914 resultados para Three factor model
1.- L'enquadrament d'aquest treball de recerca s'ha fet en i des de la praxis. EI que interessa és descobrir i proposar instruments pedagògics d'ajuda, assequibles i contextualitzats, especialment en el terreny de la comunicació i la interacció Educador-Educand. La metodologia que s'ha fet servir és de caire qualitatiu, etnogràfic, en un enfocament basat en la investigació-acció. La visió de la persona és volgudament holística; els sentiments, els significats, I' orientació personal, I' autodirecció. esdevenen elements centrals. La hipòtesi de treball, en la qual es fonamenta la recerca, podria formular-se així: 'En la pràctica, els Educadors, d'una forma més o menys reflexiva, perceben i interpreten el procés d'aprendre dels Educands; hi intervenen, el mediatitzen; n'avaluen la direcció i l'encert". A partir d'aquest supòsit, l'investigador veu convenient donar resposta a tres qüestions centrals: A) Com comprenem i interpretem els Educadors el procés d'aprendre dels Educands?; B) Quin tipus d'intervenció resultarà adient per promoure i/o facilitar l'aprendre?; C) Amb quins instruments i estratègies comptem per ajudar pedagògicament? 2.- Per llegir l'aprendre, l'investigador fa ús d'un model mental, indispensable per ordenar les dades de l'experiència. Convé, per tant, explicitar-lo, fer-ne ciència, coneixement compartit. En aquesta direcció de treball se li plantegen dos tipus d'interrogants: A) Quins són els elements comuns a qualsevol experiència d'aprenentatge?; Quina mena d'activitat o experiència personal desenvolupen tots els Educands; i B) Com es manifesta aquesta experiència? Amb quins indicadors? Quina mena de "text" llegeix l'Educador per orientar la seva intervenció d'ajuda? 3.- L'aprenentatge. en aquest treball, és considerat per l'investigador com la resultant de tres processos personals: el posicionament, l'estratègia i l'avaluació. Quan l'Educador vol compartir amb l'Educand el seu procés idiosincràtic d'aprendre, procura reconstruir amb ell aquestes tres accions bàsiques: A) Com es posiciona: què tem o desitja, què creu, què espera, quines expectatives viu, com es motiva? B) Quines són les seves pautes d'actuació: com treballa, com memoritza, com recupera la informació que té a la memòria, què fa davant d'un problema... ? C) Què busca; què és important per a ella; què pretén... ? 4.- Davant la complexitat dels missatges emesos per l'Educand l'investigador opta per llegir tres tipus de "textos": els productes i els resultats; les conductes; i els missatges parlats. Entre tots tres, pensa, podrà trobar elements i indicadors adequats per fonamentar, sempre hipotèticament, la seva actuació pedagògica. 5.- Procura sobretot detectar i fer existir els èxits, aquells productes i/o resultats que l'Educand troba valuosos, per tal d'ajudar-lo a prendre consciència dels seu repertori personal d'estratègies i capacitats. En aquest àmbit es proposen tres actituds o enfocaments del treball d'ajuda: A) El primer fa referència a la presa de consciència de l'estratègia personal, que s'amaga darrera el producte valorat. B) El segon apunta cap al respecte per l'estratègia que cadascú executa i, per tant, li és familiar. L'Educand la necessita. Es la seva. Es troba en la seva experiència, encara que no necessàriament existeixi en la seva construcció conscient. C) El tercer ,el duu a valorar l'estratègia d'acord amb les finalitats de l'Educand. La seva adequació es legitima pel que es proposa. Partim del supòsit que tota conducta es troba dirigida per un propòsit a vegades difícil de copsar i no sempre recomanable per a l'Educand. 6.- La conducta percebuda de l'Educand és entesa com un missatge, un conjunt d'indicadors de la seva activitat contextualitzada, interna i externa; missatge que, en relació amb altres, com els productes i les verbalitzacions, manifesta fragments dels seus significats, projectes, estratègies, valors. Es fa un èmfasi especial en les conductes "internes", els gestos mentals, l'acció interior, tramesa per mitja de microcomportaments sovint no conscient, i certificada per mitjà de la verbalització del viscut. 7.- Parlar amb l'Educand suposa dues menes d'accions: escoltar i emetre. Escoltem per comprendre; emetem per perfilar la comprensió i també per ajudar. En l'emissió, el missatge pedagògic té dues funcions: a) rellançar i orientar el pensament i l'autoexploració de l'Educand; i b) influir per tal que desenvolupi amb èxit el seu projecte d'aprendre. Interessa d'una manera especial ajudar a integrar en la consciència de l'Educand aquests elements de la seva experiència que poden facilitar-li l'adquisició del coneixement. I entenem que, en aquesta empresa, la paraula i la interacció verbal poden tenir-hi un joc important. Per aquesta raó s'ha considerat necessari oferir un model d'anàlisi de la interacció i els missatges verbals. 