978 resultados para Unilateral distalization


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The association of unilateral trochlear nerve palsy with Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome represents a rare clinical condition. We present the case of a patient with this unusual presentation. The investigation performed implicated cerebrovascular disease as the underlying cause of the condition in this patient. © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Introduction: Otoacoustic emissions can be an alternative for cochlear evaluation in noise induced hearing loss (NIHL). Objective: To investigate the correlation between the findings of audiometry results and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) in the military police. Method: from cross-sectional and retrospective study, 200 military police officers were submitted to audiological evaluation - pure tone audiometry and DPOAE. Results: considering the provisions of Ordinance 19 of the Labour Department, the results were suggestive of induced hearing loss by high sound pressure levels in 58 individuals, distributed as follows: 28 (48.3%) bilateral cases and 30 (51.7%) unilateral cases, and 15 (25.85%) in each ear. The correlation between the audiometric and DPOAE showed statistical significance in most of the frequencies tested in both ears, confirming that the greater the degree of hearing loss, the smaller the DPOAE amplitudes. In addition, there was observed significant difference between the DPOAEs amplitudes of normal subjects and listeners with hearing loss, confirming the lowering of responses in the group with hearing loss. Conclusion: considering that the correlation between pure tone audiometry and DPOAE, we conclude that otoacoustic emissions can be a complementary tool for the detection and control of NIHL in military police.


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There are situations which the tomographic exam is done on the affected hip or situations where the contralateral hip presents abnormalities that make it impossible to compare. In this study we aimed to evaluate a tomographic index that does not require comparison between the both hips. Twenty two patients with unilateral acetabular fracture dislocation with fracture of posterior wall were studied. We established the relationship between the remaining posterior wall and the femoral head diameter (head/wall index-H/W index). We evaluated 45 two-dimensional computed tomography scan in normal hips and established the H/W index. In 45 normal hips we simulated a posterior wall fracture with involvement of 25% and 30% of the posterior wall and calculated the H/W index. We divided into five groups with five different H/W index (fractured group with non surgical treatment; fractured group; normal group; normal group with simulated fracture of 25% and; 30% of the posterior wall). 2.4 was the lowest limit of confidence interval of the group with 25% of the posterior wall fracture. When we analyzed the confidence interval of the 30% fracture group the upper limit of the confidence interval was 2.7, close to the lower limit of the surgical group that was 2.9. Thus, we suggest the 2.4 the H/W index limit as an auxiliary criteria to indicate whether or not to operate. H/W index is helpful to decide whether or not surgery indication in the fracture dislocation of the posterior wall of the acetabulum. © 2012 Fujiki et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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This article presents a case report of autogenous tooth transplantation to the site of the fissure, in addition to bone augmentation with graft of autogenous bone harvested from the iliac crest, performed in a cleft palate patient, who had insufficient bone volume. A non-syndromic 10-year-old girl, with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, incisal transforamen fissures, agenesis of the maxillary left central incisor and both maxillary lateral incisors, was treated with autogenous bone graft in the cleft area. The orthodontic treatment plan was to replace the missing lateral incisors with the maxillary canines and to extract the mandibular first premolars. One of the mandibular premolars was extracted from its site with 2/3 of its root formation completed and transplanted to the maxillary left central incisor area. After orthodontic treatment, the anatomic crowns were characterized with composite resin. Autogenous tooth transplantation can be performed in the area of the fissure in young cleft palate patients, by performing bone graft augmentation before transplantation of the tooth, to gain sufficient recipient alveolar bone volume. A multidisciplinary approach is mandatory for the success of this clinical procedure, especially in cleft palate patients. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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The use of conventional anthelmintic has been a growing concern among consumers who have become more and stricter toward drug residues in products of animal origin. Thus, this research aimed to evaluate the anthelmintic effect of alcoholic extract of propolis, at 30% of concentration, in naturally infected calves. Twelve calves weighting 60 kg and aging 90 days old were used. The treatments were performed by direct oral administration of 10 mL of EAP. The calves received the extract at every 8 h intervals, for five consecutive days. The results were evaluated comprising the detection of light and heavy eggs counted per gram of feces (EPG), immediately before and after treatment, calculating the percentage of reduction. For the statistical analysis, the results were evaluated by Wilcoxon unilateral test of signed points at 5% probability. Trichostrongylus sp. and Strongyloides sp. were found. After treatment, 83% of animals showed an average decrease of 48.48% per counting of EPG. Therefore, propolis may represent an important adjunctive therapy to control helminthiasis in cattle. It was particularly important in ecological organic and biological-dynamic systems of production, whose use of chemicals is prohibitive and limiting factor for certification.


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This study aimed to determine whether: i) tethered-swimming can be used to identify the asymmetry during front crawl swimming style; ii) swimmers that perform unilateral breathing present greater asymmetry in comparison to others that use bilateral breathing; iii) swimmers of best performance present smaller asymmetry than their counterparts; iv) repeated front crawl swimming movements influence body asymmetry. 18 swimmers were assessed for propulsive force parameters (peak force, mean force, impulse and rate of force development) during a maximal front crawl tethered-swimming test lasting 2 min. A factorial analysis showed that propulsive forces decreased at the beginning, intermediate and end of the test (p<0.05), but the asymmetries were not changed at different instants of the test. When breathing preference (uni- or bilateral) was analyzed, asymmetry remained unchanged in all force parameters (p>0.05). When performance was considered (below or above mean group time), a larger asymmetry was found in the sub-group of lower performance in comparison to those of best performance (p<0.05). Therefore, the asymmetries of the propulsive forces can be detected using tethered-swimming. The propulsive forces decreased during the test but asymmetries did not change under testing conditions. Although breathing preference did not influence asymmetry, swimmers with best performance were less asymmetric than their counterparts. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart New York.


