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The discovery of the soliton is considered to be one of the most significant events of the twentieth century. The term soliton refers to special kinds of waves that can propagate undistorted over long distances and remain unaffected even after collision with each other. Solitons have been studied extensively in many fields of physics. In the context of optical fibers, solitons are not only of fundamental interest but also have potential applications in the field of optical fiber communications. This thesis is devoted to the theoretical study of soliton pulse propagation through single mode optical fibers.


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It has been shown recently that systems driven with random pulses show the signature of chaos ,even without non linear dynamics.This shows that the relation between randomness and chaos is much closer than it was understood earlier .The effect of random perturbations on synchronization can be also different. In some cases identical random perturbations acting on two different chaotic systems induce synchronizations. However most commonly ,the effect of random fluctuations on the synchronizations of chaotic system is to destroy synchronization. This thesis deals with the effect of random fluctuations with its associated characteristic timescales on chaos and synchronization. The author tries to unearth yet another manifestation of randomness on chaos and sychroniztion. This thesis is organized into six chapters.


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The primary aim of this work has been to develop a cost effective process that can be operated at room temperature for developing latex reclaim with superior mechanical properties. With this objective in mind the researcher proposes to study the reclaiming action of four different chemicals on latex products waste. Waste latex products are chosen because it has a higher potential to generate good quality rubber hydrocarbon since all latex products are based on either high quality concentrated latex or creamed latex. Moreover, all latex products are only lightly crosslinked and not masticated and hence not mechanically degraded. The author also proposes to fully explore the possible application of latex reclaim in various fields..


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Nonlinear optics has emerged as a new area of physics , following the development of various types of lasers. A number of advancements , both theoretical and experimental . have been made in the past two decades . by scientists al1 over the world. However , onl y few scientists have attempted to study the experimental aspects of nonlinear optical phenomena i n I ndian laboratories. This thesis is the report of an attempt made in this direction. The thesis contains the details of the several investigations which the author has carried out in the past few years, on optical phase conjugation (OPC) and continuous wave CCVD second harmonic generation CSHG). OPC is a new branch of nonlinear optics, developed only in the past decade. The author has done a few experiments on low power OPC in dye molecules held in solid matrices, by making use of a degenerate four wave mixing CDFWND scheme. These samples have been characterised by studies on their absorption-spectra. fluorescence spectra. triplet lifetimes and saturation intensities. Phase conjugation efficiencies with r espect to the various parameters have been i nvesti gated . DFWM scheme was also employed i n achievi ng phase conjugation of a br oadband laser C Nd: G1ass 3 using a dye solution as the nonlinear medium.


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The emergence of lasers in the early sixties has not only revolutionized the field of optics and communication but also paved new ways in the field of material characterization. Material studies using photothermal techniques possess certain unique characteristics and advantages over conventional methods. The most important aspect of photothennal techniques is their ability to perform noncontact and nondestructive measurement. Photoacoustics, photothermal deflection, thermal lens, photothermal radiometry and photopyroelectric methods are some of the commonly used and powerful techniques for the thermal and optical characterization of materials using lasers. In this thesis the applications of photoacoustic and photothermal deflection techniques for the thermal and optical characterization of different photonic materials, namely, semiconductors, liquid crystals and dye-doped polymers are discussed


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The thesis is mainly concerned with the study of the bacteriology of freezing of mackerel(Rastrelliger kanaggrta)and prawn (Metgpggaeus ddbsoni) The thesis in four sections describes the salient features of the observations and inferences on the bacteriology of freezing of fishes and prawns. This includes the evaluation of methodology for the optimum recovery of bacteria, bacteriology of the newly caught fish and prawn, the effect of freezing temperatures on the survival of selected species of isolates from fish and prawn and the bacteriology of freezing, frozen storage and thawing of prawn/fish emphasizing the effect contributed by each.


