994 resultados para Urban solid residues landfills
Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão da Água
Cats are the definitive hosts of Toxoplasma gondii. Infected cats excrete oocysts in their feces, infecting humans and other animals. The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in cat owners and their pets, and determine if there was a relationship between Toxoplasma infection and humans who live with infected cats. IgG anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in sera of 59 cat owners were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in 24 sera from their cats, IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies were found using Burney's ELISA. Thirty-eight (64%) of 59 cat owners were positive to IgG anti-Toxoplasma. Seropositivity for cats was 70.8% IgG, 8.3% IgM, and 62.5% IgA. Cohabitation with cats infected by T. gondii, feeding with leftovers or raw viscera, and lack of control over how their feces were handled are risk factors conducive for humans to become infected by T. gondii.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
In this study the authors used the Elisa-based antigen detection tests that distinguish E. histolytica from E. dispar to examine the prevalence of E. histolytica infection in individuals from an urban slum in Fortaleza, Northeastern, Brazil. This test has a sensitivity and specificity that is comparable to PCR and isoenzyme analysis, which is the gold standard. Single stools samples were obtained from 735 individuals. The prevalence of E. histolytica infection was 14.9% (110/735) and 25.4%(187/735) for E. dispar-E. histolytica complex. The most affected age group for E. histolytica /E. histolytica-E. dispar infection was the 1-5 year olds but there was no remarkable decrease with age. There was no significant difference in colonization rates between males and females. The results from this survey demonstrate that E. histolytica is highly prevalent in the Community studied. Furthermore, it offers promise for the antigen detection test as a sensitive and technically simple tool for detecting E. histolytica infection in the field.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Engineering Sciences and Technology
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ecologia Humana e Problemas Sociais Contemporâneos
9th International Masonry Conference 2014, 7-9 July, Universidade do Minho, Guimarães
In order to understand the determinants of human infection by Leishmania chagasi in an urban area, a cross-sectional population based study was conducted using molecular and serologic methods to identify infection. Participants were interviewed using a pre-coded questionnaire. Two criteria were tested to identify risk factors: Model 1- including all participants positive in hybridization by Leishmania donovani complex probe; Model 2- including all participants positive for hybridization and at least one serologic test. In Model 1, the variables associated with infection were: ownership of birds, time spent outside house between 6:00-10:00 PM and garbage not collected. In Model 2, the variables associated with infection were: family with knowledge of the vector, garbage not collected, garbage not removed or buried, ownership of birds and eroded areas in the neighborhood. The risk factors identified were associated with household conditions, presence of animals and the likelihood of contact with phlebotomine sandflies.
XIII DBMC – 12th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components,2-5 September 2014, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia do Ambiente
A population-based cross-sectional study was set up in Sabará country, Southeastern Brazil, to identify asymptomatic human visceral leishmaniasis in an urban area of low disease prevalence. Blood was collected on filter paper (n=1,604 inhabitants) and examined by indirect immunofluorescent test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunochromatographic strip test. The prevalence rates of infection ranged from 2.4 to 5.6% depending on the test used. One year later, venous blood was collected in a subset of 226 participants (102 seropositive and 124 seronegative). The tests performed were IFAT, ELISA, rk39-ELISA, polymerase chain reaction and hybridization with Leishmania donovani complex probe. No clinical signs or symptoms of leishmaniasis were observed. Using hybridization as a reference test, the sensitivity and specificity of serology were respectively: 24.8 and 71% (ELISA); 26.3 and 76.3% (rk-39); 30.1 and 63.4% (IFAT). Due to disagreements, different criteria were tested to define the infection and hybridization should be considered in epidemiological studies.
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that has emerged to cause epidemics in urban communities in developing countries. However, little is known about the infection in the general population. A seroprevalence survey was performed on a random sample of 1,390 subjects in Salvador, Brazil. Data on environmental and socioeconomic factors were collected. The microagglutination test of serum samples was used to show any prior Leptospira infection. The overall seroprevalence was 12.4%. Among the seropositive individuals, 111 (61%) had high titers for serovars of the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup. Seroprevalence increased with age and was similar for males and females. A positive correlation between Leptospira infection and low educational level was found. These findings indicate that a significant proportion of this urban population is exposed to pathogenic Leptospira. Public health actions for leptospirosis control will need to target not only the traditional groups at risk of infection with severe forms of this disease, but also the general population that is at risk.
The objective of the present study was to investigate the frequency and risk factors for developing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Cabo de Santo Agostinho, PE. This was a prospective study conducted from 2000 to 2003, in which suspected cases were investigated using bacilloscopy and culturing. Out of 232 confirmed cases of tuberculosis, culturing and antibiotic susceptibility tests were performed on 174. Thirty-five of the 174 cultures showed resistance to all drugs. The frequencies of primary and acquired resistance to any drug were 14% and 50% respectively, while the frequencies of primary and acquired multidrug resistance were 8.3% and 40%. Previous tuberculosis treatment and abandonment of treatment were risk factors for drug resistance. The high levels of primary and acquired resistance to the combination of isoniazid and rifampicin contributed towards the difficulties in controlling tuberculosis transmission in the city.
Sabe-se que aproximadamente 30% do material produzido pela indústria cerâmica é considerado desperdício e, frequentemente, depositado em aterro, com o impacto ambiental negativo que acarreta. Esta tem sido uma das grandes motivações para a crescente investigação que tem sido levada a cabo a fim de obter soluções viáveis para a sua reintrodução no processo produtivo. A viabilidade do uso de resíduos de material cerâmico tem vindo a ser avaliada, principalmente, na incorporação em betões ou em argamassas com base em cimento. Na antiguidade e na ausência de pozolanas naturais, eram frequentemente utilizados resíduos cerâmicos moídos, atuando como pozolanas artificiais e conferindo algumas características hidráulicas e de durabilidade às argamassas de cal aérea. Temse efetivamente constatado que alguns pós resultantes de desperdícios de cerâmica de barro vermelho, nomeadamente os que foram sujeitos a tratamento térmico a temperaturas inferiores a 900°C e moídos em granulometria fina, podem funcionar como pozolanas artificiais em argamassas. A introdução de resíduos de cerâmica em granulometria mais grossa nas argamassas, como agregado, pode também revelarse vantajoso, na medida em que permite substituir parcialmente a areia normalmente utilizada. Assim sendo, o recurso aos resíduos de cerâmica pode ser muito vantajoso em três vertentes principais: a redução de resíduos a depositar em aterro, a redução da extração de rochas para serem utilizadas na produção de ligantes e de areias e a produção de argamassas com comportamentos melhorados. Com o objetivo de analisar a viabilidade da introdução de resíduos de cerâmica em argamassas, que se pretendem sejam, essencialmente, adequadas como argamassas de substituição, tem vindo a ser desenvolvida investigação na Universidade de Coimbra em colaboração com a Universidade Nova de Lisboa. O trabalho que se apresenta neste artigo é uma pequena parte dessa investigação. Toda esta investigação tem tido o apoio de um projeto de investigação financiado pela FCT.