834 resultados para Sterilized impressions


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The view is upheld that it is possible to constitute a conception of artistic vocation from fiction itself with characteristics that may be extended to other vocational fields. "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu" by Marcel Proust is made use of to exemplify how this author reflects critically on his own work and on the artist's conditions. Thus he points out the importance of randomness, childhood, Materializing into a work an adequate conception of his own artistic work, involuntary memory, the life that has been lived, and his own comprehension of art, the force of conviction, Vocation is a call that overcomes the dichotomy between innate gift and social product as it is the result of a genesis of sensory impressions and involuntary memories that, although they are fugacious, they become fixed in the literary work. It is explained how "A la Recherche " both can and cannot be considered the history of a vocation, as literature had not played any role at all in the novelistic hero's life, but, however, it really was a history of a vocation since the work was a consequence of events that had been lived. Notwithstanding, even if vocation had never been deemed so important, he must win a battle against death. Genette sums up "A la Recherche " thus: "Marcel becomes a writer".


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En el marco de un ya concluido proyecto de investigación titulado: 'Imágenes de España en la arquitectura rioplatense' analizamos las impresiones del célebre arquitecto argentino Martín Noel en su libro de viajes España vista otra vez, escrito y publicado en la Península mientras dirigía en Sevilla las obras del Pabellón Argentino en la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929. Estábamos por abocarnos a otros temas, cuando encontramos casualmente un raro libro español de la época prologado por Noel. Nos referimos al volumen Casas de campo españolas, de Alfredo Baeschlin, arquitecto suizo residente en España. El libro reúne cincuenta proyectos originales de viviendas 'típicas' de las diversas regiones de España con profusión de planos, perspectivas y una memoria escrita en la que se destacan tanto sus virtudes funcionales como su respeto al carácter 'español'. Pensamos pues que dicho azaroso hallazgo constituye una oportunidad para analizar qué se entendía por 'lo español' en la arquitectura de los años veinte, a ambas orillas del Atlántico, estudiando las miradas cruzadas del autor europeo y el prologuista americano con la particularidad de que, pese a ser ambos entusiastas estudiosos de lo hispano, ninguno de ellos era español


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En La gallina ciega, Max Aub recoge y reelabora las impresiones -propias y ajenas- provocadas por su regreso a España en 1969, tras treinta años de exilio en México. El artículo aborda algunas manifestaciones de la dinámica de relación entre memoria y literatura, tanto en La gallina ciega -en el recorrido de Aub por la geografía peninsular-, como en las (re)lecturas de la obra aubiana que ponen en evidencia el lugar que ella ocupa en el canon español moderno.


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The view is upheld that it is possible to constitute a conception of artistic vocation from fiction itself with characteristics that may be extended to other vocational fields. "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu" by Marcel Proust is made use of to exemplify how this author reflects critically on his own work and on the artist's conditions. Thus he points out the importance of randomness, childhood, Materializing into a work an adequate conception of his own artistic work, involuntary memory, the life that has been lived, and his own comprehension of art, the force of conviction, Vocation is a call that overcomes the dichotomy between innate gift and social product as it is the result of a genesis of sensory impressions and involuntary memories that, although they are fugacious, they become fixed in the literary work. It is explained how "A la Recherche " both can and cannot be considered the history of a vocation, as literature had not played any role at all in the novelistic hero's life, but, however, it really was a history of a vocation since the work was a consequence of events that had been lived. Notwithstanding, even if vocation had never been deemed so important, he must win a battle against death. Genette sums up "A la Recherche " thus: "Marcel becomes a writer".


