889 resultados para Stem cell factor
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden durch den Einsatz von drei unabhängigen Methoden Proteine und Faktoren identifiziert, die die PON2-mRNA-Expression beeinflussen. Anhand der erhaltenen Faktoren wurden verstärkt solche ausgewählt, die eine Rolle in der Tumorbiologie spielen. Unter Verwendung verschiedener Zellmodelle wurde schließlich der Effekt dieser Faktoren auf die PON2-Expression analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die PON2-Expression in K562-Zellen durch den PI3K / Akt-Signalweg, der in vielen Tumoren übermäßig aktiviert vorliegt, gesteigert wird. Auch eine Beteiligung des Wnt / β-Catenin-Signalweges kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Pharmakologische Inhibitoren von GSK-3β, einer Kinase die in beiden Signalwegen involviert ist, führt zu einer Steigerung der PON2-Expression durch den Transkriptionsfaktor LEF-1. Des Weiteren wurde gezeigt, dass die Familie der FoxO-Transkriptionsfaktoren an der Regulation der PON2-Expression in K562-Zellen beteiligt sind, wenn gleich es für die jeweiligen FoxO-Isoformen Unterschiede gibt.rnIm Hinblick auf die Assoziation von PON2 mit Leukämien wurde anhand eines PON2-/--Mausmodells, der Einfluss von PON2 auf die Hämatopoese untersucht. Dabei wurden signifikante Unterschiede in einigen Stammzellkompartimenten festgestellt. Ferner scheint PON2 die Entwicklung von Erythrozyten und Thrombozyten zu beeinflussen. Dies äußert sich in einer offensichtlichen Splenomegalie, zumindest bei alten weiblichen PON2-/--Mäusen.rnAbschließend wurde zur Generierung eines konditionalen PON2-Überexpressionsmausmodells erfolgreich ein Gene-Targeting-Vektor entwickelt. Durch eine gewebe-, zeit- und zellspezifische Steigerung der PON2-Expression ist es möglich, den Effekt einer PON2-Überexpression im Hinblick auf verschiedene Erkrankungen zu untersuchen.rnBisher war wenig über die Regulation des humanen PON2 bekannt. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen erstmals, durch welche Signalwege und Transkriptionsfaktoren PON2 in Leukämiezellen reguliert wird. Im Hinblick auf die Rolle von PON2 in der Tumorbiologie ist es erstmals möglich, die PON2-Expression gezielt durch die Inhibition bzw. Aktivierung der PON2-regulierenden Faktoren zu beeinflussen, und damit neue Wege in der Krebstherapie zu beschreiten. rn
In allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT), alloreactive T lymphocytes of donor origin mediate the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia effect but also induce graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Since human leukocyte antigens (HLA) mismatch alleles represent major targets of alloreactive T lymphocytes, patient and donor are usually matched for the class I molecules A, B, C, and for the class II molecules DRB1 and DQB1, in order do reduce the risk of GvHD. The HLA-DPB1 locus, however, is still ignored in donor selection. Interestingly, clinical studies have demonstrated that disparities at HLA-DQB1 alleles as well as distinct HLA DPB1 mismatch constellations do not adversely affect the outcome of allo-HSCT. It has also been shown that HLA class II is predominantly expressed on hematopoietic cells under non-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, this PhD thesis focused on the application of CD4 T cells in adoptive immunotherapy of leukemias.rnIn the first part of this thesis we developed a rapid screening approach to detect T-cell reactivity of donors to single HLA class II mismatch alleles. Allo-HLA reactivity was measured in naive, memory, and entire CD4 T cells isolated from PBMC of healthy donors by flow cytometric cell sorting according to expression of the differentiation markers CD45RA, CD45RO, CD62L, and CCR7. T-cell populations were defined by a single marker to facilitate translation into a clinical-grade allo-depletion procedure. Alloreactivity to single HLA-DR/-DQ mismatch alleles was analyzed in short-term mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) in vitro. As standard antigen-presenting cells, we used the HLA-deficient cell line K562 upon electroporation with single HLA-DR/-DQ allele mRNA. We observed in IFN-γ ELISpot assays that allo-HLA-reactivity