999 resultados para Stuart, George, 1831-1897.


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This article surveys the fiercely contested posthumous assessments of John Stuart Mill in the newspaper and periodical press, in the months following his death in May 1873, and elicits the broader intellectual context. Judgements made in the immediate wake of Mill's death influence biographers and historians to this day and provide an illuminating aperture into the politics and shifting ideological forces of the period. The article considers how Mill's failure to control his posthumous reputation demonstrates both the inextricable intertwining of politics and character in the 1870s, and the difficulties his allies faced. In particular, it shows the sharp division between Mill's middle and working class admirers; the use of James Mill's name as a rebuke to his son; the redefinition of Malthusianism in the 1870s; and how publication of Mill's Autobiography damaged his reputation. Finally, the article considers the relative absence of both theological and Darwinian critiques of Mill.


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Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is a significant economically and distributed globally pathogen of Artiodactyla. Current vaccines are chemically inactivated whole virus particles that require large-scale virus growth in strict bio-containment with the associated risks of accidental release or incomplete inactivation. Non-infectious empty capsids are structural mimics of authentic particles with no associated risk and constitute an alternate vaccine candidate. Capsids self-assemble from the processed virus structural proteins, VP0, VP3 and VP1, which are released from the structural protein precursor P1-2A by the action of the virus-encoded 3C protease. To date recombinant empty capsid assembly has been limited by poor expression levels, restricting the development of empty capsids as a viable vaccine. Here expression of the FMDV structural protein precursor P1-2A in insect cells is shown to be efficient but linkage of the cognate 3C protease to the C-terminus reduces expression significantly. Inactivation of the 3C enzyme in a P1-2A-3C cassette allows expression and intermediate levels of 3C activity resulted in efficient processing of the P1-2A precursor into the structural proteins which assembled into empty capsids. Expression was independent of the insect host cell background and leads to capsids that are recognised as authentic by a range of anti-FMDV bovine sera suggesting their feasibility as an alternate vaccine.


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Admiralty Bay is located on the western side of King George Island. Although several research teams of different nationalities have carried out surveys in the region for decades, there are only two publications dealing with the seaweed flora of the bay. Here, we report on a taxonomic survey of the seaweeds we collected during the 25th Brazilian Antarctic Expedition (December 2006/November 2007). We discovered 42 species (21 Rhodophyta, 14 Phaeophyceae, and 7 Chlorophyta), corresponding to an increase of about 31% in the seaweed biodiversity hitherto known for the region. Considering that the Antarctic Peninsula, adjacent to King George Island seems to be one of the most rapidly warming spots on the planet, this kind of survey may provide a valuable tool for detecting eventual changes in seaweed biodiversity.


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The new ctenid genus Ohvida is proposed to include eight species: Ohvida fulvorufa (Franganillo, 1931) comb. nov. (type species) (=Celaetycheus cabriolatus Franganillo, 1930 syn. nov.; = C. cabriolatus pardosiformis Franganillo, 1930 syn. nov.; = C. fulvorufus afoliatus Franganillo, 1931 syn. nov.), O. isolata (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. vernalis (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. brevitarsus (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. coxanus (Bryant, 1940), comb. nov., and three new species, O. turquino sp. nov. (all species from Cuba), and O. andros sp. nov. and O. bimini sp. nov. (both species from The Bahamas). Species of Ohvida differ from all other ctenid spiders by the presence of a retrodorsal projection on the cymbium of the male pedipalp and by a basal position of the lateral spurs on the female epigyne. The genus Celaetycheus Simon, 1897 is reviewed to only include its type species, C. flavostriatus Simon, 1897 from Brazil. We propose the following synonyms and new combinations: Ctenus ottleyi (Petrunkevitch, 1930) (= Celaetycheus strenuus Bryant, 1942 syn. nov. and C. modestus Bryant, 1942 syn. nov.); Ctenus delesserti (Caporiacco, 1947) comb. nov., and Leptoctenus paradoxus (F.O. P.-Cambridge, 1900) comb. nov. Celaetycheus modestus Bryant, 1942 is considered incertae sedis.


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Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att klargöra livs- och arbetsförhållandena för barnmorskorna i Falu provinsialläkardistrikt under senare delen av 1800-talet. Det finns forskning som menar att landsortsbarnmorskorna från förra sekelskiftet och bakåt oftast var gifta och/eller hade egna barn, och denna slutsats har inspirerat till föreliggande arbete. Med utgångspunkt i samtliga distriktsbarnmorskors civilstånd, ev. moderskap, ålder och ursprung år 1897, har sedan ett mindre antal valts ut för en djupare granskning. Undersökningen har alltså varit tudelad. Resultatet som helhet visar bl.a. att de flesta barnmorskorna var ogifta och barnlösa år 1897. Den djupare granskningen visar dessutom stor variation i livs- och arbetsvillkor, där exempelvis löner och arbetsbörda var mycket olika. Vidare forskning kring frågor som t. ex. beräkningsgrunderna för kontantlönerna, skulle nyansera bilden ytterligare.