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Rainbow sardines of the genus belonging to the family Dueenaieriidae. are small pelagic fishes forming a fairly good, though not abundant. seasonal fishery all along the coasts of India inhabiting the coastal waters. There have been some earlier reports on such individual aspects as their systematic, distribution, abundance. Ostecology and a few biological factors but no attempt has been made towards a comprehensive study on this group. Two species of rainbow sardines are known to occur in the Indian seas and while a knowledge about their biology would be useful from the fishery point of view. it was also thought a study of their systematic position, especially regarding the identity or the two species which had raised doubts among earlier workers would lead to a better understanding or the group as a whole. This thesis is mainly based on studies during the period from April 1969 to march 1971 with a continued investigation of fishhery aspects till December 1975. from the Gulf of manar: and the Palk Bay around mandapam area. on the south-east coast of India. Thus the work deals with the systemtics, biology and fishery of rainbow sardines of Indian seas.


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In classical field theory, the ordinary potential V is an energy density for that state in which the field assumes the value ¢. In quantum field theory, the effective potential is the expectation value of the energy density for which the expectation value of the field is ¢o. As a result, if V has several local minima, it is only the absolute minimum that corresponds to the true ground state of the theory. Perturbation theory remains to this day the main analytical tool in the study of Quantum Field Theory. However, since perturbation theory is unable to uncover the whole rich structure of Quantum Field Theory, it is desirable to have some method which, on one hand, must go beyond both perturbation theory and classical approximation in the points where these fail, and at that time, be sufficiently simple that analytical calculations could be performed in its framework During the last decade a nonperturbative variational method called Gaussian effective potential, has been discussed widely together with several applications. This concept was described as a means of formalizing our intuitive understanding of zero-point fluctuation effects in quantum mechanics in a way that carries over directly to field theory.


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Nonlinearity is a charming element of nature and Nonlinear Science has now become one of the most important tools for the fundamental understanding of the nature. Solitons— solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations — which propagate without spreading and having particle— like properties represent one of the most striking aspects of nonlinear phenomena. The study of wave propagation through nonlinear media has wide applications in different branches of physics.Different mathematical techniques have been introduced to study nonlinear systems. The thesis deals with the study of some of the aspects of electromagnetic wave propagation through nonlinear media, viz, plasma and ferromagnets, using reductive perturbation method. The thesis contains 6 chapters


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The quality of minced fish, as mentioned earlier depends largely on the type and quality of the raw material used, as well as on the processing methods employed. Moreover, fish mincing involves cutting up of tissues thereby increasing surface area to a great extent and releasing of enzymes and nutrients from the tissues. Due to these factors fish mince is relatively more prone to chemical. autolytic and microbial spoilage. Hence study of minced fish with these factors in focus is very important. Equally important is the availability, price and preference of the raw material vis-a-vis the end products and the storage period it passes through. In the present study. changes in the bacterial flora. both quantitative and qualitative of the dressed fish, viz. Nemipterus japonicas and mince from the same fish during freezing and frozen storage have been investigated in detail. The effect of a preservative. viz. . EZDTA on the bacteriological and shelf life characteristics of the minced fish has also been investigated. Attempts have also been made to develop various types of products from mince and to study their storage life.


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In India much work has been done on different aspects of quality of processed fish and fishery products (Pillai et al., 1965; Iyer and Chaudhuri, 1966; Iyer et al., 1966; Sreenivasan and Joseph, 1966; Pillai and Rao, 1969; Mathen et al., 1975; Valsan et al., 1985) and standards have been formulated for almost all the fishery products. Quality standards for fresh fish cover only a few fish species available in the markets. For the formulation and recommendation of quality standards for fish and fishery products for domestic trade detailed background informations are necessary. Khot et al., (1982), Valsan et al. J (1985) and Iyer et al. (1986) have reported on the bacterial flora of sea foods at retail level in Bombay. Cochin is a major fish landing centre of the south west coast of India, and an average of 25,000. tonnes of fish/shell fish are landed annually at this harbour which is about 10 percent of the total catch of fish in Kerala (Lakshmanan -et -al., 1984). All the varieties of marine, brackish water and fresh water fishes are available in Cochln throughout the year for catering to Its cosmopolitan. population and informations regarding their bacteriological quality are scanty. Hence the present study was undertaken to investigate the bacteriological quality of fish and fishery products available in the markets and cold storages situated in and around Cochin meant for internal consumption.


