980 resultados para Type IV collagen


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Operationsziel Geschlossene, anatomische Reposition und sichere Fixation von problematischen suprakondylären Typ-III- und Typ-IV-Humerusfrakturen, die mit den herkömmlichen Operationsmethoden nur schwierig geschlossen zu behandeln sind. Indikationen Gemäß der AO-Kinderklassifikation der suprakondylären Humerusfrakturen vom Typ III und IV: Frakturen, welche nicht geschlossen mittels üblicher Repositionsmethoden reponierbar sind sowie Frakturen, die nicht mittels der üblichen, gekreuzten perkutanen Kirschner-Draht-Technik zu fixieren sind. Bei schweren Schwellungszuständen, offener Fraktur oder initial neurologischen und/oder vaskulären Problemen („pulseless pink hand“) sowie bei mehrfachverletzten Kindern, welche eine optimale Rehabilitation benötigen und die Extremität gipsfrei sein sollte. Bei Kindern mit Komorbiditäten (z. B. Anfälle, Spastizität), die eine bessere Stabilität benötigen. Kontraindikationen Prinzipiell keine Kontraindikationen Operationstechnik Im nichtreponierten Zustand unter Durchleuchtungskontrolle Einbringen einer einzelnen Schanz-Schraube in den lateralen (radialen) Aspekt des distalen Fragments, welches sich in der streng seitlichen Röntgenprojektion als „Sand-Uhr“- bzw. Kreisform des Capitulum humeri darstellt. Je nach Größe dieses distalen Fragments kann die Schanz-Schraube rein epiphysär oder metaphysär liegen. Danach in absolut streng seitlicher Projektion des distalen Humerus im Bereich des meta-diaphysären Übergangs Einbohren einer 2. Schanz-Schraube unabhängig von der Ersten, die möglichst rechtwinklig zur Längsachse des Humerus in der a.-p.-Ebene zu liegen kommen sollte, um spätere Manipulationen mittels „Joy-Stick“-Technik zu erleichtern. Sind die beiden Schanz-Schrauben mehr oder weniger in beiden Ebenen parallel, so ist die Fraktur praktisch anatomisch reponiert. Nach erreichter Reposition Feinjustierung aller Achskomponenten. Sicherung der Flexion/Extension mittels einem von radial, distal eingebrachten sog. Anti-Rotations-Kirschner-Drahts, der die Stabilität signifikant erhöht und eine Drehung des distalen Fragments um die einzelne Schanz-Schraube verhindert. Postoperative Behandlung Keine zusätzliche Gipsruhigstellung notwendig. Es sollte eine funktionelle Nachbehandlung erfolgen. Ergebnisse Gemäß unserer Langzeitstudien bewegen die meisten Kinder bereits zum Zeitpunkt der ambulanten Pin-Entfernung in der Frakturambulanz ihren Ellbogen weitgehend normal. Bei einer Follow-up-Zeit über 40 Monate hatten 30/31 Kindern eine seitengleiche Achse und Beweglichkeit.


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Unbalanced (major route) additional cytogenetic aberrations (ACA) at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) indicate an increased risk of progression and shorter survival. Moreover, newly arising ACA under imatinib treatment and clonal evolution are considered features of acceleration and define failure of therapy according to the European LeukemiaNet (ELN) recommendations. On the basis of 1151 Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic phase patients of the randomized CML-study IV, we examined the incidence of newly arising ACA under imatinib treatment with regard to the p210BCR-ABL breakpoint variants b2a2 and b3a2. We found a preferential acquisition of unbalanced ACA in patients with b3a2 vs. b2a2 fusion type (ratio: 6.3 vs. 1.6, p = 0.0246) concurring with a faster progress to blast crisis for b3a2 patients (p = 0.0124). ESPL1/Separase, a cysteine endopeptidase, is a key player in chromosomal segregation during mitosis. Separase overexpression and/or hyperactivity has been reported from a wide range of cancers and cause defective mitotic spindles, chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy. We investigated the influence of p210BCR-ABL breakpoint variants and imatinib treatment on expression and proteolytic activity of Separase as measured with a specific fluorogenic assay on CML cell lines (b2a2: KCL-22, BV-173; b3a2: K562, LAMA-84). Despite a drop in Separase protein levels an up to 5.4-fold increase of Separase activity under imatinib treatment was observed exclusively in b3a2 but not in b2a2 cell lines. Mimicking the influence of imatinib on BV-173 and LAMA-84 cells by ESPL1 silencing stimulated Separase proteolytic activity in both b3a2 and b2a2 cell lines. Our data suggest the existence of a fusion type-related feedback mechanism that posttranslationally stimulates Separase proteolytic activity after therapy-induced decreases in Separase protein levels. This could render b3a2 CML cells more prone to aneuploidy and clonal evolution than b2a2 progenitors and may therefore explain the cytogenetic results of CML patients.