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En el marco de un ya concluido proyecto de investigación titulado: 'Imágenes de España en la arquitectura rioplatense' analizamos las impresiones del célebre arquitecto argentino Martín Noel en su libro de viajes España vista otra vez, escrito y publicado en la Península mientras dirigía en Sevilla las obras del Pabellón Argentino en la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929. Estábamos por abocarnos a otros temas, cuando encontramos casualmente un raro libro español de la época prologado por Noel. Nos referimos al volumen Casas de campo españolas, de Alfredo Baeschlin, arquitecto suizo residente en España. El libro reúne cincuenta proyectos originales de viviendas 'típicas' de las diversas regiones de España con profusión de planos, perspectivas y una memoria escrita en la que se destacan tanto sus virtudes funcionales como su respeto al carácter 'español'. Pensamos pues que dicho azaroso hallazgo constituye una oportunidad para analizar qué se entendía por 'lo español' en la arquitectura de los años veinte, a ambas orillas del Atlántico, estudiando las miradas cruzadas del autor europeo y el prologuista americano con la particularidad de que, pese a ser ambos entusiastas estudiosos de lo hispano, ninguno de ellos era español


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En La gallina ciega, Max Aub recoge y reelabora las impresiones -propias y ajenas- provocadas por su regreso a España en 1969, tras treinta años de exilio en México. El artículo aborda algunas manifestaciones de la dinámica de relación entre memoria y literatura, tanto en La gallina ciega -en el recorrido de Aub por la geografía peninsular-, como en las (re)lecturas de la obra aubiana que ponen en evidencia el lugar que ella ocupa en el canon español moderno.


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The ant Oecophylla longinoda Latreille forms a trophobiotic relationship with the invasive mealybug Rastrococus iceryoides Green and promotes the latter's infestations to unacceptable levels in the presence of their natural enemies. In this regard, the antagonistic interactions between the ant and the parasitoid Anagyrus pseudococci Girault were assessed under laboratory conditions. The percentage of parasitism of R. iceryoides by A. pseudococci was significantly higher on "ant-excluded" treatments (86.6% ± 1.27%) compared to "ant-tended" treatments (51.4% ± 4.13%). The low female-biased sex-ratio observed in the "ant-tended" treatment can be attributed to ants' interference during the oviposition phase, which disrupted parasitoids' ability to fertilize eggs. The mean foraging time, host handling time and number of successful oviposition in "ant-excluded" treatment were significantly higher compared to "ant-tended" treatments. When ant workers were allowed access to sterilized sand grains, mummified and unmummified R. iceryoides, they selectively removed the mummified mealybugs, indicating that they recognized the mummies as potential foods (1.2 ± 0.46 to 7.8 ± 1.17 mummies at 10 min intervals for 2 h). Percentage emergence from mummified R. iceryoides removed by the ants was significantly lower compared to emergence from mummies not exposed to ants. Although, host seeking parasitoids frequently evaded attacks, some were killed by the foraging ant workers (2.0 ± 0.38 to 6.0 ± 0.88 at 10 min intervals for 2 h). These results suggest for the first time that the presence of O. longinoda has a detrimental effect on the abundance, reproductive success and possibly oviposition strategy of female parasitoids, which might be a delimiting factor in field conditions if both natural enemies are to be recommended for use within the same agro-ecosystem.


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El trabajo tiene como objetivo indagar respecto de algunas de las construcciones que peritos médicos y juristas compartían o discutían respecto de qué define al niño, al joven y al menor (tanto varón como mujer) así como las ideas que circularon en el ámbito de la justicia respecto de la sexualidad de aquellos, en el contexto específico de los delitos sexuales que los tuvieran como víctimas en un amplio marco temporal que va de 1850 a 1890 en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. He decidido trabajar en forma simultánea ambos grupos de profesionales por cuanto comparten al mismo tiempo una base educativa común, teniendo formación universitaria, y un conjunto de lecturas similar: escritos ingleses sobre el tratamiento de las pruebas, manuales franceses sobre medicina legal, y las teorías nuevas que circulaban en Europa sobre la psiquiatría y la psicopatología sexual. Para el trabajo utilizo expedientes judiciales relevados en el Archivo Judicial de la Corte Suprema (AJCS) y en el Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (AHPBA) buscando mostrar como los legistas involucrados dejan constancia de imágenes cristalizadas sobre cómo debe ser y quién es una victima