8.- "Les persones aprenen sempre, amb recursos, processos i sistemes de valoració idiosincràtics, per fa qual cosa la seva orientació en el context esdevé un referent central en el disseny de l'ajuda pedagògica i en la seva avaluació". Aquesta és la hipòtesi de sortida per dissenyar la intervenció pedagògica. Tothom aprèn, inevitablement; la qüestió és quina cosa està aprenent i de quina manera els seus resultats d'ara són mediatitzats per l'experiència passada i, alhora, condicionen el seu aprendre futur. L'aprenent es posiciona, anticipa el procés d' aprendre, valora la seva. capacitat per desenvolupar-lo amb èxit, es motiva en una determinada direcció, d'acord amb la seva experiència, els seus aprenentatges anteriors. Executa estratègies, mostra un tipus d'intel·ligència, una forma personal de processar la informació. Pretén quelcom. És un sistema obert en relació amb el medi: hi ha uns valors que dirigeixen la seva presa de decisions. Utilitza uns criteris propis, una gamma personal d'opcions conscients. Avalua el que fa, el resultat que obté i la seva capacitat personal. 9.- L'ajuda pedagògica que I' autor proposa s'encamina sobretot a facilitar en l'Educand la descoberta dels seus propis recursos. Es tracta de portar-lo cap a la consideració atenta de la seva pròpia experiència, per amplificar-la i fer-la existir com a recurs conscient . Ha dibuixat i experimentat tres conjunts d'intervenció cadascun enfocat vers un àmbit de l'experiència d'aprendre, el qual col·loca com a prioritari, sense oblidar qualsevol dels altres que pugui ser rellevant, per comprendre o ajudar. A) Intervenció sobre el posicionament. En aquest àmbit enfoca l'estil de motivació que executa l'Educand, mira de corregir-lo, si cal, a partir de l'anàlisi i la comprensió de les seves formes de motivar-se quan ell viu l'èxit. Treballa proposant objectius paradoxals de fracàs gairebé impossible, buscant l'assoliment de petits èxits, potser aparentment insignificants, però estratègics; prescriu l'automatisme, per modificar-lo si l'Educand ho desitja; comprova el procés d'anticipació de I' experiència que l'aprenent es construeix per orientar-se; l'ajuda a contextualitzar anticipació i a fer ús dels seus Ilenguatges interns més eficaços i còmodes;... B) Intervenció sobre les estratègies i processos. En un segon enfocament, no necessàriament posterior al descrit, considera les estratègies de I'Educand, també a partir dels seus encerts i èxits. Mira de portar-lo cap a fa descripció i presa de consciència de les seves maneres de fer mes còmodes i segures, les que lliguen amb les seves preferències cerebrals. Quan viu dificultats, el convida a explorar les excepcions, els moments en els quals les seves realitzacions són satisfactòries. Pretén sobretot modificar les seves creences limitants, posant-lo en conflicte amb els fets de l'experiència. A vegades, caldrà facilitar l'adquisició d'estratègies i procediments nous que l'Educand considera plausibles. Es tracta específicament de fer existir opcions noves d'actuació per tal d'assolir allò que vol i/o necessita. C) Intervenció sobre el sistema de valors de l'Educand. L'Educand viu uns valors, els quals expliquen el seu món intern les conductes que realitza i els resultats que obté. Aquest àmbit és col·locat, en el model, al centre del procés d'aprendre. Hom actua amb propòsits determinats, no necessariament conscients. L'obertura de la persona a l'experiència d'aprendre es dirigeix segons criteris i valors irrenunciables. 10.- L 'Educador procura compartir els objectius de l'Educand i els seus projectes per assolir-los; vol tanmateix que se'n faci coneixedor i director responsable. Per a això li convé preguntar-se per quina mena d'experiència està desenvolupant i quin sentit ecològic te per a ell. L'Educador, el seu model del món, la seva persona, està compromès en el procés d'ajuda. No és només un tècnic que aplica recursos objectius. El seu model de comunicació, el seu pensament, les seves expectatives i anticipacions, tenen un pes considerable en el tipus d'intervenció pedagògica que durà a terme i, d'escreix, en el tipus d' aprenentatge que facilita. En la intervenció, l'Educador parteix d'una avaluació intencionadament positiva, centrada en els recursos i les solucions, en la metacognició i l'autoregulació dels processos, a partir de premisses que pressuposen l'èxit personal.