preferentially derived from subsets enriched for naive compared to memory T cells in healthy donors, irrespective of the HLA mismatch allele. This separation was most efficient if CD62L (P=0.008) or CD45RA (P=0.011) were used as marker. Median numbers of allo-HLA-reactive effector cells were 3.5-fold and 16.6-fold lower in CD62Lneg and CD45RAneg memory CD4 T cells than in entire CD4 T cells, respectively. In allele-specific analysis, alloreactivity to single HLA-DR alleles clearly exceeded that to HLA-DQ alleles. In terms of alloproliferation no significant difference could be observed between individual CD4 T-cell subsets. rnThe second part of this thesis dealed with the generation of allo-HLA-DQ/-DP specific CD4 T cells. Naive CD45RApos CD4 T cells isolated from healthy donor PBMC by flow cytometric cell sorting were stimulated in MLR against single allo-HLA-DQ/-DP alleles transfected into autologous mature monocyte-derived dendritic cells by mRNA electroporation. Rapidly expanding HLA-DQ/-DP mismatch reactive T cells significantly recognized and cytolysed primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blasts, fibroblasts (FB) and keratinocytes (KC) in IFN-γ ELISpot and 51chromium release assays if the targets carried the HLA DQ/ DP allele used for T cell priming. While AML blasts were recognized independent of pre-incubating them with IFN-γ, recognition of FB and KC required IFN-γ pre treatment. We further investigated HLA class II expression on hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells by flow cytometry. HLA class II was not detected on primary FB, KC, and non-malignant kidney cells, but was expressed at significant levels on primary AML blasts and B-LCL. Up-regulation of HLA class II expression was observed on all cell types after pre-incubation with IFN-γ.rnIn summary, the novel K562-HLA based MLR approach revealed that naive-depleted CD4 T-cell subsets of healthy individuals contain decreased allo-HLA reactivity in vitro. We propose the application of CD45RAneg naive-depleted CD4 T cells as memory T cell therapy, which might be beneficial for HLA-mismatched patients at high-risk of GvHD and low-risk of leukemia relapse. Memory T cells might also provide important post-transplant immune functions against infectious agents. Additionally, the screening approach could be employed as test system to detect donors which have low risks for the emergence of GvHD after allo-HSCT. In the second part of this thesis we developed a protocol for the generation of allo-HLA-DQ/-DP specific CD4 T cell lines, which could be applied in situations in which patient and donor are matched in all HLA alleles but one HLA-DQ/-DP allele with low GvHD potential. These T cells showed lytic activity to leukemia cells while presumably sparing non-hematopoietic tissues under non-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, they might be advantageous for allo-HSCT patients with advanced stage AML after reduced-intensity conditioning and T-cell depletion for the replenishment of anti-leukemic reactivity if the risk for disease relapse is high. rn
Mesenchymale Stamzellen (MSC) sind Vertreter der adulten Stammzellen. Sie bergen durch ihre große Plastizität ein immenses Potential für die klinische Nutzung in Form von Stammzelltherapien. Zellen dieses Typs kommen vornehmlich im Knochenmark der großen Röhrenknochen vor und können zu Knochen, Knorpel und Fettzellen differenzieren. MSC leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag im Rahmen regenerativer Prozesse, beispielsweise zur Heilung von Frakturen. Breite Studien demonstrieren bereits jetzt auch bei komplexeren Erkrankungen (z.B. Osteoporose) therapeutisch vielversprechende Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Oft kommen hierbei aus MSC gezielt differenzierte Folgelinien aus Zellkulturen zum Einsatz. Dies bedingt eine kontrollierte Steuerung der Differenzierungsprozesse in vitro. Der Differenzierung einer Stammzelle liegt eine komplexe Veränderung ihrer Genexpression zugrunde. Genexpressionsmuster zur Erhaltung und Proliferation der Stammzellen müssen durch solche, die der linienspezifischen Differenzierung dienen, ersetzt werden. Die mit der Differenzierung einhergehende, transkriptomische Neuausrichtung ist für das Verständnis der Prozesse grundlegend und wurde bislang nur unzureichend untersucht. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine transkriptomweite und vergleichende Genexpressionsanalyse Mesenchymaler Stammzellen und deren in vitro differenzierten Folgelinien mittels Plasmid - DNA Microarrays und Sequenziertechniken der nächsten Generation (RNA-Seq, Illumina Plattform). In dieser Arbeit diente das Hausrind (Bos taurus) als Modellorganismus, da es genetisch betrachtet eine hohe Ähnlichkeit zum Menschen aufweist und Knochenmark als Quelle von MSC gut verfügbar ist. Primärkulturen Mesenchymaler Stammzellen konnten aus dem Knochenmark von Rindern erfolgreich isoliert werden. Es wurden in vitro Zellkultur - Versuche durchgeführt, um die Zellen zu Osteoblasten, Chondrozyten und Adipozyten zu differenzieren. Zur Genexpressionsanalyse wurde RNA aus jungen MSC und einer MSC Langzeitkultur („alte MSC“), sowie aus den differenzierten Zelllinien isoliert und für nachfolgende Experimente wo nötig amplifiziert. Der Erfolg der Differenzierungen konnte anhand der Genexpression von spezifischen Markergenen und mittels histologischer Färbungen belegt werden. Hierbei zeigte sich die Differenzierung zu Osteoblasten und Adipozyten erfolgreich, während die Differenzierung zu Chondrozyten trotz diverser Modifikationen am Protokoll nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden konnte. Eine vergleichende Hybridisierung zur Bestimmung differentieller Genexpression (MSC vs. Differenzierung) mittels selbst hergestellter Plasmid - DNA Microarrays ergab für die Osteogenese mit Genen wie destrin und enpp1, für die undifferenzierten MSC mit dem Gen sema3c neue Kandidatengene, deren biologische Funktion aufzuklären in zukünftigen Experimenten vielversprechende Ergebnisse liefern sollte. Die Analyse der transkriptomweiten Genexpression mittels NGS lieferte einen noch umfangreicheren Einblick ins Differenzierungsgeschehen. Es zeigte sich eine hohe Ähnlichkeit im Expressionsprofil von jungen MSC und Adipozyten, sowie zwischen den Profilen der alten MSC (eine Langzeitkultur) und Osteoblasten. Die alten MSC wiesen deutliche Anzeichen für eine spontane Differenzierung in die osteogene Richtung auf. Durch Analyse der 100 am stärksten exprimierten Gene jeder Zelllinie ließen sich für junge MSC und Adipozyten besonders Gene der extrazellulären Matrix (z.B col1a1,6 ; fn1 uvm.) auffinden. Sowohl Osteoblasten, als auch die alten MSC exprimieren hingegen verstärkt Gene mit Bezug zur oxidativen Phosphorylierung, sowie ribosomale Proteine. Eine Betrachtung der differentiellen Genexpression (junge MSC vs. Differenzierung) mit anschließender Pathway Analyse und Genontologie Anreicherungsstatistik unterstützt diese Ergebnisse vor allem bei Osteoblasten, wo nun jedoch zusätzlich auch Gene zur Regulation der Knochenentwicklung und Mineralisierung in den Vordergrund treten. Für Adipozyten konnte mit Genen des „Jak-STAT signaling pathway“, der Fokalen Adhäsion, sowie Genen des „Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction pathway“ sehr spannende Einsichten in die Biologie dieses Zelltyps erlangt werden, die sicher weiterer Untersuchungen bedürfen. In undifferenzierten MSC konnte durch differentielle Genexpressionsanalyse die Rolle des nicht kanonischen Teils des WNT Signalweges als für die Aufrechterhaltung des Stammzellstatus potentiell äußerst einflussreich ermittelt werden. Die hier diskutierten Ergebnisse zeigen beispielhaft, dass besonders mittels Genexpressionsanalyse im Hochdurchsatzverfahren wertvolle Einblicke in die komplexe Biologie der Stammzelldifferenzierung möglich sind. Als Grundlage für nachfolgende Arbeiten konnten interessante Gene ermittelt und Hypothesen zu deren Einfluss auf Stammzelleigenschaften und Differenzierungsprozesse aufgestellt werden. Um einen besseren Einblick in den Differenzierungsverlauf zu ermöglichen, könnten künftig NGS Analysen zu unterschiedlichen Differenzierungszeitpunkten durchgeführt werden. Zudem wären weitere Anstrengungen zur erfolgreichen Etablierung der chondrogenen Differenzierung zur vollständigen Analyse der Genexpression des trilinearen Differenzierungspotentials von MSC wünschenswert.