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En el marco de un ya concluido proyecto de investigación titulado: 'Imágenes de España en la arquitectura rioplatense' analizamos las impresiones del célebre arquitecto argentino Martín Noel en su libro de viajes España vista otra vez, escrito y publicado en la Península mientras dirigía en Sevilla las obras del Pabellón Argentino en la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929. Estábamos por abocarnos a otros temas, cuando encontramos casualmente un raro libro español de la época prologado por Noel. Nos referimos al volumen Casas de campo españolas, de Alfredo Baeschlin, arquitecto suizo residente en España. El libro reúne cincuenta proyectos originales de viviendas 'típicas' de las diversas regiones de España con profusión de planos, perspectivas y una memoria escrita en la que se destacan tanto sus virtudes funcionales como su respeto al carácter 'español'. Pensamos pues que dicho azaroso hallazgo constituye una oportunidad para analizar qué se entendía por 'lo español' en la arquitectura de los años veinte, a ambas orillas del Atlántico, estudiando las miradas cruzadas del autor europeo y el prologuista americano con la particularidad de que, pese a ser ambos entusiastas estudiosos de lo hispano, ninguno de ellos era español


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The view is upheld that it is possible to constitute a conception of artistic vocation from fiction itself with characteristics that may be extended to other vocational fields. "A la Recherche du Temps Perdu" by Marcel Proust is made use of to exemplify how this author reflects critically on his own work and on the artist's conditions. Thus he points out the importance of randomness, childhood, Materializing into a work an adequate conception of his own artistic work, involuntary memory, the life that has been lived, and his own comprehension of art, the force of conviction, Vocation is a call that overcomes the dichotomy between innate gift and social product as it is the result of a genesis of sensory impressions and involuntary memories that, although they are fugacious, they become fixed in the literary work. It is explained how "A la Recherche " both can and cannot be considered the history of a vocation, as literature had not played any role at all in the novelistic hero's life, but, however, it really was a history of a vocation since the work was a consequence of events that had been lived. Notwithstanding, even if vocation had never been deemed so important, he must win a battle against death. Genette sums up "A la Recherche " thus: "Marcel becomes a writer".


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El trabajo tiene como objetivo indagar respecto de algunas de las construcciones que peritos médicos y juristas compartían o discutían respecto de qué define al niño, al joven y al menor (tanto varón como mujer) así como las ideas que circularon en el ámbito de la justicia respecto de la sexualidad de aquellos, en el contexto específico de los delitos sexuales que los tuvieran como víctimas en un amplio marco temporal que va de 1850 a 1890 en la Provincia de Buenos Aires. He decidido trabajar en forma simultánea ambos grupos de profesionales por cuanto comparten al mismo tiempo una base educativa común, teniendo formación universitaria, y un conjunto de lecturas similar: escritos ingleses sobre el tratamiento de las pruebas, manuales franceses sobre medicina legal, y las teorías nuevas que circulaban en Europa sobre la psiquiatría y la psicopatología sexual. Para el trabajo utilizo expedientes judiciales relevados en el Archivo Judicial de la Corte Suprema (AJCS) y en el Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (AHPBA) buscando mostrar como los legistas involucrados dejan constancia de imágenes cristalizadas sobre cómo debe ser y quién es una victima


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En La gallina ciega, Max Aub recoge y reelabora las impresiones -propias y ajenas- provocadas por su regreso a España en 1969, tras treinta años de exilio en México. El artículo aborda algunas manifestaciones de la dinámica de relación entre memoria y literatura, tanto en La gallina ciega -en el recorrido de Aub por la geografía peninsular-, como en las (re)lecturas de la obra aubiana que ponen en evidencia el lugar que ella ocupa en el canon español moderno.