Radiation schemes in general circulation models currently make a number of simplifications when accounting for clouds, one of the most important being the removal of horizontal inhomogeneity. A new scheme is presented that attempts to account for the neglected inhomogeneity by using two regions of cloud in each vertical level of the model as opposed to one. One of these regions is used to represent the optically thinner cloud in the level, and the other represents the optically thicker cloud. So, along with the clear-sky region, the scheme has three regions in each model level and is referred to as “Tripleclouds.” In addition, the scheme has the capability to represent arbitrary vertical overlap between the three regions in pairs of adjacent levels. This scheme is implemented in the Edwards–Slingo radiation code and tested on 250 h of data from 12 different days. The data are derived from cloud retrievals using radar, lidar, and a microwave radiometer at Chilbolton, southern United Kingdom. When the data are grouped into periods equivalent in size to general circulation model grid boxes, the shortwave plane-parallel albedo bias is found to be 8%, while the corresponding bias is found to be less than 1% using Tripleclouds. Similar results are found for the longwave biases. Tripleclouds is then compared to a more conventional method of accounting for inhomogeneity that multiplies optical depths by a constant scaling factor, and Tripleclouds is seen to improve on this method both in terms of top-of-atmosphere radiative flux biases and internal heating rates.
Ice clouds are an important yet largely unvalidated component of weather forecasting and climate models, but radar offers the potential to provide the necessary data to evaluate them. First in this paper, coordinated aircraft in situ measurements and scans by a 3-GHz radar are presented, demonstrating that, for stratiform midlatitude ice clouds, radar reflectivity in the Rayleigh-scattering regime may be reliably calculated from aircraft size spectra if the "Brown and Francis" mass-size relationship is used. The comparisons spanned radar reflectivity values from -15 to +20 dBZ, ice water contents (IWCs) from 0.01 to 0.4 g m(-3), and median volumetric diameters between 0.2 and 3 mm. In mixed-phase conditions the agreement is much poorer because of the higher-density ice particles present. A large midlatitude aircraft dataset is then used to derive expressions that relate radar reflectivity and temperature to ice water content and visible extinction coefficient. The analysis is an advance over previous work in several ways: the retrievals vary smoothly with both input parameters, different relationships are derived for the common radar frequencies of 3, 35, and 94 GHz, and the problem of retrieving the long-term mean and the horizontal variance of ice cloud parameters is considered separately. It is shown that the dependence on temperature arises because of the temperature dependence of the number concentration "intercept parameter" rather than mean particle size. A comparison is presented of ice water content derived from scanning 3-GHz radar with the values held in the Met Office mesoscale forecast model, for eight precipitating cases spanning 39 h over Southern England. It is found that the model predicted mean I WC to within 10% of the observations at temperatures between -30 degrees and - 10 degrees C but tended to underestimate it by around a factor of 2 at colder temperatures.