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The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the effects of unilateral and bilateral jugular vein occlusion by temporary surgical ligature on the heart rate and arterial and venous blood pressure in sedentary horses during progressive treadmill exercise. Six horses performed three exercise tests (ET). ET1, considered the control, was performed in horses without jugular occlusions. ET2 and ET3 were performed with unilateral and bilateral occlusion by temporary surgical ligature of the jugular veins, respectively. Heart rate, arterial pressure, and pressure of the occluded jugular vein were evaluated. Clinically, the horses presented apathy, head edema, congested mucous membranes, increased capillary refill time, and dysphagia. These signs were observed with the unilateral jugular vein occlusion and became more evident with the bilateral occlusion. Comparing ETs, no differences were observed in heart rate. However, jugular occlusions promoted a decrease in the mean arterial pressure and a severe increase in jugular pressure. Head edema caused by the jugular vein occlusion in the horses could interfere with the autonomic cardiovascular regulation of arterial blood pressure during exercise, likely leading to an impairment of tissue perfusion. Jugular occlusion, even unilateral, also causes severe head venous congestion, leading to venous hypertension that was aggravated by exercise, which could risk development of cerebral edema and neurological damage. The present results obtained from sedentary horses are preliminary data that lead us to suggest that sport horses presenting jugular occlusive thrombophlebitis, even unilateral, may be prevented from performing athletic activities. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A 5-year-old Mangalarga mare was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Veterinary Medical School in Botucatu with a complaint of a persistent 2-month ovarian follicle which had grown progressively to 20 cm in diameter. Ultrasonography showed a circular, cystic structure in the right ovary, whose wall was thickened and interior was filled with anechoic content. Ovarian neoplasia was suspected, and a unilateral ovariectomy was performed through the paralumbar fossa, using general anesthesia through inhalation. Histopathological evaluation concluded that the ovarian enlargement was caused by a fibrothecoma. The present report describes features of fibrothecoma, which is extremely rare in the equine species. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The trigeminal nerve, fifth equal of cranial nerves, a mixed nerve is considered by possessing motor and sensitive components. The sensitive portion takes to the Nervous System Central somesthesics information from the skin and mucous membrane of great area of the face, being responsible also for a neural disease, known as the Trigeminal Neuralgia. The aim of this study was to review the literature on the main characteristics of Trigeminal Neuralgia, the relevant aspects for the diagnosis and treatment options for this pathology. This neuralgia is characterized by hard pains and sudden, similar to electric discharges, with duration between a few seconds to two minutes, in the trigeminal nerve sensorial distribution. The pain is unchained by light touches in specific points in the skin of the face or for movements of the facial muscles, it can be caused by traumatic sequels or physiologic processes degenerative associate the vascular compression. Prevails in the senior population, frequently in the woman. In a unilateral way it attacks more the maxillary and mandibular divisions, rarely happens in a simultaneous way in the three branches of trigeminal nerve three branches.


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Aim: Central chemoreceptors are important to detect changes of CO2/H+, and the Locus coeruleus (LC) is one of the many putative central chemoreceptor sites. Here, we studied the contribution of LC glutamatergic receptors on ventilatory, cardiovascular and thermal responses to hypercapnia. Methods: To this end, we determined pulmonary ventilation (VE), body temperatures (Tb), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) of male Wistar rats before and after unilateral microinjection of kynurenic acid (KY, an ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonist, 10 nmol/0.1 μL) or α-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG, a metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist, 10 nmol/0.1 μL) into the LC, followed by 60 min of air breathing or hypercapnia exposure (7% CO2). Results: Ventilatory response to hypercapnia was higher in animals treated with KY intra-LC (1918.7 ± 275.4) compared with the control group (1057.8 ± 213.9, P < 0.01). However, the MCPG treatment within the LC had no effect on the hypercapnia-induced hyperpnea. The cardiovascular and thermal controls were not affected by hypercapnia or by the injection of KY and MCPG in the LC. Conclusion: These data suggest that glutamate acting on ionotropic, but not metabotropic, receptors in the LC exerts an inhibitory modulation of hypercapnia-induced hyperpnea. © 2013 Scandinavian Physiological Society.


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The morphologically undivided ventricle of the heart in non-crocodilian reptiles permits the mixing of oxygen-rich blood returning from the lungs and oxygen-poor blood from the systemic circulation. A possible functional significance for this intra-cardiac shunt has been debated for almost a century. Unilateral left vagotomy rendered the single effective pulmonary artery of the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus, unable to adjust the magnitude of blood flow to the lung. The higher constant perfusion of the lung circulation and the incapability of adjusting the right-left shunt in left-denervated snakes persisted over time, providing a unique model for investigation of the long-term consequences of cardiac shunting in a squamate. Oxygen uptake recorded at rest and during spontaneous and forced activity was not affected by removing control of the cardiac shunt. Furthermore, metabolic rate and energetic balance during the post-prandial metabolic increment, plus the food conversion efficiency and growth rate, were all similarly unaffected. These results show that control of cardiac shunting is not associated with a clear functional advantage in adjusting metabolic rate, effectiveness of digestion or growth rates. © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.