717 resultados para Tarenaya spinosa
The benthic stable isotope record from ODP Site 761 (Wombat Plateau, NW Australia, 2179.3 m water depth) documents complete recovery of the middle Miocene delta13C excursion corresponding to the climatic optimum and subsequent expansion of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The six main delta13C maxima of the "Monterey Excursion" between 16.4 and 13.6 Ma and the characteristic stepped increase in delta18O between 14.5 and 13.9 Ma are clearly identified. The sedimentary record of the shallower ODP Sites 1126 and 1134 [Great Australian Bight (GAB), SWAustralia, 783.8 and 701 m water depth, respectively] is truncated by several unconformities. However, a composite benthic stable isotope curve for these sites provides a first middle Miocene bathyal record for southwest Australia. The delta18O and delta13C curves for Sites 1126 and 1134 indicate a cooler, better-ventilated water mass at ~700 m water depth in the Great Australian Bight since approximately 16 Ma. This cooler and younger water mass probably originated from a close southern source. Cooling of the bottom water at ~16 Ma started much earlier than at other sites of equivalent paleodepths in the central and western parts of the Indian Ocean. At Site 761, the delta18O curve shows an excellent match with the global sea level curve between ~11.5 and 15.1 Ma, and thus closely reflects changes in global ice volume. Prior to 15.1 Ma, the mismatch between the delta18O curve and the sea level curve indicates that delta18O fluctuations are mainly due to changes in bottom water temperature.
This paper describes and illustrates early to middle Eocene benthic foraminifers from northwest Atlantic Site 605, on the continental rise off New Jersey. Benthic foraminiferal faunas are dominated by Bulitnina spp., Nuttallides truempyi, Lenticulina spp., and Cibicidoides spp. Other common taxa include Oridorsalis spp., Gyroidinoides spp., uniserial taxa, arenaceous taxa, and Globocassidulina subglobosa. Together, these taxa usually make up 70% or more of the total fauna. The assemblages are interpreted as indicating a lower bathyal environment of deposition during the Eocene at Site 605. This is corroborated by an independent water depth estimate through backstripping, indicating a water depth for the beginning of the Eocene to late middle Eocene of approximately 2300 to 2000 m.
Abundant and diverse polycystine radiolarian faunas from ODP Leg 181, Site 1123 (0-1.2 Ma at ~21 kyr resolution) and Site 1124 (0-0.6 Ma, ~5 kyr resolution, with a disconformity between 0.42-0.22 Ma) have been used to infer Pleistocene-Holocene paleoceanographic changes north of the Subtropical Front (STF), offshore eastern New Zealand, southwest Pacific. The abundance of warm-water taxa relative to cool-water taxa was used to determine a radiolarian paleotemperature index, the Subtropical (ST) Index. ST Index variations show strong covariance with benthic foraminifera oxygen isotope records from Site 1123 and exhibit similar patterns through Glacial-Interglacial (G-I) cycles of marine isotope stages (MIS) 15-1. At Site 1123, warm-water taxa peak in abundance during Interglacials (reaching ~8% of the total fauna). Within Glacials cool-water taxa increase to ~15% (MIS2) of the fauna. Changes in radiolarian assemblages at Site 1124 indicate similar but much better resolved trends through MIS15-12 and 7-1. Pronounced increases in warm-water taxa occur at the onset of Interglacials (reaching ~15% of the fauna), whereas the abundance of cool-water taxa increases in Glacials peaking in MIS2 (~17% of the fauna). Overall warmer conditions at Site 1124 during the last 600 kyrs indicate sustained influence of the subtropical, warm East Cape Current (ECC). During Interglacials radiolarian assemblages suggest an increase in marine productivity at both sites which might be due to predominance of micronutrient-rich Subtropical Water. At Site 1123, an increased abundance of deep-dwelling taxa in MIS 13 and 9 suggests enhanced vertical mixing. During Glacials, reduced vigour of ECC flow combined with northward expansion of cool, micronutrient-poor Subantarctic Water occurs. Only at Site 1123 there is evidence of a longitudinal shift of the STF, reaching as far north as 41°S.
Radiolarians are present in samples from six of the seven Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96 sites examined. The age of the siliceous fauna in these samples ranges from late Pleistocene through Holocene, with some Cretaceous radiolarians redeposited in Pleistocene sequences. Radiolarian preservation is discontinuous at these sites except for intraslope basin Site 618, where the sediments throughout the first five cores contain radiolarians.