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska hur resocialiserings- och uppfostrans-ideal av sinnesslöa fungerade vid Västmanlands sinnesslöanstalt å Sofielund. Studien är en fallstudie med individfokus, som följer 18 intagna skolhemsele-ver vid sinnesslöanstalten i Sofielund. Det material som har använts är bland annat intagningslistor, journaler och personliga akter för de 18 undersöknings-personerna, som finns tillgängliga hos Landstingsarkivet Västmanland. Av denna undersökning framkommer bland annat att de 18 undersökningsperso-nerna kom från relativt normala familjer och hemförhållanden, som i de flesta fallen tillhörde arbetarklassen. Samtliga undersökningspersoner ansågs vara bildbara vid intagningen till Sofielund och den största delen av dem ansågs före intagningen lida av lättare sinnesslöhet (idioti). Dessutom ansågs inte någon av dem vara farlig för sin omgivning. Skolpersonalens beskrivningar stödjer inte heller uppfattningen om att de skulle ha ansetts vara farliga. Om de 18 undersökningspersonerna framkommer att de i vissa fall inte ansågs vara bildbara av skolledningen, tidigare utlåtanden till trots. Följaktligen visar resultatet på att en stor del av undersökningspersonerna blev hemskickade efter utskrivning från skolhemmet, möjligen för att de ansågs vara bildbara och därmed inte var lämpliga i skolhemmet. Denna studies resultat pekar också på att uppföljningen av undersökningspersonerna var relativt systema-tisk. En sammanfattande slutsats i denna studie är också att det inte var ovanligt att undersökningspersonerna skickades hem, trots att de flesta gjorde ganska små framsteg i skolan.


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A travers des œuvres de George Sand (1804-1876), le mémoire étudie la littérature champêtre, l'exotisme et l’écriture féminine. Dans un deuxième temps il montre les relations avec des personnes célèbres qui ont influencé l’auteur et les correspondances entretenues entre George Sand et elles. Enfin le mémoire se termine par une étude de la femme moderne qu'était George Sand.


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Vilhelm Ekelunds och det litterära fältet 1897-1949 [Vilhelm Ekelund and the literary field 1897-1949] The theoretical background of this study is Pierre Bourdieu’s sociological approach to literature. I use his theory concerning the importance of cultural (and other forms of symbolic) capital for the individual artist – and his description of the literary field as a place characterized by continuous conflict between different categories of participants. In the article, I argue that as a young poet, Ekelund held a position in the field that was with the intellectual group as opposed to the group of commercial authors – and among the young avant-garde as opposed to among the consecrated and well-established writers. However, this position changed somewhat during the years Ekelund spent in exile (1908-1921), and it continued to change after his return to Sweden. His reputation as a thoroughly intellectual writer was accentuated and, as time passed, he himself became a consecrated artist with certain privileges – e.g. grants and awards – to defend.


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Combining 'the gathering of artefacts with the gathering of souls', George Brown was a key figure in the Christian, and especially the Wesleyan Methodist, history of nineteenth-century Oceania. Using his life as a case study, Helen Bethea Gardner examines the role of Christian missionaries in the Pacific Islands. Brown's career (1860-1908) spanned one of the most tumultuous political periods in the South Pacific, as one by one islands were colonised by imperial nations. He was one of the most politically engaged of all missionaries, encouraging colonial rule in the Pacific by America, Britain, Germany and, eventually, Australia and New Zealand. Originally from the north of England, he worked as a missionary in Samoa from 1860, moving to the Bismarck Archipelago (now Papua New Guinea) in 1875. From the 1880s until his retirement in 1907, he worked in Sydney as the general secretary of the Australasian Methodist Overseas Mission. Gathering for God examines Brown's missionary letters, journals and journalism, exploring how he attracted Pacific Islanders to Christian teachings, analysing his leadership during an armed attack on New Britain villages accused of cannibalism, and looking at his work in the new discipline of anthropology. He was a major collector of artefacts (his collection is now in the Osaka Museum) and photographer of Pacific peoples (his collection is in the Australian Museum).


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Feyerabend, 1975; Feyerabend, 1981 and Feyerabend, 1987 takes J. S. Mill’s On Liberty to support the proliferation of theories in science and to emphasize the fallibility of scientific knowledge. On Liberty, according to Feyerabend, contradicts and overthrows Mill’s major study of science, A System of Logic. Staley (1999) reads the 2 works of Mill as giving complementary accounts of science. The present author rejects these interpretations of Mill, arguing that A System of Logic and On Liberty are mutually compatible since On Liberty concerns the nature of non-scientific knowledge and the methods that Mill believes are appropriate to expanding and assessing that knowledge.


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Within the context of the debate over the recent suspended sentence given to John Stuart Godfrey by Underwood J in the Supreme Court of Tasmania for assisting his elderly mother with her suicide, this article examines some of the more popular arguments for and against the moral acceptability of euthanasia and assisted suicide. This article considers the arguments put forward on the “difference principle” by Rachels and Nesbitt before critically examining the liberal approach to the euthanasia issue as proposed by Kuhse. It is argued that whilst Kuhse is correct to reject the difference principle, she does so for the wrong reasons. The penultimate section of the article provides an overview of the traditional moral view against killing. The final part assesses whether the arguments put forward by proponents of the liberal approach are capable of overcoming this view.


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In 1875, Methodist George Brown arrived in the Bismarck Archipelago to establish the New Britain Mission. Based in the Duke of York Islands, Brown's territory covered New Ireland and the Gazelle Peninsula of New Britain. The mission was one of the first to be photographed from its inception. The Australian Museum holds 96 plates from the first five years of the mission. Brown's photographs are a visual record of conditions and peoples of the time. Analysed in relation to Brown's writings they are indicative of the relationships and bonds established through photography both in the mission field and across wider scientific and church audiences. The methodology employed here also challenges the kinds of interpretations of photographs that can arise from visual analyses relying solely on the caption and the posing of the subject.