To explore the projection efficiency of a design, Tsai, et al [2000. Projective three-level main effects designs robust to model uncertainty. Biometrika 87, 467-475] introduced the Q criterion to compare three-level main-effects designs for quantitative factors that allow the consideration of interactions in addition to main effects. In this paper, we extend their method and focus on the case in which experimenters have some prior knowledge, in advance of running the experiment, about the probabilities of effects being non-negligible. A criterion which incorporates experimenters' prior beliefs about the importance of each effect is introduced to compare orthogonal, or nearly orthogonal, main effects designs with robustness to interactions as a secondary consideration. We show that this criterion, exploiting prior information about model uncertainty, can lead to more appropriate designs reflecting experimenters' prior beliefs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we list some new orthogonal main effects plans for three-level designs for 4, 5 and 6 factors in IS runs and compare them with designs obtained from the existing L-18 orthogonal array. We show that these new designs have better projection properties and can provide better parameter estimates for a range of possible models. Additionally, we study designs in other smaller run-sizes when there are insufficient resources to perform an 18-run experiment. Plans for three-level designs for 4, 5 and 6 factors in 13 to 17 runs axe given. We show that the best designs here are efficient and deserve strong consideration in many practical situations.
We determine the properties of the core-periphery model with three regions and compare our results with those of the standard 2-region model. The conditions for the stability of dispersion and concentration are established. As in the 2-region model, dispersion and concentration can be simultaneously stable. We show that the 3-region (2-region) model favours the concentration (dispersion) of economic activity. Furthermore, we provide some results for the n-region model. We show that the stability of concentration of the 2-region model implies that of any model with an even number of regions.
An efficient method of combining neutron diffraction data over an extended Q range with detailed atomistic models is presented. A quantitative and qualitative mapping of the organization of the chain conformation in both glass and liquid phase has been performed. The proposed structural refinement method is based on the exploitation of the intrachain features of the diffraction pattern by the use of internal coordinates for bond lengths, valence angles and torsion rotations. Models are built stochastically by assignment of these internal coordinates from probability distributions with limited variable parameters. Variation of these parameters is used in the construction of models that minimize the differences between the observed and calculated structure factors. A series of neutron scattering data of 1,4-polybutadiene at the region 20320 K is presented. Analysis of the experimental data yield bond lengths for C-C and C=C of 1.54 and 1.35 Å respectively. Valence angles of the backbone were found to be at 112 and 122.8 for the CCC and CC=C respectively. Three torsion angles corresponding to the double bond and the adjacent R and β bonds were found to occupy cis and trans, s(, trans and g( and trans states, respectively. We compare our results with theoretical predictions, computer simulations, RIS models, and previously reported experimental results.
The estimation of the long-term wind resource at a prospective site based on a relatively short on-site measurement campaign is an indispensable task in the development of a commercial wind farm. The typical industry approach is based on the measure-correlate-predict �MCP� method where a relational model between the site wind velocity data and the data obtained from a suitable reference site is built from concurrent records. In a subsequent step, a long-term prediction for the prospective site is obtained from a combination of the relational model and the historic reference data. In the present paper, a systematic study is presented where three new MCP models, together with two published reference models �a simple linear regression and the variance ratio method�, have been evaluated based on concurrent synthetic wind speed time series for two sites, simulating the prospective and the reference site. The synthetic method has the advantage of generating time series with the desired statistical properties, including Weibull scale and shape factors, required to evaluate the five methods under all plausible conditions. In this work, first a systematic discussion of the statistical fundamentals behind MCP methods is provided and three new models, one based on a nonlinear regression and two �termed kernel methods� derived from the use of conditional probability density functions, are proposed. All models are evaluated by using five metrics under a wide range of values of the correlation coefficient, the Weibull scale, and the Weibull shape factor. Only one of all models, a kernel method based on bivariate Weibull probability functions, is capable of accurately predicting all performance metrics studied.
Common approaches to the simulation of borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) assume heat transfer in circulating fluid and grout to be in a quasi-steady state and ignore fluctuations in fluid temperature due to transport of the fluid around the loop. However, in domestic ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems, the heat pump and circulating pumps switch on and off during a given hour; therefore, the effect of the thermal mass of the circulating fluid and the dynamics of fluid transport through the loop has important implications for system design. This may also be important in commercial systems that are used intermittently. This article presents transient simulation of a domestic GSHP system with a single BHE using a dynamic three-dimensional (3D) numerical BHE model. The results show that delayed response associated with the transit of fluid along the pipe loop is of some significance in moderating swings in temperature during heat pump operation. In addition, when 3D effects are considered, a lower heat transfer rate is predicted during steady operations. These effects could be important when considering heat exchanger design and system control. The results will be used to develop refined two-dimensional models.
