906 resultados para Treatment-resistant Schizophrenia
A produção de desenhos em grupo e o método de Rorschach foram utilizados ao longo do tratamento de um paciente com esquizofrenia, acompanhado em Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. O referencial proposto para a compreensão do caso é o método fenômeno-estrutural que busca acessar o modo de ser e de vivenciar a doença que afeta o paciente, a partir do que ele revela nas imagens e na linguagem. Aos desenhos de cores acromáticas e conteúdos humanos deformados, o paciente insere cores, representantes da expressão afetiva, e figuras humanas integradas, denotando disponibilidade nas relações. O Rorschach indica contato mais adequado com a realidade, dado a diminuição da distorção da percepção da forma e de figuras fantasiosas. Após diminuição da sintomatologia persecutória e isolamento social, o paciente recebeu alta. O uso desses instrumentos tem contribuído na difícil tarefa diagnóstica e no acompanhamento da evolução de pacientes, nos cuidados interdisciplinares em saúde mental.
PURPOSES: To investigate the efficacy of alarm treatment in a sample of Brazilian children and adolescents with nocturnal enuresis and relate treatment success to age and type of clinical support. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During 32 weeks, 84 children and adolescents received alarm treatment together with weekly psychological support sessions for individual families or groups of 5 to 10 families. RESULTS: 71% of the participants achieved success, defined as 14 consecutive dry nights. The result was similar for children and adolescents and for individual or group support. The time until success was shorter for participants missing fewer support sessions. CONCLUSIONS: Alarm treatment was effective for the present sample, regardless of age or type of support. Missing a higher number of support sessions, which may reflect low motivation for treatment, increased the risk of failure.
PURPOSE: Compare parents' reports of youth problems (PRYP) with adolescent problems self-reports (APSR) pre/post behavioral treatment of nocturnal enuresis (NE) based on the use of a urine alarm. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Adolescents (N = 19) with mono-symptomatic (primary or secondary) nocturnal enuresis group treatment for 40 weeks. Discharge criterion was established as 8 weeks with consecutive dry nights. PRYP and APSR were scored by the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Youth Self-Report (YSR). RESULTS: Pre-treatment data: 1) Higher number of clinical cases based on parent report than on self-report for Internalizing Problems (IP) (13/19 vs. 4/19), Externalizing Problems (EP) (7/19 vs. 5/19) and Total Problem (TP) (11/19 vs. 5/19); 2) Mean PRYP scores for IP (60.8) and TP (61) were within the deviant range (T score ≥ 60); while mean PRYP scores for EP (57.4) and mean APSR scores (IP = 52.4, EP = 49.5, TP = 52.4) were within the normal range. Difference between PRYP' and APSR' scores was significant. Post treatment data: 1) Discharge for majority of the participants (16/19); 2) Reduction in the number of clinical cases on parental evaluation: 9/19 adolescents remained within clinical range for IP, 2/19 for EP, and 7/19 for TP. 3) All post-treatment mean scores were within the normal range; the difference between pre and post evaluation scores was significant for PRYP. CONCLUSIONS: The behavioral treatment based on the use of urine alarm is effective for adolescents with mono-symptomatic (primary and secondary) nocturnal enuresis. The study favors the hypothesis that enuresis is a cause, not a consequence, of other behavioral problems.
Major problems with valve bioprostheses are associated with progressive structural deterioration and calcification, directly associated with the use of glutaraldehyde (GA). This work describes the effects of GA processing and borate/glutamic acid buffer treatment on the mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of 0.5% GA crosslinked bovine pericardium (BP). The results showed that while the treatment of 0.5% GA crosslinked BP with borate/glutamic acid significantly improves the mechanical properties, it had no visible effect on surface morphology. Better surface preservation was only achieved for BP pre-treated with a lower GA concentration followed by the conventional treatment (0.5% GA). Improvements in mechanical properties probably arises from structural changes probably involving the depolymerization of polymeric GA crosslinks and an increase electrostatic interaction due to covalent binding of glutamic acid to free carbonyl groups (Schiff base).The results indicate that the treatment GA crosslinked BP with borate/glutamic acid buffer may be an attractive procedure for the manufacture of heart valve bioprostheses.
A photodynamic effect occurs when photosensitiser molecules absorb light and dissipate the absorbed energy by transferring it to biological acceptors (usually oxygen), generating an excess of reactive species that are able to force cells into death pathways. Several tropical diseases present physiopathological aspects that are accessible to the application of a photosensitiser and local illumination. In addition, disease may be transmitted through infected blood donations, and many of the aetiological agents associated with tropical diseases have been shown to be susceptible to the photodynamic approach. However, there has been no systematic investigation of the application of photoantimicrobial agents in the various presentations, whether to human disease or to the disinfection of blood products or even as photo-insecticides. We aim in this review to report the advances in the photoantimicrobial approach that are beneficial to the field of anti-parasite therapy and also have the potential to facilitate the development of low-cost/high-efficiency protocols for underserved populations.
