836 resultados para Text retrieval
Microwave remote sensing has high potential for soil moisture retrieval. However, the efficient retrieval of soil moisture depends on optimally choosing the soil moisture retrieval parameters. In this study first the initial evaluation of SMOS L2 product is performed and then four approaches regarding soil moisture retrieval from SMOS brightness temperature are reported. The radiative transfer equation based tau-omega rationale is used in this study for the soil moisture retrievals. The single channel algorithms (SCA) using H polarisation is implemented with modifications, which includes the effective temperatures simulated from ECMWF (downscaled using WRF-NOAH Land Surface Model (LSM)) and MODIS. The retrieved soil moisture is then utilized for soil moisture deficit (SMD) estimation using empirical relationships with Probability Distributed Model based SMD as a benchmark. The square of correlation during the calibration indicates a value of R2 =0.359 for approach 4 (WRF-NOAH LSM based LST with optimized roughness parameters) followed by the approach 2 (optimized roughness parameters and MODIS based LST) (R2 =0.293), approach 3 (WRF-NOAH LSM based LST with no optimization) (R2 =0.267) and approach 1(MODIS based LST with no optimization) (R2 =0.163). Similarly, during the validation a highest performance is reported by approach 4. The other approaches are also following a similar trend as calibration. All the performances are depicted through Taylor diagram which indicates that the H polarisation using ECMWF based LST is giving a better performance for SMD estimation than the original SMOS L2 products at a catchment scale.
The paper provides a close lecture of the arguments and methods of legal construction, employed in the extensive individual opinions written by the Justices of the Brazilian Supreme Court in the case which authorized the same sex civil union. After tracing an outline of the legal problem and his possible solutions, we analyze the individual opinions, showing their methodological syncretism, the use of legal methods and arguments in a contradictory way as well the deficiencies in the reasoning. The Justices use legal arguments, but do not meet the requirements of rationality in the decision-making. We have a rhetorical attempt that aims to satisfy the public opinion than to offer a comprehensive and coherent solution according the normative elements of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal propor uma metodologia que agilize a construção de uma ferramenta no campo da Documentação. Trata-se da geração de uma base de dados terminológica com sustentação na terminologia utilizada pelo especialista em sua área de domínio. Ela se apóia nos pressupostos teóricos da Teoria da Enunciação, da Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia e da Socioterminologia. Com esse referencial acredita-se ser possível assegurar a efetiva comunicação entre os Sistemas de Recuperação de Informação e os usuários, sendo o bibliotecário o mediador do processo comunicativo que tem origem no autor do texto indexado. Buscou-se o suporte da Terminografia e da Lingüística de Corpus pela possibilidade de coletar, tratar e armazenar um grande volume de informações de uma determinada área do saber.
Die vorliegende Dissertation setzt sich mit dem Phänomen ›Text im Rahmen der Neuen Medien‹ auseinander, indem sie theoretisch und empirisch der in der einschlägigen Forschung aufgeworfenen (und kontrovers diskutierten) Frage nachgeht, ob die Sprache in den Textsorten der neuen Kommunikationsformen als neue Schriftlichkeit bzw. schriftliche Mündlichkeit zu verstehen sei. Dabei konzentriert sie sich exemplarisch auf die Analyse eigens für diesen Zweck erstellter aktueller Textkorpora der Kommunikationsformen E-Mail und Brief und untersucht sie unter den Gesichtspunkten Mündlichkeit / Schriftlichkeit bzw. Nähe / Distanz. ›Kapitel 1‹ umreißt den Forschungsstand zum Thema ›Text und Textsorte‹ sowohl in der Textlinguistik als auch in aktuellen Studien zur Sprache in den Neuen Medien. ›Kapitel 2‹ ist dem kritischen Referat verschiedener bekannter Modelle gewidmet, die sich mit dem Aspekt der Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit bzw. Nähe und Distanz beschäftigen (Hugo Stegers Freiburger Gruppe, Ludwig Söll, Koch/Oesterreicher und Ágel/Hennig) und eine Verortung von Textsorten im Kontinuum Nähe und Distanz vornehmen (Koch/Oesterreicher und Ágel/Hennig).›Kapitel 3‹ schlägt Korrekturen und Ergänzungen betreffend Punktgebung, Modellglossar und Makroanalyse im Modell von Ágel/Hennig vor, das in dieser Arbeit den Analysen der Nähesprachlichkeit in Privatbriefen und privaten E-Mails zugrunde liegt. ›Kapitel 4‹ setzt sich mit Aspekten der beiden Textkorpora auseinander, auf die sich diese Arbeit stützt, und beschreibt und erläutert den Fragebogen, der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstellt und Probanden zur Beantwortung vorgelegt wurde. ›Kapitel 5‹ nimmt einen ausführlichen Vergleich der Textsorten ›Privatbrief und private E-Mail‹ vor und beleuchtet abrissartig die Geschichte beider Kommunikationsformen, wobei es sich gleichzeitig auch kritisch mit den in der Forschung in solchen Vergleichsfragen vertretenen Positionen auseinander setzt. ›Kapitel 6‹ interpretiert die Ergebnisse der in der Arbeit durchgeführten Näheanalysen und zieht daraus die Schlussfolgerungen.
