990 resultados para Thayer, Ebenezer--1734-1792


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Rhipidodontini (Rhipidodonta Mörch, 1853 + Diplodon Spix in Wagner, 1827) é grupo de bivalves de água doce tem taxonomia complicada, devido às descrições originais sucintas e muitas vezes pouco ou não ilustradas, somado a isto, estes bivalves carecem de uma revisão detalhada. Estas lacunas de informação têm gerando uma grande flutuação nas espécies consideradas válidas pelos diferentes autores, dificultando a identificação das mesmas, assim como da biologia e distribuição. Assim, se propôs neste estudo a revisão taxonômica das espécies de Rhipidodontini nas bacias do alto rio Paraná, rio São Francisco e rios costeiros do Atlântico Leste, Norte e Nordeste. Para alcançar este objetivo vistoriamos material em coleções no Brasil e exterior. Coletas foram realizadas em diversas localidades para obtenção de exemplares para descrição das partes moles e gloquídios. As informações obtidas, somado ao descrito na literatura, foram utilizadas para traçar um panorama de distribuição e conservação das espécies. As principais características das conchas foram utilizadas para elaboração de uma chave dicotômica para auxílio na identificação. Uma análise morfométrica foi empregada com o intuito de distinguir as espécies através da forma da concha. Reconhecemos Diplodon e Rhipidodonta incluídos na tribo Rhipidodontini. Em Diplodon foram identificadas seis espécies nas bacias estudadas: Diplodon ellipticus Spix in Wagner, 1827; Diplodon fontainianus (dOrbigny, 1835); Diplodon jacksoni Marshall, 1928; Diplodon multistriatus (Lea, 1831); Diplodon paulista (Ihering, 1893) e Diplodon rhombeus Spix in Wagner, 1827. Apesar de Diplodon granosus (Bruguière, 1792) possuir extensos registros na região estuada, a espécie foi limitada a região amazônica na nossa avaliação. Em Rhipidodonta, foi reconhecida uma única espécie, Rhipidodonta garbei (Ihering, 1910). Entre estas espécies, temos algumas tradicionalmente reconhecidas como válidas (e.g. D. ellipticus e D. granosus), contudo, outras foram revalidadas (e.g. D. jacksoni e R. garbei) e redefinidas perante a análise do material tipo, partes moles e gloquídio. Não foi possível a eleição de uma única característica morfológica para a separação das espécies, porém detalhes das brânquias, estômago, contorno da concha e escultura umbonal figuraram entre as mais utilizadas. Para a separação dos gêneros de Rhipidodontini foram empregados atributos dos gloquídios (e.g. gancho gloquidial, protuberância e forma do gloquídio) e das brânquias (e.g. forma da brânquia e conexão entre as lamelas). A chave dicotômica com base em características das conchas auxiliou a separar as espécies de Rhipidodontini. A análise morfométrica constituiu uma ferramenta útil na separação das espécies, corroborando as identificações prévias. Salientamos que o estudo aqui apresentado deve ser expandido para outras bacias hidrográficas sul-americanas com o intuito de se conhecer a real diversidade destes bivalves de água doce


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Este documento reproduce parte de la magnífica e importante obra del P. Francisco José Sánchez Labrador realizada durante su estadía en América desde su arribo en 1734 hasta la expulsión de la orden en 1767. Esta versión digital corresponde al libro editado por la Compañía General Fabril Editora S. A. en 1968 y cuyo manuscrito fuera preparado bajo la dirección del Dr. Mariano N. Castex (imagen).


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The adjacency of 2 marine biogeographic regions off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (NC), and the proximity of the Gulf Stream result in a high biodiversity of species from northern and southern provinces and from coastal and pelagic habitats. We examined spatiotemporal patterns of marine mammal strandings and evidence of human interaction for these strandings along NC shorelines and evaluated whether the spatiotemporal patterns and species diversity of the stranded animals reflected published records of populations in NC waters. During the period of 1997–2008, 1847 stranded animals were documented from 1777 reported events. These animals represented 9 families and 34 species that ranged from tropical delphinids to pagophilic seals. This biodiversity is higher than levels observed in other regions. Most strandings were of coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (56%), harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) (14%), and harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) (4%). Overall, strandings of northern species peaked in spring. Bottlenose dolphin strandings peaked in spring and fall. Almost half of the strandings, including southern delphinids, occurred north of Cape Hatteras, on only 30% of NC’s coastline. Most stranded animals that were positive for human interaction showed evidence of having been entangled in fishing gear, particularly bottlenose dolphins, harbor porpoises, short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus), harbor seals, and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Spatiotemporal patterns of bottlenose dolphin strandings were similar to ocean gillnet fishing effort. Biodiversity of the animals stranded on the beaches reflected biodiversity in the waters off NC, albeit not always proportional to the relative abundance of species (e.g., Kogia species). Changes in the spatiotemporal patterns of strandings can serve as indicators of underlying changes due to anthropogenic or naturally occurring events in the source populations.


