961 resultados para Tiger beetles.
Drawing on the work of Wendell Berry, among others, allows us to see through claims that science has on limits (scientism). Berry shows what follies scientism generates and provides his own guidelines to what the limits of science are or ought to be.
Recent scholarship suggests that religion should be conceived in terms of embodied social practices as much as (if not more than) a set of systematic beliefs. Such accounts of religion, I will argue, raise problems that have not been adequately treated in current discussion of the role of religion in liberal society.
How is it that one of the most famous Christian thinkers - Soren Kierkegaard -- and one of the most famous contemporary secular thinkers -- Jurgen Habermas - both agree: the religious has nothing to say in the public realm of social, ethical discourse.
Contemporary pluralism is best represented as a set of rival worldviews. Secularism and religion represent the dominant worldviews in our society. But moves to exclude religious views because they are based on faith are misguided since political philosophies also, and unavoidably, depend on "faith".
Reformed epidemiologists like Alvin Plantinga and William Alston are well known for their view that one can rationally believe that God exists without believing on the basis of any evidence - scientific, philosophical, or otherwise. I defend reformed epistemology from objections (including one having to do with clairvoyance), and I develop a view about the role that evidence should play in the rationality of theistic belief.
Keynote Speaker
Brief introduction of the resources and services provided by Inman E. Page Library to students and faculty at Lincoln University.
Libraries Transforming Communities: The Value in an Academic Library Community at Lincoln University
Inman E. Page Library is coined as an, “Information Mall.” It houses special collections, archives, general reference services, computers, artistic programming, technological resources and space for different types of events. It is a modern academic library in the 21st century that was built on a legacy of scholarly opportunities for Lincoln University students, faculty, and our community in Jefferson City, MO and surrounding cities. The value that needs to be placed on this library is that it is an institution within an institution and should be given top priority as it pertains to continued funding, faculty support, and a place of higher learning that has a library etiquette. As well as, students need to understand the importance of how a library will affect their academic careers.