With the rapid growth of databases of various types (text, multimedia, etc..), There exist a need to propose methods for ordering, access and retrieve data in a simple and fast way. The images databases, in addition to these needs, require a representation of the images so that the semantic content characteristics are considered. Accordingly, several proposals such as the textual annotations based retrieval has been made. In the annotations approach, the recovery is based on the comparison between the textual description that a user can make of images and descriptions of the images stored in database. Among its drawbacks, it is noted that the textual description is very dependent on the observer, in addition to the computational effort required to describe all the images in database. Another approach is the content based image retrieval - CBIR, where each image is represented by low-level features such as: color, shape, texture, etc. In this sense, the results in the area of CBIR has been very promising. However, the representation of the images semantic by low-level features is an open problem. New algorithms for the extraction of features as well as new methods of indexing have been proposed in the literature. However, these algorithms become increasingly complex. So, doing an analysis, it is natural to ask whether there is a relationship between semantics and low-level features extracted in an image? and if there is a relationship, which descriptors better represent the semantic? which leads us to a new question: how to use descriptors to represent the content of the images?. The work presented in this thesis, proposes a method to analyze the relationship between low-level descriptors and semantics in an attempt to answer the questions before. Still, it was observed that there are three possibilities of indexing images: Using composed characteristic vectors, using parallel and independent index structures (for each descriptor or set of them) and using characteristic vectors sorted in sequential order. Thus, the first two forms have been widely studied and applied in literature, but there were no records of the third way has even been explored. So this thesis also proposes to index using a sequential structure of descriptors and also the order of these descriptors should be based on the relationship that exists between each descriptor and semantics of the users. Finally, the proposed index in this thesis revealed better than the traditional approachs and yet, was showed experimentally that the order in this sequence is important and there is a direct relationship between this order and the relationship of low-level descriptors with the semantics of the users
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Accurate long-term monitoring of total ozone is one of the most important requirements for identifying possible natural or anthropogenic changes in the composition of the stratosphere. For this purpose, the NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) UV-visible Working Group has made recommendations for improving and homogenizing the retrieval of total ozone columns from twilight zenith-sky visible spectrometers. These instruments, deployed all over the world in about 35 stations, allow measuring total ozone twice daily with limited sensitivity to stratospheric temperature and cloud cover. The NDACC recommendations address both the DOAS spectral parameters and the calculation of air mass factors (AMF) needed for the conversion of O-3 slant column densities into vertical column amounts. The most important improvement is the use of O-3 AMF look-up tables calculated using the TOMS V8 (TV8) O-3 profile climatology, that allows accounting for the dependence of the O-3 AMF on the seasonal and latitudinal variations of the O-3 vertical distribution. To investigate their impact on the retrieved ozone columns, the recommendations have been applied to measurements from the NDACC/SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) network. The revised SAOZ ozone data from eight stations deployed at all latitudes have been compared to TOMS, GOMEGDP4, SCIAMACHY-TOSOMI, SCIAMACHY-OL3, OMI-TOMS, and OMI-DOAS satellite overpass observations, as well as to those of collocated Dobson and Brewer instruments at Observatoire de Haute Provence (44 degrees N, 5.5 degrees E) and Sodankyla (67 degrees N, 27 degrees E), respectively. A significantly better agreement is obtained between SAOZ and correlative reference ground-based measurements after applying the new O-3 AMFs. However, systematic seasonal differences between SAOZ and satellite instruments remain. These are shown to mainly originate from (i) a possible problem in the satellite retrieval algorithms in dealing with the temperature dependence of the ozone cross-sections in the UV and the solar zenith angle (SZA) dependence, (ii) zonal modulations and seasonal variations of tropospheric ozone columns not accounted for in the TV8 profile climatology, and (iii) uncertainty on the stratospheric ozone profiles at high latitude in the winter in the TV8 climatology. For those measurements mostly sensitive to stratospheric temperature like TOMS, OMI-TOMS, Dobson and Brewer, or to SZA like SCIAMACHY-TOSOMI, the application of temperature and SZA corrections results in the almost complete removal of the seasonal difference with SAOZ, improving significantly the consistency between all ground-based and satellite total ozone observations.
In some applications with case-based system, the attributes available for indexing are better described as linguistic variables instead of receiving numerical treatment. In these applications, the concept of fuzzy hypercube can be applied to give a geometrical interpretation of similarities among cases. This paper presents an approach that uses geometrical properties of fuzzy hypercube space to make indexing and retrieval processes of cases.