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Seagrass ecosystems are protected under the federal "no-net-loss" policy for wetlands and form one of the most productive plant communities on the planet, performing important ecological functions. Seagrass beds have been recognized as a valuable resource critical to the health and function of coastal waters. Greater awareness and public education, however, is essential for conservation of this resource. Tremendous losses of this habitat have occurred as a result of development within the coastal zone. Disturbances usually kill seagrasses rapidly, and recovery is often comparatively slow. Mitigation to compensate for destruction of existing habitat usually follows when the agent of loss and responsible party are known. Compensation assumes that ecosystems can be made to order and, in essence, trades existing functional habitat for the promise of replacement habitat. While ~lant ingse agrass is not technically complex, there is no easy way to meet the goal of maintaining or increasing seagrass acreage. Rather, the entire process of planning, planting and monitoring requires attention to detail and does not lend itself to oversimplification.


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This report is divided into six sections, the first of which provides information on documents that emphasize the need for education/training of minorities in the sciences including marine science. Also provided is material students can use to find out about careers in the sciences, some universities that offer marine science education, and curricula that should be considered. The second section deals with existing programs designed to train pre-college students and prepare them either for further education or potential employment in the sciences. The next four sections deal with existing programs in the marine sciences for college-level students, scholarships and scholarship programs, examples of loan programs, and internships and internship programs.


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The spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) is one of the most sought after recreational fish in Florida Bay, and it spends its entire life history within the bay (Rutherford et al.,1989b). The biology of adult spotted seatrout in Florida Bay is well known (Rutherford et al., 1982, 1989b) as is the distribution and abundance of juveniles within the bay. The habitats and diets of juveniles are well documented (Hettler, 1989; Chester and Thayer, 1990; Thayer et al., 1999; Florida Department of Environmental Protection1). Nevertheless, the spatial and temporal spawning habits of spotted seatrout and the distribution of larvae have only been partially described (Powell et al., 1989; Rutherford et al., 1989a).


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Details are given of farming methods developed by the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department for 3 different seaweeds: 1) Bottom line culture method for Kappaphycus; 2) Pond culture of Gracilaria; and, 3) Gracilariopsis bailinae, the new seaweed on the block.


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Hybrid glass-carbon 2D braided composites with varying carbon contents are impacted using a gas gun by impactors of masses 12.5 and 44.5. g, at impact energies up to 50. J. The damage area detected by ultrasound C-scan is found to increase roughly linearly with impact energy, and is larger for the lighter impactor at the same impact energy. The area of whitening of the glass tows on the distal side corresponds with the measured C-scan damage area. X-ray imaging shows more intense damage, at the same impact energy, for a higher-mass impactor. Braids with more glass content have a modest increase in density, decrease in modulus, and reduction in the C-scan area and dent depth at the impact site, particularly at the higher impact energies. Impact damage is found to reduce significantly the compressive strength, giving up to a 26% reduction at the maximum impact energy. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper reports the design and numerical analysis of a three-dimensional biochip plasma blood separator using computational fluid dynamics techniques. Based on the initial configuration of a two-dimensional (2D) separator, five three-dimensional (3D) microchannel biochip designs are categorically developed through axial and plenary symmetrical expansions. These include the geometric variations of three types of the branch side channels (circular, rectangular, disc) and two types of the main channel (solid and concentric). Ignoring the initial transient behaviour and assuming that steady-state flow has been established, the behaviour of the blood fluid in the devices is algebraically analysed and numerically modelled. The roles of the relevant microchannel mechanisms, i.e. bifurcation, constriction and bending channel, on promoting the separation process are analysed based on modelling results. The differences among the different 3D implementations are compared and discussed. The advantages of 3D over 2D separator in increasing separation volume and effectively depleting cell-free layer fluid from the whole cross section circumference are addressed and illustrated. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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着重讨论土壤添加Ge对土壤微生物的生态效应及土壤Ge污染临界含量。盆栽试验表明,在土壤Ge含量2~2 0 0mgkg-1范围,低浓度Ge对土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌有刺激作用,随着浓度增高,而交替出现抑制和刺激作用。土壤Ge浓度与明亮发光杆菌T3发光度之间有极显著的负相关性,按照T3发光度80 %和10 0 %为临界值,计算得土壤Ge临界浓度分别为5 0 2mgkg-1和5 8mgkg-1。


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