During winter the ocean surface in polar regions freezes over to form sea ice. In the summer the upper layers of sea ice and snow melts producing meltwater that accumulates in Arctic melt ponds on the surface of sea ice. An accurate estimate of the fraction of the sea ice surface covered in melt ponds is essential for a realistic estimate of the albedo for global climate models. We present a melt-pond–sea-ice model that simulates the three-dimensional evolution of melt ponds on an Arctic sea ice surface. The advancements of this model compared to previous models are the inclusion of snow topography; meltwater transport rates are calculated from hydraulic gradients and ice permeability; and the incorporation of a detailed one-dimensional, thermodynamic radiative balance. Results of model runs simulating first-year and multiyear sea ice are presented. Model results show good agreement with observations, with duration of pond coverage, pond area, and ice ablation comparing well for both the first-year ice and multiyear ice cases. We investigate the sensitivity of the melt pond cover to changes in ice topography, snow topography, and vertical ice permeability. Snow was found to have an important impact mainly at the start of the melt season, whereas initial ice topography strongly controlled pond size and pond fraction throughout the melt season. A reduction in ice permeability allowed surface flooding of relatively flat, first-year ice but had little impact on the pond coverage of rougher, multiyear ice. We discuss our results, including model shortcomings and areas of experimental uncertainty.
Red tape is not desirable as it impedes business growth. Relief from the administrative burdens that businesses face due to legislation can benefit the whole economy, especially at times of recession. However, recent governmental initiatives aimed at reducing administrative burdens have encountered some success, but also failures. This article compares three national initiatives - in the Netherlands, UK and Italy - aimed at cutting red tape by using the Standard Cost Model. Findings highlight the factors affecting the outcomes of measurement and reduction plans and ways to improve the Standard Cost Model methodology.
A set of high-resolution radar observations of convective storms has been collected to evaluate such storms in the UK Met Office Unified Model during the DYMECS project (Dynamical and Microphysical Evolution of Convective Storms). The 3-GHz Chilbolton Advanced Meteorological Radar was set up with a scan-scheduling algorithm to automatically track convective storms identified in real-time from the operational rainfall radar network. More than 1,000 storm observations gathered over fifteen days in 2011 and 2012 are used to evaluate the model under various synoptic conditions supporting convection. In terms of the detailed three-dimensional morphology, storms in the 1500-m grid-length simulations are shown to produce horizontal structures a factor 1.5–2 wider compared to radar observations. A set of nested model runs at grid lengths down to 100m show that the models converge in terms of storm width, but the storm structures in the simulations with the smallest grid lengths are too narrow and too intense compared to the radar observations. The modelled storms were surrounded by a region of drizzle without ice reflectivities above 0 dBZ aloft, which was related to the dominance of ice crystals and was improved by allowing only aggregates as an ice particle habit. Simulations with graupel outperformed the standard configuration for heavy-rain profiles, but the storm structures were a factor 2 too wide and the convective cores 2 km too deep.
Background Polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) are leucine-rich repeat (LRR) plant cell wall glycoproteins involved in plant immunity. They are typically encoded by gene families with a small number of gene copies whose evolutionary origin has been poorly investigated. Here we report the complete characterization of the full complement of the pgip family in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and the characterization of the genomic region surrounding the pgip family in four legume species. Results BAC clone and genome sequence analyses showed that the soybean genome contains two pgip loci. Each locus is composed of three clustered genes that are induced following infection with the fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, and remnant sequences of pgip genes. The analyzed homeologous soybean genomic regions (about 126 Kb) that include the pgip loci are strongly conserved and this conservation extends also to the genomes of the legume species Phaseolus vulgaris L., Medicago truncatula Gaertn. and Cicer arietinum L., each containing a single pgip locus. Maximum likelihood-based gene trees suggest that the genes within the pgip clusters have independently undergone tandem duplication in each species. Conclusions The paleopolyploid soybean genome contains two pgip loci comprised in large and highly conserved duplicated regions, which are also conserved in bean, M. truncatula and C. arietinum. The genomic features of these legume pgip families suggest that the forces driving the evolution of pgip genes follow the birth-and-death model, similar to that proposed for the evolution of resistance (R) genes of NBS-LRR-type.