718 resultados para Unconventional Superconductivity
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) provide a competitive technology for EV traction drives owing to their high power density and high efficiency. In this paper, three types of interior PMSMs with different PM arrangements are modeled by the finite element method (FEM). For a given amount of permanent magnet materials, the V-shape interior PMSM is found better than the U-shape and the conventional rotor topologies for EV traction drives. Then the V-shape interior PMSM is further analyzed with the effects of stator slot opening and the permanent magnet pole chamfering on cogging torque and output torque performance. A vector-controlled flux-weakening method is developed and simulated in Matlab to expand the motor speed range for EV drive system. The results show good dynamic and steady-state performance with a capability of expanding speed up to four times of the rated. A prototype of the V-shape interior PMSM is also manufactured and tested to validate the numerical models built by the FEM.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
What is the relation between monetary policy and inequalities in income and wealth? This question has received insufficient attention, especially in light of the unconventional policies introduced since the 2008 financial crisis. The article analyzes three ways in which the concern central banks show for inequalities in their official statements remains incomplete and underdeveloped. First, central banks tend to care about inequality for instrumental reasons only. When they do assign intrinsic value to containing inequalities, they shy away from trade-offs with the standard objectives of monetary policy that such a position entails. Second, central banks play down the causal impact monetary policy has on inequalities. When they do acknowledge it, they defend their actions by claiming that it is an unintended side effect, that it is temporary, and/or that any alternative policy would fare even worse. The article appeals to the doctrine of double effect to criticize these arguments. Third, even if one accepts that inequalities should be contained and that today’s monetary policies exacerbate them, is it both desirable and feasible to make containing inequalities part of the mandate of central banks? The article analyzes and rejects three attempts on the part of central banks to answer this question negatively.
Cette étude propose l’analyse de représentations queer dans le cinéma des années 2000. Plus précisément, elle porte sur la façon dont l’abus sexuel au masculin est représenté dans deux films produits en 2004, soit La mauvaise éducation (La mala educación), du réalisateur espagnol Pedro Almodovar, et Mysterious Skin, du réalisateur étatsunien Gregg Araki. À l’aide de la réflexion contenue dans Ça arrive aussi aux garçons : l’abus sexuel au masculin du sociologue Michel Dorais, l’objectif vise à démontrer comment cet événement traumatique influence de manière significative la construction identitaire et sexuelle des personnages principaux. De manière plus générale, ce mémoire positionne ces deux réalisateurs dans la grande et riche lignée du cinéma queer, qui met en scène des désirs hors norme et des identités sexuelles alternatives. Le premier chapitre porte sur les théories queer et ses diverses manifestations au grand écran. Il permet par la suite de réunir Almódovar et Araki dans une même étude et de souligner la pertinence de cette réunion. Le deuxième chapitre s’intéresse, à l’aide d’analyses d’extraits significatifs des films, à la façon dont chacun met en scène l’abus sexuel au masculin et comment cet événement se présente dans la vie des protagonistes. Le dernier chapitre se penche sur la construction identitaire et sexuelle des personnages principaux, afin de mieux comprendre l’incidence de l’abus sexuel. Jumelée aux travaux de Judith Butler, l’approche queer sera donc mise de l’avant dans cette étude qui se montre d’emblée attentive, d’un point de vue cinématographique, aux notions de sexe, de genre et de désir, et ce, à travers l’analyse de plusieurs extraits filmiques et d’éléments à la fois narratifs et structurels particulièrement significatifs quant à la représentation de l’abus sexuel au masculin.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
Vivemos um momento de crise, com profundas mudanças globais, a nível político, económico-social e tecnológico, que afetam todos os setores de atividade de forma transversal. A iluminação não está de forma alguma imune a estas alterações. A sobrevivência das empresas requer uma atenção permanente às mudanças do mercado. As formas tradicionais de olhar os mercados e os consumidores, podem tornar-se insuficientes face à rapidez com que as mudanças ocorrem. Algumas metodologias heterodoxas de abordagem ao mercado, como é o caso do coolhunting, começam a ser olhadas de outra forma. Uma das limitações apresentadas na literatura relativamente ao coolhunting é o peso da intuição ou de outras metodologias subjetivas nos resultados obtidos. Numa altura de escassez de recursos, poderá ser problemático para um empresário apostar recursos sem poder contar com números na tomada de decisão, mas apenas em imagens e conceitos. Partindo dos resultados qualitativos de um relatório de coolhunting, este Projeto de Mestrado propõe-se criar e testar uma metodologia que seja capaz de fazer uma análise quantitativa desses resultados de forma que seja possível responder à questão: num determinado mercado que conceitos-chave poderão ter um maior potencial de difusão? Um conjunto de países, de entre os chamados BRIC e os PALOP, foram escolhidos para testar a metodologia. Foi assim possível obter valores em forma de índice comparativo desse potencial de difusão. A metodologia utilizada tem ainda um grande potencial de aperfeiçoamento. Na parte final é apresentada um conjunto de pistas com este objetivo.
