factors contribution of risk assessment, hazard perception, and information processing. The model develops a system of hazard identification, hazard analysis and risk assessment which can be applied to a wide range of consumer products through use of a series of systematic checklists and matrices and applies alternative numerical and graphical methods for calculating a final product safety risk assessment score. It is then applied in its pilot form by selected "volunteer" Trading Standards Departments to a sample of consumer products. A series of questionnaires is used to select participating Trading Standards Departments, to explore the contribution of potential subjective influences, to establish views regarding the usability and reliability of the model and any preferences for the risk assessment scoring system used. The outcome of the two stage hazard analysis and risk assessment process is considered to determine consistency in results of hazard analysis, final decisions regarding the safety of the sample product and to determine any correlation in the decisions made using the model and alternative scoring methods of risk assessment. The research also identifies a number of opportunities for future work, and indicates a number of areas where further work has already begun.
The bioequivalence of sustained release theophylline formulations, marketed in the United Kingdom, has been investigated in relation to the co-administration of food in both single dose and steady state volunteer studies. The effect of food on pharmacokinetic parameters and their clinical relevance was researched. Experimentation using drug induced modification of gastric motility to ascertain the component influences of the rate of gastric emptying on the absorption of theophylline from sustained release formulations was conducted. Prolongation of time to maximum plasma theophylline concentration by food reported in the literature and its clinical importance was investigated in once daily compared with twice daily administration of sustained release theophylline formulations and smoking habit. The correlation between saliva and plasma theophylline concentrations as a means of developing a non-invasive sampling techniques was examined. Data obtained from in vitro dissolution studies was compared with in vivo results. This thesis has shown no significant differences occurred in the pharmacokinetic parameters measured between sustained release formulations available in the United Kingdom. The investigations into the influence of food on prolongation of time to maximum plasma theophylline concentration and other measured pharmacokinetic parameters demonstrated no important pharmacokinetic or clinical effects. Smoking adults taking sustained release theophylline formulations had similar drug clearances to those reported in the literature for smokers taking plain uncoated theophylline formulations. KEY WORDS Bioequivalence Theophylline Sustained Release Food Pharmacokinetics RONALD PURKISS SUBMITTED FOR
This study was designed to evaluate the effects of certain orally active contraceptive steroids on the eye, related to the tolerance of a corneal contact lens. An oestrogen, ethinyloestradiol BP. 0.05 mg, a progestogen, norethisterone acetate BP. 2.50 mg and a control tablet (vitamin C, 50 mg) were utilised. The effect of these preparations on corneal curvature, lacrimal fluid volume and protein composition and directly on corneal lens tolerance was monitored in a group of 23 volunteer patients. The progestogen was found to produce a significant (P≥ 0.05) decrease in tear volume as measured by a 3 minute Schirmer test. A smaller volume reduction was observed with ethinyloestradiol. A normal cornea appears unaffected, within the measurement limits available, by the use of either hormone. However, in the presence of a corneal lens, oestrogen was found to induce substantial corneal steepening, indicative of tissue oedema, during the initial 2-3 weeks of medication. Progestogen occasionally produced a similar effect, which could recur with either hormone shortly after the end of the treatment period. A new method of acrylamide gel electrophoresis was developed for examination of the protein concentration and composition of lacrimal fluid. This allowed much greater resolution of microquantities of unconcentrated fluid than anything previously reported. Quantitation by densitometry has permitted the recording of medication and lens-induced changes in the protein pattern. Tear albumin has been shown to differ from serum albumin and to consist of up to 3 subfractions, 7 further protein fractions may also be resolved. The concentration and probable origin of these proteins have been established and the overall effects of hormone administration described. Individual idiosyncratic responses are also discussed. The study has established tbenature of some effects of contraceptive steroids on the anterior eye, and the probable reasons for resultant corneal lens intolerance.