Stem cell transplantation has evolved as a promising experimental treatment approach for stroke. In this review, we address the major hurdles for successful translation from basic research into clinical applications and discuss possible strategies to overcome these issues. We summarize the results from present pre-clinical and clinical studies and focus on specific areas of current controversy and research: (i) the therapeutic time window for cell transplantation; (ii) the selection of patients likely to benefit from such a therapy; (iii) the optimal route of cell delivery to the ischemic brain; (iv) the most suitable cell types and sources; (v) the potential mechanisms of functional recovery after cell transplantation; and (vi) the development of imaging techniques to monitor cell therapy.
Among the many cell types that may prove useful to regenerative medicine, mounting evidence suggests that human term placenta-derived cells will join the list of significant contributors. In making new cell therapy-based strategies a clinical reality, it is fundamental that no a priori claims are made regarding which cell source is preferable for a particular therapeutic application. Rather, ongoing comparisons of the potentiality and characteristics of cells from different sources should be made to promote constant improvement in cell therapies, and such comparisons will likely show that individually tailored cells can address disease-specific clinical needs. The principle underlying such an approach is resistance to the notion that comprehensive characterization of any cell type has been achieved, neither in terms of phenotype nor risks-to-benefits ratio. Tailoring cell therapy approaches to specific conditions also requires an understanding of basic disease mechanisms and close collaboration between translational researchers and clinicians, to identify current needs and shortcomings in existing treatments. To this end, the international workshop entitled "Placenta-derived stem cells for treatment of inflammatory diseases: moving toward clinical application" was held in Brescia, Italy, in March 2009, and aimed to harness an understanding of basic inflammatory mechanisms inherent in human diseases with updated findings regarding biological and therapeutic properties of human placenta-derived cells, with particular emphasis on their potential for treating inflammatory diseases. Finally, steps required to allow their future clinical application according to regulatory aspects including good manufacturing practice (GMP) were also considered. In September 2009, the International Placenta Stem Cell Society (IPLASS) was founded to help strengthen the research network in this field.
Articular cartilage injuries and degeneration affect a large proportion of the population in developed countries world wide. Stem cells can be differentiated into chondrocytes by adding transforming growth factor-beta1 and dexamethasone to a pellet culture, which are unfeasible for tissue engineering purposes. We attempted to achieve stable chondrogenesis without any requirement for exogenous growth factors. Human mesenchymal stem cells were transduced with an adenoviral vector containing the SRY-related HMG-box gene 9 (SOX9), and were cultured in a three-dimensional (3D) hydrogel scaffold composite. As an additional treatment, mechanical stimulation was applied in a custom-made bioreactor. SOX9 increased the expression level of its known target genes, as well as its cofactors: the long form of SOX5 and SOX6. However, it was unable to increase the synthesis of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Mechanical stimulation slightly enhanced collagen type X and increased lubricin expression. The combination of SOX9 and mechanical load boosted GAG synthesis as shown by (35)S incorporation. GAG production rate corresponded well with the amount of (endogenous) transforming growth factor-beta1. Finally, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein expression was increased by both treatments. These findings provide insight into the mechanotransduction of mesenchymal stem cells and demonstrate the potential of a transcription factor in stem cell therapy.
