984 resultados para Testament vital
This dissertation argues that the textual community of fourth or fifth century monastic Egypt read Testament of Isaac as an ascetical regimen in order to transform themselves into children of Isaac. T. Isaac highlights three particular dimensions of Isaac's character from the remembered tradition of Isaac that would have resonated in the Egyptian monastic context of the textual community - Isaac as priestly authority, Isaac as sacrifice, and Isaac as blind ascetic - to create a model for the new self that the textual community aimed to achieve. Two important ascetic practices in T. Isaac that the textual community was to perform were copying and reading T. Isaac. These two practices functioned as technologies of the self that helped the members of the textual community to transform their present subjectivity into a new self modeled on Isaac in T. Isaac.
Objetivo. Realizar una etnografía, en una Unidad de Paliativos, para estudiar las interacciones de los actores, en particular la de los médicos con los enfermos, que están viviendo esa determinada situación de tránsito hacia la muerte; y la opinión de aquellos sobre los cuidados paliativos. Metodología. El paradigma al que nos adscribimos es el cualitativo, ontológicamente constructivista y epistemológicamente, desde el punto de vista de las sociologías de la vida, siendo nuestro método la etnografía. Resultados. Procedentes del discurso, sobre todo de las entrevistas con los médicos han sido recogidos textualmente. Conclusiones. Entre otras, sobre el escenario, un microespacio dentro del Hospitalito, llamado Unidad de Cuidados Medios, representaba diacrónicamente la dicotomía tesis / antítesis: la tesis de que era una unidad que formalmente se había inaugurado como una Unidad de Paliativos, suponemos que con un propósito propagandístico; pero la antítesis, era la realidad y esta era sin duda que seguía siendo una Unidad de Cuidados Medios.
Three-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster with a story about a wealthy young Englishman named Francis who discovers that money is not the source of happiness. The essay is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem, "The Complaint." Buckminster's essay begins, "Francis was the son of a rich English nobleman."
Leather-hardcover volume containing an interleaved and annotated copy of a Greek Testament. The printed text is in Greek, but most of Pearson's notes are in English and discuss or translate the text. The inside front cover is inscribed "E. Pearson 1768." There is no title page or imprint information.
Leather-hardcover volume containing an interleaved and annotated copy of a Greek Testament. The printed text is in Greek, but most of Pearson's notes are in English and discuss or translate the text. The inside front cover is inscribed "E. Pearson 1768." There is no title page or imprint information.
Four-page handwritten account statement of the estate of Caleb Gannett with the note on the verso: "This account of administration was rendered the Judge, but was declared by him to be incorrect-- Feb 1819."
Four-page handwritten account statement with the note on the verso: "Thomas B. Gannett's first account as executor to C. Gannett February 1820 copy."
One-page handwritten accounting document with the note on the verso: "changes of from which items in 1st account of administration are formed." The document is undated.