996 resultados para Structural database


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This paper applies probability and decision theory in the graphical interface of an influence diagram to study the formal requirements of rationality which justify the individualization of a person found through a database search. The decision-theoretic part of the analysis studies the parameters that a rational decision maker would use to individualize the selected person. The modeling part (in the form of an influence diagram) clarifies the relationships between this decision and the ingredients that make up the database search problem, i.e., the results of the database search and the different pairs of propositions describing whether an individual is at the source of the crime stain. These analyses evaluate the desirability associated with the decision of 'individualizing' (and 'not individualizing'). They point out that this decision is a function of (i) the probability that the individual in question is, in fact, at the source of the crime stain (i.e., the state of nature), and (ii) the decision maker's preferences among the possible consequences of the decision (i.e., the decision maker's loss function). We discuss the relevance and argumentative implications of these insights with respect to recent comments in specialized literature, which suggest points of view that are opposed to the results of our study.


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The influence of radio frequency (rf) power and pressure on deposition rate and structural properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films, prepared by rf glow discharge decomposition of silane, have been studied by phase modulated ellipsometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. It has been found two pressure regions separated by a threshold value around 20 Pa where the deposition rate increases suddenly. This behavior is more marked as rf power rises and reflects the transition between two rf discharges regimes. The best quality films have been obtained at low pressure and at low rf power but with deposition rates below 0.2 nm/s. In the high pressure region, the enhancement of deposition rate as rf power increases first gives rise to a reduction of film density and an increase of content of hydrogen bonded in polyhydride form because of plasma polymerization reactions. Further rise of rf power leads to a decrease of polyhydride bonding and the material density remains unchanged, thus allowing the growth of a-Si:H films at deposition rates above 1 nm/s without any important detriment of material quality. This overcoming of deposition rate limitation has been ascribed to the beneficial effects of ion bombardment on the a-Si:H growing surface by enhancing the surface mobility of adsorbed reactive species and by eliminating hydrogen bonded in polyhydride configurations.


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Water-soluble polymers are characterized as effective flocculating agents due to their molecular features. Their application to soils with horizons with structural problems, e.g, a cohesive character, contributes to improvements in the physical quality and thus to the agricultural suitability of such soils. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the structural quality of soils with cohesive horizons of coastal tablelands in the State of Pernambuco treated with polyacrylamide (PAM) as chemical soil conditioner. To this end, three horizons (one cohesive and two non-cohesive) of a Yellow Argisol (Ultisol) were evaluated and to compare cohesive horizons, the horizon of a Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) was selected. The treatments consisted of aqueous PAM solutions (12.5; 50.0; 100.0 mg kg-1) and distilled water (control). The structural aspects of the horizons were evaluated by the stability (soil mass retained in five diameter classes), aggregate distribution per size class (mean weight diameter- MWD, geometric mean diameter - GMD) and the magnitude of the changes introduced by PAM by measuring the sensitivity index (Si). Aqueous PAM solutions increased aggregate stability in the largest evaluated diameter class of the cohesive and non-cohesive horizons, resulting in higher MWD and GMD, with highest efficiency of the 100 mg kg-1 solution. The cohesive horizon Bt1 in the Ultisol was most sensitive to the action of PAM, where highest Si values were found, but the structural quality of the BA horizon of the Oxisol was better in terms of stability and aggregate size distribution.


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The synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles with monodispere size distributions, their self assembly into ordered arrays and their magnetic behavior as a function of structural order (ferrofluids and 2D assemblies) are presented. Magnetic colloids of monodispersed, passivated, cobalt nanocrystals were produced by the rapid pyrolysis of cobalt carbonyl in solution. The size, size distribution (std. dev.< 5%) and the shape of the nanocrystals were controlled by varying the surfactant, its concentration, the reaction rate and the reaction temperature. The Co particles are defect-free single crystals with a complex cubic structure related to the beta phase of manganese (epsilon-Co). In the 2D assembly, a collective behavior was observed in the low-field susceptibility measurements where the magnetization of the zero field cooled process increases steadily and the magnetization of the field cooling process is independent the temperature. This was different from the observed behavior in a sample comprised of disordered interacting particles. A strong paramagnetic contribution appears at very low temperatures where the magnetization increases drastically after field cooling the sample. This has been attributed to the Co surfactant-particle interface since no magnetic atomic impurities are present in these samples.


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Collective dynamic properties in Lennard-Jones crystals are investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The study is focused on properties such as the dynamic structure factors, the longitudinal and transverse currents and the density of states. The influence on these properties of the structural disorder is analyzed by comparing the results for one-component crystals with those for liquids and supercooled liquids at analogous conditions. The effects of species-disorder on the collective properties of binary crystals are also discussed.


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BACKGROUND: Fourmidable is an infrastructure to curate and share the emerging genetic, molecular, and functional genomic data and protocols for ants. DESCRIPTION: The Fourmidable assembly pipeline groups nucleotide sequences into clusters before independently assembling each cluster. Subsequently, assembled sequences are annotated via Interproscan and BLAST against general and insect-specific databases. Gene-specific information can be retrieved using gene identifiers, searching for similar sequences or browsing through inferred Gene Ontology annotations. The database will readily scale as ultra-high throughput sequence data and sequences from additional species become available. CONCLUSION: Fourmidable currently houses EST data from two ant species and microarray gene expression data for one of these. Fourmidable is publicly available at http://fourmidable.unil.ch.