En este trabajo se presenta la descripción e investigación en la evaluación de vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) y la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum) en el diseño de humedales artificiales. Para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de origen doméstico, siendo la vegetación uno de los principales componentes de estos sistemas de tratamientos no convencionales. Muchos \sistemas naturales" están siendo considerados con el propósito del tratamiento del agua residual y control de la contaminación del agua, debido a su alta fiabilidad ambiental y los bajos costos de construcción y mantenimiento, es el caso de los humedales artificiales. El interés en los sistemas naturales está basado en la conservación de los recursos asociados con estos sistemas como opuesto al proceso de tratamiento convencional de aguas residuales que es intensivo respecto al uso de energía y químicos. Los wetlands o humedales artificiales constituyen una alternativa de tratamiento debido a su alta eficiencia de remoción de contaminantes, a su bajo costo de instalación y mantenimiento y a su alta fiabilidad ambiental, generalmente un humedal artificial esta constituido por un medio de soporte el cual generalmente es arena o grava, vegetación y microorganismos o biopelícula los cuales llevan los diferentes procesos bioquímicos para remover los contaminantes del afluente. El objetivo general de este trabajo ha sido: Evaluar la eficiencia de remoción de materia orgánica, sólidos, nitrógeno y fósforo total de dos especies de plantas: vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) y la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum), en el diseño de humedales artificiales para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de origen doméstico. Los humedales artificiales o sistemas pilotos, se encuentran ubicados en la universidad de Medellín y reciben una preparación de agua sintética, que asemeja a las características de un agua residual de origen doméstico. En el presente trabajo se evalúa el porcentaje de remoción de la carga orgánica de aguas residuales, en un sistema de tratamiento por humedales artificiales con dos especies vegetales. El sistema fue diseñado con tres módulos instalados de manera adjunta. En el primero no se integra ninguna especie vegetal, solo el medio de sustrato el cual constituye el blanco (-), en el segundo se integraron organismos de la especie vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), en el tercer sistema piloto, organismos de la especie elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum) y en el cuarto organismos de la especie papiro japones (Cyperus alternifolius), los cuales constituyen el control positivo (+). Los módulos experimentales fueron limpiados, cortados y adecuados acorde al montaje inicial de las plantas y al espacio requerido para su disposición. A cada sistema piloto se le agrega medio de soporte constituido por grava (5 a 10 cm) y arena (15 a 20 cm), el sustrato es evaluado y caracterizado por su diámetro nominal, posterior en cada sistema se siembran las especies en un área de 3x3 y cada humedal por dos semanas se adecua bajo la solución de Hoagland y Arnon y régimen de humedad. En el agua sintética se analizaron los siguientes parámetros: pH, sólidos totales, sólidos suspendido totales, sólidos disueltos totales, demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5), nitrógeno total (NTK) y fosforo total (PT). También se realizó la determinación del crecimiento de las plantas a partir del incremento de biomasa, porosidad de la raíz y de igual forma se determina NTK y PT. Los resultados demostraron que el sistema es una opción para la remoción de la carga orgánica y de nutrientes en aguas residuales de origen doméstico, de bajo costo de operación y mantenimiento, especialmente se observa que las plantas que crecen en sistemas de régimen de humedad ácuico y ústico, tienden a tener una mayor recepción y adaptación en los humedales artificiales pilotos, es el caso de la elefanta (Pennisetum purpureum), el cual presenta las más altas tasas de remoción de contaminantes y nutrientes en el afluente, seguido por el papiro japonés (Cyperus alternifolius) y el vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), respecto a tasas de remoción. La remoción de contaminantes que se presentan más altos respectivamente, constituyen sólidos en primera instancia, seguido por la demanda bioquímica de oxigeno (DBO5), demanda química de oxígeno (DQO), nitrógeno total (NTK) y fósforo total (PT), estos últimos presentan una baja tasa de remoción, debido a la naturaleza misma del contaminante, a los organismos que realizan la remoción y absorción y al tiempo de retención que se elige, el cual influye en la tasa de remoción del contaminante siendo menor en la concentración de fósforo, pero se encuentranen el rango esperado para estos sistemas de tratamiento no convencionales.