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Man's inadvertent interference with the environment by way of indiscreL¢ industrflflization has led to the deteriorating air quality in the recent times. The search is on to find the remedies to confine the air pollution levels with in their thershold limits. Theoretical studies play A crucial role in the control and for abatment of air pollution. Improper siting of industry is one of the most common reasons for the increased levels of air pollution in urban environments. A proper and effective ecological planning is an essential first step for any region in order to reduce the effects of air pollution. By means of theoretical models one can obtain the pollutant distribution in any urban area, provided the necessary data are available with the help of which the sites for new industries could be suggested, given the emission inventory. Studies on air pollution meteorology serve and aid the planners to initate remedial actions to bring down the levels of pollution and also to out—line the control strategy. In the present thesis some theoretical studies on air pollution meteorology over South India are made. The thesis is divided into six chapters


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Usually typical dynamical systems are non integrable. But few systems of practical interest are integrable. The soliton concept is a sophisticated mathematical construct based on the integrability of a class ol' nonlinear differential equations. An important feature in the clevelopment. of the theory of solitons and of complete integrability has been the interplay between mathematics and physics. Every integrable system has a lo11g list of special properties that hold for integrable equations and only for them. Actually there is no specific definition for integrability that is suitable for all cases. .There exist several integrable partial clillerential equations( pdes) which can be derived using physically meaningful asymptotic teclmiques from a very large class of pdes. It has been established that many 110nlinear wa.ve equations have solutions of the soliton type and the theory of solitons has found applications in many areas of science. Among these, well-known equations are Korteweg de-Vries(KdV), modified KclV, Nonlinear Schr6dinger(NLS), sine Gordon(SG) etc..These are completely integrable systems. Since a small change in the governing nonlinear prle may cause the destruction of the integrability of the system, it is interesting to study the effect of small perturbations in these equations. This is the motivation of the present work.


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The present study of the parasitic copepods gives an account of the taxonomic description of seventy seven species of parasites collected from the food fishes of the Kerala coast. Out of the seventy seven species described, fourteen are new to science, two new records for the Indian waters and ten new host records. The males of Parapetalus longipinnatus Rangnekar and Lerna~thropus indicus Pillai were collected and described for the first time. The parasites described belong to the suborders Cyclopoida, Caligoida and Lernaeopodoida. The available description of many species of this locality is reviewed and supplemented with the help of the present detailed study. The general observations made during this study reveale certain interesting aspects of the host parasite relationship, host specificity, adaptive modification and geographical distribution. A brief discussion of these observations made is also presented.


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Studies on parasitic copepods from freshwater fishes are still in its infancy. In recent years, there- is a renewed enthusiasm in the study of freshwater fish parasites due to rapidly increasing aquaculture practices. The importance of diseases and their control assumes great significance because of the adverse impact of diseases on fish production and its economy. Copepods are one of the most harmful parasites of freshwater fishes. Reports on the damages caused by copepod parasites from different parts on the world are increasing alarmingly. But the information on parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes in India is quite meagre. Knowledge regarding this group of parasites, their Biology and pathology from Kerala. is lacking. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction which deals with the review of literature on various aspects of parasitic copepods viz; systematics, life history, host-parasite relationship, ecology, pathogenicity, prophylaxis and control measures. Systematics of parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes collected during the present study forms the second chapter. The third chapter deals with the life cycle study of the new Lernaeid copepod, Lernaea osphronemi. The fourth chapter contains host-parasite relationship. ecology and treatment of ‘the’ new species of Lernaea On Osphronemus goramy. General observations and a summary of the entire work constitute the fifth chapter