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Although bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) were initially identified for their potent bone-inducing activity, their precise roles in processes of endochondral and intramembranous bone formation are far from being clear. Tissue-specific loss-of-function experiments using the BMP receptor type IA (BMPR-IA) are particularly attractive since this receptor is thought to be essential for signaling by the closely related BMPs -2, 4, and 7. To ablate signaling through this receptor during chondrogenesis, we have generated transgenic mice expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the collagen type II (Col2a1) gene regulatory sequences. Mice lacking BMPR-IA function in chondrocytes display a number of skeletal abnormalities, including defects in bones of the chondrocranium, abnormal dorsal vertebral processes, scapulae with severe hypoplasia of dorsal elements, and shortening of the long bones. Alterations in the growth plate of long bones in mutants suggest that BMPR-IA is not required for early steps of the chondrocyte specification, but is rather important in regulation of terminal differentiation. Molecular analysis revealed noticeable downregulation of the Ihh/Ptch signalling pathway, decreased chondrocyte proliferation rate and deregulation of hypertrophy. ^ In order to elucidate the role of BMP signalling in development of the limb and intramembranous ossification, we have used mice expressing Cre recombinase under control of the Prx1 (MHox) regulatory elements (M. Logan, pers comm.). Cre activity was found in those mice in the developing limb bud mesenchyme, as well as in a subset of cranial neural crest cells. Prx1-Cre-induced conditional mutants display prominent defects in distal limb outgrowth, as well as ossification defects in a number of neural crest-derived calvarial bones. Intriguingly, mutant limbs displayed alterations in patterning along all three axes. Molecular analysis revealed ectopic anterior Shh/Ptch signalling pathway activation and expression of some Hox genes. Observed loss of Msx1 and Msx2 expression in the progress zone correlates with downregulation of Cyclin D1 and decreased distal outgrowth. Abnormal ventral localization of Lmx1b-expressing cells along with observed later morphological abnormalities suggest a novel role for BMP signalling in establishment or maintaining of the dorso-ventral polarity in the limb mesoderm. ^


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During the fourth Antarctic voyage ANT-IV of the research icebreaker POLARSTERN standard meteorological measurements have been performed. The measurements include 3-hourly synoptic observations as well as daily upper air soundings. The measurements started on September 6 1985 at Bremerhaven and were terminated at April 28 1986 in Punta Arenas. The 3-hourly synoptic observations are performed following the instructions of the FM 13 ships code defined by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The datasets include automatic measurements such as mean ship's speed, wind velocity, wind direction, air temperature, water temperature as well as visual observations such as total cloud amount, present weather, clouds, height and period of swell waves, ice classification. The visual observation are not performed during night time. For the upper air soundings VAISALA RS80 radiosondes, carried by helium-filled balloons (TOTEX 350 - 1500) were used. Data reception and evaluation were carried out by a MicroCora System (VAISALA). The upper air soundings include profile measurements of pressure, temperature, relative humidity and wind vector. Usually the soundings started at the heliport (10 m above sea level) and terminated between 15 and 37 km. The height of the measurements was calculated by applying the barometric formula. The wind vector was determined with the aid of the OMEGA navigation system.