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Soils are the foundation of terrestrial ecosystems and their role in food production is fundamental, although physical degradation has been observed in recent years, caused by different cultural practices that modify structures and consequently the functioning of soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate possible structural changes and degradation in an Oxisol under different managements for 20 years: no-tillage cultivation with and without crop rotation, perennial crop and conventional tillage, plus a forested area (reference). Initially, the crop profile was described and subsequently, 10 samples per management system and forest soil were collected to quantify soil organic matter, flocculation degree, bulk density, and macroporosity. The results indicated structural changes down to a soil depth of 50 cm, with predominance of structural units ∆μ (intermediate compaction level) under perennial crop and no-tillage crop rotation, and of structural units ∆ (compacted) under conventional tillage and no-tillage. The soil was increasingly degraded in the increasing order: forest => no-tillage crop rotation => perennial crop => no-tillage without crop rotation => conventional tillage. In all managements, the values of organic matter and macroporosity were always below and bulk density always above those of the reference area (forest) and, under no-tillage crop rotation and perennial crop, the flocculation degree was proportionally equal to that of the reference area.


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The Complete Arabidopsis Transcriptome Micro Array (CATMA) database contains gene sequence tag (GST) and gene model sequences for over 70% of the predicted genes in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome as well as primer sequences for GST amplification and a wide range of supplementary information. All CATMA GST sequences are specific to the gene for which they were designed, and all gene models were predicted from a complete reannotation of the genome using uniform parameters. The database is searchable by sequence name, sequence homology or direct SQL query, and is available through the CATMA website at http://www.catma.org/.


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The Rietveld profile‐analysis method is used to investigate the x‐ray diffraction pattern of lithiated Fe3O4. It is shown that, after exposure to air, pure magnetite coexists with a lithium‐inserted LixFe3O4 phase. The Mössbauer spectra at 300 and 4.2 K have been used to estimate the lithium content of the sample, the pure magnetite concentration, and the iron distribution over the available 16c and 16d sites of the spinel structure. Magnetization measurements from 4.2 to 120 K with an external magnetic field up to 150 kOe have been used to obtain the saturation magnetic moment, the magnetic anisotropy constants, and the susceptibility. It is concluded that a noncollinear spin structure should be present in Li0.5Fe3O4. These results indicate that there is no room‐temperature extrusion of iron even for x→2.0, but that on exposure to air LixFe3O4 samples with x>0.5 are oxidized at room temperature by delithiation.


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The low-temperature isothermal magnetization curves, M(H), of SmCo4 and Fe3Tb thin films are studied according to the two-dimensional correlated spin-glass model of Chudnovsky. We have calculated the magnetization law in approach to saturation and shown that the M(H) data fit well the theory at high and low fields. In our fit procedure we have used three different correlation functions. The Gaussian decay correlation function fits well the experimental data for both samples.


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In the past, many pier columns were deteriorating due to attack by chlorides. The chloride (from deicers) has attacked the substructures by drainage from the superstructure. Piers supporting grade separation bridges are also subject to chlorides contained in the direct splash from lower level traffic. Repairs of these piers are both difficult and costly. In this project, four different sealants were applied to piers to evaluate their use in the protection of the concrete against chloride-ions. One pier was left untreated to use as a control pier with which to compare the protected piers. This project began in 1980 and was to be completed in 1985, but at that time it was determined further testing was needed to make a more conclusive evaluation.


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There is growing interest in understanding the role of the non-injured contra-lateral hemisphere in stroke recovery. In the experimental field, histological evidence has been reported that structural changes occur in the contra-lateral connectivity and circuits during stroke recovery. In humans, some recent imaging studies indicated that contra-lateral sub-cortical pathways and functional and structural cortical networks are remodeling, after stroke. Structural changes in the contra-lateral networks, however, have never been correlated to clinical recovery in patients. To determine the importance of the contra-lateral structural changes in post-stroke recovery, we selected a population of patients with motor deficits after stroke affecting the motor cortex and/or sub-cortical motor white matter. We explored i) the presence of Generalized Fractional Anisotropy (GFA) changes indicating structural alterations in the motor network of patientsâeuro? contra-lateral hemisphere as well as their longitudinal evolution ii) the correlation of GFA changes with patientsâeuro? clinical scores, stroke size and demographics data iii) and a predictive model.


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The urate transporter, GLUT9, is responsible for the basolateral transport of urate in the proximal tubule of human kidneys and in the placenta, playing a central role in uric acid homeostasis. GLUT9 shares the least homology with other members of the glucose transporter family, especially with the glucose transporting members GLUT1-4 and is the only member of the GLUT family to transport urate. The recently published high-resolution structure of XylE, a bacterial D-xylose transporting homologue, yields new insights into the structural foundation of this GLUT family of proteins. While this represents a huge milestone, it is unclear if human GLUT9 can benefit from this advancement through subsequent structural based targeting and mutagenesis. Little progress has been made toward understanding the mechanism of GLUT9 since its discovery in 2000. Before work can begin on resolving the mechanisms of urate transport we must determine methods to express, purify and analyze hGLUT9 using a model system adept in expressing human membrane proteins. Here, we describe the surface expression, purification and isolation of monomeric protein, and functional analysis of recombinant hGLUT9 using the Xenopus laevis oocyte system. In addition, we generated a new homology-based high-resolution model of hGLUT9 from the XylE crystal structure and utilized our purified protein to generate a low-resolution single particle reconstruction. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the functional protein extracted from the Xenopus system fits well with the homology-based model allowing us to generate the predicted urate-binding pocket and pave a path for subsequent mutagenesis and structure-function studies.