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The American Jewish community as a whole still remains very much supportive of Israel's policies. Most American mainstream Jewish organizations and their leaders have hardly criticized Israel's position regarding the occupation, settlements, and the peace process. But over the last ten years or so, different views and opinions have become more visible in the American Jewish community, as represented by J Street, a "pro-Israel and pro-peace" lobby. What has brought about this diversification in the American Jewish community over their attitude toward Israel's policies? Many opinion surveys indicate that younger American Jews have become more critical of Israel's policies with regard to the Palestine question and the peace process. This may be attributed to a shift in identity among young American Jews. Older American Jews tend to see Israel as democratic, progressive and peace-seeking, etc. In addition, they perceive Israel as a safe haven for Jews. But younger Jews draw from memories and impressions scene in recent events, such as the First and Second Intifada, and the military confrontations with Palestinian groups based in Gaza, all of which are perceived as morally and politically more complex than the wars Israel fought between 1948 and 1974. Communities in the Jewish diaspora try to influence the policies of their homeland in order to protect their identity and sets of values. While the American Jewish community is still strongly committed to liberal democratic values, its counterpart in Israel has leaned toward the political right and toward ethno-religious nationalism. The diffusion of identities and sets of values in both communities may bring about further shifts in the relations between the two communities.


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This work describes an experience with a methodology for learning based on competences in Linear Algebra for engineering students. The experience has been based in autonomous team work of students. DERIVE tutorials for Linear Algebra topics are provided to the students. They have to work with the tutorials as their homework. After, worksheets with exercises have been prepared to be solved by the students organized in teams, using DERIVE function previously defined in the tutorials. The students send to the instructor the solution of the proposed exercises and they fill a survey with their impressions about the following items: ease of use of the files, usefulness of the tutorials for understanding the mathematical topics and the time spent in the experience. As a final work, we have designed an activity directed to the interested students. They have to prepare a project, related with a real problem in Science and Engineering. The students are free to choose the topic and to develop it but they have to use DERIVE in the solution. Obviously they are guided by the instructor. Some examples of activities related with Orthogonal Transformations will be presented.


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The fossil plant-bearing beds of the Tortonian (late Miocene) intramontane basin of La Cerdanya (Eastern Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain) have been investigated for more than a century, and 165 species from 12 outcrops have been described in previous publications. The sediments with rich plant fossil assemblages, which correspond to lacustrine diatomitic deposits, contain large numbers of plant remains, mainly leaf compressions and impressions. These assemblages are well preserved, a consequence of the rapid accumulation of plant remains in the sediments of the basin's ancient lake, and the often close proximity of its shores to wetland and upland vegetation. This paper provides a comprehensive taxonomic and nomenclatural review of the historic and new collections of late Miocene macroflora for the La Cerdanya Basin. Examination of the newer materials allowed emendments to be made to the diagnoses ofAbies saportana, Acer pyrenakum,Alnus occidentalis, Quercus hispanka and Tilia vidali provided by REROLLE for the basin at the end of the 19th century. In addition, 24 species of vascular plants are identified for the basin for the first time, including one horsetail, three conifers, 19 arboreal or bushy dicotyledonous angiosperms, and one monocotyledonous angiosperm. Indeed, this is the first time that Cedrela helkonia (UNGER) KNOBLOCH, Decodon sp„ Hedera cf multinervis KOLAKOVSKII, Mahonia cf pseudosimplex KVACEK & WALTHER, Smilax cf. aspera L. vm.fossilis and Ulmus cf. plurinervia UNGER have been recorded anywhere in the Iberian Peninsula. The La Cerdanya Basin plant assemblages of the late Miocene mainly consisted of conifers and deciduous broadleaved taxa of Arctotertiary origin; evergreen Palaeotropical elements were less well represented. This flora is similar to those recorded at coeval sites in northern Greece, northern Italy and central and eastern France. Within the Iberian Peninsula, the late Miocene macroflora reported for the nearby Seu d'Urgell Basin is the most similar.