The aim of this study was to verify the influence of an experimental heat treatment (170ºC/10 min) using a casting furnace on the mechanical properties (hardness and flexural strength) of 2 commercial direct resin composites (TPH Spectrum and Filtek P60) compared to a commercial indirect resin system (BelleGlass). Heat treatment temperature was determined after thermal characterization by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Data was analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was statistical significance for the main factor heat treatment (p=0.03) and composite (p=0.02), for flexural strength. For Knoop hardness, only the main factor composite was statistically significant (p=0.00). P60 presented higher hardness than TPH. No statistically significant correlation between mechanical properties tested was detected. Based on these results, it was possible to conclude that heat treatment influenced flexural strength of direct composites, while it was not observed for hardness. The association of direct composites with a simple post-cure heat treatment may be an alternative for current indirect composite systems, although more studies are needed to verify other properties of the composites for this application.
Osteoporosis is a global health problem characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue with a consequent increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. Nutrition plays a critical role in reducing the risk of osteoporosis through its effect on all of these fragility factors, especially on the development and maintenance of bone mass. An adequate calcium, vitamin D and protein intake resulted in reduced bone remodeling, better calcium retention, reduced age-related bone loss, and reduced fracture risk. Recent evidence indicates that a healthy dietary pattern including dairy products (mainly fat free), fruit and vegetables and adequate amounts of meat, fish and poultry is positively related to bone health. Furthermore, mineral and vitamin supplementation should be closely monitored by health professionals since it could have adverse effects and be insufficient to ensure optimal protection of bone health.
Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a sensibilidade antimicrobiana in vitro de 291 isolados de Staphylococcus spp. recuperados de amostras de leite de vacas com mastite subclínica, em 15 propriedades rurais localizadas na Região Metropolitana do Recife (A), Agreste (B) e Zona da Mata (C) do estado de Pernambuco. Dos 291 isolados, 170(58,4%) foram classificados como Staphylococcus coagulase negativa (SCN), 84(28,9%) como Staphylococcus aureus e 37(12,7%) como Staphylococcus coagulase positiva (SCP). Para o estudo do perfil de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos empregou-se a técnica de difusão em discos, foram avaliadas 16 drogas antimicrobianas utilizadas no tratamento das mastites. O antibiótico que apresentou melhor eficácia in vitro foi a associação entre neomicina + bacitracina + tetraciclina com percentuais de 98,4%, 99,3%, 89,7% para as regiões A, B e C, respectivamente. O antibiótico menos eficaz foi a ampicilina que apresentou 56,5% de resistência para as amostras da região A, 72,8% para a região B e 71,8% na região C. Os resultados obtidos mostram a necessidade da realização periódica de testes de sensibilidade in vitro, pois existem variações no perfil de sensibilidade e resistência que podem comprometer o tratamento do animal bem como os programas de controle da mastite bovina causada pelo Staphylococcus spp.
A osteoporose é um problema de saúde global, caracterizada por baixa massa óssea e deterioração da microarquitetura do tecido ósseo, com consequente aumento da fragilidade óssea e suscetibilidade a fraturas. A nutrição desempenha um papel fundamental na redução do risco de osteoporose por seu efeito sobre todos os fatores relacionados à fragilidade óssea, principalmente no desenvolvimento e na manutenção da massa óssea. Uma adequada ingestão de cálcio, vitamina D e proteína leva à redução da remodelação óssea, à maior retenção de cálcio, à redução da perda óssea relacionada à idade e à redução do risco de fraturas. Evidências recentes indicam que uma alimentação saudável, incluindo a ingestão de produtos lácteos (principalmente os desnatados), frutas e verduras, e uma quantidade adequada de carnes, peixes e aves, está relacionada positivamente com a saúde óssea. Além disso, a suplementação de vitaminas e minerais deve ser monitorada de perto, por profissionais de saúde, uma vez que pode ter efeitos adversos e ser insuficiente para assegurar uma eficaz proteção à saúde óssea
In several treatment regimens, the recognition of chronobiology contributes to the therapeutic process through the effective use of temporization protocols. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between the tic treatment and the time of day when such treatment was performed, as well as the chronotype of orthopedic and rheumatologic patients in a clinical physiotherapy school. The population studied was treated in the morning and evening periods. The patients were divided into three groups of pathologies with similar treatments, which were as follows: syndrome of shoulder impact (n=33), knee artrosis (n=17), and lombalgia (n=23). At the end of ten treatment sessions, data concerning pain, percentage of subjective improvement, chronotype and age were compared. At the end of the study, it was observed that the time of day when treatment was performed influenced the results of individuals treated in the evenings but had no influence on the individuals treated in the morning. In addition, the evening schedule was the most well suited for intermediate individuals.
No presente artigo se abordam as relações entre saúde mental e as tarefas atuais da democracia no Brasil e, nesse contexto, os desafios que os Hospitais de Custódia e Tratamento Psiquiátrico representam para o campo da saúde mental. Considera-se ue os Manicômios Judiciários, sua lógica, sua população constituem uma das últimas fronteiras relativamente resistentes a avanço do movimento antimanicomial. Com sua especificidade e ambiguidade, entre o crime e a loucura, eles produzeme reproduzem de maneira prática o mito da periculosidade. Nesse contexto, o artigo examina, especificamente, a questão da responsabilidade do louco infrator