Stem cells reside within tissue, ensuring its natural ability to repair an injury. They are involved in the natural repair of damaged tissue, which encompasses a complex process requiring the modulation of cell survival, extracellular matrix turnover, angiogenesis, and reverse remodeling. To date, the real reparative potential of each tissue is underestimated and noncommittal. The assessment of the biophysical properties of the extracellular environment is an innovative approach to better understand mechanisms underlying stem cell function, and consequently to develop safe and effective therapeutic strategies replacing the loss of tissue. Recent studies have focused on the role played by biomechanical signals that drive stem cell death, differentiation, and paracrinicity in a genetic and/or an epigenetic manner. Mechanical stimuli acting on the shape can influence the biochemistry and gene expression of resident stem cells and, therefore, the magnitude of biological responses that promote the healing of injured tissue. Nanotechnologies have proven to be a revolutionary tool capable of dissecting the cellular mechanosensing apparatus, allowing the intercellular cross-talk to be decoded and enabling the reparative potential of tissue to be enhanced without manipulation of stem cells. This review highlights the most relevant findings of stem cell mechanobiology and presents a fascinating perspective in regenerative medicine.
Tumour cells with a stem cell-like phenotype have recently been identified in prostate tumors and it has been suggested that this population may be responsible for the diversity of cell types within tumors and also for the initiation of metastases. These cells carry a number of defined markers: they are cd133 and cd44+ve and express high levels of alpha2beta1 integrin. In this study we have, for the first time, assessed matched primary and bone marrow biopsies from prostate cancer patients for the distribution of cells carrying these and a number of other putative stem cell markers.
The objective of the study was to determine the feasibility of generating a biodegradable, stem cell-loaded osteogenic composite graft from human placenta. Initially, a scaffold from human chorion membrane was produced. Human placenta mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from either first-trimester chorionic villi or term chorion membrane were differentiated osteogenically on this scaffold. Outgrowth, adherence, and osteogenic differentiation of cells were assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC), scanning electron microscopy, protein expression, and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Our results showed that a cell-free extracellular matrix scaffold can be generated from human chorion. Seeded MSCs densely adhered to that scaffold and were osteogenically differentiated. Calcium and alkaline phosphatase were detected in the cell-scaffold constructs as a proof of mineralization and findings were confirmed by IHC and RT-PCR results. This study shows for the first time that generation of an osteogenic composite graft using placental tissue is feasible. It might allow therapeutic application of autologous or allogeneic grafts in congenital skeletal defects by means of a composite graft.
Preeclampsia is associated with perinatal brain injury. Autologous placenta stem cell transplantation represents a promising future treatment option for neuroregeneration. The aim of this study was to compare the neuroregenerative capacity of preeclampsia-placenta stem cells to previously characterized placentas from uncomplicated pregnancies.
Critical limb ischaemia (CLI) is a particularly severe manifestation of lower limb atherosclerosis posing a major threat to both limb and life of affected patients. Besides arterial revascularisation, risk-factor modification and administration of antiplatelet therapy is a major goal in the treatment of CLI patients. Key elements of cardiovascular risk management are smoking cessation and treatment of hyperlipidaemia with dietary modification or statins. Moreover, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus should be adequately treated. In CLI patients not suitable for arterial revascularisation or subsequent to unsuccessful revascularisation, parenteral prostanoids may be considered. CLI patients undergoing surgical revascularisation should be treated with beta blockers. At present, neither gene nor stem-cell therapy can be recommended outside clinical trials. Of note, walking exercise is contraindicated in CLI patients due to the risk of worsening pre-existing or causing new ischaemic wounds. CLI patients are oftentimes medically frail and exhibit significant comorbidities. Co-existing coronary heart and carotid as well as renal artery disease should be managed according to current guidelines. Considering the above-mentioned treatment goals, interdisciplinary treatment approaches for CLI patients are warranted. Aim of the present manuscript is to discuss currently existing evidence for both the management of cardiovascular risk factors and treatment of co-existing disease and to deduct specific treatment recommendations.