The mercury-indium phase diagram has been investigated over the whole composition range from -78°C to the melting point of indium, using thermal analysis, X-ray and superconductivity techniques. This is believed to be the first application of superconductivity measurements to phase diagram investigations. A compound, HgIn, of very limited range of composition, melts congruently at -19.3°C; and gives rise to eutectics at 61.5 at. % indium and -31°C, and at 34.7% indium and -37.2°C. The β phase extends from 2.5 to 19.1 % indium and has a maximum melting point of -14.2°C at 14.2% indium. It forms a peritectic or eutectic at a temperature indistinguishable from the melting point of pure mercury with a solid solution in mercury containing some, but less than 0.3%, indium. A transition from face-centred tetragonal to face-centred cubic in the indium-rich solid solutions at about 93% indium gives rise to a peritectic at 108°C. The solubility of mercury in this face-centred cubic phase falls from about 22% at-31°C to 13% at -78°C. © 1963.
The Zr isotope effect appears to be much stronger in ZrB12 than in elemental Zr (the B isotope effect in ZrB12 is known to be small). The superconductivity of ZrB12 is apparently caused by optical phonon modes associated with the internal motion of Zr atoms inside boron cages. © 1971.
The first section of this unfinished novel, titled Silk Butterflies is a diptych about a woman named Sarah, and her desire to acquire ancestral truth regarding her identity to negate the pain she feels from losing her unborn child. Her story, told in a guarded, first person point-of-view is paralleled with Ling’s story, an unconventional, ninety-two year old Shanghainese woman who, against her desires, had her feet bound in China during the early 1920’s. Ling’s story is also told from a lyrical first-person perspective that focuses especially on sensory details, and delves into the sacrifices we make to attain standards of beauty, and the loss Ling has never recovered from. As this historical fiction progresses, their stories overlap in an unexpected way, as both Sarah and Ling attempt to revitalize forgotten histories, including how Sarah’s grandparents fled to Shanghai in the 1930’s to escape Nazi persecution during World War II.
Despite record-setting performance demonstrated by superconducting Transition Edge Sensors (TESs) and growing utilization of the technology, a theoretical model of the physics governing TES devices superconducting phase transition has proven elusive. Earlier attempts to describe TESs assumed them to be uniform superconductors. Sadleir et al. 2010 shows that TESs are weak links and that the superconducting order parameter strength has significant spatial variation. Measurements are presented of the temperature T and magnetic field B dependence of the critical current Ic measured over 7 orders of magnitude on square Mo/Au bilayers ranging in length from 8 to 290 microns. We find our measurements have a natural explanation in terms of a spatially varying order parameter that is enhanced in proximity to the higher transition temperature superconducting leads (the longitudinal proximity effect) and suppressed in proximity to the added normal metal structures (the lateral inverse proximity effect). These in-plane proximity effects and scaling relations are observed over unprecedentedly long lengths (in excess of 1000 times the mean free path) and explained in terms of a Ginzburg-Landau model. Our low temperature Ic(B) measurements are found to agree with a general derivation of a superconducting strip with an edge or geometric barrier to vortex entry and we also derive two conditions that lead to Ic rectification. At high temperatures the Ic(B) exhibits distinct Josephson effect behavior over long length scales and following functional dependences not previously reported. We also investigate how film stress changes the transition, explain some transition features in terms of a nonequilibrium superconductivity effect, and show that our measurements of the resistive transition are not consistent with a percolating resistor network model.
In this work, we study the Zeeman splitting effects in the parallel magnetic field versus temperature phase diagram of two-dimensional superconductors with one graphene-like band and the orbital effects of perpendicular magnetic fields in isotropic two-dimensional semi-metallic superconductors. We show that when parallel magnetic fields are applied to graphene and as the intraband interaction decreases to a critical value, the width of the metastability region present in the phase diagram decreases, vanishing completely at that critical value. In the case of two-band superconductors with one graphene-like band, a new critical interaction, associated primarily with the graphene-like band, is required in order for a second metastability region to be present in the phase diagram. For intermediate values of this interaction, a low-temperature first-order transition line bifurcates at an intermediate temperature into a first-order transition between superconducting phases and a second-order transition line between the normal and the superconducting states. In our study on the upper critical fields in generic semi-metallic superconductors, we find that the pair propagator decays faster than that of a superconductor with a metallic band. As result, the zero field band gap equation does not have solution for weak intraband interactions, meaning that there is a critical intraband interaction value in order for a superconducting phase to be present in semi-metallic superconductors. Finally, we show that the out-of-plane critical magnetic field versus temperature phase diagram displays a positive curvature, contrasting with the parabolic-like behaviour typical of metallic superconductors.
The text of this thesis provides historical introduction to the two studies Theoretical Model of Superconductivity and the Martensitic Transformation in A15 Compounds" and "A Comparison of Kadanoff-Migdal Renormalization with New Monte Carlo Results for the XY Model", contained herein as appendices.